Scala currying example in the tutorial is confusing me - scala

I'm reading a bit about Scala currying here and I don't understand this example very much:
def foldLeft[B](z: B)(op: (B, A) => B): B
What is the [B] in square brackets? Why is it in brackets? The B after the colon is the return type right? What is the type?
It looks like this method has 2 parameter lists: one with a parameter named z and one with a parameter named op which is a function.
op looks like it takes a function (B, A) => B). What does the right side mean? It returns B?
And this is apparently how it is used:
val numbers = List(1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10)
val res = numbers.foldLeft(0)((m, n) => m + n)
print(res) // 55
What is going on? Why wasn't the [B] needed when called?

In Scala documentation that A type (sometimes A1) is often the placeholder for a collection's element type. So if you have...
List('c','q','y').foldLeft( //....etc.
...then A becomes the reference for Char because the list is a List[Char].
The B is a placeholder for a 2nd type that foldLeft will have to deal with. Specifically it is the type of the 1st parameter as well as the type of the foldLeft result. Most of the time you actually don't need to specify it when foldLeft is invoked because the compiler will infer it. So, yeah, it could have been...
numbers.foldLeft[Int](0)((m, n) => m + n)
...but why bother? The compiler knows it's an Int and so does anyone reading it (anyone who knows Scala).
(B, A) => B is a function that takes 2 parameters, one of type B and one of type A, and produces a result of type B.

What is the [B] in square brackets?
A type parameter (that's also known as "generics" if you've seen something like Java before)
Why is it in brackets?
Because type parameters are written in brackets, that's just Scala syntax. Java, C#, Rust, C++ use angle brackets < > for similar purposes, but since arrays in Scala are accessed as arr(idx), and (unlike Haskell or Python) Scala does not use [ ... ] for list comprehensions, the square brackets could be used for type parameters, and there was no need for angular brackets (those are more difficult to parse anyway, especially in a language which allows almost arbitrary names for infix and postfix operators).
The B after the colon is the return type right?
What is the type?
Ditto. The return type is B.
It looks like this method has 2 parameter lists: one with a parameter named z and one with a parameter named op which is a function.
This method has a type parameter B and two argument lists for value arguments, correct. This is done to simplify the type inference: the type B can be inferred from the first argument z, so it does not have to be repeated when writing down the lambda-expression for op. This wouldn't work if z and op were in the same argument list.
op looks like it takes a function (B, A) => B.
The type of the argument op is (B, A) => B, that is, Function2[B, A, B], a function that takes a B and an A and returns a B.
What does the right side mean? It returns B?
What is going on?
m acts as accumulator, n is the current element of the list. The fold starts with integer value 0, and then accumulates from left to right, adding up all numbers. Instead of (m, n) => m + n, you could have written _ + _.
Why wasn't the [B] needed when called?
It was inferred from the type of z. There are many other cases where the generic type cannot be inferred automatically, then you would have to specify the return type explicitly by passing it as an argument in the square brackets.

This is what is called polymorphism. The function can work on multiple types and you sometimes want to give a parameter of what type will be worked with. Basically the B is a type parameter and can either be given explicitly as a type, which would be Int and then it should be given in square brackets or implicitly in parentheses like you did with the 0. Read about polymorphism here Scala polymorphism


Folding lists in scala

Folding list in scala using /: and :\ operator
I tried to to look at different sites and they only talk about foldRight and foldLeft functions.
def sum(xs: List[Int]): Int = (0 /: xs) (_ + _)
res0: 6
The code segment works as described. But I am not able to completely understand the method definition. What I understand is that the one inside the first parenthesis -> 0 /: xs where /: is a right associate operator. The object is xs and the parameter is 0. I am not sure about the return type of the operation (most probably it would be another list?). The second part is a functional piece which sums its two parameters. But I don't understand what object invokes it ? and the name of function. Can someone please help me to understand.
The signature of :/ is
/:[B](z: B)(op: (B, A) ⇒ B): B
It is a method with multiple argument lists, so when it is just invoked with on argument (i.e. 0 /: xs in your case) the return type is (op: (B, A) ⇒ B): B. So you have to pass it a method with 2 parameters ( _ + _ ) that is used to combine the elements of the list starting from z.
This method is usually called foldLeft:
(0 /: xs)(_ + _) is the same as xs.foldLeft(0)(_ + _)
You can find more details here:
Thanks #HaraldGliebe & #LuisMiguelMejíaSuárez for your great responses. I am enlightened now!. I am just summarisig the answer here which may benefit others who read this thread.
"/:" is actually the name of the function which is defined inside the List class. The signature of the function is: /:[B](z: B)(op: (B, A) ⇒ B): B --> where B is the type parameter, z is the first parameter; op is the second parameter which is of functional type.
The function follows curried version --> which means we can pass less number of parameters than that of the actual number. If we do that,
the partially applied function is stored in a temporary variable; we can then use the temporary variable to pass the remaining parameters.
If supplied with all parameters, "/:" can be called as: x./:(0)(_+_) where x is val/var of List type. OR "/:" can be called in two steps which are given as:
step:1 val temp = x./:(0)(_) where we pass only the first parameter. This results in a partially applied function which is stored in the temp variable.
step:2 temp(_+_) here using the partially applied function temp is passed with the second (final) parameter.
If we decide to follow the first style ( x./:(0)(_+_) ), calling the first parameter can be written in operator notion which is: x /: 0
Since the method name ends with a colon, the object will be pulled from right side. So x /: 0 is invalid and it has to be written as 0 /: x which is correct.
This one is equivalent to the temp variable. On following 0 /: x, second parameter also needs to be passed. So the whole construct becomes: (0/:x)(_+_)
This is how the definition of the function sum in the question, is interpreted.
We have to note that when we use curried version of the function in operator notion, we have to supply all the parameters in a single go.
That is: (0 /: x) (_) OR (0 /: x) _ seems throwing syntax errors.

in insufficiently-polymorphic why are there less ways to implement `List a -> List a -> List a` then `List Char -> List Char -> List Char`

in insufficiently-polymorphic
the author says about:
def foo[A](fst: List[A], snd: List[A]): List[A]
There are fewer ways we can implement the function. In particular, we
can’t just hard-code some elements in a list, because we have no
ability to manufacture values of an arbitrary type.
I did not understand this, because also in the [Char] version we had no ability to manufacture values of an arbitrary type we had to have them of type [Char] so why are there less ways to implement this?
In the generic version you know that the output list can only contain some arrangement of the elements contained in fst and snd since there is no way to construct new values of some arbitrary type A. In contrast, if you know the output type is Char you can e.g.
def foo(fst: List[Char], snd: List[Char]) = List('a', 'b', 'c')
In addition you cannot use the values contained in the input lists to make decisions which affect the output, since you don't know what they are. You can do this if you know the input type e.g.
def foo(fst: List[Char], snd: List[Char]) = fst match {
case Nil => snd
case 'a'::fs => snd
case _ => fst
I'm assuming the author means, that there's no way to construct a non-empty List a but there's a way to construct a List Char, e.g. by using a String literal. You could just ignore the arguments and just return a hard-coded String.
An example of this would be:
foo :: List Char -> List Char -> List Char
foo a b = "Whatever"
You can't construct a value of an arbitrary type a, but you can construct a value of type Char.
This is a simple case of a property called "parametricity" or "free theorem", which applies to every polymorphic function.
An even simpler example is the following:
fun1 :: Int -> Int
fun2 :: forall a. a -> a
fun1 can be anything: successor, predecessor, square, factorial, etc. This is because it can "read" its input, and act accordingly.
fun2 must be the identity function (or loop forever). This because fun2 receives its input, but it can not examine it in any useful way: since it is of an abstract, unknown type a, no operations can be performed on it. The input is effectively an opaque token. The output of foo2 must be of type a, for which we do not know any construction means -- we can not create a value of type a from nothing. The only option is to take the input a and use it to craft the output a. Hence, fun2 is the identity.
The above parametricity result holds when you have no way to perform tests on the input or the type a. If we, e.g., allowed if x.instanceOf[Int] ..., or if x==null ..., or type casts (in OOP) then we could write fun2 in other ways.

Scala Function.tupled and Function.untupled equivalent for variable arity, or, calling variable arity function with tuple

I was trying to do some stuff last night around accepting and calling a generic function (i.e. the type is known at the call site, but potentially varies across call sites, so the definition should be generic across arities).
For example, suppose I have a function f: (A, B, C, ...) => Z. (There are actually many such fs, which I do not know in advance, and so I cannot fix the types nor count of A, B, C, ..., Z.)
I'm trying to achieve the following.
How do I call f generically with an instance of (A, B, C, ...)? If the signature of f were known in advance, then I could do something involving Function.tupled f or equivalent.
How do I define another function or method (for example, some object's apply method) with the same signature as f? That is to say, how do I define a g for which g(a, b, c, ...) type checks if and only if f(a, b, c, ...) type checks? I was looking into Shapeless's HList for this. From what I can tell so far, HList at least solves the "representing an arbitrary arity args list" issue, and also, Shapeless would solve the conversion to and from tuple issue. However, I'm still not sure I understand how this would fit in with a function of generic arity, if at all.
How do I define another function or method with a related type signature to f? The biggest example that comes to mind now is some h: (A, B, C, ...) => SomeErrorThing[Z] \/ Z.
I remember watching a conference presentation on Shapeless some time ago. While the presenter did not explicitly demonstrate these things, what they did demonstrate (various techniques around abstracting/genericizing tuples vs HLists) would lead me to believe that similar things as the above are possible with the same tools.
Thanks in advance!
Yes, Shapeless can absolutely help you here. Suppose for example that we want to take a function of arbitrary arity and turn it into a function of the same arity but with the return type wrapped in Option (I think this will hit all three points of your question).
To keep things simple I'll just say the Option is always Some. This takes a pretty dense four lines:
import shapeless._, ops.function._
def wrap[F, I <: HList, O](f: F)(implicit
ftp: FnToProduct.Aux[F, I => O],
ffp: FnFromProduct[I => Option[O]]
): ffp.Out = ffp(i => Some(ftp(f)(i)))
We can show that it works:
scala> wrap((i: Int) => i + 1)
res0: Int => Option[Int] = <function1>
scala> wrap((i: Int, s: String, t: String) => (s * i) + t)
res1: (Int, String, String) => Option[String] = <function3>
scala> res1(3, "foo", "bar")
res2: Option[String] = Some(foofoofoobar)
Note the appropriate static return types. Now for how it works:
The FnToProduct type class provides evidence that some type F is a FunctionN (for some N) that can be converted into a function from some HList to the original output type. The HList function (a Function1, to be precise) is the Out type member of the instance, or the second type parameter of the FnToProduct.Aux helper.
FnFromProduct does the reverse—it's evidence that some F is a Function1 from an HList to some output type that can be converted into a function of some arity to that output type.
In our wrap method, we use FnToProduct.Aux to constrain the Out of the FnToProduct instance for F in such a way that we can refer to the HList parameter list and the O result type in the type of our FnFromProduct instance. The implementation is then pretty straightforward—we just apply the instances in the appropriate places.
This may all seem very complicated, but once you've worked with this kind of generic programming in Scala for a while it becomes more or less intuitive, and we'd of course be happy to answer more specific questions about your use case.

Gentle Intro to Haskell: " .... there is no single type that contains both 2 and 'b'." Can I not make such a type ?

I am currently learning Haskell, so here are a beginner's questions:
What is meant by single type in the text below ?
Is single type a special Haskell term ? Does it mean atomic type here ?
Or does it mean that I can never make a list in Haskell in which I can put both 1 and 'c' ?
I was thinking that a type is a set of values.
So I cannot define a type that contains Chars and Ints ?
What about algebraic data types ?
Something like: data IntOrChar = In Int | Ch Char ? (I guess that should work but I am confused what the author meant by that sentence.)
Btw, is that the only way to make a list in Haskell in which I can put both Ints and Chars? Or is there a more tricky way ?
A Scala analogy: in Scala it would be possible to write implicit conversions to a type that represents both Ints and Chars (like IntOrChar) and then it would be possible to put seemlessly Ints and Chars into List[IntOrChar], is that not possible with Haskell ? Do I always have to explicitly wrap every Int or Char into IntOrChar if I want to put them into a list of IntOrChar ?
From Gentle Intro to Haskell:
Haskell also incorporates polymorphic types---types that are
universally quantified in some way over all types. Polymorphic type
expressions essentially describe families of types. For example,
(forall a)[a] is the family of types consisting of, for every type a,
the type of lists of a. Lists of integers (e.g. [1,2,3]), lists of
characters (['a','b','c']), even lists of lists of integers, etc., are
all members of this family. (Note, however, that [2,'b'] is not a
valid example, since there is no single type that contains both 2 and
Short answer.
In Haskell there are no implicit conversions. Also there are no union types - only disjoint unions(which are algebraic data types). So you can only write:
someList :: [IntOrChar]
someList = [In 1, Ch 'c']
Longer and certainly not gentle answer.
Note: This is a technique that's very rarely used. If you need it you're probably overcomplicating your API.
There are however existential types.
{-# LANGUAGE ExistentialQuantification, RankNTypes #-}
class IntOrChar a where
intOrChar :: a -> Either Int Char
instance IntOrChar Int where
intOrChar = Left
instance IntOrChar Char where
intOrChar = Right
data List = Nil
| forall a. (IntOrChar a) => Cons a List
someList :: List
someList = (1 :: Int) `Cons` ('c' `Cons` Nil)
Here I have created a typeclass IntOrChar with only function intOrChar. This way you can convert anything of type forall a. (IntOrChar a) => a to Either Int Char.
And also a special kind of list that uses existential type in its second constructor.
Here type variable a is bound(with forall) at the constructor scope. Therefore every time
you use Cons you can pass anything of type forall a. (IntOrChar a) => a as a first argument. Consequently during a destruction(i.e. pattern matching) the first argument will
still be forall a. (IntOrChar a) => a. The only thing you can do with it is either pass it on or call intOrChar on it and convert it to Either Int Char.
withHead :: (forall a. (IntOrChar a) => a -> b) -> List -> Maybe b
withHead f Nil = Nothing
withHead f (Cons x _) = Just (f x)
intOrCharToString :: (IntOrChar a) => a -> String
intOrCharToString x =
case intOrChar of
Left i -> show i
Right c -> show c
someListHeadString :: Maybe String
someListHeadString = withHead intOrCharToString someList
Again note that you cannot write
{- Wont compile
safeHead :: IntOrChar a => List -> Maybe a
safeHead Nil = Nothing
safeHead (Cons x _) = Just x
-- This will
safeHead2 :: List -> Maybe (Either Int Char)
safeHead2 Nil = Nothing
safeHead2 (Cons x _) = Just (intOrChar x)
safeHead will not work because you want a type of IntOrChar a => Maybe a with a bound at safeHead scope and Just x will have a type of IntOrChar a1 => Maybe a1 with a1 bound at Cons scope.
In Scala there are types that include both Int and Char such as AnyVal and Any, which are both supertypes of Char and Int. In Haskell there is no such hierarchy, and all the basic types are disjoint.
You can create your own union types which describe the concept of 'either an Int or a Char (or you could use the built-in Either type), but there are no implicit conversions in Haskell to transparently convert an Int into an IntOrChar.
You could emulate the concept of 'Any' using existential types:
data AnyBox = forall a. (Show a, Hashable a) => AB a
heteroList :: [AnyBox]
heteroList = [AB (1::Int), AB 'b']
showWithHash :: AnyBox -> String
showWithHash (AB v) = show v ++ " - " ++ (show . hash) v
let strs = map showWithHash heteroList
Be aware that this pattern is discouraged however.
I think that the distinction that is being made here is that your algebraic data type IntOrChar is a "tagged union" - that is, when you have a value of type IntOrChar you will know if it is an Int or a Char.
By comparison consider this anonymous union definition (in C):
typedef union { char c; int i; } intorchar;
If you are given a value of type intorchar you don't know (apriori) which selector is valid. That's why most of the time the union constructor is used in conjunction with a struct to form a tagged-union construction:
typedef struct {
int tag;
union { char c; int i; } intorchar_u
} IntOrChar;
Here the tag field encodes which selector of the union is valid.
The other major use of the union constructor is to overlay two structures to get an efficient mapping between sub-structures. For example, this union is one way to efficiently access the individual bytes of a int (assuming 8-bit chars and 32-bit ints):
union { char b[4]; int i }
Now, to illustrate the main difference between "tagged unions" and "anonymous unions" consider how you go about defining a function on these types.
To define a function on an IntOrChar value (the tagged union) I claim you need to supply two functions - one which takes an Int (in the case that the value is an Int) and one which takes a Char (in case the value is a Char). Since the value is tagged with its type, it knows which of the two functions it should use.
If we let F(a,b) denote the set of functions from type a to type b, we have:
F(IntOrChar,b) = F(Int,b) \times F(Char,b)
where \times denotes the cross product.
As for the anonymous union intorchar, since a value doesn't encode anything bout its type the only functions which can be applied are those which are valid for both Int and Char values, i.e.:
F(intorchar,b) = F(Int,b) \cap F(Char,b)
where \cap denotes intersection.
In Haskell there is only one function (to my knowledge) which can be applied to both integers and chars, namely the identity function. So there's not much you could do with a list like [2, 'b'] in Haskell. In other languages this intersection may not be empty, and then constructions like this make more sense.
To summarize, you can have integers and characters in the same list if you create a tagged-union, and in that case you have to tag each of the values which will make you list look like:
[ I 2, C 'b', ... ]
If you don't tag your values then you are creating something akin to an anonymous union, but since there aren't any (useful) functions which can be applied to both integers and chars there's not really anything you can do with that kind of union.

type inference in fold left one-liner?

I was trying to reverse a List of Integers as follows:
List(1,2,3,4).foldLeft(List[Int]()){(a,b) => b::a}
My question is that is there a way to specify the seed to be some List[_] where the _ is the type automatically filled in by scala's type-inference mechanism, instead of having to specify the type as List[Int]?
Update: After reading a bit more on Scala's type inference, I found a better answer to your question. This article which is about the limitations of the Scala type inference says:
Type information in Scala flows from function arguments to their results [...], from left to right across argument lists, and from first to last across statements. This is in contrast to a language with full type inference, where (roughly speaking) type information flows unrestricted in all directions.
So the problem is that Scala's type inference is rather limited. It first looks at the first argument list (the list in your case) and then at the second argument list (the function). But it does not go back.
This is why neither this
List(1,2,3,4).foldLeft(Nil){(a,b) => b::a}
nor this
List(1,2,3,4).foldLeft(List()){(a,b) => b::a}
will work. Why? First, the signature of foldLeft is defined as:
foldLeft[B](z: B)(f: (B, A) => B): B
So if you use Nil as the first argument z, the compiler will assign Nil.type to the type parameter B. And if you use List(), the compiler will use List[Nothing] for B.
Now, the type of the second argument f is fully defined. In your case, it's either
(Nil.type, Int) => Nil.type
(List[Nothing], Int) => List[Nothing]
And in both cases the lambda expression (a, b) => b :: a is not valid, since its return type is inferred to be List[Int].
Note that the bold part above says "argument lists" and not "arguments". The article later explains:
Type information does not flow from left to right within an argument list, only from left to right across argument lists.
So the situation is even worse if you have a method with a single argument list.
The only way I know how is
scala> def foldList[T](l: List[T]) = l.foldLeft(List[T]()){(a,b) => b::a}
foldList: [T](l: List[T])List[T]
scala> foldList(List(1,2,3,4))
res19: List[Int] = List(4, 3, 2, 1)
scala> foldList(List("a","b","c"))
res20: List[java.lang.String] = List(c, b, a)