How can I use skewnorm to produce a distribution with the specified skew? - scipy

I am trying to produce a random distribution where I control the mean, SD, skewness and kurtosis.
I can solve the mean and SD with some simple maths after the distribution is produced.
Kurtosis I am leaving on the shelf for the moment because it just seems too hard.
Skewness is today's problem.
import scipy.stats
def convert_to_alpha(s):
for skewness_expected in (.5, .9, 1.3):
alpha = convert_to_alpha(skewness_expected)
r = stats.skewnorm.rvs(alpha,size=10000)
print('Skewness expected:',skewness_expected)
print('Skewness obtained:',stats.skew(r))
Skewness expected: 0.5
Skewness obtained: 0.47851348006629035
Skewness expected: 0.9
Skewness obtained: 0.8917020428586827
Skewness expected: 1.3
Skewness obtained: (1.2794406116842627+0.01780402125888404j)
I understand that the calculated skewness will generally not match the desired skewness - this is a random distribution, after all. But I am confused as to how I can get a distribution with a skewness > 1 without falling into complex number territory. The rvs method appears incapable of handling it, since the parameter alpha is an imaginary number whenever skewness > 1.
How can I fix it so that I can generate distributions with skewness > 1, but not have complex numbers creeping in?
[With credit to Warren Weckesser for pointing me at Wikipedia in order to write the convert_to_alpha function.]

Understand this thread is a year and a half old now, but I've run into this problem recently as well and it never seemed to get answered here. The further problem with converting between alpha from stats.skewnorm and the skewness statistic (excellent function to do that by the way) is that doing so will also alter the measures of central tendency for the distribution, which was problematic for my needs.
I've developed this based on the F-distribution ( The end result of a lot of work is this function for which you specify the mean, SD and skewness required, and desired sample size. I can share the work behind it if anyone wishes. The output SD and skew become a little rough at extreme settings. Presumably because the F-distribution naturally sits around 1. It is also very problematic for skew values close to zero, in which case there would be no need for this function anyway.
from scipy import stats
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import seaborn as sns
def createSkewDist(mean, sd, skew, size):
# calculate the degrees of freedom 1 required to obtain the specific skewness statistic, derived from simulations
df1 = 10**(loglog_slope*np.log10(abs(skew)) + loglog_intercept)
# sample from F distribution
fsample = np.sort(stats.f(df1, df2).rvs(size=size))
# adjust the variance by scaling the distance from each point to the distribution mean by a constant, derived from simulations
k1_slope = 0.5670830069364579
k1_intercept = -0.09239985798819927
k2_slope = 0.5823114978219056
k2_intercept = -0.11748300123471256
scaling_slope = abs(skew)*k1_slope + k1_intercept
scaling_intercept = abs(skew)*k2_slope + k2_intercept
scale_factor = (sd - scaling_intercept)/scaling_slope
new_dist = (fsample - np.mean(fsample))*scale_factor + fsample
# flip the distribution if specified skew is negative
if skew < 0:
new_dist = np.mean(new_dist) - new_dist
# adjust the distribution mean to the specified value
final_dist = new_dist + (mean - np.mean(new_dist))
return final_dist
desired_mean = 497.68
desired_skew = -1.75
desired_sd = 77.24
final_dist = createSkewDist(mean=desired_mean, sd=desired_sd, skew=desired_skew, size=1000000)
# inspect the plots & moments, try random sample
fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(12,7))
sns.distplot(final_dist, hist=True, ax=ax, color='green', label='generated distribution')
sns.distplot(np.random.choice(final_dist, size=100), hist=True, ax=ax, color='red', hist_kws={'alpha':.2}, label='sample n=100')
print('Input mean: ', desired_mean)
print('Result mean: ', np.mean(final_dist),'\n')
print('Input SD: ', desired_sd)
print('Result SD: ', np.std(final_dist),'\n')
print('Input skew: ', desired_skew)
print('Result skew: ', stats.skew(final_dist))
Input mean: 497.68
Result mean: 497.6799999999999
Input SD: 77.24
Result SD: 71.69030764848961
Input skew: -1.75
Result skew: -1.6724486459469905

The shape parameter of the skew-normal distribution is not the skewness of the distribution. Check out the wikipedia page for the skew normal distribution. The formulas in the table on the right give the expressions for the mean, variance, skewness, etc., in terms of the parameters. You can get these values from the skewnorm object with the stats() method.
For example, here's the skewness of the distribution with shape parameter 2:
In [46]: from scipy.stats import skewnorm, skew
In [47]: skewnorm.stats(2, moments='s')
Out[47]: array(0.45382556395938217)
Generate a couple samples and find the sample skewness:
In [48]: r = skewnorm.rvs(2, size=10000000)
In [49]: skew(r)
Out[49]: 0.4533209955299838
In [50]: r = skewnorm.rvs(2, size=10000000)
In [51]: skew(r)
Out[51]: 0.4536583726840712


Small bug in MATLAB R2017B LogLikelihood after fitnlm?

Background: I am working on a problem similar to the nonlinear logistic regression described in the link [1] (my problem is more complicated, but link [1] is enough for the next sections of this post). Comparing my results with those obtained in parallel with a R package, I got similar results for the coefficients, but (very approximately) an opposite logLikelihood.
Hypothesis: The logLikelihood given by fitnlm in Matlab is in fact the negative LogLikelihood. (Note that this impairs consequently the BIC and AIC computation by Matlab)
Reasonning: in [1], the same problem is solved through two different approaches. ML-approach/ By defining the negative LogLikelihood and making an optimization with fminsearch. GLS-approach/ By using fitnlm.
The negative LogLikelihood after the ML-approach is:380
The negative LogLikelihood after the GLS-approach is:-406
I imagine the second one should be at least multiplied by (-1)?
Questions: Did I miss something? Is the (-1) coefficient enough, or would this simple correction not be enough?
Self-contained code:
%copy-pasting code from [1]
myf = #(beta,x) beta(1)*x./(beta(2) + x);
mymodelfun = #(beta,x) 1./(1 + exp(-myf(beta,x)));
x = linspace(-1,1,200)';
beta = [10;2];
mu = mymodelfun(beta,x);
n = 50;
z = binornd(n,mu);
y = z./n;
%ML Approach
mynegloglik = #(beta) -sum(log(binopdf(z,n,mymodelfun(beta,x))));
opts = optimset('fminsearch');
opts.MaxFunEvals = Inf;
opts.MaxIter = 10000;
betaHatML = fminsearch(mynegloglik,beta0,opts)
neglogLH_MLApproach = mynegloglik(betaHatML);
%GLS Approach
wfun = #(xx) n./(xx.*(1-xx));
nlm = fitnlm(x,y,mymodelfun,beta0,'Weights',wfun)
neglogLH_GLSApproach = - nlm.LogLikelihood;
This answer (now) only details which code is used. Please see Tom Lane's answer below for a substantive answer.
Basically, fitnlm.m is a call to
When opening NonLinearModel.m, one gets in line 1209:
model.LogLikelihood = getlogLikelihood(model);
getlogLikelihood is itself described between lines 1234-1251.
For instance:
function L = getlogLikelihood(model)
L = -(model.DFE + model.NumObservations*log(2*pi) + (...) )/2;
Please also not that this notably impacts ModelCriterion.AIC and ModelCriterion.BIC, as they are computed using model.LogLikelihood ("thinking" it is the logLikelihood).
To get the corresponding formula for BIC/AIC/..., type:
edit classreg.regr.modelutils.modelcriterion
this is Tom from MathWorks. Take another look at the formula quoted:
L = -(model.DFE + model.NumObservations*log(2*pi) + (...) )/2;
Remember the normal distribution has a factor (1/sqrt(2*pi)), so taking logs of that gives us -log(2*pi)/2. So the minus sign comes from that and it is part of the log likelihood. The property value is not the negative log likelihood.
One reason for the difference in the two log likelihood values is that the "ML approach" value is computing something based on the discrete probabilities from the binomial distribution. Those are all between 0 and 1, and they add up to 1. The "GLS approach" is computing something based on the probability density of the continuous normal distribution. In this example, the standard deviation of the residuals is about 0.0462. That leads to density values that are much higher than 1 at the peak. So the two things are not really comparable. You would need to convert the normal values to probabilities on the same discrete intervals that correspond to individual outcomes from the binomial distribution.

Why does the HMC sampler return negative values for hyperparameters that need to be positive? [older GPflow versions before 1.0]

I'd like to build a GP with marginalized hyperparameters.
I have seen that this is possible with the HMC sampler provided in gpflow from this notebook
However, when I tried to run the following code as a first step of this (NOTE this is on gpflow 0.5, an older version), the returned samples are negative, even though the lengthscale and variance need to be positive (negative values would be meaningless).
import numpy as np
from matplotlib import pyplot as plt
import gpflow
from gpflow import hmc
X = np.linspace(-3, 3, 20)
Y = np.random.exponential(np.sin(X) ** 2)
Y = (Y - np.mean(Y)) / np.std(Y)
k = gpflow.kernels.Matern32(1, lengthscales=.2, ARD=False)
m = gpflow.gpr.GPR(X[:, None], Y[:, None], k)
m.kern.lengthscales.prior = gpflow.priors.Gamma(1., 1.)
m.kern.variance.prior = gpflow.priors.Gamma(1., 1.)
# dont want likelihood be a hyperparam now so fixed
m.likelihood.variance = 1e-6
m.likelihood.variance.fixed = True
samples = m.sample(500)
[[-0.43764571 -0.22753325]
[-0.50418501 -0.11070128]
[-0.5932655 0.00821438]
[-0.70217714 0.05077999]
[-0.77745654 0.09362291]
[-0.79404456 0.13649446]
[-0.83989415 0.27118385]
[-0.90355789 0.29589641]
I don't know too much in detail about HMC sampling but I would expect that the sampled posterior hyperparameters are positive, I've checked the code and it seems maybe related to the Log1pe transform, though I failed to figure it out myself.
Any hint on this?
It would be helpful if you specified which GPflow version you are using - especially given that from the output you posted it looks like you are using a really old version of GPflow (pre-1.0), and this is actually something that got improved since. What is happening here (in old GPflow) is that the sample() method returns a single array S x P, where S is the number of samples, and P is the number of free parameters [e.g. for a M x M matrix parameter with lower-triangular transform (such as the Cholesky of the covariance of the approximate posterior, q_sqrt), only M * (M - 1)/2 parameters are actually stored and optimised!]. These are the values in the unconstrained space, i.e. they can take any value whatsoever. Transforms (see gpflow.transforms module) provide the mapping between this value (between plus/minus infinity) and the constrained value (e.g. gpflow.transforms.positive for lengthscales and variances). In old GPflow, the model provides a get_samples_df() method that takes the S x P array returned by sample() and returns a pandas DataFrame with columns for all the trainable parameters which would be what you want. Or, ideally, you would just use a recent version of GPflow, in which the HMC sampler directly returns the DataFrame!

non-linear neural network regression - quadratic function is not being estimated correctly

I have mostly used ANNs for classification and only recently started to try them out for modeling continuous variables. As an exercise I generated a simple set of (x, y) pairs where y = x^2 and tried to train an ANN to learn this quadratic function.
The ANN model:
This ANN has 1 input node (ie. x), 2 hidden layers each with 2 nodes in each layer, and 1 output node. All four hidden nodes use the non-linear tanh activation function and the output node has no activation function (since it is regression).
The Data:
For the training set I randomly generated 100 numbers between (-20, 20) for x and computed y=x^2. For the testing set I randomly generated 100 numbers between (-30, 30) for x and also computed y=x^2. I then transformed all x so that they are centered around 0 and their min and max are approximately around -1.5 and 1.5. I also transformed all y similarly but made their min and max about -0.9 and 0.9. This way, all the data falls within that mid range of the tanh activation function and not way out at the extremes.
The Problem:
After training the ANN in Keras, I am seeing that only the right half of the polynomial function is being learned, and the left half is completely flat. Does anyone have any ideas why this may be happening? I tried playing around with different scaling options, as well as hidden layer specifications but no luck on that left side.
Attached is the code I used for everything and the image shows the plot of the scaled training x vs the predicted y. As you can see, only half of the parabola is recovered.
import numpy as np, pandas as pd
from keras.models import Sequential
from keras.layers import Dense
from keras.wrappers.scikit_learn import KerasRegressor
from sklearn.preprocessing import StandardScaler
from sklearn.pipeline import Pipeline
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
seed = 10
n = 100
X_train = np.random.uniform(-20, 20, n)
Y_train = X_train ** 2
X_test = np.random.uniform(-30, 30, n)
Y_test = X_test ** 2
#### Scale the data
x_cap = max(abs(np.array(list(X_train) + list(X_test))))
y_cap = max(abs(np.array(list(Y_train) + list(Y_test))))
x_mean = np.mean(np.array(list(X_train) + list(X_test)))
y_mean = np.mean(np.array(list(Y_train) + list(Y_test)))
X_train2 = (X_train-x_mean) / x_cap
X_test2 = (X_test-x_mean) / x_cap
Y_train2 = (Y_train-y_mean) / y_cap
Y_test2 = (Y_test-y_mean) / y_cap
X_train2 = X_train2 * (1.5 / max(X_train2))
Y_train2 = Y_train2 * (0.9 / max(Y_train2))
# define base model
def baseline_model1():
# create model
model1 = Sequential()
model1.add(Dense(2, input_dim=1, kernel_initializer='normal', activation='tanh'))
model1.add(Dense(2, input_dim=1, kernel_initializer='normal', activation='tanh'))
model1.add(Dense(1, kernel_initializer='normal'))
# Compile model
model1.compile(loss='mean_squared_error', optimizer='adam')
return model1
estimator1 = KerasRegressor(build_fn=baseline_model1, epochs=100, batch_size=5, verbose=0), Y_train2)
prediction = estimator1.predict(X_train2)
plt.scatter(X_train2, prediction)
enter image description here
You should also consider adding more width to you hidden layer. I changed from 2 to 5 and got a very good fit. I also used more epochs as suggested from rvinas
Your network is very sensible to the initial parameters. The following will help:
Change your kernel_initializer to glorot_uniform. Your network is very small and glorot_uniform will work better in consonance with the tanh activations. Glorot uniform will encourage your weights to be initially within a more reasonable range (since it takes into account the fan-in and fan-out of each layer).
Train your model for more epochs (i.e. 1000).

Why do the principal component values from Scipy and MATLAB not agree?

I was training to do some PCA reconstroctions of MNIST on python and compare them to my (old) reconstruction in maltab and I happened to discover that my reconstruction don't agree. After some debugging I decided to print a unique characteristic of the principal components of each one to reveal if they were the same and I discovered to my surprised that they were not the same. I printing the sum of all components and I got different numbers. I did the following in matlab:
[coeff, ~, ~, ~, ~, mu] = pca(X_train);
U = coeff(:,1:K)
U_fingerprint = sum(U(:))
%print 31.0244
and in python/scipy:
pca =
U = pca.components_
print 'U_fingerprint', np.sum(U)
# prints 12.814
why are the twi PCA's not computing the same value?
All my attempts and solving this issue:
The way I discovered this was because when I was reconstructing my MNIST images, the python reconstructions where much much closer to their original images by a lot. I got error of 0.0221556788645 in python while in MATLAB I got errors of size 29.07578. To figure out where the difference was coming from I decided to finger print the data sets (maybe they were normalized differently). So I got two independent copies the MNIST data set (that were normalized by dividing my 255) and got the finger prints (summing all numbers in data set):
print np.sum(x_train) # from keras
print np.sum(X_train)+np.sum(X_cv) # from TensorFlow
which are (essentially) same (one copy from tensorflow MNIST and the other from Keras MNIST, note MNIST train data set has about 1000 less training set so you need to append the missing ones). To my surprise, my MATLAB data had the same finger print:
data_fingerprint = sum(X_train(:))
% prints data_fingerprint = 6.1463e+06
meaning the data sets are exactly the same. Good, so the normalization data is not the issue.
In my MATLAB script I am actually computing the reconstruction manually as follow:
U = coeff(:,1:K)
X_tilde_train = (U * U' * X_train);
train_error_PCA = (1/N_train)*norm( X_tilde_train - X_train ,'fro')^2
%train_error_PCA = 29.0759
so I thought that might be the problem because I was using the interface python gave for computing the reconstructions as in:
pca = PCA(n_components=k)
pca =
X_pca = pca.transform(X_train) # M_train x K
#print 'X_pca' , X_pca.shape
X_reconstruct = pca.inverse_transform(X_pca)
print 'tensorflow error: ',(1.0/X_train.shape[0])*LA.norm(X_reconstruct_tf - X_train)
print 'keras error: ',(1.0/x_train.shape[0])*LA.norm(X_reconstruct_keras - x_train)
#tensorflow error: 0.0221556788645
#keras error: 0.0212030354818
which results in different error values 0.022 vs 29.07, shocking difference!
Thus, I decided to code that exact reconstruction formula in my python script:
pca = PCA(n_components=k)
pca =
U = pca.components_
print 'U_fingerprint', np.sum(U)
X_my_reconstruct = U.T ,, X_train.T) )
print 'U error: ',(1.0/X_train.shape[0])*LA.norm(X_reconstruct_tf - X_train)
# U error: 0.0221556788645
to my surprise, it has the same error as my MNIST error computing by using the interface. Thus, concluding that I don't have the misconception of PCA that I thought I had.
All that lead to me to check what the principal components actually where and to my surprise scipy and MATLAB have different fingerprint for their PCA values.
Does anyone know why or whats going on?
As warren suggested, the pca components (eigenvectors) might have different sign. After doing a finger print by adding all components in magnitude only I discovered they have the same finger print:
[coeff, ~, ~, ~, ~, mu] = pca(X_train);
U = coeff(:,1:K)
U_fingerprint = sumabs(U(:))
% U_fingerprint = 190.8430
and for python:
pca = PCA(n_components=k)
pca =
print 'U_fingerprint', np.sum(np.absolute(U))
# U_fingerprint 190.843
which means the difference must be because of the different sign of the (pca) U vector. Which I find very surprising, I thought that should make a big difference, I didn't even consider it making a big difference. I guess I was wrong?
I don't know if this is the problem, but it certainly could be. Principal component vectors are like eigenvectors: if you multiply the vector by -1, it is still a valid PCA vector. Some of the vectors computed by matlab might have a different sign than those computed in python. That will result in very different sums.
For example, the matlab documentation has this example:
coeff = pca(ingredients)
coeff =
-0.0678 -0.6460 0.5673 0.5062
-0.6785 -0.0200 -0.5440 0.4933
0.0290 0.7553 0.4036 0.5156
0.7309 -0.1085 -0.4684 0.4844
I have my own python PCA code, and with the same input as in matlab, it produces this coefficient array:
[[ 0.0678 0.646 -0.5673 0.5062]
[ 0.6785 0.02 0.544 0.4933]
[-0.029 -0.7553 -0.4036 0.5156]
[-0.7309 0.1085 0.4684 0.4844]]
So, instead of simply summing the coefficient array, try summing the absolute values of the coefficients. Alternatively, ensure that all the vectors have the same sign convention before summing. You could do that by, say, multiplying each column by the sign of the first element in that column (assuming none of them are zero).

Bicoin price prediction using spark and scala [duplicate]

I am new to Apache Spark and trying to use the machine learning library to predict some data. My dataset right now is only about 350 points. Here are 7 of those points:
Here's my code:
def parsePoint(line):
split = map(sanitize, line.split(','))
rev = split.pop(-2)
return LabeledPoint(rev, split)
def sanitize(value):
return float(value.strip('"'))
parsedData =
model = LinearRegressionWithSGD.train(parsedData, iterations=10)
print model.predict(parsedData.first().features)
The prediction is something totally crazy, like -6.92840330273e+136. If I don't set iterations in train(), then I get nan as a result. What am I doing wrong? Is it my data set (the size of it, maybe?) or my configuration?
The problem is that LinearRegressionWithSGD uses stochastic gradient descent (SGD) to optimize the weight vector of your linear model. SGD is really sensitive to the provided stepSize which is used to update the intermediate solution.
What SGD does is to calculate the gradient g of the cost function given a sample of the input points and the current weights w. In order to update the weights w you go for a certain distance in the opposite direction of g. The distance is your step size s.
w(i+1) = w(i) - s * g
Since you're not providing an explicit step size value, MLlib assumes stepSize = 1. This seems to not work for your use case. I'd recommend you to try different step sizes, usually lower values, to see how LinearRegressionWithSGD behaves:
LinearRegressionWithSGD.train(parsedData, numIterartions = 10, stepSize = 0.001)