Graph Engine visualization - distributed-computing

is there any source or binary for the utility shown here? Or may be some kind of alternative?


How to embed custom plots in the H2O flow UI in Scala or R?

After some investigation, I have found out that the sparkling water H2O flow UI has a very limited set of plots - just Box plots, and distributions, for data visualization in Scala.
But if I want to use a third party library (need recommendations on this, I have already checked the Scala-charts library), how would I embed the generated plots in the H2O flow UI itself?
I’ve seen a couple of examples of this over the years, but the real answer is this really isn’t supported well.
Here is a pointer to the best example I can remember:
If you really want to do this, the best guide is the source code of H2O Flow.

Titan Graph Database Modularity/Community Detection

Is anyone aware of an existing way to execute a modularity (community detection) algorithm on a Titan graph? I'm looking for something like Gephi's modularity feature which I believe uses
The Gephi Toolkit appears to provide an implementation of this algorithm, which could be an option. Has anyone experimented with loading a Titan graph using the Gephi Toolkit via the Blueprints plugin?
One requirement is that this all needs to happen automatically and in-place. Meaning, I cannot export the graph as another format or manually run modularity detection using something like the Gephi Desktop Application.
Perhaps this doesn't exactly answer the question, but for Blueprints-enabled graphs like Titan, the best option for doing this type of analysis is through Furnace. Though Furnace is still under development there is a clustering algorithm present as an example:
Sounds like this just doesn't exist yet.!searchin/aureliusgraphs/modularity/aureliusgraphs/iS4Wj7XZjp8/TkFMyFDAclkJ
I ended up using the gephi toolkit and writing some REALLY ugly wrapper hacks to utilize the Modularity class with a TitanGraph.

Support for a chart choice & JQchart maximum visualization optimization

I have a big project that requires charting and I need to make a decision between these two charting choices:
JQchart - Looks most dynamic and easy to use with MVC support, The problem is that it looks inferior to Highcharts in data visualization.
Highcharts - The DotNet support is depndable on a 3rd part api library, It might not be as dynamic as JQcharts but it looks significantly better than it.
I need some guidance if it's possible to add some "magic" to the JQchart lib to look better(I know Trirand plugin it's not enough), Any examples with optimized visualization will be wellcome, Any suggestions for some other plugins are welcome as well.

Implementing graph in iPhone

I have an application that captures analog signal data from external sensor which is sent into database. I have to use the data from the database to plot graph. And I don't know how to do it. Can anyone guide me in this?
The best graphing library that I like to use is coreplot.
Unless you want to write your own graphing tool, you will have to resort to 3rd party tools. Core Plot is a popular one.
Check out 'core-plot'
CorePlot is one of the charting library.
Other if you want to refer are as follows:
Some of the alternatives that I found were:
I hope this helps someone who is looking for alternatives to Core Plot.

Need help about generating graphs/charts and reports

I am currently working on a system which handles the management by business objectives of an organization.I need to generate reports and also the graphical representation of certain things like employee performance in particular year,company growth etc.So I studied certain tools/APIs for that.
Now my question is can I use jasperreports for reporting part of the system and jfreechart for chart/graphical part of system and then integrate it ? or is there any another open source tool/API available for that ?
plz help.
Thanks in advance...
You can get some idea of the versatility of JFreeChart from the demo and examples. I haven't used JasperReports.
You can use google visualization charts, high charts, jplot.
Google Visualization
High Charts
Jqplot - Uses jquery