How do I get the proxy settings of an android/ios device using flutter? - flutter

I am trying to build an app using flutter and I would like to know how to retrieve the proxy settings of the device through flutter.

It's probably safe to assume that the HttpClient doesn't pick this up automatically, but you might want to test that.
So, now you need to interact with native code using plugins. There is already a rich library of plugins providing everything from battery level to video player. I can't see proxy in there anywhere, so you need to write your own plugin (which is just one of the standard flutter project types: app, package (just Dart code allowed) and plugin). A plugin is a bit like a package (other projects can depend on it) but includes native code too. It also includes a mini-app so that you can test your plugin code while developing it.
Your plugin will end up being similar to the existing Connectivity plugin, so you may want to copy from there. In your Android method implementation you will replace
NetworkInfo info = manager.getActiveNetworkInfo();
ProxyInfo defaultProxy = manager.getDefaultProxy();
You have return two values, the host name and the port, so put these in a Map
Map<String, String> map = new HashMap<String, String>();
map.put("host", defaultProxy.getHost());
map.put("port", Integer.toString(defaultProxy.getPort()));
Bonus points if you submit your changes to the Connectivity plugin.


Firebase 9 & Flutter: How to initializeApp?

I am desperately trying to figure out how to initializeApp with Flutter (not React Native).
I know about the functions to use, but I can not find the firebaseConfig I need to pass into the function.
And no matter what I search for, every resources references to React Native, like as if nobody codes with Flutter since Firebase 9 has been released anymore (or I am the only dummy which is not able to resolve this by myself).
Can someone tell me where to get the firebaseConfig object from?
If I add a new app to my project, I only get the google-services.json, which does NOT include the firebaseConfig object I need to pass.
I understand your confusion now, let me explain. When the guy in the video talks about Firebase v9 he is talking about the SDK version which in the case of Javascript (which I suppose is his main topic in his channel) is currently 9.17.1 an the version 9 has been around since 2021 so it is not new. The different SDKs have their own versions for each platform so thinking it will be the same in every SDK is a mistake by itself. You can check the SDKS here. So there is no Firebase v9, there is a Firebase SDK for javascript version 9. They managed in that way in javascript and in flutter it is not the same. Being that the last update in the flutter SDK was literally yesterday I'm pretty sure they have their reasons to not implement the same functions in flutter since 2021.
Now, one of the thinks the guy talks in the video is deconstructing, which is something common in javascript. The way you do this in flutter is by using show.
So you would be doing this for example:
import 'package:cloud_firestore/cloud_firestore.dart' show FirebaseFirestore, QuerySnapshot; //Add everything you would be using
This way only the specific parts of the library will be imported and the amount of code the Dart VM has to load will be reduced.
As of the access to documents, it is still the same but you can easily create a helper class that contents your references to your collections and then just use that class to reduce the boilerplate code created by the firebase SDK.
You have to install the Firebase CLI and run firebase init.
You need to use the package firebase_core that will give you access to the class Firebase so you can use it to initialize your app Firebase.initializeApp() you can pass the default options for the current platform using Firebase.initilizeApp(options: DefaultFirebaseOptions.currentPlatform) usually your IDE will automatically import the corresponding package but in case it does not you would have to import 'firebase/firebase_options.dart';
An useful link to the documentation: Add Firebase to your Flutter App

Flutter Web Get Chrome Extension info from Polkadot.js web3Enable

I am hoping to confer on a strategy for a flutter web app (as can ignore mobile cases here) to get chrome extension info for a Polkadot.js wallet from the Polkadot browser extension.
My first thought is to use dart's JS library and use the Polkadot extension JS package and then try and pull the info from there. However, I'm not sure how to properly use this in flutter as it is a whole package full of dependencies, not just a single JS file. Also it is in TS not JS. Any thoughts here?
Eg., I need a JS file to be able to call this; and for flutter to in turn call the JS file:
import {
} from '#polkadot/extension-dapp';
By writing out a "bridging" layer, you can do it easily.
Firstly, create a normal javascript (or typescript) application (nothing related to Flutter). You should be able to happily use the polkadot lib in your js/ts code without any problem. You may need to learn a bit about how to develop js code normally (e.g. you can depend on polkadot using npm, etc).
One small thing is that, you should "expose" some object publicly in your js/ts code. For example, your code may look like window.myFancyFunction = function() { call_some_polkadot_function(); }. Of course you can do more things like exposing other functions/objects/...
Then, you can bundle this normal js/ts application into a .js file. This is still very normal for js/ts developers and should have nothing special to deal with here, and you still do not need to touch Flutter at this stage.
Next, load this single-filed .js file when you are loading your Flutter Web application. You may simply do this by editing your Flutter Web's html file and add <script src="my_single_filed_js_mentioned_above.js" />. Notice that, when loading this script, it simply sets window.myFancyFunction and does not do anything more. Still very trivial here, should have no problem.
Lastly, in your Flutter Web code, i.e. Dart code, call that window.myFancyFunction function. For example, Flutter Web : How to run javascript using dart js says you can do import 'dart:js' as js; js.context.callMethod('myFancyFunction', ['some arguments']);

Flutter Web - how to test flutter web application opens in Chrome on desktop?

There is a button on a web page that makes an API call to third party application. And in return third-party application gets rendered on a web page.
Now, the third-party application ( is developed in flutter and I know nothing about flutter. I'm using java, selenium and webdriver for end to end testing. I'm using same set of tools for the rest of the application and it's working fine.
While inspecting in chrome, the DOM look like this:
Flutter application has a form and I want to find an element so that I can send inputs during testing automation. By searching online I found this appium-flutter-driver. I've also included the required jar in my project. With selenium webdriver I'm not able to find an element in flutter application that renders in Chrome browser on desktop.
Here's the code:
import pro.truongsinh.appium_flutter.FlutterFinder;
import pro.truongsinh.appium_flutter.finder.FlutterElement;
protected FlutterFinder find;
WebElement iframe = driver.findElement(By.xpath("//iframe[#id='know-iframe']"));
find = new FlutterFinder(driver);
FlutterElement elm = find.text("Email");;
elm.sendKeys("hello world");
During testing automation I want to select fields in form and send inputs to those fields.
How to find an element in flutter web application that renders in another web application in Chrome browser on desktop?
Flutter Web is very different from normal web frameworks such as React or Vue. Looking at the official doc, it renders either into HTML elements (but still not the usual elements you see everyday), or directly draw onto a Canvas.
In addition, since it is a third-party app, it is mostly likely that you are not able to change their code. Thus, your appium-flutter-driver mostly will not work, because it says:
Under the hood, Appium Flutter Driver use the Dart VM Service Protocol with extension ext.flutter.driver, similar to Flutter Driver, to control the Flutter app-under-test (AUT).
You know, Dart VM service is only available when you run the Flutter app by source code in debug mode, or at least when you have control to the source code.
Therefore, my suggestion is: Can you treat the Flutter application as a "picture" instead of a DOM tree, and try to locate the buttons?
you can try using io.github.sukgu that helps you to work on the shadow elements. I was able to automate the scenario that you mentioned. Below is the detailed code.
Step 1 add the below dependency
<!-- -->
Step 2 use the below import in the test file
import io.github.sukgu.*;
Step 3 Below is the entire code that worked for me
WebDriver driver = new ChromeDriver();
WebDriverWait wait = new WebDriverWait(driver,20);
Shadow shadow = new Shadow(driver);
WebElement emailField = shadow.findElement("input[id='email']");
emailField.sendKeys("hello world");
Flutter team recommends using Flutter for "app-centric experiences" as "Progressive Web Apps, Single Page Apps, Existing Flutter mobile apps", but Flutter web app can also be embedded in a iframe tag.
They say:
At this time, Flutter is not suitable for static websites with text-rich flow-based content. For example, blog articles benefit from the document-centric model that the web is built around, rather than the app-centric services that a UI framework like Flutter can deliver.
You can read more about how a Flutter web app is deployed here.
When a Flutter app is built for the web, the page is rendered in 2 ways:
HTML renderer (on mobile browsers)
CanvasKit renderer (on desktop browsers)
I hope now you know a little more about Flutter framework. 🙂

Flutter - how to create a framework where i can have Debug and Prod versions where debug version has some way to choose test environment

I need to create two different versions of the app.
- debug
for debug, version i need user to select the test environment before anything else begins. i need some way to know what environment user has selected and then load API endpoints config file accordingly.
what's the best way to handle this in flutter?
I have seen in some apps that for iOS, debug options are available in app settings under the standard iOS settings menu , select the app and then see those options in there.
You might want to use Flutter Flavours. As the name suggests, you can practically make flavours of the same app based on your need - debug, test, production etc. And not only API end-points, but you can also configure everything else such as app icon, different labels on the screen etc.
As suggested in this link, you can have different main.dart file for each flavour. You can read different configuration from JSON file (such as API end-point) and rest of your app will remain same. For example, see below :
This is another helpful link.

How could I include a plugin system for my Dart app?

I have a Qt application containing a Webkit module and using Dart (compiled to JS). It's like a bare-bones browser written in Qt. The application basically replaces certain text on the webpage with different text. I want users to be able to make their own Dart files to replace their own text with their own different text.
Any recommendations for approaches to creating a plugin system?
I think that this question needs a little clarification: are you asking about using Dart for scripting Qt applications (where Dart plays the role of a scripting language), or are you asking about a plugin system for Dart application that is compiled to JS and used in a Qt application, probably via QtScript (in which case, the role of a scripting language is played by JavaScript)?
I presume that it is the latter variant (and I don't know enough about Qt to be able to answer about the former variant anyway).
Let's assume that all plugins for the Dart application are available at the build time of that Qt application, so that you don't need to compile Dart to JS dynamically. Then, if you compile a Dart script, resulting JS will include all necessary code from its #imports. All you need is to create a proper script that imports all plugins and calls them (importing isn't enough, as dead code will be eliminated).
Maybe an example will be more instructive. Let's say that you want to allow plugins to do some work on a web page. One way you might structure it is that every plugin will be a separate #library with a top-level function of a well known name (say doWork). Example of a plugin:
// my_awesome_plugin.dart
#library('My Awesome Plugin')
doWork(page) {
page.replaceAll('JavaScript is great', 'Dart is great');
You can have as many plugins of this nature as you wish. Then, you would (at the build time) generate a following simple main script in Dart:
// main.dart
// these lines are automatically generated -- for each plugin file,
// one #import with unique prefix
#import('my_awesome_plugin.dart', prefix: 'plugin1');
#import('another_plugin.dart', prefix: 'plugin2');
main() {
var page = ...; // provided externally, from your Qt app
// and these lines are automatically generated too -- for each plugin,
// call the doWork function (via the prefix)
Then, if you compile main.dart to JavaScript, it will include all those plugins.
There are other possibilities to structure the plugin system: each plugin could be a class implementing a specific interface (or inheriting from a specific base class), but the general approach would be the same. At least the approach that I would recommend -- making each plugin a separate library.
You probably don't like the step with generating the main script automatically, and I don't like it either. But currently, Dart only allows one way to dynamically load new code: spawning new isolates. I'm not sure how (or even if) that would work in QtScript, because isolates are implemented as web workers when compiled to JavaScript, so I won't discuss this here.
Things will get more complicated if you want to support compiling Dart scripts at the runtime of your Qt application, but I think that I'm already guessing too much about your project and I might be writing about something you don't really need. So I'll finish it like this for now.