Zip files using 7zip from command window - command-line

Using 7zip, I want to give a location of a folder of files something like...
D:\Home\files Then I want it to zip all the files in that folder and leave them there. So for example zipme.txt become, so all files would keep their name but just become a zip file. I have tried to use
FOR %i IN (D:\Home\files) DO 7z.exe a ""
But when I do it it adds a zip file for the directory so my output would be in the correct folder but would contain
zipped files also all items in directory like..
So how can I zip each file individual in a folder and have the new zipped name be the individual files name

Was able to get this to work.
FOR %i IN (D:\Home\files\*) DO 7z.exe a "" "%i"


Batch file copy command partial name on file to directory

I have several files in a folder C:/Folder1 and I would like to create a batch file with copy or move command, to copy/move the files containing a partial number,12345, to C:/Folder2. The partial number it not at the beginning or end of the file name but in the middle.
I tried with wildcards but doesn't work.
Copy or Move ***.pdf C:/Folder2
Can anyone help please ?

Winrar CommandLine & Powershell : Exclude Full Directory Path Structure

Suppose I have a directory structure like
I want to rar archive the abc folder so that the structure of rar is:
When I try using powershell to archive, winrar replicates the full path inside the archive, like:
I dont want the full path to be created inside the archive
Here's the script:
What am I doing wrong?
Use the command line:
Rar.exe a -r -ep1 Test.rar "C:\Users\Desktop\abc"
Rar.exe is the console version of WinRAR stored in same directory as WinRAR.exe. You can use this command line also with WinRAR.exe if you want to see the compression process in a graphic window.
a is the command and means add files to archive.
-r is a switch to recursively add all files and subdirectories including empty subdirectories to the archive.
-ep1 is another switch which results in execluding base directory.
For this command line the base directory is "C:\Users\Desktop\" and therefore the created archive Test.rar contains only abc and all files and subdirectories in directory abc which is what you want.
One more hint: Using the command line
Rar.exe a -r -ep1 Test.rar "C:\Users\Desktop\abc\"
results in adding all files and subdirectories of directory abc to the archive, but without directory name abc being also stored in the archive. The backslash at end makes this difference.
In other words: On using switch -ep1 everything up to last backslash in file/directory specification is not added to the archive.
For more information about available switches see the text file Rar.txt in the program files directory of WinRAR.

How to extract .gz file with .txt extension folder?

I'm currently stuck with this problem where my .gz file is "some_name.txt.gz" (the .gz is not visible, but can be recognized with File::Type functions),
and inside the .gz file, there is a FOLDER with the name "some_name.txt", which contains other files and folders.
However, I am not able to extract the archive as you would manually (the folder with the name "some_name.txt" is extracted along with its contents) when calling the extract function from the Archive::Extract because it will just extract the "some_name.txt" folder as a .txt file.
I've been searching the web for answers, but none are correct solutions. Is there a way around this?
From Archive::Extract official doc
"Since .gz files never hold a directory, but only a single file;"
I would recommend using tar on the folder and then gz it.
That way you can use Archive::Tar to easily extract specific file:
Example from official docs:
$tar->extract_file( $file, [$extract_path] )
Write an entry, whose name is equivalent to the file name provided to disk. Optionally takes a second parameter, which is the full native path (including filename) the entry will be written to.
For example:
$tar->extract_file( 'name/in/archive', 'name/i/want/to/give/it' );
$tar->extract_file( $at_file_object, 'name/i/want/to/give/it' );
Returns true on success, false on failure.
Hope this helps.
Maybe you can identify these files with File::Type, rename them with .gz extension instead of .txt, then try Archive::Extract on it?
A gzip file can only contain a single file. If you have an archive file that contains a folder plus multiple other files and folders, then you may have a gzip file that contains a tar file. Alternatively you may have a zip file.
Can you give more details on how the archive file was created and a listing of it contents?

How to use xcopy to select specific folders(Not Files) within another folder

I am trying to xcopy specific folders from some directory to another folder, problem is i don't want to copy all the folders but i want specific folders. E.g. DirectorySource has folders (folderA,folderB,folderC) but i want to copy folderA and folderB only to DirectoryDestination.
Create a text file, say C:\excludes.txt with the following contents:
then you can copy:
xcopy DirectorySource DirectoryDestination /s /i /exclude:C:\excludes.txt
The file excludes.txt contains a list of strings, one per line. If a file or directory matches that string, then it will not be copied. If you want to exclude folder, it is safer to use the above string instead of simply folderC, which might skip a file called folderC_listing.txt

Create a batch file to copy and rename file

I need to write a batch file that copies a file to a new folder and renames it.
At the moment, my batch file consists of only this command:
COPY ABC.PDF \\Documents
As you can see, it only copies the file ABC.pdf to the network folder Documents.
However I need to change this so it renames the file ABCxxx.pdf, where xxx is a text variable that I would like to set somewhere in the batch file.
For example, if xxx = _Draft, then file would be renamed ABC_Draft.pdf after it is copied.
Make a bat file with the following in it:
copy /y C:\temp\log1k.txt C:\temp\log1k_copied.txt
However, I think there are issues if there are spaces in your directory names. Notice this was copied to the same directory, but that doesn't matter. If you want to see how it runs, make another bat file that calls the first and outputs to a log:
C:\temp\test.bat > C:\temp\test.log
(assuming the first bat file was called test.bat and was located in that directory)
type C:\temp\test.bat>C:\temp\test.log