I start VSCode from Linux terminal and have X11 forwarding to display it back on my Windows PC. I use XMing as the X Server.
The editor comes up fine but all fonts are variable width and have very poor quality. The current setting clearly indicates fixed width fonts but it appears that it does not get used...
editor.fontFamily": "'Droid Sans Mono', 'monospace', monospace, 'Droid Sans Fallback'",
I fixed this by changing my Terminal font within MobaXterm Configuration. I set the font to Ubuntu Mono instead of the default (which was Mobafont) and restarted MobaXTerm.
This answer over here pointed me in the right direction.
Well, I have installed vscode to my job laptop and for some reason, the font of its integrated terminal is weird A LOT. Take a look at this screenshot:
So, as you can see, the font there is really weird and I have no idea what has happened. The settings are synced with my personal laptop vscode and it's normal there.
PS.: The font of the windows CMD and PS are OK, nothing wrong with them.
What can be causing that?
I faced this very problem when starting on windows. In my case, this issue was caused by syncing my user settings for Mac which has "editor.fontFamily": "Monaco" for the editor font family. Resetting this field to default value solve the problem for me.
It happens when the font you set for terminal.integrated.fontFamily doesn't exist anymore in your system (Windows or Mac).
You'll want to either:
Search "terminal font" in settings
Change the font family with the one exist
Alternatively, it may caused by editor.fontFamily with the same reasons.
My VS Code integrated terminal doesn't recognize the git branch symbols, or the forward arrow character, shown in the first screenshot, which displays correctly in iTerm windows and IntelliJ's integrated terminal.
These characters are coming from iTerm, using the terminal setup steps I went through here: https://medium.com/#Clovis_app/configuration-of-a-beautiful-efficient-terminal-and-prompt-on-osx-in-7-minutes-827c29391961
What I want to see in VS Code integrated terminal:
What I currently see in VS Code integrated terminal:
I did come across a solution to add this to my VS Code settings.json, but this setting has since been deprecated as it has been integrated as the default setting in newer vs updates.
"terminal.integrated.experimentalTextureCachingStrategy": "dynamic"
It's not a pressing issue, but personalizing the VS Code terminal with more git info and aesthetics would be really nice using special characters.
Install a powerline/nerdfont font to your system if you haven't already, and then specify that font in the terminal.integrated.fontFamily setting in your settings.json file.
Quoting from the VS Code docs:
Powerline fonts are special patched fonts that contain additional characters that can be used in the terminal. VS Code's terminal renders some of the Powerline symbols without needing to configure a font, but if more glyphs are desired, configure a Powerline font with the font family setting. Powerline fonts typically end in " for Powerline", the following setting is an example of how to configure a DejaVu Sans Mono that has been patched:
"editor.fontFamily": "'DejaVu Sans Mono for Powerline'"
Nerd Fonts work the same and typically have a " NF" suffix, the following is an example of how to configure Hack's nerd fonts variant:
"terminal.integrated.fontFamily": "'Hack NF'"
I was trying to change my vs code's font to Roboto Mono, I installed it from google fonts https://fonts.google.com/specimen/Roboto+Mono?query=roboto+mono, and then i configured it in my vs code's settings, and instead of that im getting
this font
Firstly install your font and Try like that:
"editor.fontFamily": "'Roboto Mono', monospace",
Remember to restart VSCode!
Netbeans 12.1 no longer respects the --fontsize directive in the /etc/netbeans.conf config file.
The menu fonts are way too small on a large screen.
Yet setting Preferences->LXQt Settings->Font->Point size in the Ubuntu control menu, which is normally respected by most Unix app windows, does not carry through either.
And although Netbeans's
Tools->Options->Fonts & Colors->Profile: NetBeans->Syntax->All Languages->Default -> Font
setting changes the font for the code itself inside the editor, it doesn't change the IDE menus.
You would think, after all these years, that there would be a command inside the Options to change the menu font size, but it's still not there yet.
And now editing config to change the --fontsize startup option is no longer respected.
How best to change the size of all the system fonts in the Netbeans IDE display environment?
The best solution I've found so far is to change the Look & Feel.
Invoking aptitude install netbeans currently (Sept '20) gives version 10, which breaks with a jcraft/jsch error, also "could not successfully run the /usr/bin/g++ compiler" on my system even though g++ is perfectly fine and protections cleared, also "Build Host not connected", after C++ is installed from the 8.2 repository. Tastes like some kind of jdk error (I've got /usr/lib/jvm both 8 and 11 jdks installed, hard to believe it can't find them). But if the install doesn't work right out of the box, it's a bad sign. So I tried snap install netbeans --classic . This gets version 12.
Netbeans version 12 comes with the Metal Look & Feel configured by default. Changing this to the GTK+ look and feel, using Tools->Options->Appearance->Look and Feel->GTK+ with a restart, finally got the menus to the correct system size.
Unfortunately, the Help->About popup still does not respect this, having minuscule fonts. Perhaps there is a better way?
Although "Look and Feel" is an improvement, I would still like to see direct control of the IDE menu fonts. From the Options Fonts & Colors menu.
Running netbeans from commandline with an additional argument --fontsize 12 works for me. Open a console and go the bin directory of netbeans and use the command ./netbeans --fontsize 12. Change the font size to whatever suits you.
In Netbeans in Tools->Options->Appearance->Look and Feel, I could solve the problem.
But in my case, the selected option already was GTK+. Changing to Metal solved it.
Install Netbeans 13.
It should help
On my Mac OS Mojave, I am using iTerm2 with powerlevel9k theme.
For the fonts to render well, I am using SourceCodePro+Powerline+Awesome+Regular as the font and also added a line POWERLEVEL9K_MODE='awesome-patched' to the .zhrc.
The emojis are not rendering well on vs code terminal. So vscode's settings.json, I set "terminal.integrated.fontFamily": "'SourceCodePro+Powerline+Awesome+Regular',",. That hasn't fixed the issue. So, I set "terminal.external.osxExec": "iTerm.app". That also doesn't help.
What could be the reason? How can I fix it? How is vs code terminal different from iterm2?
Not sure if this related to the font issue. what ever command I give in VSCode Terminal, is repeating.
demo >> demozsh: command not found: demo
echo >> echo
cd Documents >> cd%
What is the issue I am facing?
Unicode 11 support
The width of characters in the terminal now default to the unicode 11 widths. What this means to most people is that emojis will be correctly showing up as wide characters.
from https://github.com/microsoft/vscode-docs/blob/vnext/release-notes/v1_43.md#unicode-11-support possibly fixed in v1.43