SQL to Mongo Aggregation - mongodb

Hi I want to change my sql query to mongo aggregation.
select c.year, c.minor_category, count(c.minor_category) from Crime as c
group by c.year, c.minor_category having c.minor_category = (
Select cc.minor_category from Crime as cc where cc.year=c.year group by
cc.minor_category order by count(*) desc, cc.minor_category limit 1)
I tried do something like this:
$group: {
"_id": {
year: "$year",
minor_category :"$minor_category",
count: {$sum: "$minor_category"}
$match : {
minor_category: ?
But i stuck in $match which is equivalent to having, but i dont know how to make subqueries in mongo like in my sql query.
Can anybody can help me ?

Ok based on the confirmation above , the below query should work.

This translates into the following MongoDB query:
$group: { // group by year and minor_catetory
_id: {
"year": "$year",
"minor_category": "$minor_category"
"count": { $sum: 1 }, // count all documents per group,
}, {
$sort: {
"count": -1, // sort descending by count
"minor_category": 1 // and ascending by minor_category
}, {
$group: { // now we get the highst element per year
_id: "$_id.year", // so group by year
"minor_category": { $first: "$_id.minor_category" }, // and get the first (we've sorted the data) value
"count": { $first: "$count" } // same here
}, {
$project: { // remove the _id field and add the others in the right order (if needed)
"_id": 0,
"year": "$_id",
"minor_category": "$minor_category",
"count": "$count"


Mongoose sort elements by counting numbers

I have a documents like
data: [{"channel":"712064846325219432","message":1019},{"channel":"712064884812021801","message":4}],
user: '290494169783205888',
data: [{"channel":"712064846325219432","message":2000},{"channel":"712064884812021801","message":500}],
user: '534099893979971584',
So how can I count data's message and sort this documents by descending message?
Use aggregation pipeline stages $unwind and $group to count the message for each user then sort by the total number of messages. Check the example.
$unwind: {
path: "$data"
$group: {
_id: "$user",
total_message: {
$sum: "$data.message"
$sort: {
total_message: -1
"_id": "534099893979971584",
"total_message": 2500
"_id": "290494169783205888",
"total_message": 1023
you can use Query.sort()
For descending order you can either use -1, desc or descending
Query.sort(message: -1)

mongodb - $sort child documents only

When i do a find all in a mongodb collection, i want to get maintenanceList sorted by older maintenanceDate to newest.
The sort of maintenanceDate should not affect parents order in a find all query
Any guess how to do that ?
Thank you
Whatever order the fields are in with the previous pipeline stage, as operations like $project and $group effectively "copy" same position.So, it will not change the order of your fields in your aggregated result.
And the sort of maintenanceDate through aggregation will not affect parents order in a find all query.
So, simply doing this should work.
Assuming my collection name is example.
"$unwind": "$maintenanceList"
"$sort": {
"_id": 1,
"maintenanceList.maintenanceDate": 1
"$group": {
"_id": "$_id",
"color": {
$first: "$color"
"brand": {
$first: "$brand"
"prixVenteUnitaire": {
$first: "$prixVenteUnitaire"
"maintenanceList": {
"$push": "$maintenanceList"

MongoDB get full doc after match, group, and sort

order_id: 1,
order_time: ISODate(...),
customer_id: 456,
products: [
product_id: 1,
product_name: "Pencil"
product_id: 2,
product_name: "Scissors"
product_id: 3,
product_name: "Tape"
I have a collection with a whole bunch of documents like the above. I would like to query for the latest order for each customer who ordered Scissors.
That is, where there exists a "products.product_name" which equals "Scissors", group by customer_id, give me the full document where the "order_time" is the "max" for that group.
To find the documents, I could do like find({ 'products.product_name' : "Scissors" }) but then I get all of the order with Scissors, I only want the most recent.
So, I am looking at aggregation... Mongo's "$group" aggregation stage seems to require that you do some kind of actual aggregation inside like sum or max or whatever. I am guessing there's some combination of $match, $group, and $sort to use here but I can't seem to quite get it working.
Something close:
$match: { 'products.product_name' : "Scissors" }
$sort: { created_at:-1 }
$group: {
_id: "$customer_id",
But this doesn't return the full doc and I am not sure that it's doing the sorting and grouping right.
You can use $first operator to get most recent order (are ordered desc) and special variable $$ROOT to get whole object in a final result:
$match: { 'products.product_name' : "Scissors" }
$sort: { created_at:-1 }
$group: {
_id: "$customer_id",
lastOrder: { $first: "$$ROOT" }

How to perform case-insensitive aggregation grouping in MongoDb?

Let's say that I want to aggregate and group by documents in MongoDb by the Description field.
Running the following (case-sensitive by default):
{ $group: {
_id: { 'Description': "$Description" },
count: { $sum: 1 },
docs: { $push: "$_id" }
{ $match: {
count: { $gt : 1 }
on my sample data gives me 1000 results, which is fine.
But now I expect that running a case-insensitive query (using $toLower) should give me less than or equal to 1000 results:
{ $group: {
_id: { 'Description': {$toLower: "$Description"} },
count: { $sum: 1 },
docs: { $push: "$_id" }
{ $match: {
count: { $gt : 1 }
But instead I get more than 1000 results. That can't be right, can it? More common entries should get grouped together to yield less number of total groupings ... I think.
So then probably my aggregation query is wrong! Which brings me to my question:
How should case-insensitive aggregation grouping in MongoDb be performed?
You approach to case-insensitive grouping is correct so perhaps your observation is not? ;)
Try this example:
// insert two documents
db.getCollection('test').insertOne({"name" : "Test"}) // uppercase 'T'
db.getCollection('test').insertOne({"name" : "test"}) // lowercase 't'
// perform the grouping
db.getCollection('test').aggregate({ $group: { "_id": { $toLower: "$name" }, "count": { $sum: 1 } } }) // case insensitive
db.getCollection('test').aggregate({ $group: { "_id": "$name", "count": { $sum: 1 } } }) // case sensitive
You may have a typo somewhere?
The documentation also states that
$toLower only has a well-defined behavior for strings of ASCII characters.
Perhaps that's what's biting you here?

mongo query to aggregate 2 documents for 2 dates

i have following collection...
"Date" :{"$date":1430418601000},
"Date" :{"$date":1430505001000},
I want to aggregate count for these dates so total count will be like...
"hr3":16,//......so on
Is it possible in mongodb? I don't have much knowledge of mongo, if someone can guide me with this query will be helpful...
Running the following aggregation pipeline should give you the desired result:
"$group": {
"_id": null,
"hr1": { "$sum": "$Count.hr1" },
"hr2": { "$sum": "$Count.hr2" },
"hr3": { "$sum": "$Count.hr3" },
"hr4": { "$sum": "$Count.hr4" },
"hr5": { "$sum": "$Count.hr5" }
Specifying an _id value of null will calculate accumulated values for all the input documents as a whole.