Is there an Object class in Swift? - swift

I am very new to Swift. Is there a generic all-encompassing Object class in Swift like there is in Java/C#?
Can I declare an array that can hold anything (Int/String/Character...etc)?

As explained in "Why is there no universal base class in Swift?", no, but there is a common protocol that every type implicitly conforms to: Any.
// A statically typed `Any` constant, that points to a value which
// has a runtime type of `Int`
let something: Any = 5
// An array of `Any` things
let things: [Any] = [1, "string", false]
for thing in things {
switch thing {
case let i as Int: consumeInt(i)
case let s as String: consumeString(s)
case let b as Bool: consumeBool(b)
// Because `Any` really does mean ANY type, the compiler can't prove
// that this switch is exhaustive, unless we have a `default`
default: fatalError("Got an unexpected type!")
However, using Any is ill-advised most of the time. For most purposes, discriminated unions are a better choice, which Swift has in the form of enums. These ensure that all possible types are considered:
// Using an enum with associated values creates a discriminated union
// containing the exact set of type that we wish to support, rather than `Any`
enum SomeValue { // Note: this is a bad name, but just as an example!
case int(Int)
case string(String)
case bool(Bool)
let someValues: [SomeValue] = [.int(1), .string("string"), .bool(false)]
for value in someValues {
switch value {
case .int(let i): consumeInt(i)
case .string(let s): consumeString(s)
case .bool(let b): consumeBool(b)
// Enums have finitely many cases, all of which we exhausted here
// No `default` case required!

There are Anyand AnyObject types that are seem to what you search for. You can't extend them but you can up cast any object to AnyObject type and insert into [AnyObject] array. Any is more wide, and includes Int, String, Bool, etc.

No, Swift does not have a generic Object Class.


XCT assert case of enum

I'd like to assert whether a value is a specific enum case.
For example, if I have the following enum class, and a variable let value: MyEnum:
enum MyEnum {
case firstCase(value: Int)
case secondCase
I'd like to check whether value is an instance of firstCase.
In essence, I'd like to be able to write the following or something equivalent:
let value: MyEnum = .firstCase(value: 3)
XCTAssertEnumCase(value, .firstCase)
How can I achieve this? I'm looking for an already existing XCT function, or for instructions how to write XCTAssertEnumCase myself.
You can easily create a function that works for specific enums, however, creating a generic assert function that works for any enums will be quite hard to achieve, because there's no protocol/type constraint that could represent any enum. You can use RawRepresentable for enums with raw values, but that won't cover all enums, such as the one in your question.
This is the function for your specific enum.
func XCTAssertEnumCase(_ testValue: MyEnum, _ expectedValue: MyEnum) -> Bool {
switch (testValue, expectedValue) {
case (.firstCase, .firstCase):
return true
case (.secondCase, .secondCase):
return true
return false
Alternatively, you can make your enum conform to Equatable in your test target (if it doesn't already conform in your actual production target) and only check case equality in your Equatable conformance, but then you won't be able to easily test "full equality" (including the associated values). Also, the solution will require you to manually implement Equatable conformance for all protocols that you are testing.
You cannot instantiate an enum case that has an associated value without actually supplying an associated value. So XCTAssertEnumCase(value, .firstCase) cannot be achieved.
You can do XCTAssertEnumCase(testValue, .firstCase(value: 3313) where you can pass in any Int to the associated value of firstCase and as long as testValue is also firstCase, the func will return true, regardless of the associated values.
Alternatively, you could create separate functions for asserting each case of your enum.
extension MyEnum {
func assertFirstCase() -> Bool {
switch self {
case .firstCase:
return true
return false
func assertSecondCase() -> Bool {
switch self {
case .secondCase:
return true
return false
And then use it like this:
let value: MyEnum = .firstCase(value: 3)
value.assertFirstCase() // returns true
value.assertSecondCase() // returns false

Dynamically initialize enum based on associated value

This is my enum:
enum E {
case a(Int), b(String)
The enum's associated value types are unique and always exactly one.
Let's say I have this variable:
let myInt = 0
I want to create an instance of E, based on variable myInt, dynamically. This should result in:
But in the 'real world', I don't know what property I get. I only know one thing: I can initialize enum E with it. I need to dynamically initialize the enum, based on a property value. I currently have a huge switch on the property to initialize the enum, I don't want that.
But I have no idea how to accomplish this task. I tried mirroring the enum type, but I get a complex type and I have no idea how to proceed initializing it even if I know the types.
So I get a property of a certain type. I know that certain type matches a case in enum E, because there is exactly one case which associated value corresponds to the property type. I want to initialize an instance of that enum with that case, with the value of the property.
If your only starting point is the type of what will eventually be an associated value, you can use a switch statement:
enum E {
case a(Int)
case b(String)
init(associatedValue: Any) {
switch associatedValue {
case is Int:
self = .a(associatedValue as! Int)
case is String:
self = .b(associatedValue as! String)
fatalError("Unrecognized type!")
let response = E(associatedValue: 1) // .a(1)
let other = E(associatedValue: "haha!") // .b("haha!")
The problem here is this switch must be exhaustive, meaning cover all types. So you either need a dumping ground case (.unreachable(Any)) or a fatalError so you can catch these in development.
You can use a custom initializer: (I have used more descriptive names)
enum TypeFinder {
case int(Int)
case string(String)
case unknown(Any)
init(value: Any) {
switch value {
case let v as Int: self = .int(v)
case let v as String: self = .string(v)
default: self = .unknown(value)
var unknownTypeValue: Any = "Testing.."
print(TypeFinder(value: unknownTypeValue))
unknownTypeValue = 1234
print(TypeFinder(value: unknownTypeValue))
unknownTypeValue = true
print(TypeFinder(value: unknownTypeValue))
I believe you can do something like that
enum E: ExpressibleByStringLiteral, ExpressibleByIntegerLiteral {
case a(Int), b(String)
init(stringLiteral value: StringLiteralType) {
self = .b(value)
init(integerLiteral value: IntegerLiteralType) {
self = .a(value)

Filter array of items by enum property with associated value

class MyClass: Decodable {
let title: String?
let type: MyClass.MyType?
enum MyType {
case article(data: [Article])
case link(data: [LinkTile])
case none
I would like to filter an array of MyClass items, so the filtered array won't contain instances with type .none
let filteredArray = array.filter { $0.type != .none } // this doesn't work
Unfortunately, you can't use == with enums with associated values. You need to use pattern matching, but that needs to be done in a switch or if statement.
So, that leads to something ugly like this:
let filteredArray = array.filter { if case .none = $0.type! { return false }; return true }
You can't name your enum Type because it conflicts with the built-in Type. Change it to something like MyType.
It is terribly confusing to use none as a case in a custom enum because it gets confused (by the humans) with none in an optional. This is made worse by the fact that your type property is optional. Here I have force unwrapped it, but that is dangerous of course.
You could do:
if case .none? = $0.type
This would match the none case explicitly and treat nil as something you want to keep.
To filter out nil and .none, you could use the nil coalescing operator ??:
if case .none = ($0.type ?? .none)
I would suggest declaring type as MyClass.MyType instead of MyClass.MyType?.
I made you a simple example of how to use enum in your context with a filter function.
enum Foo {
case article(data: [Int])
case link(data: [String])
case `none`
static func myfilter(array: [Foo]) -> [Foo]{
var newArray:[Foo] = []
for element in array {
switch element {
case .article(let article):
newArray.append(.article(data: article))
case .link(let link):
newArray.append(.link(data: link))
case .none:
return newArray
let foo: [Foo] = [.article(data: [1,2,3]), .link(data: ["hello", "world"]), .none]
print(Foo.myfilter(array: foo))
I made a code which you can compile and test, you have to change the type for Foo, articleand link.
When you want to use an enum, you have to use switch case.
If you absolutely want to use the filter in swift you can, but you need to implement the protocol Sequence which is more complicated in this case.
For each case of your enum, you have to manage a case which use the concept of pattern matching. It is very powerful.

Is it possible to specify the object type allowed in a Dictionary?

In Swift 3.x is it possible to specify the object type allowed in a Dictionary?
It would be great if at declaration time we could pass a set of object types allowed.
You can achieve this via a custom protocol that is implemented only by the types you want to allow within the dictionary:
protocol AllowedDictionaryValue: {}
extension String: AllowedDictionaryValue {}
extension Int: AllowedDictionaryValue {}
extension MyClass: AllowedDictionaryValue {}
extension MyEnum: AllowedDictionaryValue {}
let dictionary: [String:AllowedDictionaryValue] = ...
The above dictionary will hold only String's, Int's, MyClass instances, and MyEnum values.
This way you can have only the values you want in the dictionary, while keeping the dictionary heterogenous.
You can accomplish this behavior using an enum with associated values, which is called a tagged union in other languages. Its basically a way to have a type that can be restricted to an arbitrary set of types instead of Any or AnyObject. The enum part is the tag that tells you what kind of data you have and the associated value is the actual data for that type. Not that the advantage here to using Any or AnyObject is that the switch statement is exhaustive and the compiler can enforce that you handle all cases at compile time while this is not true if you use Any with a chain of if let statements.
import PlaygroundSupport
import UIKit
enum Number {
case integer(Int), double(Double), currency(NSDecimalNumber)
var dictionary: [String : Number] = [ "a" : .integer(1), "b" : .double(2), "c" : .currency(NSDecimalNumber(value: 3))]
for (key, value) in dictionary {
switch value {
case .integer(let number):
print ("\(key) has a type of \(type(of: number)) with a value of \(number)")
case .double(let number):
print ("\(key) has a type of \(type(of: number)) with a value of \(number)")
case .currency(let number):
print ("\(key) has a type of \(type(of: number)) with a value of \(number)")

enum of non-literal values in Swift

Is there any way to map a non-literal value like tuple of dictionary to enums? Following code will throw Raw value for enum must be literal.
enum FileType {
case VIDEO = ["name": "Video", "contentTypeMatcher": "video/"]
case IMAGE = ["name": "Image", "contentTypeMatcher": "image/"]
case AUDIO = ["name": "Audio", "contentTypeMatcher": "aduio/"]
case PDF = ["name": "PDF", "contentTypeMatcher":"application/pdf"]
case TEXT = ["name": "Text", "contentTypeMatcher": "text/"]
case FOLDER= ["name": "Folder", "contentTypeMatcher" :"application/x-directory"]
case PLAIN = ["name": "Plain", "contentTypeMatcher": ""]
It's the same when I use tuples:
enum FileType {
case VIDEO = (name: "Video", contentTypeMatcher: "video/")
case IMAGE = (name: "Image", contentTypeMatcher: "image/")
case AUDIO = (name: "Audio", contentTypeMatcher: "aduio/")
case PDF = (name: "PDF", contentTypeMatcher:"application/pdf")
case TEXT = (name: "Text", contentTypeMatcher: "text/")
case FOLDER = (name: "Folder", contentTypeMatcher :"application/x-directory")
case PLAIN = (name: "Plain", contentTypeMatcher: "")
#Antonio gives workaround but does not answer the actual question.
Define your enum.
enum FileType {
case Image, Video
Give cases non-literal values, whatever type you want with conforming to RawRepresentable protocol. Do it by enum extension to have cleaner code.
extension FileType: RawRepresentable {
typealias Tuple = (name: String, contentTypeMatcher: String)
private static let allCases = [FileType.Image, .Video]
// MARK: RawRepresentable
typealias RawValue = Tuple
init?(rawValue: Tuple) {
guard let c = { () -> FileType? in
for iCase in FileType.allCases {
if rawValue == iCase.rawValue {
return iCase
return nil
}() else { return nil }
self = c
var rawValue: Tuple {
switch self {
case .Image: return Tuple("Image", "image/")
case .Video: return Tuple("Video", "video/")
To be able to match Tuple in switch, implement pattern matching operator.
private func ~= (lhs: FileType.Tuple, rhs: FileType.Tuple) -> Bool {
return lhs.contentTypeMatcher == rhs.contentTypeMatcher && ==
And thats it...
let a = FileType.Image
print( // "Image"
let b = FileType(rawValue: a.rawValue)!
print(a == b) // "true"
print(b.rawValue.contentTypeMatcher) // "image/"
Let's say I answered the question without questioning. Now... Enums (in Swift at least) are designed to have unique cases. Caveat to this workaround is that you can (I hope by accident) hold same rawValue for more cases. Generally your example code smells to me. Unless you (for very reasonable reason) need to create new enum value from tuple, consider redesign. If you want go with this workaround, I suggest (depends on project) to implement some check if all case raw values are unique. If not, consider this:
enum FileType {
case Video, Image
var name: String {
switch self {
case .Image: return "Image"
case .Video: return "Video"
var contentTypeMatcher: String {
switch self {
case .Image: return "image/"
case .Video: return "video/"
The language reference, when talking about Enumeration Declaration, clearly states that:
the raw-value type must conform to the Equatable protocol and one of the following literal-convertible protocols: IntegerLiteralConvertible for integer literals, FloatingPointLiteralConvertible for floating-point literals, StringLiteralConvertible for string literals that contain any number of characters, and ExtendedGraphemeClusterLiteralConvertible for string literals that contain only a single character.
So nothing else but literals can be used as raw values.
A possible workaround is to represent the dictionary as a string - for example, you can separate elements with commas, and key from value with colon:
enum FileType : String {
case VIDEO = "name:Video,contentTypeMatcher:video/"
case IMAGE = "name:Image,contentTypeMatcher:image/"
Then, using a computed property (or a method if you prefer), reconstruct the dictionary:
var dictValue: [String : String] {
var dict = [String : String]()
var elements = self.rawValue.componentsSeparatedByString(",")
for element in elements {
var parts = element.componentsSeparatedByString(":")
if parts.count == 2 {
dict[parts[0]] = parts[1]
return dict
My coworkers and I have been debating this topic recently as Swifts enum type is unique from other languages. In a language like Java where an enum is just a class that inherits from Enumeration, you can have static non-literal values assigned to each case.
In swift, we can not find a supported way to do this. From Swift documentation:
If a value (known as a “raw” value) is provided for each enumeration case, the value can be a string, a character, or a value of any integer or floating-point type.
Alternatively, enumeration cases can specify associated values of any type to be stored along with each different case value, much as unions or variants do in other languages. You can define a common set of related cases as part of one enumeration, each of which has a different set of values of appropriate types associated with it.
The second paragraph may seem like it can do what #Antonio asked but it is not. In swift's example:
enum Barcode {
case upc(Int, Int, Int, Int)
case qrCode(String)
But each enum is an instance with different value types (tuple vs string) and the values within them are different based on each instance of the enum created.
I wanted something that allowed more than the limited raw values but each enum contained the same value type (ie tuple, object, etc...) and is static.
With my coworkers input we came up with two options that have different tradeoffs.
The first is a private static dictionary by the enum that holds the value type you desire:
enum FooBarDict {
case foo
case bar
private static let dict = [foo: (x: 42, y: "The answer to life, the universe, and everything"),
bar: (x: 420, y: "Party time")]
var x: Int? { return FooBarDict.dict[self]?.x }
var y: String? { return FooBarDict.dict[self]?.y }
Our issue with this implementation is that there's no way at compile time that you can ensure that the developer has exhaustively included all of the enum cases. This means that any properties you right must be optional or return a default.
To resolve that issue we came up with the following:
enum FooBarFunc {
case foo
case bar
typealias Values = (x: Int, y: String)
private func getValues() -> Values {
switch self {
case .foo: return (x: 42, y: "The answer to life, the universe, and everything")
case .bar: return (x: 420, y: "Party time")
var x: Int { return getValues().x }
var y: String { return getValues().y }
Now it is exhaustive due to the switch statement in the getValues! A developer can not add a new case and compile without explicitly adding the value type.
My (perhaps unfounded) fear with this approach is that it may be both slower due to the switch statement lookup - although this may be optimized to be as fast as the dictionary lookup. And I am unsure if it will create a new value each time a enum property is requested. I'm sure I could find answers to both of these concerns but I've already wasted too much time on it.
To be honest, I hope I'm just missing something about the language and this is easily done in another way.