Error validating CMS signature - swift

For the past 2 weeks I've been banging my head against a wall trying to create and validate CMS signatures in Swift 4 using OpenSSL. My code is ultimately destined to be run on Linux, so I can't use the macOS Security framework. I believe I have finally gotten CMS signature creation working properly. My code for that looks like this:
let testBundle = Bundle(for: type(of: self))
guard let textUrl = testBundle.url(forResource: "test_message", withExtension: "txt"),
let signingKeyUrl = testBundle.url(forResource: "signing_key", withExtension: "pem"),
let signingCertUrl = testBundle.url(forResource: "signing_cert", withExtension: "pem") else {
let certFileObject = signingCertUrl.path.withCString { filePtr in
return fopen(filePtr, "rb")
defer {
let keyFileObject = signingKeyUrl.path.withCString { filePtr in
return fopen(filePtr, "rb")
defer {
guard let key = PEM_read_PrivateKey(keyFileObject, nil, nil, nil),
let cert = PEM_read_X509(certFileObject, nil, nil, nil) else {
guard let textData = FileManager.default.contents(atPath: textUrl.path) else {
guard let textBIO = BIO_new(BIO_s_mem()) else {
print("Unable to create textBIO")
_ = textData.withUnsafeBytes({dataBytes in
BIO_write(textBIO, dataBytes, Int32(textData.count))
guard let cms = CMS_sign(cert, key, nil, textBIO, UInt32(CMS_BINARY)) else {
When I debug this code, I see that the cms object is being set after the CMS_sign call, so I believe that the signature was generated properly. Right after this, I'm trying to validate the signature I just created. That code looks like this:
let store = X509_STORE_new()
X509_STORE_add_cert(store, cert)
let outBIO = BIO_new(BIO_s_mem())
let result = CMS_verify(cms, nil, store, nil, outBIO, 0)
print("result : \(result)")
if result != 1 {
let errorCode: UInt = ERR_get_error()
print("ERROR : \(String(format: "%2X", errorCode))")
When I run this code, however, result == 0, indicating an error. The error code that OpenSSL is returning is 0x2E099064. I ran this command:
openssl errstr 0x2E099064
Which gave me this info about the error:
error:2E099064:CMS routines:func(153):reason(100)
After a bit more digging, I think that the error corresponds to PKCS7_R_DECRYPTED_KEY_IS_WRONG_LENGTH. I got that from the pkcs7.h file here. I'm not 100% that this is the correct error message, however.
My question is, why is my signature validation failing? I'm using the exact same certificate to validate the signature. All of this code is inline, so nothing is getting lost anywhere. Can any of you give me an idea where things are going wrong?


Alamofire, Swift: What could be causing this error?

What could be causing this error?
All of a sudden out of nowhere I started getting the error below. I have reinstalled the cocoapod, cleaned the build folder, and reinstalled the app already and none of that has fixed the error.
ERROR: Thread 1: Fatal error: Unexpectedly found nil while unwrapping an Optional value
let recoverUrl = "\(emailData)&local=application"
let urlEncodedString = recoverUrl.replacingOccurrences(of: " ", with: "%20")
parseRecover(url: urlEncodedString)
func parseRecover(url : String){ AF.request(url).responseJSON(completionHandler: { response in self.parseData(JSONData:!) }) }
func parseData(JSONData : Data){
do {
var readableJSON = try JSONSerialization.jsonObject(with: JSONData, options: .mutableContainers) as! JSONObject
if let recoverJSON = readableJSON["Recover"] as? [JSONObject] {
for i in 0..<recoverJSON.count {
let JSON = recoverJSON[i]
let status = JSON["status"] as! String
let message = JSON["message"] as! String
if status == "Error" {self.Alert01("\(message)")}
else if status == "Success" { self.Alert02("\(message)") }
catch { print(error) }
func parseRecover(url : String){ AF.request(url).responseJSON(completionHandler: { response in self.parseData(JSONData:!) }) }
There's no guarantee that a response has data, so force unwrapping the value can lead to crashes. I suggest you create Decodable types to parse your responses and use Alamofire's responseDecodable method to handle your responses.
Additionally, even if you don't adopt Decodable, responseJSON already parses your response Data using JSONSerialization, so you can just access the response.result to see the output.
SOLVED: The issue was within my php file. I was using $_GET[''] and it should have been a $_POST[''] or $_REQUEST['']

Upgraded from Kanna 2.2.1 to 4.0.2 and getting the same error

I am rewriting a project I found on Github to learn and teach myself how to use swift and pod files. I upgraded Kanna from 2.2.1 to 4.0.2 because I was getting an arm64 error.
With 4.0.2 I am getting the error:
Initializer for conditional binding must have Optional type, not 'HTMLDocument'
Call can throw, but it is not marked with 'try' and the error is not handled
I am unsure about what this error means and how to fix it. It is associated with this if statement:
if let doc = Kanna.HTML(html: htmlText, encoding: String.Encoding.utf8) {
for itemSize in doc.css("option[value^='']") {
let itemSizeText = itemSize.text!.lowercased()
let wishListItemSize = self.websiteInstance!.websiteWishListItem.size!.lowercased()
if itemSizeText.range(of: wishListItemSize) != nil {
print("Found size")
foundItemSize = true
let itemSizeValue = itemSize["value"]
self.websiteInstance!.viewController!.websiteBrowser!.evaluateJavaScript("document.getElementById(\"size-options\").value = \(itemSizeValue!)", completionHandler: nil)
countSize += 1
The type signature for the method you are calling is public func HTML(html: String, url: String? = nil, encoding: String.Encoding, option: ParseOption = kDefaultHtmlParseOption) throws -> HTMLDocument. The function returns a non-Optional value, but can throw an error.
You can handle the error by either using the try? keyword to make the function return nil in case an error was thrown and make the optional binding you currently use work like this:
if let doc = try? Kanna.HTML(html: htmlText, encoding: String.Encoding.utf8) {...
or rather use try and put the function call in a do-catch block to see the actual error in case any was thrown.
do {
let doc = Kanna.HTML(html: htmlText, encoding: String.Encoding.utf8)
for itemSize in doc.css("option[value^='']") {
let itemSizeText = itemSize.text!.lowercased()
let wishListItemSize = self.websiteInstance!.websiteWishListItem.size!.lowercased()
if itemSizeText.range(of: wishListItemSize) != nil {
print("Found size")
foundItemSize = true
let itemSizeValue = itemSize["value"]
self.websiteInstance!.viewController!.websiteBrowser!.evaluateJavaScript("document.getElementById(\"size-options\").value = \(itemSizeValue!)", completionHandler: nil)
countSize += 1
} catch {
// Handle error

Can't get data returned from dataTask()

For one week I have been trying to get a string returned from dataTask().
I already read a lot here on StackOverFlow and also from serval sites where they tackle this topic. For example, this one. So I already understand that it's that the dataTask doesn't directly return values, cause it happens on different threads and so on. I also read about closures and completion handlers. I really got the feeling that I actually already got a little clue what this is about. But I can't get it to work.
So this is my code. I just post the whole code so no-one needs to worry that the problem sticks in a part which I don't show. Everything is working fine until I try to return a value and save it for example in a variable:
func requestOGD(code gtin: String, completion: #escaping (_ result: String) -> String) {
// MARK: Properties
var answerList: [String.SubSequence] = []
var answerDic: [String:String] = [:]
var product_name = String()
var producer = String()
// Set up the URL request
let ogdAPI = String("\(gtin)&cmd=query&queryid=400000000")
guard let url = URL(string: ogdAPI) else {
print("Error: cannot create URL")
let urlRequest = URLRequest(url: url)
// set up the session
let config = URLSessionConfiguration.default
let session = URLSession(configuration: config)
// make the request
let task = session.dataTask(with: urlRequest) {
(data, response, error) in
// check for any errors
guard error == nil else {
print("error calling GET on /todos/1")
// make sure we got data
guard let responseData = data else {
print("Error: did not receive data")
// parse the result, which is String. It willbecome split and placed in a dictionary
do {
let answer = (String(decoding: responseData, as: UTF8.self))
answerList = answer.split(separator: "\n")
for entry in answerList {
let entry1 = entry.split(separator: "=")
if entry1.count > 1 {
let foo = String(entry1[0])
let bar = String(entry1[1])
answerDic[foo] = "\(bar)"
if answerDic["error"] == "0" {
product_name = answerDic["detailname"]!
producer = answerDic["vendor"]!
} else {
print("Error-Code der Seite lautet: \(String(describing: answerDic["error"]))")
Here I call my function, and no worries, I also tried to directly return it to the var foo, also doesn't work The value only exists within the closure:
// Configure the cell...
var foo:String = ""
requestOGD(code: listOfCodes[indexPath.row]) { (result: String) in
foo = result
return result
print("Foo:", foo)
cell.textLabel?.text = self.listOfCodes[indexPath.row] + ""
return cell
So my problem is, I have the feeling, that I'm not able to get a value out of a http-request.
You used a completion handler in your call to requestOGD:
requestOGD(code: listOfCodes[indexPath.row]) {
(result: String) in
// result comes back here
But then you tried to capture and return that result:
foo = result
return result
So you're making the same mistake here that you tried to avoid making by having the completion handler in the first place. The call to that completion handler is itself asynchronous. So you face the same issue again. If you want to extract result at this point, you would need another completion handler.
To put it in simple terms, this is the order of operations:
requestOGD(code: listOfCodes[indexPath.row]) {
(result: String) in
foo = result // 2
print("Foo:", foo) // 1
You are printing foo before the asynchronous code runs and has a chance to set foo in the first place.
In the larger context: You cannot use any asynchronously gathered material in cellForRowAt. The cell is returned before the information is gathered. That's what asynchronous means. You can't work around that by piling on further levels of asynchronicity. You have to change your entire strategy.

Trying to do deal with errors and optionals the right way

I am attempting to use SwiftSoup to scrape some HTML. This example, based on the SwiftSoup github documentation, works fine…
func scrape() throws {
do {
let htmlFromSomeSource = "<html><body><p class="nerp">HerpDerp</p><p class="narf">HoopDoop</p>"
let doc = try! SwiftSoup.parse(htmlFromSomeSource)
let tag = try!"p").first()!
let tagClass = try! tag.attr("class")
} catch {
print("oh dang")
throw Abort(.notFound)
… Up until I mess with the selector or attribute targets, at which point everything crashes thanks to the implicitly unwrapped optionals (which I assume was just quick-and-dirty code to get smarter people started). That do/catch doesn't seem to help at all.
So what's the Right way? This compiles...
print("is there a doc?")
guard let doc = try? SwiftSoup.parse(response.body.description) else {
print("no doc")
throw Abort(.notFound)
print("should halt because there's no img")
guard let tag = try?"img").first()! else {
print("no paragraph tag")
throw Abort(.notFound)
print("should halt because there's no src")
guard let tagClass = try? tag.attr("src") else {
print("no src")
throw Abort(.notFound)
... but again if I mess with the selector or attribute it crashes out, "Unexpectedly found nil while unwrapping an Optional value" (after "is there a doc?"). I thought guard would halt the process when it encountered a nil? (If I convert "try?" to "try" the compiler complains that "initializer for conditional binding must have Optional type"…)
If you declare the function as throws you don't need a do - catch block inside the function. Just remove the block and the exclamation marks after try to pass through the errors to the caller function.
func scrape() throws { // add a return type
let htmlFromSomeSource = "<html><body><p class="nerp">HerpDerp</p><p class="narf">HoopDoop</p>"
let doc = try SwiftSoup.parse(htmlFromSomeSource)
guard let tag = try"p").first() else { throw Abort(.notFound) }
let tagClass = try tag.attr("class")
// return something

AVMIDIPlayer DLSBankManager::AddBank: Bank load failed

When I use AVMIDIPlayer to play a MusicSequence with only one note message. Most of times it works fine but sometimes it has no sound and logged as below:
DLSBankManager::AddBank: Bank load failed
Error Code=-10871 "(null)"
It works well on iOS9, but when i test it on iOS10 it runs into this issue.
I'm sure that the sf2 sound bank file url is set properly.
I paste the code as below:
func playAVMIDIPlayerPreview(_ musicSequence:MusicSequence) {
guard let bankURL = Bundle.main.url(forResource: "FluidR3 GM2-2", withExtension: "sf2") else {
fatalError("soundbank file not found.")
var status = OSStatus(noErr)
var data:Unmanaged<CFData>?
status = MusicSequenceFileCreateData (musicSequence,
480, &data)
if status != OSStatus(noErr) {
print("bad status \(status)")
if let md = data {
let midiData = md.takeUnretainedValue() as Data
do {
try self.midiPlayerPreview = AVMIDIPlayer(data: midiData, soundBankURL: bankURL)
} catch let error as NSError {
print("Error \(error)")
self.midiPlayerPreview?.play({ () -> Void in
self.midiPlayerPreview = nil
self.musicSequencePreview = nil
The error is occur on this line:
try self.midiPlayerPreview = AVMIDIPlayer(data: midiData, soundBankURL: bankURL)
Try setting the global variable errno to 0 errno = 0 before loading the soundfont with
try self.midiPlayerPreview = AVMIDIPlayer(data: midiData, soundBankURL: bankURL)
We experienced the same issue and at the same time this one.
So we tried to apply the fix of the other issue to this one and it just worked.