How to replace content within quotes via a file - fopen

Why I cannot use str_replace() to replace content between the ""? While I replace links within a file they get skipped since they are within quotes.
should be
If the paths/urls were not in quotes, str_replace() would work.

I'm assuming this is PHP. So, from the examples here:
You can see that you should not intercalate the same type of quotes.
So try changing the quotes in your code to single quotes or, change, the double quotes in your html to single quotes.
If that's not it, I hope at least that doc reference helps you.

This might help I usually code in java but php is pretty similar. Next time input part of your code so that the community can see your logic.
In your if statement on line 67 the 3rd variable $stringToSearch should be regex not the string your assigning it to. The purpose of regex as you know is to replace characters you don't want in your code as you already know
What you had that was not working:
// replacing string from files
//$stringToSearch = str_replace('"', "!!", $stringToSearch);
$stringToSearch = str_replace($toBeReplaced, $toBeReplacedWith, $stringToSearch);
//$stringToSearch = str_replace("!!", '"', $stringToSearch);
What I am thinking it should be:
$stringToRegex = str_replace('"', "!!", $stringToSearch);
$stringToSearch = str_replace($toBeReplaced, $toBeReplacedWith, $stringToRegex );
If anyone else has any suggestion it would be appreciated as i don't code in php.


Add-Content to txt

I'm trying to make a GUI that will print the information from a textbox into a .txt in a way that I will try to explain as well as I can.
$TextBox_UsbName.text = "TestingTesting"
$Button_SetUsbName.Add_Click({ $Value_UsbName = $TextBox_UsbName.text; add-content -path $Value_NewScriptPath -value "$usbname = $Value_UsbName" })
After this is run I was hoping the text file would contain this:
$usbname = "TestingTesting"
I am still new to Powershell as well as coding in general and now I am really stuck I have tried a lot of different ways.
Any ideas and help would be much appreciated.
Edit: My result is
In Powershell double quoted string literals, string interpolation takes place each time an unescaped $ appears with a valid identifier characters after it. To introduce a literal $ that should not be parsed as part of an interpolated variable, you should escape it with a backtick, `.
Here is some quick string interpolation help:
How do I expand an expression in a string?
Windows PowerShell will expand a variable or an expression in a string.
Variables look like: $variable
Expressions look like: $(expression)
So, your "$usbname = $Value_UsbName" is interpreted by the engine as value of $usbname variable followded with = enclosed with spaces, and then a value of $Value_UsbName variable.
What you want to add is a literal $usbname substring and the value of $TextBox_UsbName.text expression.
So, either use
"`$usbname = $($TextBox_UsbName.text)"
Or just concatenate values (in a culture independent way):
$usbname + ' = ' + $TextBox_UsbName.text

PHP: Using preg_replace to replace an unknown string between two known strings

I have $stringF. Contained within $stringF is the following (the string is all one line, not word-wrapped as below):
I want to locate that string and make it look like this:
Basically I need to use preg_replace to find the following string: ***SOME UNKNOWN CONTENT*** &url=http
and replace it with the following string:
I'm a little rusty with my php, and even rustier with regular expressions, so I'm struggling to figure this one out. My code looks like this:
$stringG = preg_replace('*&url=http','http',$stringH);
except I know I can't use wildcards and I know I need to specially deal with the special characters (colon, forward slash, question mark, and sign, etc). Hoping someone can help me out here.
Also of note is that my $stringF contains multiple instances of such strings, so I need the preg_replace to be not greedy - otherwise it will replace a huge chunk of my string unnecessarily.
PHP has tools for that, no need to use a regex. parse_url to get the components of an url (scheme, host, path, anchor, query, ...) and parse_str to get the keys/values of the query part.
$url = '';
parse_str(parse_url($url, PHP_URL_QUERY), $arr);
echo $arr['url'];

Warning Control Character '\S' is not valid when concatinating two strings

I have two variables such as:
I want to concatenate two strings into one like so:
I used the code below:
sprintf(path, name)
However I receive the following error:
Warning: Control Character '\S' is not valid. See 'doc sprintf' for control characters valid in the format string.
ans =
I am using MATLAB on Windows. Could you give me any solution for that. I tried to change path='data\\voc11\\SegmentationClassExt\\%s.png' and when I did that, the above code will work. However, the current data is
use the matlab function fullfile
filename = fullfile ( path, [name '.png'] );
filename = fullfile ( path, sprintf ( '%s.png', name ) );
Note: you should avoid using path as a variable as it is already a Matlab function
Before we start, it's highly advised that you do not use path as a local variable. path is a global variable that MATLAB uses to resolve function scope, especially if you are going to use any functions from toolboxes. Overwriting path with your own string will actually make MATLAB not function properly. Use a different variable name.
Now to resolve your problem, you can use either fullfile as what #matlabgui has suggested, or if you don't care about OS compatibility and are only working in Windows, you can either manually change the path as you have placed so that you can introduce two back slashes and it will indeed work on Windows OS, or you can perhaps use a string replace function so that all back slashes will be accompanied with an additional back slash.
Either one of these two methods will work:
Method 1 - Using regular expressions
pat = 'data\voc11\SegmentationClassExt\%s.png';
pat_new = regexprep(pat, '\\', '\\\\');
The function regexprep performs a string replacement by regular expressions. We search for all single backslashes and replace them with double backslashes. Note that the single back slash \ is a special character in regular expressions so if you explicitly what to look for back slashes, you must place an additional back slash beside it.
Method 2 - Using strrep
pat = 'data\voc11\SegmentationClassExt\%s.png';
pat_new = strrep(pat, '\', '\\');
strrep stands for String Replace. It works very similar to regular expressions as we have discussed above. However, what's nice is that you don't have to append an additional back slash when looking for the actual character.
Once you do this, you can use sprintf as normal:
pat_new = sprintf(pat_new, name);

Removing quotes that seem to be nonexistent in MatLab

I have an application that translates the .csv files I currently have into the correct format I need. But, the files I that I do have seem to have '"' double quotes around them, as seen in this image, which will not work with the program. As a result, I'm using this command to remove them:
for m = 1:currentsize(1)
for n = 1:currentsize(2)
replacement{m,n} = strrep(current{m,n}, '"', '');
I'm not entirely sure that this works though, as it spits this back at me as it runs:
Warning: Inputs must be character arrays or cell arrays of strings.
When I open the file in matlab, it seems to only have the single quotes around it, which is normal for any other file. However, when I open it in notepad++, it seems to have '"' double quotes around everything. Is there a way to remove these double quotes in any other way? My code doesn't seem to do anything as seen here:
After using xlswrite to write the replacement cell-array to a .csv file, one appears corrupted. Any idea why?
So, my questions are:
Is there any way to remove the quotes in a more efficient manner or without rewriting to a csv?
What exactly is causing the corruption in the xlswrite function? The variable replacement seems perfectly normal.
Thanks in advance!
Regarding the "corrupted" file. That's not a corrupted file, that's an xls file (not xlsx). You could verify this opening the text file in a hex editor to compare the signature. This happens when you chose no file extension or ask excel to write a file which can't be encoded into csv. I assume it's some character which causes the problems, try to isolate the critical line writing only parts of the cell.
Regarding your warning, not having the actual input I could only guess what's wrong. Again, I can only give some advices to debug the problem yourself. Run this code:
for m = 1:currentsize(1)
for n = 1:currentsize(2)
replacement{m,n} = strrep(current{m,n}, '"', '');
if ~isempty(lastwarn)
This will launch the debugger when a warning is raised, allowing you to check the content of current{m,n}
It is mentionned in the documentation of strrep that :
The strrep function does not find empty strings for replacement. That is, when origStr and oldSubstr both contain the empty string (''), strrep does not replace '' with the contents of newSubstr.
You can use this user function substr like this :
for m = 1:currentsize(1)
for n = 1:currentsize(2)
replacement{m,n} = substr(current{m,n}, 2, -1);
Please use xlswrite function like this :
[status,message] = xlswrite(___)
and check the status if it is zero, that means the function did not succeed and an error message is generated in message as string.

Substitute only one part of a string using perl

I have an array that have some symbols that I want to remove and even thought I find a solution, I will like to know if this is the right way because I'm afraid if I use it with array will remove the character that I might need on future arrays.
Here is an example item on my array:
$string1='22 | logging monitor informational';
so I try the following:
$string1=~ s/\s{6}\|(?=\s{6})//;
So my output is:
22 logging monitor informational
Is the other way that best match "|". I just want to remove the pipe character.
Thanks in advance
"I want to remove just the pipe character."
OK, then do this:
$string1 =~ s/\|//;
This will remove the first pipe character in the string. (You said in another comment that you don't want to remove any additional pipe characters.) If that's not what you want, then I'd suggest telling us exactly what you do want. We can't read minds, you know.
In the mean time, I'd also strongly recommend reading the Perl regular expressions tutorial.