How to get to Facebook User Page by a known app scoped User ID - facebook

Till today there have been methods to get to Facebook User Page by user id. I mean ID, that facebook API returns to our app:
"link": "",
"id": "10152384781676191"
But none of the methods works any more: - does not work - does not work - does not work
UPDATE: It seems the following happened: according to TechCrunch, malicious sites pulled data form public user profiles.
After TechCrunch article Facebook immediately blocked the URLs that Graph API returns:{user-id}/?fields=link&access_token={access-token} . They "...are working on instituting additional authentication and rate limiting...".
Any 1) quick workarounds and/or 2) permanent solution?

Facebook banned the link property in their Graph API intentionally. Now they propose to fill out a from in order to review each case individually.
The form:
News update from April 20th: Facebook Login Changes to Address Abuse
It came to our attention yesterday that some third-party tracking scripts on websites were directly accessing Facebook public profiles. While investigating this issue, we have taken immediate action by:
Disabling the ability to resolve the app-scoped user ID (ASID) returned by Facebook Login to a Facebook profile page, even for logged-in users.
Instituting rate limiting of profile picture requests, to further prevent any third parties from trying to link people's activity across different websites using the application-specific identifiers issued by Facebook Login.
We don’t take breaking changes lightly, but we believe that these updates will help protect people’s privacy and increase trust across the ecosystem. If you have an urgent issue in need of resolution, please fill out this form and someone from our team will get in touch with you.
Thank you for your patience while we work to resolve this issue as soon as possible.


(#200) Access to this data is temporarily disabled for non-active accounts due to changes we are making to the Facebook Platform [duplicate]

We have some code that uses Facebook Open Graph API to display some posts on our home page. It was originally developed by a previous developer and I rewrote it in ASP.NET MVC for our home page (where before it was PHP which I believe was loaded in an iframe). At that time, I used the app ID and secret that were left to me. This has functioned fine for a couple of years. This afternoon, we started getting an error back on our site: "Access to this data is temporarily disabled for non-active accounts due to changes we are making to the Facebook Platform".
No sweat. I figured I just needed to update our ID and secret. Unfortunately, no one seems to remember the user ID that was in control of that app ID. No sweat. I'll make my own. Unfortunately, any ID and secret I use to access posts -- even my own posts on a page totally not related to work -- returns the same access error. I can get name or cover or some other fields, but as soon as I request any posts, I get the error.
Here's an example of what I'm trying:,name,likes,link,posts.limit(5){created_time,message,link,type,full_picture,picture,source,icon}&access_token=bunchofnumbers|bunchofnumbersandletters
I am aware of the status post at, but I think I must be doing something wrong since I can't even create new appIDs to get posts with.
Why does Facebook Graph API say my account is non-active?
Please read this article:
Mark Zuckerberg apologises for Facebook's 'mistakes' over Cambridge Analytica
Cambridge University researcher named Aleksandr Kogan had used an app to extract the information of more than 50 million people, and then transferred it to Cambridge Analytica for commercial and political use.
So facebook is changing its policies so that the personal data could be made more secure.
Until then you cant do anything about it.
I solved the problem on my website by removing the events from the fetched fields list
We started seeing this same error message on our platform today. I think there are a few things going on that all tie together:
As others have mentioned, there have been rapid and major responses by Facebook to increase data protection and privacy in light of the Cambridge Analytica incident. From what I understand, the bad actors exploited the ability access the data of Users (via the graph) that the app did not have an active, first-party relationship with. So, sort of like how "6 degrees of separation" would get you the whole planet, the 1 degree of separation on the few-hundred-thousand Users that connected with the app directly gave the app access to roughly 50 Million users...or something like that. FB is doing what they can to lock that stuff down now, big time.
The specific cause of your error is that something you're asking for in the fields parameter makes a leap (from the either the myCompany or the OAuth'd User/App whose access_token you are using) to a related item/items that FB now deems must have an "active" first-party/direct relationship with your Company/App/User in order to access. This is why you see the somewhat cryptic "non-active accounts" mentioning. I think they really mean that it's not "active with you or your app".
I'm not sure which one of the fields you request is at fault, but some trial-and-error will lead you to it. For us, it was clear: we were asking for the Members of all the Groups that User had access to. We didn't need that, so we cut it out and the error went away.
Facebook today updated the term and conditions
My understanding is that if your not a production app, they are limiting your for specific reasons. Unclear if thats because of Cambridge Leak, or upgrading the instagram api.
I also received the same error, however, if you are testing, you can hard code the graph api explorer token into your app to continue testing...
var data {
'accessToken': 'EEAC...',
FB.api('/' + id, getData, data, (_response) => {
Right now I am working with Facebook Open Graph API. And I was having this error every time I wanted to access/get the member (and their basic info) of the groups I am Admin.
"error": {
"message": "(#200) Access to this data is temporarily disabled for non-active accounts due to changes we are making to the Facebook Platform",
"type": "OAuthException",
"code": 200,
"fbtrace_id": "Byueyj6MtkoIx"
In between trial and error #JoshChristy was getting all the desired results! And after couple hours of research we discovered that facebook recognize some account as "non-active" and some "active" (I don't know based on what!) because I am pretty much active in facebook.
So, if you are getting this error that means you are not active enough for facebook ;)
I had this problem. It's solved automatically. I think it's a Facebook issue.
For me it work if I leave just one field - "name". If I add "link" and/or "events" fields it returns error
I was able to get Facebook Page Access token using the method below.
For anyone who may already have an app which has been reviewed can use that app's details as a temporary fix until Facebook is done with their API enhancements. Meaning you'll have to add the relevant redirect uris to the reviewed app as well as use that app's App Id and App Secret.
This works for retrieving page feeds and leads, I wasn't able to retrieve conversations. Also the permissions I requested were { scope: 'ads_management,ads_read,manage_pages' }
In our case, we retrieved, for example, a page access_token with a page ID using like this:'v2.12/'+pageid, 'GET', {fields: "access_token"}, token)
ended up with the error you mentioned.
However, we took a normal approach and all looks good now.
Same thing I just noticed too, and they kept my lead gen ads running and charging me eventhough they blocked the data.
Luckily going into ad manager directly you can still download the CSV/XLS files.
What is issue?
This error is due to recent action taken by Facebook. They said ” Access to certain types of API data is paused for non-active accounts due to changes we are making to the Facebook Platform” So if your account is non-active and you have created App using it then it might possible you get this error in your Plugin. Facebook Issue link is
When it will resolved?
Facebook has temporarily disabled some non-active accounts as they mentioned they haven’t given any estimated time to fix issue but it should get activated soon.
You can find more update on facebook Event API here

Why does Facebook Graph API say my account is non-active?

We have some code that uses Facebook Open Graph API to display some posts on our home page. It was originally developed by a previous developer and I rewrote it in ASP.NET MVC for our home page (where before it was PHP which I believe was loaded in an iframe). At that time, I used the app ID and secret that were left to me. This has functioned fine for a couple of years. This afternoon, we started getting an error back on our site: "Access to this data is temporarily disabled for non-active accounts due to changes we are making to the Facebook Platform".
No sweat. I figured I just needed to update our ID and secret. Unfortunately, no one seems to remember the user ID that was in control of that app ID. No sweat. I'll make my own. Unfortunately, any ID and secret I use to access posts -- even my own posts on a page totally not related to work -- returns the same access error. I can get name or cover or some other fields, but as soon as I request any posts, I get the error.
Here's an example of what I'm trying:,name,likes,link,posts.limit(5){created_time,message,link,type,full_picture,picture,source,icon}&access_token=bunchofnumbers|bunchofnumbersandletters
I am aware of the status post at, but I think I must be doing something wrong since I can't even create new appIDs to get posts with.
Why does Facebook Graph API say my account is non-active?
Please read this article:
Mark Zuckerberg apologises for Facebook's 'mistakes' over Cambridge Analytica
Cambridge University researcher named Aleksandr Kogan had used an app to extract the information of more than 50 million people, and then transferred it to Cambridge Analytica for commercial and political use.
So facebook is changing its policies so that the personal data could be made more secure.
Until then you cant do anything about it.
I solved the problem on my website by removing the events from the fetched fields list
We started seeing this same error message on our platform today. I think there are a few things going on that all tie together:
As others have mentioned, there have been rapid and major responses by Facebook to increase data protection and privacy in light of the Cambridge Analytica incident. From what I understand, the bad actors exploited the ability access the data of Users (via the graph) that the app did not have an active, first-party relationship with. So, sort of like how "6 degrees of separation" would get you the whole planet, the 1 degree of separation on the few-hundred-thousand Users that connected with the app directly gave the app access to roughly 50 Million users...or something like that. FB is doing what they can to lock that stuff down now, big time.
The specific cause of your error is that something you're asking for in the fields parameter makes a leap (from the either the myCompany or the OAuth'd User/App whose access_token you are using) to a related item/items that FB now deems must have an "active" first-party/direct relationship with your Company/App/User in order to access. This is why you see the somewhat cryptic "non-active accounts" mentioning. I think they really mean that it's not "active with you or your app".
I'm not sure which one of the fields you request is at fault, but some trial-and-error will lead you to it. For us, it was clear: we were asking for the Members of all the Groups that User had access to. We didn't need that, so we cut it out and the error went away.
Facebook today updated the term and conditions
My understanding is that if your not a production app, they are limiting your for specific reasons. Unclear if thats because of Cambridge Leak, or upgrading the instagram api.
I also received the same error, however, if you are testing, you can hard code the graph api explorer token into your app to continue testing...
var data {
'accessToken': 'EEAC...',
FB.api('/' + id, getData, data, (_response) => {
Right now I am working with Facebook Open Graph API. And I was having this error every time I wanted to access/get the member (and their basic info) of the groups I am Admin.
"error": {
"message": "(#200) Access to this data is temporarily disabled for non-active accounts due to changes we are making to the Facebook Platform",
"type": "OAuthException",
"code": 200,
"fbtrace_id": "Byueyj6MtkoIx"
In between trial and error #JoshChristy was getting all the desired results! And after couple hours of research we discovered that facebook recognize some account as "non-active" and some "active" (I don't know based on what!) because I am pretty much active in facebook.
So, if you are getting this error that means you are not active enough for facebook ;)
I had this problem. It's solved automatically. I think it's a Facebook issue.
For me it work if I leave just one field - "name". If I add "link" and/or "events" fields it returns error
I was able to get Facebook Page Access token using the method below.
For anyone who may already have an app which has been reviewed can use that app's details as a temporary fix until Facebook is done with their API enhancements. Meaning you'll have to add the relevant redirect uris to the reviewed app as well as use that app's App Id and App Secret.
This works for retrieving page feeds and leads, I wasn't able to retrieve conversations. Also the permissions I requested were { scope: 'ads_management,ads_read,manage_pages' }
In our case, we retrieved, for example, a page access_token with a page ID using like this:'v2.12/'+pageid, 'GET', {fields: "access_token"}, token)
ended up with the error you mentioned.
However, we took a normal approach and all looks good now.
Same thing I just noticed too, and they kept my lead gen ads running and charging me eventhough they blocked the data.
Luckily going into ad manager directly you can still download the CSV/XLS files.
What is issue?
This error is due to recent action taken by Facebook. They said ” Access to certain types of API data is paused for non-active accounts due to changes we are making to the Facebook Platform” So if your account is non-active and you have created App using it then it might possible you get this error in your Plugin. Facebook Issue link is
When it will resolved?
Facebook has temporarily disabled some non-active accounts as they mentioned they haven’t given any estimated time to fix issue but it should get activated soon.
You can find more update on facebook Event API here

Can't get facebook app approved at Facebook because the app is only available internally

I have a facebook user who is the owner of the company I work for. He has a single Facebook page, which is the "company page" on Facebook. He created a FB "app" with permissions "manage_pages" and "publish_actions". So the FB api can post to his FB Page, on his behalf, as the app.
Inside the company, we have a few hundred people that use an intranet-based software app. When the users engage in a certain function in the software, the code uses the Facebook API to post a message to the public company page using an access token of the FB account of the company owner. This system works great, but the app is not yet approved, so no one can actually see the posts on the FB page except the company owner.
The software is only available inside the company building, it's not reachable via the Internet. There would be serious intellectual property concerns with allowing an anonymous facebook employee into it. There would be security concerns about making this all public on the web. So I have to presume that FB will not be able to see the backend here - where the posts are created.
So because of this, I've run into problems getting the app reviewed because I have no way to let Facebook reviewers actually see the software where the user creates the post, as they requested.
Is this considered a non-starter setup by FB, or does FB have any contingency for this situation? Or do they expect every FB app to be used in a completely public environment? I'm just thinking surely I'm not the only person trying to use a FB app to post to a company page from a publicly-inaccessible place inside that company?
This was the answer to the problem, thank you CBroe: It is not a matter of approval that makes the app's postings viewable by everybody, but simply of the app still being in development mode.
The actual Facebook gui in the app dashboard doesn't say "development mode" on/off like it used to. It now says "do you want to make this app live to the public". I selected "yes" which made the app's postings viewable by everybody.
In my case, the original confusion stemmed from the fact that we didn't want to make the app live to the public, we only want our one company owner to use the app - so we naturally did not change that setting to "live".

How to authorize Facebook App for basic permissions without showing Authorization Dialog

From the documentation it seems that the user should always authorize the Facebook application even to access basic permissions.
However, sites like Rotten Tomatoes and auto-authorize the logged facebook user without showing the authorization dialog. If you visit one of those sites for the first time they will be able to access your public data without you authorizing it. If I go to the Apps on my facebook settings, an entry will appear showing that I gave access to those applications (but I DID NOT).
How can this be possible? Is it related to the "Instant Personalization" feature for selected partners?
Well, I was doing some research and yes, it's all about Instant Personalization.
From Facebook:
We've partnered with a few websites to provide you with great,
personalized experiences the moment you arrive, such as immediately
playing the music you like or displaying friends' reviews. To tailor
your experience, these partners only access public information (like
your name and profile picture) and other information you've made
From one of its partners:
So -at the time I'm writing this- unless you're a partner of Facebook, you'll have to show the old OAuth dialog.
Hope it helps!

Facebook - public posts not appearing in Graph?

I am currently trying to get the posts for a specific user from Facebook's Graph API. I have done this numerous times before using a php script I have developed; but the problem this time seems to be on Facebook's end, not mine.
I am trying to get the posts from (replacing TOKEN with an access token):
The graph won't show any posts by the owner of that page but will show everyone else's posts, and as far as I can see the posts are marked as public, and there are no privacy settings set on the account that would stop it from adding the posts to the graph.
Any ideas?
Check that you have requested the manage_pages permission to give you full access to the page (if you need access as the "page owner").
Using the access_token you've got, according to this documentation there are three different things that you can select feed, statuses and posts.
I'd give those three a go from and if what you get back is what you require.
You need to check the "profile" privacy settings (what to share with apps). But most importantly, this is against Facebook ToS!
You can't use a user profile to represent your business, you need to use Facebook pages instead!
More can found here:
Why should I convert my profile (timeline) to a Page?
Since profiles
(timelines) are for meant individual people, they aren't suited to
meet your business needs. Pages offer more robust features for
organizations, businesses, brands, and public figures, which you can
learn more about here.
Further, maintaining a profile (timeline) for anything other than an
individual person is a violation of Facebook's Statement of Rights and
Responsibilities. If you don’t convert your profile (timeline) to a
Page, you risk permanently losing access to the profile (timeline) and
all of your content.