Confluent 4.1.0 KSQL Issue (Cannot override property 'bootstrap.servers') - confluent-platform

I am using confluent 4.0.1
I am starting the KSQL CLI with the following command.
./bin/ksql --config-file etc/ksql/ --
When I try to query the streams or create new streams I am getting following error.
ksql> select * from TLS_FAX_MSG_CONTROL_STREAM;
Cannot override property 'bootstrap.servers'
I have verified all the config and it looks good.
We never get such error in 0.5 version.

I was using the servers for the CLI. Please have a look at this document to learn about which configurations you can override in the CLI.
I recommend that you don't specify a config file to the CLI at all unless you really need to override one of the overridable properties.
This is what is happening here.
I start the CLI using the following command.
./bin/ksql --config-file etc/ksql/ --
It fails to query the broker complaining about the issue as mentioned in the question.
When I remove the --config-file from the command it works.
After login when I check the properties as shown below:
Property | Value
ksql.schema.registry.url |
listeners |
bootstrap.servers |
I guess when you the properties file with one of the above configurations. It tries to override it and fails.


Debezium Server and using variables in the file

I'm trying to get Debezium Server running so that I can use GCP (Google) PubSub, and not have to use Kafka and the Kafka connectors. I have it mostly running, however, I'm having trouble with the using variables in the tranforms section to define a Topic name.
According to the documentation, when using the Outbox transformation, I can choose the Topic name by using the variable ${routedByValue} for the setting route.topic.replacement and this will use the value that is determined by the setting If the replacement setting is omitted, it will use a default topic name of outbox.event.< value>.
When I try to use this variable in the '' file ...
... the Debezium Server stops with a NoSuchElementException, saying it cannot expand routedByValue. If I omit that setting, it works fine and defines the topic name as outbox.event.< value>.
How can I use this variable correctly in the '' file so I can customise the topic name (e.g. route.topic.replace=myservice.${routedByValue})?
The way I got this to work was to do the following ...
I believe this works because omitted from the config is another setting - debezium.transforms.outbox.route.topic.regex - and this has a default value of - (?<routedByValue>.*).
If I understand the documentation correctly, the $1 refers to the first group in the regex expression. In my case, this will return whatever the value of aggregrate_type equates to.
I'm using Debezium Server 2.1 with Pulsar as sink type and the #Dazfl answer solve my issue !
Although the Debezium Server docs says to use $routedByValue, this do not works as expeceted...

Create ActiveMQ Artemis broker with command line only

I'm trying to create an ActiveMQ Artemis broker instance using the command-line only but it seems that allow-anonymous option is ignored and the question "Allow anonymous?" comes anyway after I run the create command like this:
./artemis-2.17.0/bin/artemis create --user=test --password=test --allow-anonymous=Y ./broker-name
What is the right way to pass the allow-anonymous option and avoid to get that question?
If you run this command you will see all the available options for the create command:
artemis help create
One of these options is --allow-anonymous. This doesn't need to be set to any value. Also the options which do take a value do not need the equal sign (=). Therefore, your command should look like this:
artemis create --user test --password test --allow-anonymous ./broker-name

How to connect Ksql with ibm-cloud event-stream?

we created a project with ibm functions and event-streams in IBM Cloud.
Now, I am trying to connect KSQL with IBM cloud Event Stream, and I am following along the Document for getting basic ideas of integration.
By following the instructions, I created a file called and modified bootstrap.servers, username, password according to my credentials. Then I ran ksql http://localhost:8088 --config-file with ksql local cli. I assume everying runs correctly so far since the ksql> shows in the front of every new line...
Then I decided to check if the ksql connected with my ibm cloud by running SHOW topics;
Turns out some error lines:
`Error issuing POST to KSQL server. path:ksql'`
`Caused by: com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.JsonMappingException: Failed to set 'ssl.protocol' to 'TLSv1.2' (through reference chain:["streamsProperties"])`
`Caused by: Failed to set 'ssl.protocol' to 'TLSv1.2' (through reference chain:["streamsProperties"])
`Caused by: Failed to set 'ssl.protocol' to 'TLSv1.2'`
`Caused by: Cannot override property 'ssl.protocol'`
Also, I am quick lost at step 4 when it tells me to:
`Then start DataGen twice as follows:
i. With bootstrap-server=HOSTNAME:PORTNUMBER quickstart=users format=json topic=users maxInterval=10000 to start creating users events.
ii. With bootstrap-server=HOSTNAME:PORTNUMBER quickstart=pageviews format=delimited topic=pageviews maxInterval=10000 to start creating pageviews events.`
Is there anyone have done this before or would love to help me out? Thank you very much!!!
The IBM document is very out of date. KSQL runs as a client/server. The server needs to be run with the details of the broker, and then you can connect to it with a client, including the CLI, REST API, or web interface provided by Confluent Control Center.
So you need to run the KSQL server using your properties file:
and then connect to it with the CLI (for example):
./bin/ksql http://localhost:8088
See for more information.

Use log4j to log message in liberty console

Our log server consumes our log messages through kubernetes pods sysout formatted in json and indexes json fields.
We need to specify some predefined fields in messages, so that we can track transactions across pods.
For one of our pod we use Liberty profile and have issue to configure logging for these needs.
One idea was to use log4j to send customized json message in console. But all message are corrupted by Liberty log system that handles and modifies all logs done in console. I failed to configure Liberty logging parameters (copySystemStreams = false, console log level = NO) for my needs and always have liberty modify my outputs and interleaved non json messages.
To workaround all that I used liberty consoleFormat="json" logging parameter, but this introduced unnecessary fields and also do not allow me to specify my custom fields.
Is it possible to control liberty logging and console ?
What is the best way to do my use case with Liberty (and if possible Log4j)
As you mentioned, Liberty has the ability to log to console in JSON format [1]. The two problems you mentioned with that, for your use case, are 1) unnecessary fields, and 2) did not allow you to specify your custom fields.
Regarding unnecessary fields, Liberty has a fixed set of fields in its JSON schema, which you cannot customize. If you find you don't want some of the fields I can think of a few options:
use Logstash.
Some log handling tools, like Logstash, allow you to remove [2] or mutate [3] fields. If you are sending your logs to Logstash you could adjust the JSON to your needs that way.
change the JSON format Liberty sends to stdout using jq.
The default CMD (from the websphere-liberty:kernel Dockerfile) is:
CMD ["/opt/ibm/wlp/bin/server", "run", "defaultServer"]
You can add your own CMD to your Dockerfile to override that as follows (adjust jq command as needed):
CMD /opt/ibm/wlp/bin/server run defaultServer | grep --line-buffered "}" | jq -c '{ibm_datetime, message}'
If your use case also requires sending log4J output to stdout, I would suggest changing the Dockerfile CMD to run a script you add to the image. In that script you would need to tail your log4J log file as follows (this could be combined with the above advice on how to change the CMD to use jq as well)
`tail -F myLog.json &`
`/opt/ibm/wlp/bin/server run defaultServer`
Just in case it helps, I ran into the same issue and the best solution I found was:
Convert app to use java.util.Logging (JUL)
In server.xml add <logging consoleSource="message,trace" consoleFormat="json" traceSpecification="{package}={level}"/> (swap package and level as required).
Add a that contains
This will give you consistent server and application logging in JSON. A couple of lines at the boot of the server are not json but that was one empty line and a "Launching defaultServer..." line.
I too wanted the JSON structure to be consistent with other containers using Log4j2 so, I followed the advice from dbourne above and add jq to my CMD in my dockerfile to reformat the JSON:
CMD /opt/ol/wlp/bin/server run defaultServer | stdbuf -o0 -i0 -e0 jq -crR '. as $line | try (fromjson | {level: .loglevel, message: .message, loggerName: .module, thread: .ext_thread}) catch $line'
The stdbuf -o0 -i0 -e0 stops pipe ("|") from buffering its output.
This strips out the liberty specific json attributes, which is either good or bad depending on your perspective. I don't need to new values so I don't have a good recommendation for that.
Although the JUL API is not quite as nice as Log4j2 or SLF4j, it's very little code to wrap the JUL API in something closer to Log4j2 E.g. to have varargs rather than an Object[].
OpenLiberty will also dynamically change logging if you edit the server.xml so, it pretty much has all the necessary bits; IMHO.

Getting null.txt file when using Cygnus HDFS sink

I'm using Cygnus 0.5 with default configuration for HDFS sink. In order make it to run, I have deactivated the "ds" interceptor (otherwise I get an error at start time that precludes Cygnus to start, related with not finding the matching table file).
Cygnus seems to work, but the file in which entity information is stored in HDFS gets a weird name: "null.txt". How can I fix this?
First of all do no deactivate the DestinationExtractor interceptor. This is the piece of code infering the destination the context data notified by Orion is going to be persisted. Please observe the destination may refer to a HDFS file name, a MySQL table name or a CKAN resource name, it depends on the sinks you have configured. Once infered, the destination is added to the internal Flume event as a header called destination in order the sinks know where to persist. Thus, if deactivated, such a header is not found by the sinks and a null name is used as the destination name.
Regarding the "matching table file not found" problem you experienced (and which leaded you yo deactivate the Interceptor), it was due to the Cygnus configuration template had a bad default value for the parameter. This has been solved in Cygnus 0.5.1.
A workaround while Cygnus 0.5.1 gets released is:
Do no deactivate the DestinatonExtractor (as #frb says in his answer)
Create an empty matching table file and use it for the matching_table configuration, i.e.: touch /tmp/dummy_table.conf then set in the cygnus configuration file: = /tmp/dummy_table.conf