type for list of resources or downloads -

What schema would be most appropriate for a resource library of downloadable assets?
I can't seem to find anything on that does well outside of maybe recorded events.
Example resource
Whitepaper, Date, Description, Link
Webinar, Date, Presenter, Description, Link
For the past webinars, I could probably use Creative Work type. For other documents I'm really not sure.


Google requiring certain properties for certain types when adding markup?

I tried to add markup on my site, with the type Article, then adding some properties on it, when checked on Google Structured Data Testing Tool, it said required certain properties, like dataPublished, author etc.
I can add some properties to meet the requirement, but not all of them. Is this requirement real? I mean really required by the rule? Or just Google rule? I came across this page It said for non-AMP, those requirements are only optional (ignored or recommended, non of them said required for non-AMP).
This get me confused, anyone knows about this, what's your opinion? Do Google Structured Data Testing Tool already include AMP requirement?
These are required/recommended for getting one of Google’s search features.
If you don’t want that Google search feature, or if you can’t provide all necessary properties, you can keep everything like it is and ignore the errors and warnings.
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How do you tell Google to not read the fragment as an article?

Using the Structured Data Tool in Google Webmaster Tools I have an error where Google says we are missing the required author, updated fields etc. for an entry that we do not want to have these fields.
Is there a way to tell Google that this is not an Item/Article?
No, there is no way. Google recognizes that you are using it, and either reports that you are not using the Microformat correctly (in which case it’d be a "Microformat error", if there would be such a thing), or that it doesn’t suffice Google’s guidelines for displaying a Rich Snippet (in which case it would be no error, just a notice).
The Microformat hEntry requires entry-title, updated, and author. The Microformat h-entry has no required properties.

google text search vs. metadata search

I'm very interested in search engines.
Today in a talk I heard that google performs a text search, while more complex engines could rely on the use of metadata, which is apparently not so used by google.
Which is the difference between text search and metadata search?
Could you provide some links where I can go deeper on this subject?
Metadata is 100% text.
The reason why Google doesn't use it is because people tend to lie about their content (not automatically on purpose.)
Now, what Google doesn't use is the Keywords meta data tag (although they may be checking it out to see whether you're a liar...) They do use the other meta tags.
I just wrote a long list of meta tags supported by many systems. I still need to add many more, but out of those that are there the og:image and description and some others are very useful. html tags for property website?

I've googled a lot but it seems to be rather difficult to find complete references on the web that is easily digestable,
I've got a fully functioning html5 website that allows people to list their property online and run it in an ebay fashion, although I'd like to optimise my code with schema html tags, from what I gather I can use the item but I was wondering if there is anything dedicated more to property and also I wanted to ask if anybody managed to get the userinteraction tags working, for stuff like PageLikes etc
Depending on the property, you could use or any other kind of Also there are subtypes of if you're allowing those kinds of properties. Really the list is pretty extensive of the types of properties you could have. See for the entire list of types.

Attaching a tag

What is the actual procedure for attaching multiple tags to a particular content in a project development. What is this tagging all about???
I need to create a tag cloud for my project in .NET using c#. Help me out as a beginner for basic tagging concept.
Tags are key words add information about the item being tagged. Tags add semantic information about something in an effort to further it.
For instance, A picture of your father on his birthday could be tagged 'dad','family','event','birthday' etc...
By adding tags to the picture you add context and make the image more easily indexable, sortable and searchable.
Tags are purposely generic and flexible because different people can place different personal meaning to the same artifact, or the same person may apply different meaning in different contexts - like adding the same picture to a stock photography web site or checking it into a source code repository as part of a project.
Generally the procedure is to ask the owner of the item to add a list of tags in a text field. Some sites like stackoverflow constrain (most) users to use existing tags, others like delicious make the tags up to the user.
A tag in the software context typically means a meaningful name or attribute being assigned to that software. In version control scenarios a tag is a meaningful name given to a particular state of the files represented by that name. For example the tag 20090401 might be assigned to the source code as it looked on April 1, 2009. Tagging something can also mean describing it or categorizing it. For example software such as IE8, Chrome, or Firefox might all be tagged "Browsers" to categorize them on a download page. Allowing users to create tags and use existing tags is a powerful method to categorize content and help people zero in on items of interest. A tag is simply an extra tidbit of information a person can gain insight into data with.
Multiple tagging is useful for many reasons in software development. For example in my git repository I have a habit of creating tags based on date which can easily be ordered and parsed by a computer. I can also give changes a more human consumable name such as the tag "Deleted_Duplicates", or "RC1", or "V1_Delievered_To_Michigan". This allows for an understanding while also allowing for machine processing.