The Script:
Creates a list of folders based on the filenames in the scripts root directory, each folder breaks down the name by "Year/Month/Day"
Moves each file to the designated folder
Error Message:
CategoryInfo : ObjectNotFound:
[Move-Item], ItemNotFoundException FullyQualifiedErrorId :
My Issue
The files will not move to the correct endpath
#Create Directory
Set-StrictMode -Version 2
$rootPath = split-path -parent $MyInvocation.MyCommand.Definition
cd $rootPath
$FileNameArray = Get-ChildItem -Filter "*.txt"
$FileNameArray = $FileNameArray -replace "....$"
$FileNameArray = $FileNameArray -replace "^59_"
Foreach($f in $FileNameArray)
$Year = $f -replace "^\d{0}|\d{4}$" #"....$"
$Month = $f -replace "^\d{4}|\d{2}$"
$Month = $Month | sort -Unique
$Day = $f -replace "^\d{6}|\d{0}$"
#Loop 2a
Foreach($m1 in $Month){
#Loop 2a-a
Foreach($d1 in $Day){
Move-Item -Path ($rootPath + '\59_' + $file + '.txt')
-Destination ($rootPath + '\' + $Year + '\' + $m1 + '\' + $d1)
Apologies for the spaghetti code & simple question, I am new to both Computer Science and PowerShell.
The following script has two security features:
The MD command has a trailing -confirm you have to answer
The Move-Item has a -WhatIf which shows what would be done without the Parameter
If the script works OK, remove them both.
## Q:\Test\2018\05\03\SO_50158185.ps1
Set-StrictMode -Version 2
$rootPath = Split-Path -Parent $MyInvocation.MyCommand.Definition
cd $rootPath
Get-ChildItem "59_20[0-9][0-9][0-1][0-9][0-3][0-9].txt" |
Where-Object {$_.BaseName -Match '59_(?<year>\d{4})(?<Month>\d{2})(?<Day>\d{2})'}|
ForEach-Object {
$DestDir = Join-Path $rootPath ("{0}\{1}\{2}" -f $Matches.Year,$Matches.Month,$Matches.Day)
If (!(Test-Path $DestDir)) {MD $DestDir -Confirm| Out-Null}
$_ | Move-Item -Destination $DestDir -WhatIf
Figured it out guys! Just needed to change $file to $f. Thanks for all the help.
I have to move files from a folder corresponding to a CSV column like that :
So if in my folder I have a file named file1 I need to create a folder named 1a and put file1 inside.
I have the following script
$CsvId = Import-Csv './test.csv'
$sourcePath= "C:\Users\olong\Desktop\object"
$dirPath = "C:\Users\olong\Desktop\dir"
$files = Get-ChildItem -Path $sourcePath | ForEach-Object -Process {[System.IO.Path]::GetFileNameWithoutExtension($_)}
$pattern = '(?<=_).*(?=_)'
ForEach ($item In $CsvId) {
$objectID = $item.'id'
$docID = $item.'name'
$location = $dirPath+ "\" + $objectID
Foreach ($file in $files) {
if($file -contains $docID) {
if (-not (Test-Path -Path $location)) {
mkdir -Path $location
Move-Item ($file.FullName) -Destination $location -Verbose -Force
But it gives me that error :
Move-Item : Cannot bind argument to parameter 'Path' because it is null.
At C:\Users\olong\Desktop\scriptMove.ps1:19 char:15
+ Move-Item ($file.FullName) -Destination $location -Verbose -Force
+ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+ CategoryInfo : InvalidData: (:) [Move-Item], ParameterBindingValidationException
+ FullyQualifiedErrorId : ParameterArgumentValidationErrorNullNotAllowed,Microsoft.PowerShell.Commands.MoveItemCommand
With PowerShell's debugger $file is not null and with or without parenthesis on $file.FullName does nothing
I think what you want to do is to get the file(s) as mentioned in the csv under header 'name' having any extension into a subfolder as mentioned in field 'id' and create that subfolder first if it does not already exist.
If my assumtion is correct, you can try below:
$sourcePath = "C:\Users\olong\Desktop\object"
$destinationPath = "C:\Users\olong\Desktop\dir"
Import-Csv -Path './test.csv' | ForEach-Object {
$targetDirectory = Join-Path -Path $destinationPath -ChildPath $
# create the output subfolder if it does not already exist
$null = New-Item -Path $targetDirectory -ItemType Directory -Force
# next use the file basename from the $ column as filter and move the file(s)
Get-ChildItem -Path $sourcePath -Filter "$($*" -File | Move-Item -Destination $targetDirectory
I am trying to copy latest 30days files to the folder by this code:
$month = (get-date).AddDays(-30).ToString("yyyMM")
$lastmonthfiles = Write-Host (-join('DCP_', $month,"*.csv"))
Copy-Item -Path Write-Host (-join ("C:\DC+\History\", $lastmonthfiles)) -Destination C:\DC+\History\Backup
but I am having a problem in path in copy-item instruction, which is
Copy-Item : A positional parameter cannot be found that accepts argument 'C:\DC+\History\'.
At line:5 char:1
+ Copy-Item -Path Write-Host (-join ("C:\DC+\History\", $lastmonthfiles ...
+ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+ CategoryInfo : InvalidArgument: (:) [Copy-Item], ParameterBindingException
+ FullyQualifiedErrorId : PositionalParameterNotFound,Microsoft.PowerShell.Commands.CopyItemCommand
I am new in PowerShell, and programming so, I could not understand, how can I update and achieve a goal.
Try this:
$Source = Get-Item "C:\Games"
$Destination = "E:\Backup"
$LogFile = "C:\Copy-LogFile.txt"
Copy-Item -Path $( $Source | Where LastWriteTime -LE (Get-Date).AddDays(-30) ) -Destination $Destination -Recurse -PassThru |
Out-File $LogFile -Force
This takes care of your copy function and generates an output log.
Sorry, but your code makes no sense to me...
If it is your aim to copy files to a subfolder in a backup path, try this:
# get the date to use as subfolder to copy to and also to filter the last 30 days files
$refDate = (Get-Date).AddDays(-30).Date # .Date sets it to midnight
# set this variable to the folder where the csv are to be found
$sourceFolder = 'X:\Path\To\Where\The\Files\Are'
# create a destination path to copy to (just a string)
$destination = Join-Path -Path 'C:\DC+\History\Backup' -ChildPath ($refDate.ToString("yyyMM"))
# create this destination folder
$null = New-Item -Path $destination -ItemType Directory -Force
# get the files and copy them to the destination folder
Get-ChildItem -Path $sourceFolder -Filter '*.csv' -File | # filter on CSV fies only
Where-Object { $_.LastWriteTime -ge $refDate } | # filter on date 'last 30 days'
Copy-Item -Destination $destination -Force
I currently have the following script that im running in PowerShell. I want to get a list of files in the directory of where the PS script resides, i want all files where the lastmodifieddate is more than 30 days ago and then move them. Im not sure what im doing wrong here.
param (
$path = (Get-Item -Path ".\").FullName
Get-ChildItem $path\* -Include *.xlsx|
Where-Object {$_.LastWriteTime -lt (Get-Date).AddDays(-30)}
Foreach-Object {
$content = $path + "\" + $_.Name
$year = (Get-Item $content).LastWriteTime.year.ToString()
$monthNumber = (Get-Item $content).LastWriteTime.month
$month = (Get-Culture).DateTimeFormat.GetMonthName($monthNumber)
$destination = $destinationRoot + "\" + $year + "\" + $month
New-Item -ItemType Directory -Force -Path $destination
Move-Item -Path $content -Destination $destination -force
I use -f for format string
Not necessary to use $path
Use -File to exclude directory and -Filter for filter extension
You can rectify your code like this :
param (
Get-ChildItem -File -Filter "*.xlsx" | Where LastWriteTime -lt (Get-Date).AddDays(-10) | %{
$destination= "{0}\{1:yyyy\\MMMM}" -f $destinationRoot, $_.LastWriteTime
New-Item -ItemType Directory -Force -Path $destination
Move-Item $_.FullName -Destination $destination -Force
I want to remove bak files after zip from all subfolder for given path, so all duplicate files with extension .bak will be removed,i run below script but getting error.
$filePath = "d:\Test\"
$Afiles = Get-ChildItem -Recurse -Path $filePath | Where-Object {$_.Extension -eq ".bak"}
$Bfiles = Get-ChildItem -Recurse -Path $filePath | Where-Object {$_.Extension -eq ".7z"}
$Alist = #()
$Blist = #()
foreach( $A in $Afiles) {
$Alist += $A.baseName
foreach( $B in $Bfiles) {
$Blist += $B.baseName
foreach($A in $Alist) {
if($Blist -contains $a)
rm ("$A.bak")
I am receiving below error :
Remove-Item : Cannot find path 'C:\Users\******\Desktop\master_backup_2015_08_21_013722_8370267.bak' because it does not exist.
At C:\Users\*****\Desktop\duplicatedelete1.ps1:26 char:10
+ rm <<<< ("$A.bak")
+ CategoryInfo : ObjectNotFound: (C:\Users\****....722_8370267.bak:String) [Remove-Item], ItemNotFoundException
+ FullyQualifiedErrorId : PathNotFound,Microsoft.PowerShell.Commands.RemoveItemCommand
You're receiving error because you're not specifying full path for rm command and PowerShell tries to delete file in your current directory.
Try this:
$Path = 'D:\Test'
Get-ChildItem -Path $Path -Recurse -Filter '*.7z' | ForEach-Object {
$BackupFile = Join-Path -Path (Split-Path $_.FullName -Parent) -ChildPath ($_.BaseName + '.bak')
if(Test-Path -Path $BackupFile){
Remove-Item -Path $BackupFile
I'm trying to login to multiple servers and then get list of files from those servers.
Below is my script:
$ServerName=Get-content "D:\HOMEWARE\BLRMorningCheck\Jerry\servername.txt"
foreach ($server in $ServerName)
$server_host=echo $server | %{$data = $_.split(";"); Write-Output "$($data[0])"}
$Targetfolder=echo $server | %{$data = $_.split(";"); Write-Output "$($data[1])"}
$Extension =#("*.log","*.txt*")
$Files = Get-Childitem $TargetFolder -Include $Extension -Recurse
echo $Files
When I run I debug mode I see that it really doesnt pick the files.
Get-ChildItem : Illegal characters in path.
At D:\HOMEWARE\BLRMorningCheck\Jerry\test.ps1:14 char:23
+ $Files = Get-Childitem <<<< $TargetFolder -Include $Extension -Recurse
+ CategoryInfo : InvalidArgument: (D:\HOMEWARE\\Jerry\Check":String) [Get-ChildItem], ArgumentException
+ FullyQualifiedErrorId : ItemExistsArgumentError,Microsoft.PowerShell.Commands.GetChildItemCommand
Get-ChildItem : Cannot find path 'D:\HOMEWARE\BLRMorningCheck\Jerry\"\srvparrtfh01\d$\HOMEWARE\BLRMorningCheck\Jerry\Check"' because it does not exist.
At D:\HOMEWARE\BLRMorningCheck\Jerry\test.ps1:14 char:23
+ $Files = Get-Childitem <<<< $TargetFolder -Include $Extension -Recurse
+ CategoryInfo : ObjectNotFound: (D:\HOMEWARE\\Jerry\Check":String) [Get-ChildItem], ItemNotFoundException
+ FullyQualifiedErrorId : PathNotFound,Microsoft.PowerShell.Commands.GetChildItemCommand
Note: If I run it manually, example
$Files = Get-Childitem \\servername\d$\HOMEWARE\BLRMorningCheck\Jerry\Check -Include "*.log","*.txt*" -Recurse
I get the output.
As #arco444 and #PetSerAl mentioned in the comments: your path string has leading/trailing double quotes, which are invalid characters in a path. You need to remove them to make the path work as intended:
$Files = Get-Childitem ($TargetFolder -replace '^"|"$') -Include $Extension -Recurse
Of course, since your input file seems to be a some sort of CSV, you could use Import-Csv instead of reading the file with Get-Content and manually splitting the fields. That would already take care of the double quotes on file import.
$filename = 'D:\HOMEWARE\BLRMorningCheck\Jerry\servername.txt'
$extension = '*.log', '*.txt*'
Import-Csv $filename -Delimiter ';' -Header 'ComputerName', 'TargetFolder' | % {
Get-Childitem $_.TargetFolder -Include $extension -Recurse
This was an absolute nightmare, get-childitem cannot except a string variable if there are multiple paths.
Get-ChildItem -Path "\server1\c$\temp", "\server1\d$\temp" -File
-recurse # works
$path = '"\server1\c$\temp", "\server1\d$\temp"'; Get-ChildItem -Path "\server1\c$\temp", "\server1\d$\temp" -File
-recurse # fails with cannot find path
$path = "'"\server1\c$\temp", "\server1\d$\temp'""; Get-ChildItem -Path "\server1\c$\temp", "\server1\d$\temp" -File
-recurse # fails with illegal character message (the tick)
Any string that has multiple paths fails, however an array with += as shown below will work.
$servers = #("server1", "server2");
$partialPaths = #("\c$\temp\", "\d$\temp\");
foreach ($server in $servers)
$paths = #();
foreach ($partialPath in $partialPaths)
$paths += "\\" + $server + $partialPath;
Get-ChildItem -Path $paths -File -recurse;