EF CORE Select distinct grandchildren with many-to-may relationship - entity-framework

I'm trying to learn EF Core and hit this wall since I'm also fairly new to LINQ
Consider the model:
I'm trying to get all the distinct users from a single company;
The SQL statement would be something like this:
SELECT DISTINCT gau.AppUserId, au.Name, au.Id FROM Companies c
INNER JOIN Groups g ON g.CompanyId = c.Id
INNER JOIN GroupAppUsers gau ON gau.GroupId = g.Id
INNER JOIN AppUsers au ON gau.AppUserId = au.Id
Where c.Id = 40
How would I build this query like this? (Without the includes)
return await context.Companies
.Include(g => g.Groups)
.ThenInclude(au => au.AppUsers)
.ThenInclude(u => u.AppUser)
.SingleOrDefaultAsync(x => x.Id == id);
*Also, I'm not sure about the DB Model, I'm trying to avoid circular references but I think I should put Users linked with Companies instead of Groups, what do you think??

I'm trying to get all the distinct users from a single company
Rather than starting from companies and navigating to users, thus multiplying the users due to many-to-many relationship and then applying Disctinct operator, you could simply start from users and apply Any based criteria, thus eliminating the need of Disctinct at all.
Something like this (the DbSet / navigation property names could be different):
var companyUsers = await context.Users
.Where(u => u.UserGroups.Any(ug => ug.Group.Company.Id == id))

Assuming your linking table (GroupAppUser) isn't modeled as an entity, something like:
var q = from c in db.Companies
from g in c.Groups
from u in g.AppUsers
select u;
or in Lambda form:
var q = db.Companies
.SelectMany(c => c.Groups)
.SelectMany(g => g.AppUsers);

Once you have the single Companies object, you can use the Navigation properties to get the AppUser objects:
return await context.Companies
.Include(g => g.Groups)
.ThenInclude(au => au.AppUsers)
.ThenInclude(u => u.AppUser)
.SingleOrDefaultAsync(x => x.Id == id)


Entity Framework - How to get an entity including a filtered collection of child entities

I have categories, and categories have a collection of products (Category.Products). I need to retrieve a category from the db by its id, but instead of including all its products, I want it to only include products with a given condition (example, order=0)
How can I do this with linq?
I tried with:
var e = db.Categories
.Include(a => a.products)
.Where(a => a.products.Any(r => r.order == 0))
.FirstOrDefault(p => p.id == id_category);
I don't think you can do that. In any case, the call to .Include() should be after any where clause, or it won't work.
In order to filter child collection you can try to select that to YouCustomModelor anonymous projection.
Note that it is not currently possible to filter which related entities are loaded. Include will always bring in all related entities Msdn reference.
var e = db.Categories
.Where(c => c.id == id_category)
.Select(p=> new
category = p,
products = p.Products.Where(k=>k.order==0)
var e = db.Categories.Where(a => a.order == 0);

how to implement EF inner join with given filter?

SELECT DISTINCT k.* FROM [dbo].[kinds] K
INNER JOIN KindGraphic KG ON K.KindId = KG.KindId
INNER JOIN Graphics G ON KG.GraphicId = G.GraphicId
WHERE K.CategoryType = 2
AND G.IsSpecial = 1
How to write this in EF ? I am new to EF. I m using dbContex for my MVC project.
Make Note that "KindGraphic" table is mapped liked this ways
so I can not use this method https://stackoverflow.com/a/21986882/3264939
.HasMany(c => c.Graphics)
.WithMany(g => g.Kinds)
.Map(t => t.MapLeftKey("KindId")
The result from your original query is some kind of complex result. So without selecting the exact columns (instead of using *), I assume the result is contained in an anonymous type like this:
I understand that KindGraphic is some kind of junction (join) table, so it's info is not important to include in the result (we can access KindId from Kind and GraphicId from Graphic). Here is the LINQ query:
var result = context.kinds.Where(e => e.CategoryType == 2)
.SelectMany(e=> e.Graphics.Where(g=>g.IsSpecial == 1),
(e, g) => new { Kind = e, Graphic = g} );
After your edit to use distinct, the query can be translated as you want all kinds having category type = 2 and any Graphics with IsSpecial = 1. So it should be like this:
var result = context.kinds.Where(e => e.CategoryType == 2 &&
e.Graphics.Any(g=>g.IsSpecial == 1));

Entity Framework 6: Resolving user permissions by roles (IdentityUserRole)

I have a process in which an entity changes its state, i want to get the States that current user is allowed to transfer to, i have the following expression which when evaluated i'm getting an NotSupportedException with the message:
Unable to create a constant value of type
'Microsoft.AspNet.Identity.EntityFramework.IdentityUserRole'. Only
primitive types or enumeration types are supported in this context.
var user = db.Users.Single(...); //Successfully Retrieve the user
var states = db.StateTransitions
.Join( db.RoleStateTransitions
.Join( user.Roles,
rst => rst.RoleID,
ur => ur.RoleId,
( rst, ur ) => rst ),
wst => wst.StateTransitionID,
rst => rst.StateTransitionID,
( wst, rst ) => wst.FinalState ) ;
As you can see joining with user.Roles (collection of IdentityUserRole) is the problem. What is wrong with the previous expression?
The problem is that user.Roles is a local collection of objects. EF has no way of translating local objects into SQL (even though they are mapped objects). But you can make it work by reducing the local collection to primitive types:
var userRoleIds = db.Users.Where(u => u.UserId == id)
.SelectMany(u => u.Roles.Select(r => r.RoleId))
var states = from wst in db.StateTransitions
join rst in db.RoleStateTransitions
.Where(x => userRoleIds.Contains(x.RoleId))
on wst.StateTransitionID equals rst.StateTransitionID
select wst.FinalState;
Or maybe even one query:
var states = from wst in db.StateTransitions
join rst in db.RoleStateTransitions
on wst.StateTransitionID equals rst.StateTransitionID
join role in db.Roles
on rst.ROleId equals role.RoleId
where role.Users.Any(u => u.UserId == id)
select wst.FinalState;
(Assuming there is a many to many between User and Role).

EntityFramework - how to get rows that match any of the IDS from another table where the userId matches?

I'm not sure how to get the rows I need in EF. In SQL it would look something like this:
SELECT * FROM [Recipes]
JOIN [UserFavorites] ON [UserFavorites].[RecipeId] = [Recipes].[Id]
WHERE [UserFavorites].[UserId] = #UserId
I know how to get the userfavorites that match the user id like this:
db.UserFavorites.Where(x => x.UserId == userId
But then how do I get all of the recipes that match the recipeIds inside of those userfavorites?
You can either use LINQ and construct a query:
var recipes = from r in db.Recipes
join f in db.UserFavorites on r.Id equals f.RecipeId
where f.UserId = userId
select r
or you can use the lambda syntax with navigation properties, assuming you have them set up for the relationships in question
var recipes = db.Recipes.Where(r => r.UserFavorites.Any(f => f.UserId == userId));
You can, of course, construct the actual query that's described in the first section using the equivalent lambda syntax (since the query syntax is just a language feature that compiles down to the equivalent calls to the extension methods using anonymous delegates), but that tends to be a little more difficult to read.
How about:
var recipes = context.Recipes
.SelectMany(r => r.Users, (r, u) => new { Recipe = r, User = u }
.Where(o => o.User.UserId = userId)
.Select(o => o.Recipe);
This implies UserFavorites is the intersection table between Recipes and Users
Recipes >- UserFavorites -< Users

Dynamic query with Linq To Entities

I've got an EDM with two tables Product and ProductCategory with a many-to-many relationship between both.
What I'm currently trying to do is to build a dynamic query to select the products related to the categories the user has selected through the UI.
In short I should build a query like the following but based one or more categories that I don't know at compile time.
var productQuery = context.Product.Where
(p => p.ProductCategories.Any(c => c.CategoryId == id1 ||
c.CategoryId == id2 || ...));
I've read a lot of things and I'm actually very new to linq so I really don't know where to start.
What is the best approach to do such queries ?
Thank you for your time.
var ids = new [] { id1, id2, // ...
var productQuery = context.Product.Where(
p => p.ProductCategories.Any(c => ids.Contains(c.CategoryId)));