I'm trying to define a custom equality method for a new type I've constructed. This is a MWE getting at what I'm trying to do.
mutable struct a
import Base.==
import Base.hash
function hash(obj::a, h=33141651)
return hash((obj.first_num, obj.second_num), h)
function ==(obj1::a, obj2::a)
if hash(obj1) == hash(obj2)
return true
return false
a1 = a(2,3)
a2 = a(2,3)
a1 == a2
I then get an error like ERROR: TypeError: ==: in typeassert, expected UInt64, got Int64
Is h becoming Int64?
In addition, if hashing the tuple of attributes is simply not the correct way to do this, let me know.
Edit: Actually, I ran this and I'm getting MethodError: no method matching hash(::Tuple{Int64,Int64}, ::Int64). Is h being promoted to Int64?
The problem is that your literal value for h (33141651) is an Int rather than a UInt. Thus, when you call hash with the tuple h is an Int, but the internal tuple hash function expects a UInt. I don't think you have to specify a value for h at all, and something like this should be enough:
function Base.hash(obj::a, h::UInt)
return hash((obj.first_num, obj.second_num), h)
Full example for completeness:
mutable struct A
function Base.hash(obj::A, h::UInt)
return hash((obj.first, obj.second), h)
function Base.:(==)(obj1::A, obj2::A)
return hash(obj1) == hash(obj2)
With the following behaviour
julia> a = A(2,3); b = A(2,3)
A(2, 3)
julia> hash(a)
julia> hash(b)
julia> a == b
I have this macro:
macro superM(name, field)
:(struct $(esc(name))
map(x -> (for i = 1:length(x) return $(esc(x[i][1])) end),field.args)
#superM test ((arg1,2),(arg2,4))
I just want to map the second argument to get the arguments for the struct in the macro.
So, this macro should define a struct like this:
struct test
As I understand that I'm writing the map function inside an expression, that means my code will not execute and the map function will be a part of my struct. But is there any way to execute the map function inside the expression?
Here I got error: LoadError: UndefVarError: x not defined
You could try:
macro superM(name, field)
code = Base.remove_linenums!(quote
struct $name
append!(code.args[1].args[3].args,[f.args[1] for f in field.args])
Now give it a spin:
julia> #macroexpand #superM(mysss,((field1,1),(field2,2)))
struct mysss
julia> #superM(mysss,((field1,1),(field2,2)))
julia> mysss(1,5)
mysss(1, 5)
julia> dump(mysss(1,"ala"))
field1: Int64 1
field2: String "ala"
I am trying to implement the Cyclic polynomial hash function in f#. It uses the bit-wise operators ^^^ and <<<. Here is an example of a function that hashes an array:
let createBuzhash (pattern : array<'a>) =
let n = pattern.Length
let rec loop index pow acc =
if index < n then
loop (index+1) (pow-1) (acc ^^^ ((int pattern.[index]) <<< pow))
loop 0 (n-1) 0
My problem is that the type of 'a will be constrained to an int, while i want this function to work with any of the types that work with bit-wise operators, for example a char. I tried using inline, but that creates some problems farther down in my library. Is there a way to fix this without using inline?
Edit for clarity: The function will be part of a library, and another hash function is provided for types that don't support the bit-wise operators. I want this function to work with arrays of numeric types and/or chars.
Edit 2 (problem solved) : The problem with inline was the way how i loaded the function from my library. instead of
let hashedPattern = library.createBuzhash targetPattern
I used this binding:
let myFunction = library.createBuzhash
let hashedPattern = myFunction targetPattern
that constraints the input type for myFunction to int, although the createBuzhash function is an inline function in the library. Changing the way I call the function fixed the type constraint problem, and inline works perfectly fine, as the answer below suggests.
In the implementation, you are converting the value in the array to an Integer using the int function as follows: int pattern.[index]
This creates a constraint on the type of array elements requiring them to be "something that can be converted to int". If you mark the function as inline, it will actually work for types like char and you'll be able to write:
createBuzhash [|'a'; 'b'|]
But there are still many other types that cannot be converted to integer using the int function.
To make this work for any type, you have to decide how you want to handle types that are not numeric. Do you want to:
Provide your own hashing function for all values?
Use the built-in .NET GetHashCode operation?
Only make your function work on numeric types and arrays of numeric types?
One option would be to add a parameter that specifies how to do the conversion:
let inline createBuzhash conv (pattern : array<'a>) =
let n = pattern.Length
let rec loop index pow acc =
if index < pattern.Length then
loop (index+1) (pow-1) (acc ^^^ ((conv pattern.[index]) <<< pow))
loop 0 (n-1) 0
When calling createBuzhash, you now need to give it a function for hashing the elements. This works on primitive types using the int function:
createBuzhash int [| 0 .. 10 |]
createBuzhash int [|'a'; 'b'|]
But you can also use built-in F# hashing mechanism:
createBuzhash hash [| (1,"foo"); (2,"bar") |]
And you can even handle nested arrays by passing the function to itself:
createBuzhash (createBuzhash int) [| [| 1 |]; [| 2 |] |]
I'm trying to realize how to use optional arguments with feval.
For instance, if I wrote a function:
function [ result ] = foo ( A1, A2 )
if nargin < 2
A2 = A1;
result = A2;
and used the func type to create:
func = #(x1,x2) foo(x1, x2);
if I try to call feval and pass only one of the arguments: feval(func,x1), I get an error message.
How can I still use the defaults when needed with the func type?
local a = {}
function a:test1(value)
local b = {}
function b:test2(v1, v2)
b:test2(_, a.test1)
Doesn't work. Value is nil. I could find a solution doing an encapsulation in an anonymous function
b:test2(variable, function(value) a:test1(value) end)
But I find it pretty bad mkay
What is the correct syntax ?
anotherObject:aFunction(variable, object.doStuff) is the correct syntax.
Using a colon : with a function is just syntactic sugar for a call or declaration with an implicit self parameter as the first argument. If you would like to follow the pattern you've shown in your example in a cleaner way, you could use a helper function.
local function bind(t, k)
return function(...) return t[k](t, ...) end
You then apply it like so.
anotherObject:aFunction(variable, bind(object, 'doStuff'))
Edit: I believe the solution to your problem will require binding at some level, without resorting to modifying the Lua interpreter or using a code translation step.
This is fundamentally because functions in Lua do not carry any information about their origin. I.e., tables do not inherently own the functions that they store.
For example, the following is perfectly legitimate Lua code.
function Circle:area() -- function Circle.area(self)
-- ...
-- Evaluate the function in the "area" slot with Square as the self parameter.
Of course, you could try a paradigm shift, but it may be too late for that if you're building an entire application based on the idea of functions being tied to the table that they have been indexed from, as you said.
Therefore, I propose the following crazy solution.
local mt = {}
function mt:__index(k)
local v = self._slots[k]
if v == nil then
-- Ascend the inheritance tree.
-- This has to be done with rawget all the way up,
-- otherwise inherited functions would be repeatedly bound.
local p = self
p = rawget(p, '_parent')
if not p then break end
v = p._slots[k]
until v
if type(v) == 'function' then
-- Return a self-bound version of the function.
return function(...) return v(self, ...) end
return v
function mt:__newindex(k, v)
self._slots[k] = v
--- Demo & Tests ---
local function Object(parent)
local o = setmetatable({_slots = {}}, mt)
if parent then rawset(o, '_parent', parent) end
return o
local o1 = Object()
local o2 = Object(o1)
assert(o1.abc == nil, 'o1.abc should be nil')
o1.abc = 3
assert(o1.abc == 3, 'o1.abc should be 3')
assert(o2.abc == 3, 'o2.abc should be 3, inherited from o1')
o2.abc = 7
assert(o2.abc == 7, 'o2.abc should be 7, overriding o1')
assert(o1.abc == 3, 'o1.abc should be 3, unaffected by o2 setter')
function o1:test(bar)
return self.abc + bar
assert(type(o1.test) == 'function', 'o1.test should be a function')
assert(type(o2.test) == 'function', 'o2.test should be a function, inherited from o1')
assert(o1.test(5) == 8, 'o1.test(5) should return 3 + 5 = 8')
assert(o2.test(11) == 18, 'o2.test(11) should return 7 + 11 = 18')
function o2:test2(fn)
return self.abc + fn(7)
assert(o2.test2(o1.test) == 17, 'o2.test2(o1.test) should return 7 + (3 + 7) = 17')
o2.test3 = o1._slots.test -- proper function copying
assert(o2.test3(11) == 18, 'o2.test3(5) should return 7 + 11 = 18')
o2.abc = nil
assert(o2.abc == 3, 'o2.abc should be 3 again, inherited from o1 after clearing')
o2.abc = false
assert(o2.abc == false, 'o2.abc should be false, __index needs to differentiate between nil and false')
This metatable will provide you with what you want, with inherited and bound functions to boot. You will just need to make sure that all of the tables that you want to follow this pattern also follow the method of object creation shown in the example code.
To explain, each table made in this way has any new assignment redirected into the _slots sub-table and any new retrieval checked up the _parent inheritance tree. If the type of the value is a function, then it returns a new closure with the original self that started the check bound to the function found.
Obviously, calling a function from one of these objects with the : colon syntax is going to be a silly idea, since it would evaluate to o.fn(o, o), and that is probably not what you want. Another caveat is that copying functions onto these objects, from these objects, will not work as expected. o1.newfn = o2.fn will put an o2 bound function into o1, which in turn will be re-bound to o1. The end result would be something like o2.fn(o2, o1). You will have to copy functions from the _slots table.
In conclusion: Even though this works, I would not personally recommend it in the long run, since it may be confusing to anyone used to how Lua works with tables, indexing, and functions, and there will be overhead. You might be able to do away with some it via memoizing the closures, but I'll leave that decision up to you. Good luck!
Object method declared with : needs object instance as the first parameter. It gets added automatically if you call it with :, but as you passed just a function pointer, you need to pass this as well. This means whenever you pass a function in some object somewhere, you also have to pass object instance. This works:
local a = {}
function a:test1(value)
local b = {}
function b:test2(obj, v2)
v2(obj, 100); -- object instance is always the first param of a ":"-style func
b:test2(a, a.test1) -- passing object instance and a function
Building on #ryan-stein's neat bind() solution, in a module I've found this to be slightly more concise:
local m = {}
m.__index = m
m.word = 'bar'
function m:bind(fn)
return function(...) return self[fn](self, ...) end
function m:foo(fn)
print("Foo " .. self.word)
function m:start()
hs.timer.new(42, self:bind('foo'))
your code will be work. the reason Ryan has said.
I doubt that in the function anotherObject:aFunction(), you were using a wrong way to call the object.stuff.The correct way as this:
local a = {}
function a:test1()
local b = {}
function b:test2(v1, v2)
b:test2(_, a.test1)
I'm trying to understand the conceptual difference between call by reference, value, and name.
So I have the following pseudocode:
foo(a, b, c)
b =b++;
a = a++;
c = a + b*10
foo(X, Y+2, Z);
What's X, Y, and Z after the foo call if a, b, and c are all call by reference?
if a, b, and c are call-by-value/result?
if a, b, and c are call-by-name?
Another scenario:
foo(X, Y+2, X);
I'm trying to get a head start on studying for an upcoming final and this seemed like a good review problem to go over. Pass-by-name is definitely the most foreign to me.
When you pass a parameter by value, it just copies the value within the function parameter and whatever is done with that variable within the function doesn't reflect the original variable e.g.
foo(a, b, c)
b =b++;
a = a++;
c = a + b*10
foo(X, Y+2, Z);
//printing will print the unchanged values because variables were sent by value so any //changes made to the variables in foo doesn't affect the original.
print X; //prints 1
print Y; //prints 2
print Z; //prints 3
but when we send the parameters by reference, it copies the address of the variable which means whatever we do with the variables within the function, is actually done at the original memory location e.g.
foo(a, b, c)
b =b++;
a = a++;
c = a + b*10
foo(X, Y+2, Z);
print X; //prints 2
print Y; //prints 5
print Z; //prints 52
for the pass by name;
Call by Value : normal way... values of actual parameters are copied to formal parameters.
Call by Reference : instead of the parameters, their addresses are passed and formal parameters are pointing to the actual parameters.
Call by Name : like macros, the whole function definition replaces the function call and formal parameters are just another name for the actual parameters.
By value - there is no changes out the function. all your actions vanish when the function finished.
By reference - your actions indeed changes the variables.
By name - I've never heard ...
Passing x+1 is not change, just tells to the function 3 instead 2 or etc...
This won't change the value of X, Y or Z if it is pass-by-value. When you use a function such as "foo()", it basically copies the variables (x, y and z) into other variables (a, b, and c) and does certain actions with them, without changing the originals (x, y and z). For you to change a value you would have to return a value, something like this:
foo(a, b, c)
a = a++;
b = b++;
c = a + b * 10;
return c;
x = 1;
y = 2;
z = 3;
z = foo(x, y+2)
Then x and y would be the same, but z would be (x+1)+(y+1)*10 which in this case would be 32.
in javascript :
primitive type variable like string,number are always pass as pass
by value.
Array and Object is passed as pass by reference or pass by value based on these condition.
if you are changing value of that Object or array with new Object or Array then it is pass by Value.
object1 = {item: "car"};
here you are assigning new object or array.you are not changing the value of property
of old object.so it is pass by value.
if you are changing a property value of an object or array then it is pass by Reference.
object1.item= "car";
here you are changing a property value of old object.you are not assigning new object or array to old one.so it is pass by reference.
function passVar(object1, object2, number1) {
object1.key1= "laptop";
object2 = {
key2: "computer"
number1 = number1 + 1;
var object1 = {
key1: "car"
var object2 = {
key2: "bike"
var number1 = 10;
passVar(object1, object2, number1);
Output: -
In Call by value, a copy of the variable is passed whereas in Call by reference, a variable itself is passed. In Call by value, actual and formal arguments will be created in different memory locations whereas in Call by reference, actual and formal arguments will be created in the same memory location.