Joi validate presence of a key or another one - joi

I'm using Joi for http body validation. I want to allow keyA to be present OR a keyB to be present and required but not both. I don't find in documentation what I'm looking for and it seems that a cycling loop appear in my schema.
const messageSchema = Joi.object().keys({
keyA: Joi.when('keyB', { is: Joi.exist(), then: Joi.forbidden(), otherwise: Joi.string().required() }),
keyB: Joi.when('keyA', { is: Joi.exist(), then: Joi.forbidden(), otherwise: Joi.string().uri().required() }),
Any idea ?

Finally found what I was looking for :
const messageSchema = Joi.object().keys({
keyA: Joi.string(),
keyB: Joi.string().uri(),
}).or('keyA', 'keyB');


JOI validation when condition not working as expected

I have the following JOI schema defined;
schema = Joi.object({
flag: Joi.boolean()
toolDetail: Joi.array().items(
amount: Joi.number()
.options({ convert: false })
.when('flag', {
is: true,
then: Joi.number().required(),
otherwise: Joi.number()
tool: Joi.string()
.when('flag', {
is: true,
then: Joi.string().required(),
otherwise: Joi.string()
I have confirmed that the flag is being set correctly, but it seems that 'amount' and 'tool' is always hitting the otherwise condition, regardless of the value set in the 'flag'.
Is there something incorrect in my definition?
Works as expected once I added 4 dots prefix to the flag
.when('....flag', {

Joi when sibling then add extra rules at root

I have a complex validation which changes depending on the a value in the JSON.
{ type: 'a', thing: 1, foo: 'abc' }
{ type: 'b', thing: 2, bar: 123 }
I want to validate that if the type is a, then use one set of siblings, if b then use another set of siblings
I would like to use the when switch, but cant work out how to do this at the root.
type: Joi.string().valid('a','b').required(),
thing: Joi.number().required()
}).when('type', {
switch: [
{ is: 'a', then: Joi.object({ foo: Joi.string() }) },
{ is: 'b', then: Joi.object({ bar: Joi.number() }) },
otherwise: Joi.forbidden(),
However this gives the following error:
Error: Invalid reference exceeds the schema root: ref:type
This kinda makes sense as an error but I don't know how to restructure this to get it to apply the selector at the root.
Im using latest JOI (16.0.1)
This can be resolved by prefixing the key name passed to .when() with a ., to denote the key as being relative to the object being validated:
type: Joi.string().valid('a','b').required(),
thing: Joi.number().required()
.when('.type', { /* <-- prefix with . */
switch : [
{ is: 'a', then: Joi.object({ foo: Joi.string() }) },
{ is: 'b', then: Joi.object({ bar: Joi.number() }) },]
Here's a working example - hope that helps :-)

How to validate for ObjectID

Using Joi schema validation, is it possible to validate against MongoDB ObjectID's?
Something like this could be great:
_id: Joi.ObjectId().required().error(errorParser),
const Joi = require('#hapi/joi')
Joi.objectId = require('joi-objectid')(Joi)
const schema = Joi.object({
id: Joi.objectId(),
name: Joi.string().max(100),
I find that if I do
id: Joi.string().hex().length(24)
it works without installing any external library or using RegEx
The hex makes sure the string contains only hexadecimal characters and the length makes sure that it is a string of exactly 24 characters
This package works if you are using the new version of Joi.
const Joi = require('joi-oid')
const schema = Joi.object({
id: Joi.objectId(),
name: Joi.string(),
age: Joi.number().min(18),
If you want a TypeScript version of the above library integrated with Express without installing anything:
import Joi from '#hapi/joi';
import { createValidator } from 'express-joi-validation';
export const JoiObjectId = (message = 'valid id') => Joi.string().regex(/^[0-9a-fA-F]{24}$/, message)
const validator = createValidator({
passError: true,
const params = Joi.object({
id: JoiObjectId().required(),
router.get<{ id: string }>(
(req, res, next) => {
const { id } = req.params; // id has string type
I share mine
let id =
.message('must be an oid')
With joi naked package you can use this:
const ObjectId = joi.object({
id: joi.binary().length(12),
This is a core function without any external package. I have used Joi and mongoose packages to achieve it.
const Joi = require("joi");
const ObjectID = require("mongodb").ObjectID;
const schema = Joi.object({
id: Joi.string().custom((value, helpers) => {
const filtered = ObjectID.isValid(value)
return !filtered ? helpers.error("any.invalid") : value;
"invalid objectId", ).required(),
name: Joi.string(),
age: Joi.number().min(18),
I see many correct answers here, but I also want to express my opinion.
I am not against installing npm packages, but installing one package just to validate an object id is overkill. I know programmers are lazy but C'mooon :)
Here is my full code function that validates two object id properties, very simple:
function validateRental(rental) {
const schema = Joi.object({
movieId: Joi.string()
.regex(/^[0-9a-fA-F]{24}$/, 'object Id'),
customerId: Joi.string()
.regex(/^[0-9a-fA-F]{24}$/, 'object Id'),
const { error } = schema.validate(rental)
return {
valid: error == null,
message: error ? error.details[0].message : null,
This way, if any of the properties contain invalid id like this:
"movieId": "123456",
"customerId": "63edf556f383d108d54a68a0"
This will be the error message:
`"movieId" with value "123456" fails to match the object Id pattern`

How to make Mongoose model.insertMany insert documents with numerical and ordered ids?

I have this route in the backend express server:
router.route('/fillInformationAssetsSeverityEvaluation').post((req, res) => {
informationAssetsSeverityEvaluationRow.remove({}, (err) => {
if (err)
// res.json("informationAssets Collection has been dropped!");
res.json('information Assets Severity Evaluation data has been received on the server side')
informationAssetsSeverityEvaluationRow.insertMany([req.body[0]], {
multi: true
}).then(documentsInserted => {
console.log('[req.body[0]]: ', [req.body[0]]);
console.log('documentsInserted: ', documentsInserted);
console.log('You have succesfully inserted ', documentsInserted.length, ' documents in informationAssetsSeverityEvaluation collection');
For the sake of simplicity, I am inserting only one document.
confFin: 'A',
confRep: 'A'}
But, in the real applications, I am inserting multiple documents similar to that.
This consoleLog :
console.log('documentsInserted: ', documentsInserted);
documentsInserted: [ { _id: 5d3453afc302d718e4870b53,
confFin: 'A',
confRep: 'A'}]
As you see the id is automatically generated:
> _id: 5d3453afc302d718e4870b53
What I would like is: The ids of the different documents to be "numerically ordered". I.e:
Document 0 would have id 0
Document 1 would have id 1
Document 2 would have id 2
And so on and so forth.
After having made some research, I found out that I can do this manually by inserting the id manually inside the updateMany objects.
However, since I receive the documents objects from the request body, this is not a viable solution.
Any help?
Finally after trying four modules and a couple of days of trying for something that should be native to mongodb, I have found a simple solution. I hope it helps someone.
1/ Install mongoose-plugin-autoinc
import mongoose from 'mongoose';
import { autoIncrement } from 'mongoose-plugin-autoinc';
const connection = mongoose.createConnection("mongodb://localhost/myDatabase");
const BookSchema = new mongoose.Schema({
author: { type: Schema.Types.ObjectId, ref: 'Author' },
title: String,
genre: String,
publishDate: Date
BookSchema.plugin(autoIncrement, 'Book');
const Book = connection.model('Book', BookSchema);
2/ In my case I have the models defined in models.js and the connection defined in server.js so I had to write this :
BookSchema.plugin(autoIncrement, 'Book');
in models.js
and instead of
const Book = connection.model('Book', BookSchema);
I have:
module.exports = {
informationAssetsRow: mongoose.model('informationAssetsRow', informationAssetsRow),
And in server.js:
const {
} = require('./models/models')

Asynchronous Issues with JEST and MongoDB

I am getting inconsistent results with JEST when I try to remove items from a MongoDB Collection using the beforeEach() Hook.
My Mongoose schema and model defined as:
// Define Mongoose wafer sort schema
const waferSchema = new mongoose.Schema({
productType: {
type: String,
required: true,
enum: ['A', 'B'],
updated: {
type: Date,
index: true,
waferId: {
type: String,
required: true,
trim: true,
minlength: 7,
sublotId: {
type: String,
required: true,
trim: true,
minlength: 7,
// Define unique key for the schema
const Wafer = mongoose.model('Wafer', waferSchema);
module.exports.Wafer = Wafer;
My JEST tests:
describe('API: /WT', () => {
// Happy Path for Posting Object
let wtEntry = {};
beforeEach(async () => {
wtEntry = {
productType: 'A',
waferId: 'A01A001.3',
sublotId: 'A01A001.1',
await Wafer.deleteMany({});
// I also tried to pass in done and then call done() after the delete
describe('GET /:id', () => {
it('Return Wafer Sort Entry with specified ID', async () => {
// Create a new wafer Entry and Save it to the DB
const wafer = new Wafer(wtEntry);
const res = await request(apiServer).get(`/WT/${}`);
expect(res.body).toHaveProperty('productType', 'A');
expect(res.body).toHaveProperty('waferId', 'A01A001.3');
expect(res.body).toHaveProperty('sublotId', 'A01A001.1');
So the error I always get is related to duplicate keys when I run my tests more than once:
MongoError: E11000 duplicate key error collection: promis_tests.promiswts index: waferId_1_sublotId_1 dup key: { : "A01A001.3", : "A01A001.1" }
But I do not understand how I can get this duplicate key error if the beforeEach() were firing properly. Am I trying to clear the collection improperly? I've tried passing in a done element to the before each callback and invoking it after delete command. I've also tried implementing the delete in beforeAll(), afterEach(), and afterAll() but still get inconsistent results. I'm pretty stumped on this one. I might just removed the schema key all together but I would like to understand what is going on here with the beforeEach(). Thanks in advance for any advice.
It might be because you are not actually using the promise API that mongoose has to offer. By default, mongooses functions like deleteMany() do not return a promise. You will have to call .exec() at the end of the function chain to return a promise e.g. await collection.deleteMany({}).exec(). So you are running into a race condition. deleteMany() also accepts a callback, so you could always wrap it in a promise. I would do something like this:
describe('API: /WT', () => {
// Happy Path for Posting Object
const wtEntry = {
productType: 'A',
waferId: 'A01A001.3',
sublotId: 'A01A001.1',
beforeEach(async () => {
await Wafer.deleteMany({}).exec();
describe('GET /:id', () => {
it('Return Wafer Sort Entry with specified ID', async () => {
// Create a new wafer Entry and Save it to the DB
const wafer = await Wafer.create(wtEntry);
const res = await request(apiServer).get(`/WT/${}`);
expect(res.body).toHaveProperty('productType', 'A');
expect(res.body).toHaveProperty('waferId', 'A01A001.3');
expect(res.body).toHaveProperty('sublotId', 'A01A001.1');
Also, always expect the assertions with asynchronous code
You can read more about mongoose promises and query objects here
Without deleting the schema index this seems to be the most reliable solution. Not 100% sure why it works over async await Wafer.deleteMany({});
beforeEach((done) => {
wtEntry = {
productType: 'A',
waferId: 'A01A001.3',
sublotId: 'A01A001.1',
mongoose.connection.collections.promiswts.drop(() => {
// Run the next test!