How do I reuse an object instance in an Observable chain? - system.reactive

In rx, how do you handle the need to reuse an object instance in one step in the next step? For example, I need to get a context in the ORM to then act upon. Async/Await is in the syntax below:
public async Task<IList<string>> Delete(IList<string> ids)
var context = await _contextFactory.CreateContext();
context.Set<T>().Where(item => ids.Contains(item.Id)));
return ids;
An Observable version is
public IObservable<string> DeleteObservable(IList<string> ids)
return ids.ToObservable()
.Select(i =>
var context = await _contextFactory.CreateContext();
context.Set<T>().Where(item => item.Id == id));
return id;
However, I don't want to create a new context every time I delete an item. I want to create a context and then reuse it in the select. How should I do that?
Yes, in this example it would be best to also buffer and submit the ids together, but this was just an example for my question. I hope that part is not distracting.

The more idiomatic way of doing it is like this:
public IObservable<string> DeleteObservable(IList<string> ids)
return Observable.Using(
async () => await _contextFactory.CreateContext(),
context =>
ids.ToObservable().Select(i =>
context.Set<T>().RemoveRange(context.Set<T>().Where(item => item.Id == i));
return i;
The Observable.Using method creates a disposable resource that gets disposed when the subscription to the observable closes.
The only problem with this is that the statement context.Set<T>().RemoveRange(context.Set<T>().Where(item => item.Id == i)); just shouldn't be inside an observable like that. Rx is about queries. Any changes should be made in a .Subscribe method.
What are you trying to achieve?

I think I got it and the answer keeps ended up being 'SelectMany'. I guess I'm still getting used to these operators.
public IObservable<string> DeleteObservable(IList<string> ids)
return Observable
.SelectMany(factory => factory.CreateContext())
.Zip(ids.ToObservable(), (dbContext, entityId) =>
dbContext.Set<T>().Where(item => item.Id == entityId));
return entityId;


Delete multiple row with ids without foreach and postman test

I have a little problem. But I dont know why it doesnt work. And I dont know how to post all ids by postman.
I am using unit of work with generic repository. I want to send int[] ids to my controller. I dont want to send entity. I searched a lot it today. And I changed my code. But what is problem now?
This is my repostiroy:
public async Task DeleteRangeAsync(Expression<Func<T, bool>> predicate)
IQueryable<T> query = _dbSet.Where(predicate);
await Task.Run(() => { _dbSet.RemoveRange(query.AsNoTracking()); });
This is my KulturManager:
public async Task<IResult> HardDeleteRangeAsync(int[] ids)
await UnitOfWork.Kulturs.DeleteRangeAsync(c => ids.Contains(c.Id));
await UnitOfWork.SaveAsync();
return new Result(ResultStatus.Success, Messages.Info("Kultur", "HardDelete"));
And this is my KulturController:
public async Task<IActionResult> HardDeleteRangeAsync(int[] ids)
var result = await _kulturManager.HardDeleteRangeAsync(ids);
return Ok(result.Message);
Thank you for help
You shouldn't fetch all the entities you want to delete. Instead create stub entities for RemoveRange. If you don't have a common base class, this requires reflection, but with a common entity base class you can do it like this:
public void DeleteRange<T>(int[] ids) where T: BaseEntity, new()
_dbSet.RemoveRange(ids.Select(i => new T() { Id = i }).ToList());
or if the method is in a generic class, the method would look like
public void DeleteRange(int[] ids)
_dbSet.RemoveRange(ids.Select(i => new T() { Id = i }).ToList());
And there's no reason to mark this as Async now since it doesn't do any database access.

How to mock a MongoDB collection of type IMongoCollection<T> to return some predefined data?

Below is my code:
public async Task<IActionResult> Register(CustomerViewModel model, string returnUrl = null)
ViewData["ReturnUrl"] = returnUrl;
// when debugging the test, _dbContext.Customers throws exception
CustomerDoc existingCustomer = await _dbContext.Customers.Find(o => ==;
if (existingCustomer != null)
ModelState.AddModelError("Email", "email already used.");
// other checkings
if (!ModelState.IsValid)
return View(model);
// if model state is valid, do something here
catch (Exception ex)
return View(model);
return View(model);
And my unit test code is:
public async Task should_return_view_with_errors_when_email_already_exists()
IEnumerable<CustomerDoc> customers = new List<CustomerDoc>
new CustomerDoc
email = ""
// below line is causing the error
_dbContextMock.Setup(c => c.Customers).Returns(() =>(IMongoCollection<CustomerDoc>)customers);
CustomerViewModel model = new CustomerViewModel
email = ""
var result = await _controller.Register(model);
As you can see in my unit test code comment, I am trying to mock a IMongoCollection to return some data. But I am not able to do so because _dbContext.Customers is throwing exception.
How can I mock IMongoCollection to return some predefined data?
I am using core 2.1.0
mongodb driver 2.7.0
You declare customers as a List:
IEnumerable<CustomerDoc> customers = new List<CustomerDoc>
but then try to cast it to IMongoCollection
() =>(IMongoCollection<CustomerDoc>)customers
There's two immediate directions (but both have further issues to deal with):
1) Just return the list without the cast
() => customers
but I can't see the type of c.Customers so I suspect this will just move the issue. I'll take a guess that it's IMongoCollection<CustomerDoc> which is why you're trying to do the cast in the first place? This is problematic as the .Returns would need to be be associated with a function performing the equivalent of c.Customer.Find(). Even so, it's probably better than the alternative.
2) Changing the customers variable to a type that implements IMongoCollection.
Option 1 feels like the way to go as option 2 forces you to start dealing with lots of logic that really shouldn't be relevant to this piece of code.

Invoke reactive command repeatedly till a condition is met

I am using ReactiveUI for a UWP app and have two commands CommandA and CommandB. CommandA when invoked attempts to make changes to the hardware. CommandB when invoked reads the hardware and provides the latest value.
I would like to invoke the CommandA (with the parameter as the CombBox value) when a ComboBox value is changed.
After the execution of CommandA I would like to invoke CommandB repeatedly till I get the value that is same as the one selected in ComboBox or if a timeout occurs. On timeout an error should be displayed.
To check that the CommandA is finished executing, I wrote the following code for [1]
this.WhenAnyValue(x => x.ComboBoxAValue)
.Where(t => t[0] == true && t[1] == false)
.Select( x=> Unit.Default)
.InvokeCommand(CommandB) // This statement would attempt to invoke CommandB only once
I am not sure how to do [2].
I'm conviced that exists a better solution, but here you have an approach:
public class MyCoolViewModel : ReactiveObject
private readonly Subject<Unit> _ticksToInvokeB;
private readonly ObservableAsPropertyHelper<bool> _commandAExecutedCorrectly;
public bool CommandAExecutedCorrectly => _commandAExecutedCorrectly.Value;
public ReactiveCommand<Unit, bool> CommandA { get; set; }
public ReactiveCommand<Unit, bool> CommandB { get; set; }
private string _comboBoxValue;
public string ComboBoxValue
get => _comboBoxValue;
set => this.RaiseAndSetIfChanged(ref _comboBoxValue, value);
public MyCoolViewModel()
//Subject implements IObservable<T> and IObserver<T>, also alow us to tick values to its observable
_ticksToInvokeB = new Subject<Unit>();
CommandA = ReactiveCommand.Create<Unit,bool>( _ =>
Console.WriteLine("Command A");
return true;
CommandB = ReactiveCommand.CreateFromTask<Unit,bool>( async _ =>
await Task.Delay(3000);
var isTheSame = DateTime.Now.Second % 2 == 0;
Console.WriteLine($"CommandB: is the same: {isTheSame}");
if(!isTheSame)//if the value is not the same, tick a new unit, since we ticked a new value, CommandA will be executed
return isTheSame;
CommandA//We just send commandA execution to an OAPH
.ToProperty(this, x => x.CommandAExecutedCorrectly, out _commandAExecutedCorrectly);
this.WhenAnyValue(x => x.ComboBoxValue)
.Skip(1) //this is because ComboBoxValue has a initial value (null) so we ignore it
.Select(_ => Unit.Default) //When it changes simply project an Unit
.InvokeCommand(CommandA);//Inke CommandA
this.WhenAnyValue(x => x.CommandAExecutedCorrectly)//When changes maded CommandA will set ChangesMaded to true
.Where(b => b) // only when Command A gets executed correctly
.Do(b => TickUnit()) // Tick a new unit
.Throttle(TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds(200))//delay a little bit the next value
.InvokeCommand(CommandB);//invokes CommandB
private void TickUnit()
Console.WriteLine("Ticking new value");
Let me know if it helps you.
First, instead of the buffer technique you used for detecting a completed command, I would do something like this. And instead of worrying about creating a command for CommandB, I would just execute it as a method. You can still use a command if you want, but I'll just be using an async call in this example. I'm using ExecuteUntilItYieldsTheSelectedComboBoxValue to continuously execute your CommandB logic in a loop until a matching value is found. It utilizes Observable.Create so you can control when OnNext is triggered. And you can tag on a Timeout to it and handle it in the Subscribe extension.
// IsExecuting has an initial value of false. We can skip that first value
// Filter until the executing state becomes false.
.Where(isExecuting => !isExecuting)
// Start an inner observable for your "CommandB" logic.
.Select(_ => ExecuteUntilItYieldsTheSelectedComboBoxValue())
// Whenever CommandA is invoked, dispose of the last inner observable subscription and resubscribe.
_ => Console.WriteLine("OnNext"),
ex => [display error message]);
private IObservable<Unit> ExecuteUntilItYieldsTheSelectedComboBoxValue()
return Observable
async o =>
int randNum = -1;
randNum = await GetRandomNumberAsync();
} while(randNum != ComboBoxValue);
return Disposable.Empty;
Based on what Enigmativity pointed out, about needing to return something better than Disposable.Empty (to cancel any in-progress async task and break out of the loop), I'm changing the ExecuteUntilItYieldsTheSelectedComboBoxValue method to be the following:
private IObservable<Unit> ExecuteUntilItYieldsTheSelectedComboBoxValue()
return Observable
// Call our async method and pass in a cancellation token.
.FromAsync(ct => GetRandomNumberAsync(ct))
// Keep generating random numbers.
// Until we find one that matches the ComboBoxValue.
.Where(x => x == ComboBoxValue)
// Just take the first one so this inner observable will complete.
.Select(_ => Unit.Default)
Note that it's still possible to make the Observable.Create method work correctly, but this edited solution is cleaner and less error prone. Let me know if you have any questions.

When is the right time to make ToList on an entity framework query

This is called in my service. Now I have asked myself when should I do the .ToList() on the query to materialize the entities?
Do I have to do it at all? Because my application layer will anyway convert the entities to a json array and finally then the enumerator must be enumerated...
Should I follow this thinking? Or is it better to only return a materialized collection to my application layer?
IEnumerable<BrowseSchoolyearDTO> ISchoolyearService.GetAll(int userId)
return _context.Schoolyears
.Where(s => s.UserId == userId)
.Select(s => s.ToBrowseSchoolyearDto())
You don't need to do a .ToList at all, as long as all your operations on the DTO is done while the db connection is active. You only need to do a .ToList if you need the list to be enumerated and returned outside of the db transaction.
So if your code looks something like this:
Edit: changed repository to service as you don't use repositories
using(var rep = new service())
var list = rep.GetAll(1);
return list.Select(x => new DTOViewModel(x)).ToList();
you don't need .ToList
If your code looks something like this:
using(var rep = new service())
var list = rep.GetAll(1);
return list.Select(x => new DTOViewModel(x));
Then you do need a .ToList
Edit to show more of method
public void DoSomeOperationCalledFromWeb(int id)
IEnumerable<DTO> list;
using(var serv = new Service())
list = rep.GetAll(1).ToList();
/** OR if you need additional filtering **/
list = rep.GetAll(1).Where(/**some filtering**/).ToList();
/** Do operations on list **/

How can I create an Rx observable which stops publishing events when the last observer unsubscribes?

I'll create an observable (through a variety of means) and return it to interested parties, but when they're done listening, I'd like to tear down the observable so it doesn't continue consuming resources. Another way to think of it as creating topics in a pub sub system. When no one is subscribed to a topic any more, you don't want to hold the topic and its filtering around anymore.
Rx already has an operator to suit your needs - well two actually - Publish & RefCount.
Here's how to use them:
IObservable xs = ...
var rxs = xs.Publish().RefCount();
var sub1 = rxs.Subscribe(x => { });
var sub2 = rxs.Subscribe(x => { });
//The underlying subscription to `xs` is now disposed of.
If I have understood your question you want to create the observable such that when all subscribers have disposed their subscription i.e there is no more subscriber, then you want to execute a clean up function which will stop the observable from production further values.
If this is what you want then you can do something like below:
//Wrap a disposable
public class WrapDisposable : IDisposable
IDisposable disp;
Action act;
public WrapDisposable(IDisposable _disp, Action _act)
disp = _disp;
act = _act;
void IDisposable.Dispose()
//Observable that we want to clean up after all subs are done
public static IObservable<long> GenerateObs(out Action cleanup)
cleanup = () =>
Console.WriteLine("All subscribers are done. Do clean up");
return Observable.Interval(TimeSpan.FromSeconds(1));
//Wrap the observable
public static IObservable<T> WrapToClean<T>(IObservable<T> obs, Action onAllDone)
int count = 0;
return Observable.CreateWithDisposable<T>(ob =>
var disp = obs.Subscribe(ob);
Interlocked.Increment(ref count);
return new WrapDisposable(disp,() =>
if (Interlocked.Decrement(ref count) == 0)
//Usage example:
Action cleanup;
var obs = GenerateObs(out cleanup);
var newObs = WrapToClean(obs, cleanup);