Move rigidbody from point a to b [duplicate] - unity3d

I am learning Unity from a Swift SpriteKit background where moving a sprite's x Position is as straight forward as an running an action as below:
let moveLeft = SKAction.moveToX(self.frame.width/5, duration: 1.0)
let delayAction = SKAction.waitForDuration(1.0)
let handSequence = SKAction.sequence([delayAction, moveLeft])
I would like to know an equivalent or similar way of moving a sprite to a specific position for a specific duration (say, a second) with a delay that doesn't have to be called in the update function.

gjttt1's answer is close but is missing important functions and the use of WaitForSeconds() for moving GameObject is unacceptable. You should use combination of Lerp, Coroutine and Time.deltaTime. You must understand these stuff to be able to do animation from Script in Unity.
public GameObject objectectA;
public GameObject objectectB;
void Start()
StartCoroutine(moveToX(objectectA.transform, objectectB.transform.position, 1.0f));
bool isMoving = false;
IEnumerator moveToX(Transform fromPosition, Vector3 toPosition, float duration)
//Make sure there is only one instance of this function running
if (isMoving)
yield break; ///exit if this is still running
isMoving = true;
float counter = 0;
//Get the current position of the object to be moved
Vector3 startPos = fromPosition.position;
while (counter < duration)
counter += Time.deltaTime;
fromPosition.position = Vector3.Lerp(startPos, toPosition, counter / duration);
yield return null;
isMoving = false;
Similar Question: SKAction.scaleXTo

The answer of git1 is good but there is another solution if you do not want to use couritines.
You can use InvokeRepeating to repeatedly trigger a function.
float duration; //duration of movement
float durationTime; //this will be the value used to check if Time.time passed the current duration set
void Start()
void StartMovement()
InvokeRepeating("MovementFunction", Time.deltaTime, Time.deltaTime); //Time.deltaTime is the time passed between two frames
durationTime = Time.time + duration; //This is how long the invoke will repeat
void MovementFunction()
if(durationTime > Time.time)
CancelInvoke("MovementFunction"); //Stop the invoking of this function

You can use co-routines to do this. To do this, create a function that returns type IEnumerator and include a loop to do what you want:
private IEnumerator foo()
while(yourCondition) //for example check if two seconds has passed
//move the player on a per frame basis.
yeild return null;
Then you can call it by using StartCoroutine(foo())
This calls the function every frame but it picks up where it left off last time. So in this example it stops at yield return null on one frame and then starts again on the next: thus it repeats the code in the while loop every frame.
If you want to pause for a certain amount of time then you can use yield return WaitForSeconds(3) to wait for 3 seconds. You can also yield return other co-routines! This means the current routine will pause and run a second coroutine and then pick up again once the second co-routine has finished.
I recommend checking the docs as they do a far superior job of explaining this than I could here


Unity - Decreasing float var with "Time.deltaTime" never going down

I'm try to create a function to stop player control, but when I pass the duration as a parameter in the function, the variable keeps ina huge number never really decreasing.
public void StopAllPlayerControl(float duration) {
stopPlayerDuration = duration;
stopPlayerDuration -= Time.deltaTime;
//stop here what you need.
playerInput.enableMovement = false;
if (stopPlayerDuration <= 0) {
//restore here to normal state
playerInput.enableMovement = true;
And Im calling this funct in a Update method like this
Image here to show that stopPlayerDuration getsm huge but stays in those big numbers never really decreasing. huge number
I used a combination of both answers, organized my logic better and, in this case, I used a coroutine.
This function starts the coroutine and I can call it and control it with a bool
public void startStopPlayerCo(float dur) {
//function to start stop player courutine from anywhere.
This is the coroutine that works well now
public IEnumerator StopPlayerCo(float dur) {
while (startCO) {
GetComponent<PlayerMove>().enabled = false;
yield return new WaitForSeconds(dur);
GetComponent<PlayerMove>().enabled = true;
startCO = false;
And I call it in Update Method like this:
startStopPlayerCo(2) //2 seconds, or any var for desired time
Try this:
float startTime = 0;
float duration = 0;
public void StopAllPlayerControl(float duration)
this.duration = duration;
startTime = Time.time;
playerInput.enableMovement = false;
if(Time.time - startTime >= this.duration)
playerInput.enableMovement = true;
Step 1
Firstly, we need to check if movement is already enabled. If it is, we mark the point that we started the timer, and disable movement. We also store our duration in a variable, and reference it locally with the `this` keyword.
startTime = Time.time;
playerInput.enableMovement = false;
Step 2
If the timer exceeds the duration then movement is enabled.
if(Time.time - startTime < duration)
playerInput.enableMovement = true;
It is also good practice to enclose this method in a boolean lock to prevent it from being called again while the timer is running, unless you want such a feature to be allowed.

Simple Coroutine Animation script breaks unity

Alright, so I'm using a coroutine to wait 6 seconds before executing a method to change a float in an animator, really simple stuff. My issue is that something in this script is causing my unity editor to completely lock up when I place it on a gameobject, and I don't know why. I don't think I have any infinite loops going, but I'm not sure. Anyone have any ideas? thx ahead of time.
using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using UnityEngine;
public class handanimatordock : MonoBehaviour
public Animator hand;
private float Blendfloat;
bool ChangeHand = false;
private float timefloat = 0.0f;
// Start is called before the first frame update
void Start()
// Update is called once per frame
void Update()
public void changeHands()
if (ChangeHand == false)
ChangeHand = true;
while (Blendfloat != 1.0f)
Blendfloat = Blendfloat + 0.01f;
hand.SetFloat("Blend", Blendfloat);
ChangeHand = false;
while (Blendfloat != 0.0f)
Blendfloat = Blendfloat - 0.01f;
hand.SetFloat("Blend", Blendfloat);
IEnumerator waiter()
//Wait for 4 seconds
yield return new WaitForSeconds(6);
You probably have an infinite loop in
while (Blendfloat != 1.0f)
Blendfloat = Blendfloat + 0.01f;
hand.SetFloat("Blend", Blendfloat);
Never directly compare two float values using == or !=.
Due to floating point impression a value like
10f * 0.1f
might end up being 1.000000001 or 0.99999999 though logically you would expect exactly 1. So your condition is probably never false!
Usually you rather give it a certain range like e.g.
while(Mathf.Abs(Blendfloat - 1) > certainThreshold)
Unity has for that Mathf.Approximately
while(!Mathf.Approximately(Blendfloat, 1f)
which basically equals comparing to a threshold of Mathf.Epsilon
which(Math.Abs(Blendfloat - 1) > Mathf.Epsilon)
Note that anyway what you have right now will execute the entire loop in one single frame.
If you really wanted it to fade over time you need to do one iteration per frame in e.g. a Coroutine!

Unity2D Disable player movement for X seconds

I am trying to disable a player movement for 1 second when it collides with a specific object. The object collides and it detects that just fine however currently the entire game freezes and does not return.
Ive implemented a 0 value (as found in other examples) to the X and Y movements with a timer. This freezes the game entirely and I have to kill process and reopen Unity.
public Boolean frozen = false;
float shipDisabledTimer = 1f;
// Start is called before the first frame update
void Start()
gameSession = FindObjectOfType<GameSession>();
// Update is called once per frame
void Update()
if (SceneManager.GetActiveScene() == SceneManager.GetSceneByName("Game"))
if (Input.GetKey(KeyCode.Escape))
SceneManager.LoadScene("Game Over");
public void Move(Boolean Frozen)
UnityEngine.Debug.Log("Update1 - " + Frozen);
var deltaX = Input.GetAxis("Horizontal") * Time.deltaTime * moveSpeed;
var deltaY = Input.GetAxis("Vertical") * Time.deltaTime * moveSpeed;
var newXPos = Mathf.Clamp(transform.position.x + deltaX, xMin, xMax);
var newYPos = Mathf.Clamp(transform.position.y + deltaY, yMin, yMax);
transform.position = new Vector2(newXPos, newYPos);
if (frozen == true)
float timer = 0f;
timer += Time.deltaTime;
while (timer < shipDisabledTimer)
newXPos = 0;
newYPos = 0;
disableship(frozen = false);
public Boolean disableship(Boolean frozen)
return frozen;
private void OnTriggerEnter2D(Collider2D other)
if ("Orb Shot(Clone)"))
UnityEngine.Debug.Log("Orb hit player");
disableship(frozen = true);
The ship alone should freeze. No other game object should freeze. All scores, counters, enemies should continue onward. Only the player X,Y are disabled for 1 second.
while (timer < shipDisabledTimer)
newXPos = 0;
newYPos = 0;
entirely blocks your game's main thread since the timer nor shipDisabledTime are not changed within the loop so it will never end.
There are a few ways you could go here.
Invoke allows you to call a method after a certain delay so you could easily do something like
public void Freeze()
frozen = true;
Invoke("Unfreeze"; shipDisabledTime);
private void Unfreeze()
frozen = false;
A Coroutine is like a temporary Update method. Simplest way in your case is using WaitForSeconds and do something like
public void Freeze()
StartCoroutine (FreezeRoutine());
private IEnumerator FreezeRoutine()
frozen = true;
yield return new WaitForSeconds(shipDisabledTime);
frozen = false;
simple timer
Or you could use a simple timer but in Update (not a while loop) like
private float timer = -1;
public void Freeze()
frozen = true;
timer = shipDisabledTime;
private void Update()
if(timer > 0)
timer -= Time.deltaTime;
if(timer <= 0)
timer = -1;
frozen = false;
And then either way you simply don't take any movement input in the meantime
public void Move()
if(frozen) return;
Except for the Invoke solution you can also extend them and decided whether you want to e.g. stack multiple freezes, ignore them while already frozen or simply start the timers over.
General note: In c# rather simply use bool it's basically the same but easier to read and write ;)
Also note that this call
disableship(frozen = false);
public Boolean disableship(Boolean frozen)
return frozen;
Is pretty strange ... first of all this method does absolutely nothing than just return the same value you pass in as parameter .. you are hiding the frozen field with a same named parameter so this does nothing!
Second your method returns a Boolean but you are not assigning it to anything.
If you want to change the value simply set it using frozen = XY but don't pass this in as parameter further.
Aaand avoid calling Debug.Log every frame .. it will slow down your app even in a build where you don't even see the log!

How to make unity objects "fly by wire" (move from point A to point B) [duplicate]

I am learning Unity from a Swift SpriteKit background where moving a sprite's x Position is as straight forward as an running an action as below:
let moveLeft = SKAction.moveToX(self.frame.width/5, duration: 1.0)
let delayAction = SKAction.waitForDuration(1.0)
let handSequence = SKAction.sequence([delayAction, moveLeft])
I would like to know an equivalent or similar way of moving a sprite to a specific position for a specific duration (say, a second) with a delay that doesn't have to be called in the update function.
gjttt1's answer is close but is missing important functions and the use of WaitForSeconds() for moving GameObject is unacceptable. You should use combination of Lerp, Coroutine and Time.deltaTime. You must understand these stuff to be able to do animation from Script in Unity.
public GameObject objectectA;
public GameObject objectectB;
void Start()
StartCoroutine(moveToX(objectectA.transform, objectectB.transform.position, 1.0f));
bool isMoving = false;
IEnumerator moveToX(Transform fromPosition, Vector3 toPosition, float duration)
//Make sure there is only one instance of this function running
if (isMoving)
yield break; ///exit if this is still running
isMoving = true;
float counter = 0;
//Get the current position of the object to be moved
Vector3 startPos = fromPosition.position;
while (counter < duration)
counter += Time.deltaTime;
fromPosition.position = Vector3.Lerp(startPos, toPosition, counter / duration);
yield return null;
isMoving = false;
Similar Question: SKAction.scaleXTo
The answer of git1 is good but there is another solution if you do not want to use couritines.
You can use InvokeRepeating to repeatedly trigger a function.
float duration; //duration of movement
float durationTime; //this will be the value used to check if Time.time passed the current duration set
void Start()
void StartMovement()
InvokeRepeating("MovementFunction", Time.deltaTime, Time.deltaTime); //Time.deltaTime is the time passed between two frames
durationTime = Time.time + duration; //This is how long the invoke will repeat
void MovementFunction()
if(durationTime > Time.time)
CancelInvoke("MovementFunction"); //Stop the invoking of this function
You can use co-routines to do this. To do this, create a function that returns type IEnumerator and include a loop to do what you want:
private IEnumerator foo()
while(yourCondition) //for example check if two seconds has passed
//move the player on a per frame basis.
yeild return null;
Then you can call it by using StartCoroutine(foo())
This calls the function every frame but it picks up where it left off last time. So in this example it stops at yield return null on one frame and then starts again on the next: thus it repeats the code in the while loop every frame.
If you want to pause for a certain amount of time then you can use yield return WaitForSeconds(3) to wait for 3 seconds. You can also yield return other co-routines! This means the current routine will pause and run a second coroutine and then pick up again once the second co-routine has finished.
I recommend checking the docs as they do a far superior job of explaining this than I could here

Stopping the update function in Unity

I have some code that when it executes, it pushes a character forward. The issue is that the character never stops moving and continues forever. Is there a way to stop the character from moving after 2 seconds? Here is the code I'm using:
public class meleeAttack : MonoBehaviour
public int speed = 500;
Collider storedOther;
bool isHit = false;
void Start()
void Update()
if (isHit == true )
storedOther.GetComponent<Rigidbody>().AddForce(transform.forward * speed);
void OnTriggerStay(Collider other)
if (other.gameObject.tag == "Player" && Input.GetKeyUp(KeyCode.F))
storedOther = other;
isHit = true;
I'm not sure if there's a way to stop the update() function so it stops the character movement.
The Update function is part of the life cycle of a Unity script. If you want to stop the Update function to be executed, you need to deactivate the script. For this, you can simply use:
enabled = false;
This will deactivate the execution of the life cycle of your script, and so prevent the Update function to be called.
Now, it looks like you are applying a force to your character to make it move. What you might want to do then is, after two seconds, remove any force present on your character. For that, you can use a coroutine, which is a function that will not just be executed on one frame, but on several frames if needed. For that, you create a function which returns an IEnumerator parameter, and you call the coroutine with the StartCoroutine method:
bool forcedApplied = false;
void Update()
if (isHit == true && forceApplied == false)
storedOther.GetComponent<Rigidbody>().AddForce(transform.forward * speed);
forceApplied = true;
isHit = false;
IEnumerator StopCharacter()
yield return new WaitForSeconds(2);
storedOther.GetComponent<Rigidbody>().velocity =;
forceApplied = false;
Those might be different ways to achieve what you want to do. It's up to you to choose what seems relevant to your current gameplay and to modify your script this way.