How do I blacklist files in .tproject using Tizen Studio - eclipse

Disclaimer: I have no idea what I am doing here.
I was given a project with a large .tproject file (7956 lines). This is because it is blacklisting numerous files that shouldn't build. It's mostly node_modules. Each file in a module is blacklisted.
Making sure I have installed the node packages, I have followed these steps:
Remove blacklist node from .tproject
Open Tizen Sudio (2.3) on Windows 10
File > Open Projects from File System
Show other specialized import wizards
Tizen > Tizen Project
Browse root directory location
Profile > tv
Finish (project is created but modal hasn't closed)
I get this message:
Resource '/project' already exists
and then:
Errors occurred during the build.
Errors running builder 'Tizen Web Builder' on project 'DStv Now'.
What I want to know:
To get the NullPointerException, my project is definitely missing something in order to get setup. Any ideas what could be missing?
How do I import the project as a Tizen TV application?
How is the .tproject file created?
Is it a suitable file to add to .gitignore? It looks auto generated.
If not, is there a way to use regex to blacklist files instead of listing them one by one?

What I know about .tproject is, It holds Project template Information. Like : tv-samsung-3.0, wearable-2.3.2. This will change only when the developer changes the template for some reason (Suppose update app for new tizen version).
About Importing Tizen TV Project->
Tizen-Studio > File > Import > Tizen > Tizen Project > Root Directory >
Select Specific Project Folder
If every-thing's okay till now you would see a project on Project list. Set the Profile and Version, then finish. The project should be on your Tizen-Studio Project Explorer. Project > Clean > Build.
About .gitignore what I can suggest is to add only the files that get removed at Clean Project command.


Cannot attach project in DataSpell

On the welcome screen of DataSpell I chose to open a project with Get from Version Control to get a project from GitHub, although in the left pane I didn't choose GitHub, so it created an empty .git repository.
After that, I git cloned elsewhere the git repository or tried to clone it correctly from GitHub but in every occasion I get
Cannot attach project Module name 'project name' already exists.
Trying to load module: /path/to/project name.iml
Where does DataSpell save the imported projects, to detach the empty project that I imported initially?
File --> Invalidate caches... --> INVALIDATE AND RESTART worked for me (with no options selected for the final step).
I managed to open the project following the instructions of Open your project from disk section of the DataSpell site.
For avoiding further trouble, I opened the project in a new window. After the configuration in step 2 Reopen projects on startup --> Ask, Dataspell will ask how to open the project.
This has been happening to me more frequently in DataSpell 2022.3 on my M1 Apple machines. To solve the issue, I did the following:
Settings > Project: [Project Name] > Project Structure.
Click + Add Content Root and select the root folder of your project.
Press Apply or OK
You should now see your project folder in the Files section of the Workspace.

Linked Files and Folder in IntelliJ

As previous Eclipse user switched to IntelliJ I would like to be able to access folder external to my project from inside the IDE, while developing.
In Eclipse I was using the feature Creating linked resources.
I wonder if there is any feature in IntelliJ that helps me to access external files and folder in a similar way (for instance, if I want to edit the configuration of my application server which is located outside my project).
Yes you can do it by adding an new content root in your module.
You do that from
Project Structure (alt+ctrl+shift+s) - Modules - "My-Module" - + Add Content root
Now you have the contents of the added folder available in your project.
I was searching for a way to get the asset folder link working in IntelliJ as it was working in Eclipse and I found following link in the wikis of libgdx itself.
Linking the asset directories
It describes basically three approaches:
Just copy the asset folder into the desktop folder. (BAD)
Use the asset folder in the android project as working directory for the desktop project through 'Run-Configurations'. (GOOD)
Create a symbolic-link (GOOD)
I tested the 2nd option and it's working fine for me.

Subversion with Eclipse for android

Okay I am starting to give up with this. I have been trying to setup sebversion in Eclipse for my android project. I have been following the following tutorial
I got the following:
Created a repository called myRep
Created a project under with source files myRep/TestProject and attached it to trunk
installed subclipse and got it to grab the repository
Now when, it says "Checkout as a project configured using the new project wizard", I get to choose the type of project. If I choose android application project then it creates a default android project and nothing is checked out. But when I choose General Project, it does grab the whole thing in the following structure
Repositony->TestProject->Trunk->All my android files and folders
However I want it to be android project so I can compile and run it. I did a lot of googling and I need your help pleeease!
Never mind, I figured it out. Apperently, when you choose the repository you have to right click and click refresh and it will show you a list of Folders (stupid eclipse does not do it automatically). Then you choose your project and create it as a new project. Voilla, you get it compiling and running

How to fix Google Play Services 2 Library install to Eclipse

I've tried to follow instructions in Eclipse for Mobile Developers (Juno), but am getting multiple errors with the library package after importing the library project into my workspace. I fixed the AndroidManifest.xml error it reported, but now I can't open the project in Eclipse saying the .project description file contains invalid information. So much for a simple install. I've tried uninstalling it, redownloading it, and I still get the multiple errors. Any suggesions how to get it working?
There is a misleading step in step 3 of
Copy the
library project into the source tree where you maintain your Android
app projects.
If you are using Eclipse, import the library project into your
workspace. Click File > Import, select Android > Existing Android Code
into Workspace, and browse to the copy of the library project to
import it.
Don't do the first copy. Instead just do the second part and check the box that says "Copy projects into workspace". I found that if I did the first part I would end up with empty xml files.
Try the following :
You would get errors while opening an activity mentioned in the sample code. That is because is not added to your build path. Hover over the error and click on "Fix Project Setup". It would ask you to add the lib to the build path. Say Yes and enjoy :)
If your google_pay_services/libproject is empty (mine was empty) and looks like installed in sdk manager, first delete google play services from sdk manager, install it again and follow the steps in the first answer.
Try Window > Android SDK Manager > Extras > Google play service > Delete package.
And then re-install that package again:
File > Import, select Android > Existing Android Code into Workspace
I had the same problem. I went to Properties->Java Build Path and clicked on the Projects tab. Then I added google-play-services_lib using the Add button. This got me this run-time exception:
E/AndroidRuntime(9469): Caused by: java.lang.ClassCastException: cannot be cast to
So then I changed the main.xml file entry from this:
to this:
And FINALLY, it runs, but NOW no map due to authorization failure. So I am off on another search.
thanks Google for making it so complicated and for posting incorrect instructions!

gwt> importing a sample project

I'm just barely after 2 hours of trying to force it to work and looking for answers online.
How in the world do you import a sample gwt application into your eclipse and make it run?
by the way, I cannot find "projectCreator.cmd" anywhere in my files, where is it suppose to be assumming i've used eclipse plugin updater to d/l gwt 1.7.1?
Well, this is what I ended up doing though it ugly and probably not how it was meant to be:
I create a new application called it "bla" or whatever
then right on project > import... > general\file system... (as in import files into projects)
then I selected the top folder of one of the sample applications, for example ..gwt..samples/Mail
selected all folders and files.
selected option "override without warning\asking"
de-selected option "copy entire folder structure"
that's about it. I went to build.XML to rename the project name to "bla" and then I clicked run as a web application.
good luck.
For GWT 2.4: In every project's root you will find a README.txt. If you follow its directions (involving creation of Eclipse project configuration via Ant) you can import the project easily. To run it I additionally had to configure the project's GWT settings (project's context menu -> Google -> WebToolkit settings).
First, Create an Eclipse project for your source, if you haven't already done so, by selecting File > New > Java Project. Then choose Create project from existing source and set up your project. At this point, your source will be loaded in Eclipse, but the project's build path may not be set up properly, and you may see build errors.
Alternatively, if your application's source tree already contains a .project file, either because you had previously worked on it in Eclipse or because it was generated by a tool like GWT's webAppCreator, you can import the project by going to File > Import > General and selecting Existing Projects into Workspace
To enable Google Web Toolkit, right-click your project and select Google > Web Toolkit Settings. Check the Use Google Web Toolkit box and click OK to apply the change.
Enabling App Engine for your project is similar: right-click your project and select Google > App Engine Settings. Check the Use Google App Engine box and click OK.
Source :
What I did to start it:
My workspace is at: /Users/ievgennaloiko/Documents/helpdesk/
I have downloaded the gwt to Downloads folder. Extracted it. Navigated from terminal to samples and run
ant eclipse.generate
for each sample project I need to import to Eclipse. Even you can run this command on whole sample project.
Next I've copied the samples folder to /Users/ievgennaloiko/Documents/helpdesk
Started Eclipse.
File import -> Existing proj into ws -> /Users/ievgennaloiko/Documents/helpdesk/samples/DynaTable
Copy project into ws - Unchecked.
Next I had to go to properties of the project Google-WebToolkit->Use web toolkit.
Here are the arguments I run with, check for correspondence:
-remoteUI "${gwt_remote_ui_server_port}:${unique_id}" -logLevel INFO -port
auto - codeServerPort 9997 -war