Matlab s2p file - matlab

I'm trying to build a s2p file in simulink using the block "To File" but gives me an odd file with random characters like
Which looks like when I try to open a jpeg file with block note.
I'm trying a simple RF layout with a single resistive divider and the input and output ports like in figure
anyone knows what is happening here?

The To File block writes a .mat (binary) data file. Opening one as a text file is always going to show odd random characters
To see what's in the file you need to use load to load the saved signal(s) into the MATLAB Workspace.


How to use 'fprintf' to show the output in a txt file and save it instead of command window in Matlab?

I've been trying to make the output shown in the text file instead of the command window. Im blur right now as i already look at a lot of example but it always show the error on fprintf. I try to edit the code of fprintf(fid,'%s\n',word);%Write 'word' in text file (upper) in one of the Matlab example which is Automatically Detect and Recognize Text in Natural Images.
This is the link of the code.
Basically the above link display the output on the command window. But, i need it to be on the txt file.
Im really new to this, i want to know what code do i need to put, how and where should i put the fprintf to make the output shown on the text file and not on the command window.
Also, can i save the text file after that? do i to put any additional code?
I really need your help. Thank u in advance!
It seems you're looking for the fopen() method. It takes two parameters, the first being the name of the file you'd like to write to, and the second being the mode. If the file specified does not exist in the root directory, it will be created on execution.
fileID = fopen('exp.txt','w');
fprintf(fileID, fid,'%s\n', word);
fclose(fileID); % Make sure to always close the stream after finishing
More on fopen() here

How to load .mat files onto Matlab? Basically what's wrong with my code?

For this project we have been given code, and will be changing some inputs and assumptions. Thus, I already possess the original codes, but just changing all the creator's file paths to match my own computer is yielding me a lot of trouble. The following, and many variations of, continually yield errors.
load \Users\myname\Library\Documents\...
The error is
Error using load
'Unable to read file
No such file or directory.
My files are stored in my Documents. Another person in my group on windows has used
load C:\Users\hisname\Desktop\...
Is there something I'm missing in my line, similar to the C drive but on Mac? Is my code just completely wrong, I'm able to load files in R quite easily, but Matlab is posing a huge hurdle. I have no experience with Matlab and have been asked simply to run this code.
On the Mac, path components are separated by /, not \. Thus, you should type
load /Users/myname/Documents/filename.mat
You can use the location bar at the top of the command window to change to the directory where your file is located, and then you can type
load filename
to load filename.mat.
Also, are you sure you have a Documents directory under Library? Why?
To run code from a file called "my_file.m", than just open your Matlab and type run my_file.m. This will run your script in the Command Window.
The load function is used, if you want to load a .mat file. These are normally files, where variables from your workspace are stored.

load unix executable file to ascii

I am simply trying to load ascii files with two columns of data (spectral data).
They were saved originally as .asc.
I need to open and edit them using text editor before I can load them into Matlab to erase the headers, but some of them somehow got converted to unix executable foramt with the .asc extension. And others are plain text docs also with the same extension. I have no idea why they got saved with the same extension and with my same manipulation as different kind formats.
When I use the load command in Matlab, the plain text docs load normally as expected but the ones saved as unix executable kinds give me this error:
Error using load Unable to read file filename.asc: No such file or
How can I either resave them (still with the same extension) or otherwise load them to be read by Matlab as standard two column data matrixes?
If these are truly plain text files, try renaming the file from xxx.asc to xxx.txt. Then, see if you are able to edit them as desired.

How to create blank .mat file from terminal?

Is there any way to create an empty .mat file from a terminal session? Basically, what I am doing is brain graph analysis. The software I am using, if an entire brain is scrubbed (ie, if the displacement of the brain is greater than a certain threshold) the output file will be left out or will be very small. When analyzing, however, I need to be able to eliminate both subjects from the analysis if the entire brain is scrubbed/too much of the brain is scrubbed. To accomplish this, the easiest way would be to simply check the dimensions of the output file within matlab, and if they are below the arbitrary threshold I decide then both subjects will just be skipped over for analysis. The issue is, I can easily check if a file contains too few remaining frames, however, if the resulting file contains no frames, it will entirely just not exist. As the outputs are all sorted, the only thing I need to do is check consecutive files' dimensions, and if one of the files does not contain enough values, then I can simply skip over it entirely. Simply touching a blank file obviously will not work, since it will not contain any encoding. I hope this is a good explanation for my motivation to do this, and if any of you know of any suggestions, please let me know.
A simple solution would be to create an empty file from Matlab and duplicate the file when needed from the console.
Just open Matlab, set to the destination folder and type this:
clear all
save empty.mat
Then, when needed, copy the file from the console. :)
Saving the contents of an empty struct creates an empty .mat file:
emptyStruct = struct;

Convert dataset of .mat format to .csv octave/matlab

there are datasets in .mat format in the this site:
I want to change the format to .csv.
Can someone tell me how to change the format to create the .csv file.
Suppose that the .mat files from the site are available already. In the command window in Matlab, you may write, for example:
to load the .mat file; the result should be a set of matrices test0, test1, ..., train0, train1 ... created in your workspace, which you want saved as CSV files. Because they're different size, you need to save one CSV per variable, e.g. (also in the command window):
csvwrite('C:\Users\YourUserName\Downloads\mnist_test0.csv', test0);
Repeat the command for each variable, and do not forget to change also the name of the output file to avoid overwriting.
Did you tried the csvwrite function in Matlab?
Just load your .mat files with the load function and then write them with csvwrite!
I do not have a Matlab license so I installed GNU Octave 4.2.1 (2017) on Windows 10 (thank you to John W. Eaton and others). I was not fully successful using the csvwrite so I used the following workaround. (BTW, I am totally incompetent in the Octave world. csvwrite worked for simple data structures).
In the Command Window I used the following two commands
load myfile.mat
When the "myfile.mat" is loaded, the variable names for the data vectors loaded are displayed in the workspace window. This is the name(s) to use in the save command. Some .mat files will load several data structures.
The "-text" option is the default, so you may not need to include this option in the command.
The output file lists the .mat file contents in text format as single column (of potentially sequential variables). It should be easy to use you text editor to massage this data into the original matrix structure for use in whatever app you are comfortable with.
Had a similar issue. Needed to convert a series of .mat files that had two columns of numerical data into standard data files (ascii text). Note that I don't really ever use csv, but everything here could be adapted by using csvwrite instead of the standard save.
Using Octave 4.2.1 ....
load myfile.mat
LI = [L, I] ## L and I are column vectors representing my data
save myfile.txt LI
Note that L and I appear to be default variable names chosen by Octave for the two columns vectors in my original data file. Ideally a script that iterated over all files with the .mat extension in my directory would be ideal, but this got the job done. It saves the data as two space separated columns of data.
*** Update
The following script works on Octave 4.2.1 for a series of data files with the .mat extension that are in the same directory. It will iterate over them and write the data out to text files with the same name but with the extension .dat . Note that this is not efficient, so if you have a lot of files or if they are large it can take a while to run. I would suggest that you run it from the command line using octave mat2dat.m so you can actually watch it go.
I make no guarantees that this will work for you, but it did for me. I also am NOT proficient in Octave or Matlab, so I'm sure a better solution exists.
# mat2dat.m
dirlist = glob("*.mat")
for i=1:length(dirlist)
filename = dirlist{i,1}
load(filename, "L", "I")
LI = [L,I]
tmpname = filename(1:length(filename)-3)
txtname = strcat(tmpname, 'dat')
save(txtname, "LI")