Column width not getting applied on jstree table plugin - jstree

Am using jstree with table plugin.
Column width 250 not getting applied on column 'Price' and 'Qty'.
I have given column width as 250 for column 'Price' and 'Qty', but i is not getting applied.
can you please assist on this.
core: {
data: data
plugins: ["table","dnd","contextmenu","sort","search"],
search: {
case_insensitive: true,
show_only_matches: true
// configure tree table
table: {
columns: [
{width: 200, header: "Name", format: function(v) { return "<i>"+v+"</i>"}},
{width: 250, value: "price", header: "Price", format: function(v) {if (v){ return '$'+v.toFixed(2) }}},
{width: 250, value: "quantity", header: "Qty"}
resizable: true,
draggable: true,
contextmenu: true,
width: 900,
height: 300
Here is the fiddle.

this table plugin has a bug.
col.find(".jstree-table-cell").each(function () {
var item = $(this),
item.css("position", "absolute");
item.css("width", "auto");
width = item.outerWidth();
item.css("position", "static");
if (width > newWidth) {
newWidth = width;
/*you can add this code in your plugin*/
var index = col.parent().children().index(col);
var headerCol = $('.jstree-table-headerwrapper>div').eq(index);
var headerWidth = headerCol.width();
if (headerWidth > newWidth) {
newWidth = headerWidth;

Yes, the code has a bug. Just replace the line
col.find(".jstree-table-cell").each(function () {
with this line
col.children.find(".jstree-table-cell").each(function () {
This should help.


antd column chart: label value is displayed outside of chart

I have a fairly simple ant column chart, this is it:
import React from "react";
import ReactDOM from "react-dom";
import { Column } from "#ant-design/plots";
const DemoColumn = () => {
const data = [
type: "Value 1",
value: 315801
type: "Value 2",
value: 222095
type: "Value 3",
value: 10800
const config = {
loading: data.length === 0,
xField: "type",
yField: "value",
seriesField: "type",
yAxis: {
label: {
formatter: (v) => v
xAxis: false,
height: 200,
autoFit: false,
legend: {
position: "bottom",
flipPage: false
interactions: [
type: "element-active"
label: {
position: "top",
offsetY: 8,
formatter: ({ value }) => value
return <Column {...config} />;
ReactDOM.render(<DemoColumn />, document.getElementById("container"));
The problem is, that the number of Value 1 is hanging off the chart. I tried setting the padding but this did not help, it acutally screwed the whole chart up?!?
Here is also a fiddle:
Fixed it myself by adding
appendPadding: 10
There is an Open Bug in AntD GitHub [BUG] Label of column charts are being cut out if label position is set to 'top' officials for this issue. Some member of ant design team has given an answer as set limitInPlot: true in config. I tried that but didn't work.
I tried with adjusting height prop and offsetY in lable prop inside config. This is just tricky option for you to achieve what you want.
Option 1 -
label: {
position: "top",
offsetY: 15, // change offset to this then value will not crop as before but just overlap with chart.
formatter: ({ value }) => value
Option 2 -
xAxis: false,
height: 750, // increase the chart height and it will show the value with a gap. But this will create a scroll.
autoFit: false,
Option 3 -
You can use mix of above two options with adjusting right values. This will get what you want without a scroll. below values got this result.
xAxis: false,
height: 500, // adjust height
autoFit: false,
legend: {
position: "bottom",
flipPage: false
interactions: [
type: "element-active"
label: {
position: "top",
offsetY: 12, // adjust offset
formatter: ({ value }) => value
This is the sandboxcode.
Hope this will help to overcome your issue.

how to add conditional template on ag-grid

can I do a conditional template on the first column below?
for example:
If my row has score property and I want to hide the input when my score is above 70?
let columns = [
{ width: 30, suppressSorting: true, suppressMenu: true, template: '<input type="checkbox">' },
{ headerName: "Score", filter: 'number', valueGetter: (params : any) => ? (<Alert>[0]).severity :, width:70},
{ headerName: "Behaviour tags" },
{ headerName: "Host", field: "host_name" },
{ headerName: "Group Id", cellRenderer: 'group', width:140 },
{ headerName: "Comments",width:290 }
Use cellRenderer property in your column object
let columns = [{ width: 30, suppressSorting: true, suppressMenu: true,
cellRenderer: function (params) {
var display = 'block';
if ( > 70) {
display = 'none';
var html = '<input type="checkbox" style="display: ' + display + '">';
return html;
In you have all row data

How to position the dataLabel for highcharts on the same side of the x-axis?

I have a column chart with positive and negative values. Using the default dataLabels, keeps the label at the end of the column, which isn't ideal for negative values, as it goes below the x axis.
$(function () {
chart: {
type: 'column',
height: 200,
borderColor: '#ddd'
title: {
text: ''
legend: {
padding: 0,
margin: 5
credits: {
enabled: true
tooltip: {
enabled: false
plotOptions: {
column: {
dataLabels: {
enabled: true,
crop: false,
overflow: 'none'
colors: ['#4572A7', '#AA4643', '#89A54E', '#80699B', '#3D96AE', '#DB843D', '#92A8CD', '#A47D7C', '#B5CA92'],
loading: {
labelStyle: {
top: '35%',
fontSize: "2em"
xAxis: {
categories: ["7/12", "7/13", "7/14", "7/15", "7/16"]
series: [{
"name": "Odometer",
"data": [{
"y": 94.98
}, {
"y": 182.96
}, {
"y": -160.97
}, {
"y": -18.00
}, {
"y": 117.97
Add plotOptions.column.stacking as normal like this and it will work.
You can change a little bit Highcharts.seriesTypes.column.prototype.alignDataLabel function, so it will not have functionality of aligning the dataLabel below your column if its value is smaller than 0.
Here you can find code that may help you:
H.seriesTypes.column.prototype.alignDataLabel = function(point, dataLabel, options, alignTo, isNew) {
var inverted = this.chart.inverted,
pick = H.pick,
Series = H.Series,
series = point.series,
merge = H.merge,
dlBox = point.dlBox || point.shapeArgs, // data label box for alignment
below = false,
inside = pick(options.inside, !!this.options.stacking), // draw it inside the box?
// Align to the column itself, or the top of it
if (dlBox) { // Area range uses this method but not alignTo
alignTo = merge(dlBox);
if (alignTo.y < 0) {
alignTo.height += alignTo.y;
alignTo.y = 0;
overshoot = alignTo.y + alignTo.height - series.yAxis.len;
if (overshoot > 0) {
alignTo.height -= overshoot;
if (inverted) {
alignTo = {
x: series.yAxis.len - alignTo.y - alignTo.height,
y: series.xAxis.len - alignTo.x - alignTo.width,
width: alignTo.height,
height: alignTo.width
// Compute the alignment box
if (!inside) {
if (inverted) {
alignTo.x += below ? 0 : alignTo.width;
alignTo.width = 0;
} else {
alignTo.y += below ? alignTo.height : 0;
alignTo.height = 0;
// When alignment is undefined (typically columns and bars), display the individual
// point below or above the point depending on the threshold
options.align = pick(
options.align, !inverted || inside ? 'center' : below ? 'right' : 'left'
options.verticalAlign = pick(
inverted || inside ? 'middle' : below ? 'top' : 'bottom'
// Call the parent method, point, dataLabel, options, alignTo, isNew);
The only change I have made is that I have changed below parameter to false.
Here you can find an example how it can work:
Best regards,

ExtJS 4.0.7 Ext.Draw drag and resize

I add Ext.draw.Component inside grid cell as column renderer:
renderer: function(_value){
var id =;
Ext.create('Ext.draw.Component', {
minWidth: width,
id: 'timer-' + id,
width: (_value * width),
style: {
position: 'absolute',
'z-index': '10000000',
height: 17,
renderTo: id,
resizable: {
dynamic: true,
pinned: true,
handles: 'w e',
widthIncrement: width,
gradients: [{
id: 'grad1',
angle: 270,
stops: {
0: {
color: '#6594cf'
1: {
color: '#c6d8ed'
99: {
color: '#5f96db'
100: {
color: '#6594cf'
items: [{
type: 'rect',
fill: 'url(#grad1)',
width: '100%',
height: '100%',
x: 0,
y: 0
draggable: {
constrain: false,
listeners: {
}, 25);
return '<div id="' + id + '" style="width:1000px;" class="timers" />';
I need to know, how to drag this draw component only by x-axis. And I need name of listeners, whitch called on drag and on resize.
There is listner resize, but funciton return only new width and height (or I dont know some thing), I need to know, to whitch resizable handle was user pooled - left or right?

Extjs4: editable rowbody

in my first ExtJs4 project i use a editable grid with the feature rowbody to have a big textfield displayed under each row.
I want it to be editable on a dblclick. I succeeded in doing so by replacing the innerHTML of the rowbody by a textarea but the special keys don't do what they are supposed to do (move the cursor). If a use the textarea in a normal field i don't have this problem. Same problem in IE7 and FF4
gridInfo = Ext.create('Ext.ux.LiveSearchGridPanel', {
id: 'gridInfo',
height: '100%',
width: '100%',
store: storeInfo,
columnLines: true,
selType: 'cellmodel',
columns: [
{text: "Titel", flex: 1, dataIndex: 'titel', field: {xtype: 'textfield'}},
{text: "Tags", id: "tags", flex: 1, dataIndex: 'tags', field: {xtype: 'textfield'}},
{text: "Hits", dataIndex: 'hits'},
{text: "Last Updated", renderer: Ext.util.Format.dateRenderer('d/m/Y'), dataIndex: 'lastChange'}
plugins: [
Ext.create('Ext.grid.plugin.CellEditing', {
clicksToEdit: 1
features: [
ftype: 'rowbody',
getAdditionalData: function (data, idx, record, orig) {
var headerCt = this.view.headerCt,
colspan = headerCt.getColumnCount();
return {
rowBody: data.desc, //the big textfieldvalue, can't use a textarea here 8<
rowBodyCls: this.rowBodyCls,
rowBodyColspan: colspan
{ftype: 'rowwrap'}
me.on('rowbodydblclick', function (gridView, el, event, o) {
rb = td.down('.x-grid-rowbody').dom;
var value = rb.innerText ? rb.innerText : rb.textContent;
rb.innerHTML = '';
Ext.create('Ext.form.field.TextArea', {
id: 'textarea1',
value: value,
renderTo: rb,
border: false,
enterIsSpecial: true,
enableKeyEvents: true,
disableKeyFilter: true,
listeners: {
'blur': function (el, o) {
rb.innerHTML = el.value;
'specialkey': function (field, e) {
console.log(e.keyCode); //captured but nothing happens
damn, can't publish my own solution, looks like somebody else has to answer, anyway, here is the function that works
function editDesc(me, gridView, el, event, o) {
var width ='table').getWidth();
var rb =;
var value = rb.innerText ? rb.innerText : rb.textContent;
rb.innerHTML = '';
var txt = Ext.create('Ext.form.field.TextArea', {
value: value,
renderTo: rb,
border: false,
width: width,
height: 300,
enterIsSpecial: true,
disableKeyFilter: true,
listeners: {
'blur': function (el, o) {
var value = el.value.replace('\n', '<br>')
rb.innerHTML = value;
'specialkey': function (field, e) {
var txtTextarea ='textarea'); = 'blue'; = '11px';
Hi Molecule Man, as an alternative to the approach above i tried the Ext.Editor.
It works but i want it inline but when i render it to the rowbody, the field blanks and i have no editor, any ideas ?
gridInfo = Ext.create('Ext.grid.Panel', {
id: 'gridInfo',
height: '100%',
width: '100%',
store: storeInfo,
columnLines: true,
selType: 'cellmodel',
viewConfig: {stripeRows: false, trackOver: true},
columns: [
{text: "Titel", flex: 1, dataIndex: 'titel', field: {xtype: 'textfield'}},
text: "Last Updated", renderer: Ext.util.Format.dateRenderer('d/m/Y'), dataIndex: 'lastChange'
plugins: [
Ext.create('Ext.grid.plugin.CellEditing', {
clicksToEdit: 1
features: [
ftype: 'rowbody',
getAdditionalData: function (data, idx, record, orig) {
var headerCt = this.view.headerCt,
colspan = headerCt.getColumnCount();
return {
rowBody: data.desc,
rowBodyCls: this.rowBodyCls,
rowBodyColspan: colspan
listeners: {
rowbodyclick: function (gridView, el, event) { //werkt
editDesc(this, gridView, el, event);
function editDesc(me, gridView, el, event, o) {
var rb =;
me.txt = new Ext.Editor({
field: {xtype: 'textarea'},
updateEl: true,
cancelOnEsc: true,
floating: true,
renderTo: rb //when i do this, the field becomes empty and i don't get the editor
This is just to set the question answered, see solution above