Associations in Activeslick - scala

I was trying Active-Slick and was able to execute active slick example
But i am not sure how to manage associations using Active-slick. Please provide example.
Also i tried to achieve it using below method but not sure is it good way of doing and is it still eligible to be called as active record pattern.
val book= Book(None,"Harry Potter")
val action = for {
id <- bookDao.insert(acc)
y<-authorDao.insert(new Author(None,id,"J.K.Rowling"))
}yield y

We use UUIDs for the ID column and they are generated in the Scala code, not by the database. I don't know how this will work with your "active record pattern" but it is nice because you can associate objects all you want before having to talk to the database. I also prefer this typed Id[T] in favour of the individual types like BookId and AuthorId.
case class Id[+T](value: String) extends MappedTo[String]
case object Id {
def generate[T]: Id[T] = Id[T](java.util.UUID.randomUUID().toString)
case class Author(authorId: Id[Author], name: String)
case class Book(authorId: Id[Book], title: String, authorId: Id[Author])
val newAuthor = Author(Id.generate, "JK Rowling")
val newBook = Book(Id.generate, "Harry Potter",
// do other stuff?
val action = for {
_ <- authorDao.insert(newAuthor)
_ <- bookDao.insert(newBook)
} yield 1
Hope this helps.


Scala : How to pass a class field into a method

I'm new to Scala and attempting to do some data analysis.
I have a CSV files with a few headers - lets say item no., item type, month, items sold.
I have made an Item class with the fields of the headers.
I split the CSV into a list with each iteration of the list being a row of the CSV file being represented by the Item class.
I am attempting to make a method that will create maps based off of the parameter I send in. For example if I want to group the items sold by month, or by item type. However I am struggling to send the Item.field into a method.
F.e what I am attempting is something like:
def makemaps(Item.field):
if (item.field==Item.month){}
else (if item.field==Item.itemType){}
However my logic for this appears to be wrong. Any ideas?
def makeMap[T](items: Iterable[Item])(extractKey: Item => T): Map[T, Iterable[Item]] =
So given this example Item class:
case class Item(month: String, itemType: String, quantity: Int, description: String)
You could have (I believe the type ascriptions are mandatory):
val byMonth = makeMap[String](items)(_.month)
val byType = makeMap[String](items)(_.itemType)
val byQuantity = makeMap[Int](items)(_.quantity)
val byDescription = makeMap[String](items)(_.description)
Note that _.month, for instance, creates a function taking an Item which results in the String contained in the month field (simplifying a little).
You could, if so inclined, save the functions used for extracting keys in the companion object:
object Item {
val month: Item => String = _.month
val itemType: Item => String = _.itemType
val quantity: Item => Int = _.quantity
val description: Item => String = _.description
// Allows us to determine if using a predefined extractor or using an ad hoc one
val extractors: Set[Item => Any] = Set(month, itemType, quantity, description)
Then you can pass those around like so:
val byMonth = makeMap[String](items)(Item.month)
The only real change semantically is that you explicitly avoid possible extra construction of lambdas at runtime, at the cost of having the lambdas stick around in memory the whole time. A fringe benefit is that you might be able to cache the maps by extractor if you're sure that the source Items never change: for lambdas, equality is reference equality. This might be particularly useful if you have some class representing the collection of Items as opposed to just using a standard collection, like so:
object Items {
def makeMap[T](items: Iterable[Item])(extractKey: Item => T): Map[T,
Iterable[Item]] =
class Items(val underlying: immutable.Seq[Item]) {
def makeMap[T](extractKey: Item => T): Map[T, Iterable[Item]] =
if (Item.extractors.contains(extractKey)) {
if (extractKey == Item.month) groupedByMonth.asInstanceOf[Map[T, Iterable[Item]]]
else if (extractKey == Item.itemType) groupedByItemType.asInstanceOf[Map[T, Iterable[Item]]]
else if (extractKey == Item.quantity) groupedByQuantity.asInstanceOf[Map[T, Iterable[Item]]]
else if (extractKey == Item.description) groupedByDescription.asInstanceOf[Map[T, Iterable[Item]]]
else throw new AssertionError("Shouldn't happen!")
} else {
lazy val groupedByMonth = Items.makeMap[String](underlying)(Item.month)
lazy val groupedByItemType = Items.makeMap[String](underlying)(Item.itemType)
lazy val groupedByQuantity = Items.makeMap[Int](underlying)(Item.quantity)
lazy val groupedByDescription = Items.makeMap[String](underlying)(Item.description)
(that is almost certainly a personal record for asInstanceOfs in a small block of code... I'm not sure if I should be proud or ashamed of this snippet)

Slick: how to implement find by example i.e. findByExample generically?

I'm exploring the different possibilities on how to implement a generic DAO using the latest Slick 3.1.1 to boost productivity and yes there is need for it because basing the service layer of my Play Web application on TableQuery alone leads to a lot of boilerplate code. One of the methods I'd like to feature in my generic DAO implementation is the findByExample, possible in JPA with the help of the Criteria API. In my case, I'm using the Slick Code Generator to generate the model classes from a sql script.
I need the following to be able to dynamically access the attribute names, taken from Scala. Get field names list from case class:
import scala.reflect.runtime.universe._
def classAccessors[T: TypeTag]: List[MethodSymbol] = typeOf[T].members.collect {
case m: MethodSymbol if m.isCaseAccessor => m
A draft implementation for findByExample would be:
def findByExample[T, R](example: R) : Future[Seq[R]] = {
var qt = TableQuery[T].result
val accessors = classAccessors[R]
(0 until example.productArity).map { i =>
example.productElement(i) match {
case None => // ignore
case 0 => // ignore
// ... some more default values => // ignore
// handle a populated case
case Some(x) => {
val columnName = accessors(i)
qt = qt.filter(_.columnByName(columnName) == x)
But this doesn't work because I need better Scala Kungfu. T is the entity table type and R is the row type that is generated as a case class and therefore a valid Scala Product type.
The first problem in that code is that would be too inefficient because instead of doing e.g.
qt.filter(_.firstName === "Juan" && _.streetName === "Rosedale Ave." && _.streetNumber === 5)
is doing:
// find all
var qt = TableQuery[T].result
// then filter by each column at the time
qt = qt.filter(_.firstName === "Juan")
qt = qt.filter(_.streetName === "Rosedale Ave.")
qt = qt.filter(_.streetNumber === 5)
Second I can't see how to dynamically access the column name in the filter method i.e.
qt.filter(_.firstName == "Juan")
I need to instead have
qt.filter(_.columnByName("firstName") == "Juan")
but apparently there is no such possibility while using the filter function?
Probably the best ways to implement filters and sorting by dynamically provided column names would be either plain SQL or extending the code generator to generate extension methods, something like this:
implicit class DynamicPersonQueries[C[_]](q: Query[PersonTable, PersonRow, C]){
def dynamicFilter( column: String, value: String ) = column {
case "firstName" => q.filter(_.firstName === value)
case "streetNumber" => q.filter(_.streetNumber === value.toInt)
You might have to fiddle with the types a bit to get it to compile (and ideally update this post afterwards :)).
You can then filter by all the provided values like this:
val examples: Map[String, String] = ...
val t = TableQuery[PersonTable]
val query = examples.foldLeft(t){case (t,(column, value)) => t.dynamicFilter(column, value)
Extending the code generator is explained here:
After further researching found the following blog post Repository Pattern / Generic DAO Implementation.
There they declare and implement a generic filter method that works for any Model Entity type and therefore it is in my view a valid functional replacement to the more JPA findByExample.
T <: Table[E] with IdentifyableTable[PK]
E <: Entity[PK]
PK: BaseColumnType
def filter[C <: Rep[_]](expr: T => C)(implicit wt: CanBeQueryCondition[C]) : Query[T, E, Seq] = tableQuery.filter(expr)

How to modify this nested case classes with "Seq" fields?

Some nested case classes and the field addresses is a Seq[Address]:
// ... means other fields
case class Street(name: String, ...)
case class Address(street: Street, ...)
case class Company(addresses: Seq[Address], ...)
case class Employee(company: Company, ...)
I have an employee:
val employee = Employee(Company(Seq(
Address(Street("aaa street")),
Address(Street("bbb street")),
Address(Street("bpp street")))))
It has 3 addresses.
And I want to capitalize the streets start with "b" only. My code is mess like following:
val modified = employee.copy(company = = { address =>
address.copy(street = address.street.copy(name = {
if ("b")) {
} else {
The modified employee is then:
Address(Street(aaa street)),
Address(Street(Bbb street)),
Address(Street(Bpp street)))))
I'm looking for a way to improve it, and can't find one. Even tried Monocle, but can't apply it to this problem.
Is there any way to make it better?
PS: there are two key requirements:
use only immutable data
don't lose other existing fields
As Peter Neyens points out, Shapeless's SYB works really nicely here, but it will modify all Street values in the tree, which may not always be what you want. If you need more control over the path, Monocle can help:
import monocle.Traversal
import monocle.function.all._, monocle.macros._, monocle.std.list._
val employeeStreetNameLens: Traversal[Employee, String] =
val capitalizer = employeeStreeNameLens.modify {
case s if s.startsWith("b") => s.capitalize
case s => s
As Julien Truffaut points out in an edit, you can make this even more concise (but less general) by creating a lens all the way to the first character of the street name:
import monocle.std.string._
val employeeStreetNameFirstLens: Traversal[Employee, Char] =
val capitalizer = employeeStreetNameFirstLens.modify {
case 'b' => 'B'
case s => s
There are symbolic operators that would make the definitions above a little more concise, but I prefer the non-symbolic versions.
And then (with the result reformatted for clarity):
scala> capitalizer(employee)
res3: Employee = Employee(
Address(Street(aaa street)),
Address(Street(Bbb street)),
Address(Street(Bpp street))
Note that as in the Shapeless answer, you'll need to change your Employee definition to use List instead of Seq, or if you don't want to change your model, you could build that transformation into the Lens with an Iso[Seq[A], List[A]].
If you are open to replacing the addresses in Company from Seq to List, you can use "Scrap Your Boilerplate" from shapeless (example).
import shapeless._, poly._
case class Street(name: String)
case class Address(street: Street)
case class Company(addresses: List[Address])
case class Employee(company: Company)
val employee = Employee(Company(List(
Address(Street("aaa street")),
Address(Street("bbb street")),
Address(Street("bpp street")))))
You can create a polymorphic function which capitalizes the name of a Street if the name starts with a "b".
object capitalizeStreet extends ->(
(s: Street) => {
val name = if ("b")) else
Which you can use as :
val afterCapitalize = everywhere(capitalizeStreet)(employee)
// Employee(Company(List(
// Address(Street(aaa street)),
// Address(Street(Bbb street)),
// Address(Street(Bpp street)))))
Take a look at quicklens
You could do it like this
import com.softwaremill.quicklens._
case class Street(name: String)
case class Address(street: Street)
case class Company(address: Seq[Address])
case class Employee(company: Company)
object Foo {
def foo(e: Employee) = {
modify(e)( {
case name if name.startsWith("b") => name.capitalize
case name => name

strategy for loading related entities with slick 2

I am using play 2.3 with slick 2.1
I have two related entities - Message and User (a simplified example domain). Messages are written by users.
A recommended way (the only way?) of expressing such a relation is by using explicit userId in Message
My classes and table mappings look like this:
case class Message (
text: String,
userId: Int,
date: Timestamp = new Timestamp(new Date().getTime()),
id: Option[Int] = None) {}
case class User (
userName: String,
displayName: String,
passHash: String,
creationDate: Timestamp = new Timestamp(new Date().getTime()),
lastVisitDate: Option[Timestamp] = None,
// etc
id: Option[Int] = None){}
class MessageTable(tag: Tag) extends Table[Message](tag, "messages") {
def id = column[Int]("id", O.PrimaryKey, O.AutoInc)
def text = column[String]("text")
def userId = column[Int]("user_id")
def date = column[Timestamp]("creation_date")
def * = (title, text, userId, date, id.?) <> (Post.tupled, Post.unapply
def author = foreignKey("message_user_fk", userId, TableQuery[UserTable])(
class UserTable(tag: Tag) extends Table[User](tag, "USER") {
def id = column[Int]("id", O.PrimaryKey, O.AutoInc)
def username = column[String]("username")
def passHash = column[String]("password")
def displayname = column[String]("display_name")
def * = (username, passHash,created, lastvisit, ..., id.?) <> (User.tupled, User.unapply)
And a convenient helper object:
object db {
object users extends TableQuery(new UserTable(_)) {
// helper methods, compiled queries
object messages extends TableQuery(new MessageTable(_)) {
// helper methods, compiled queries
Now, this is all perfect internally, but if I want to display the actual message, I want the message class to be able to return it's author name when used in templates.
Here are my considerations:
I don't want (and I wasn't able to anyway) to pass around implicit slick Session where it doesn't belong - like templating engine and model classes
I'd like to avoid requesting additional data for messages one-by-one in this particular case
I am more familiar with Hibernate than Slick; in Hibernate I'd use join-fetching. With Slick, the best idea I came up with is to use another data holder class for display:
class LoadedMessage (user:User, message:Message) {
// getters
def text = message.text
def date =
def author = user.displayName
object LoadedMessage {
def apply( u:User , m:Message ) = new LoadedMessage(u, m)
and populate it with results of join query:
val messageList: List[LoadedMessage] = (
for (
u <- db.users;
m <- db.messages if === m.userId
) yield (u, m))
.sortBy({ case (u, m) => })
.take(amount) { case (u, m) => LoadedMessage(u, m) }
and then pass it wherever. My concern is with this extra class - not very DRY, so unnecessary conversion (and doesn't seem I can make it implicit), much boilerplate.
What is the common approach?
Is there a way to cut on extra classes and actually make a model able to return it's associations?
Following my comment:
How to handle join results is a matter of personal taste in my opinion, your approach is what I would also use, you have an ad hoc data structure which encapsulate your data and can be easily passed around (for example in views) and accessed.
Two other approaches which comes to mind are
query for fields instead of objects, it's less legible and I usually hate working with tuples (or triples in this case) because I find the notation _._1 way less legible than MyClass.myField. This means doing something like this:
val messageList = (
for (
u <- db.users;
m <- db.messages if === m.userId
) yield (u.displayName,, m.text))
.sortBy({ case (name, date, text) => date })
Which will return a triple and then can be passed in your view, something that is possible but I would never do.
Another option is to pass the tuple of objects, very similar to your approach except for the last map
val messageList: List[(User, Message)] = (
for (
u <- db.users;
m <- db.messages if === m.userId
) yield (u, m))
.sortBy({ case (u, m) => })
Here you can pass in the view something like this:
#(messagesAndAuthors: List[(User, Message)])
and then access the data using tuples and classes access functionality, but again your template would be a collection of _1s and again that is horrible to read, plus you have to do something like just to get one value.
In the end I prefer passing variables as clean as I can in my views (and I guess this is one of the few universally accepted principle in computer science) and hide the logic used in models, for this using an ad hoc case class is the way to go in my opinion. Case classes are a very powerful tool and it's nice to have it, to you it may looks not DRY and more verbose than other approaches (like Hibernate you talked about) but think that when a developer will read you code it will be as easy as it can get in this moment and that extra small class will save hours of head banging.
For the Session trouble see this related question, at the moment is not possible to avoid passing it around (as far as I know) but you should be able to contain this situation and avoid passing session in your template, I usually create a session in my entry point (most of the time a controller) and pass it to the model.
Note: the code is untested, there may be some mistakes.

Access database column names from a Table?

Let's say I have a table:
object Suppliers extends Table[(Int, String, String, String)]("SUPPLIERS") {
def id = column[Int]("SUP_ID", O.PrimaryKey)
def name = column[String]("SUP_NAME")
def state = column[String]("STATE")
def zip = column[String]("ZIP")
def * = id ~ name ~ state ~ zip
Table's database name
The table's database name can be accessed by going: Suppliers.tableName
This is supported by the Scaladoc on AbstractTable.
For example, the above table's database name is "SUPPLIERS".
Columns' database names
Looking through AbstractTable, getLinearizedNodes and indexes looked promising. No column names in their string representations though.
I assume that * means "all the columns I'm usually interested in." * is a MappedProjection, which has this signature:
final case class MappedProjection[T, P <: Product](
child: Node,
f: (P) ⇒ T,
g: (T) ⇒ Option[P])(proj: Projection[P])
extends ColumnBase[T] with UnaryNode with Product with Serializable
*.getLinearizedNodes contains a huge sequence of numbers, and I realized that at this point I'm just doing a brute force inspection of everything in the API for possibly finding the column names in the String.
Has anybody also encountered this problem before, or could anybody give me a better understanding of how MappedProjection works?
It requires you to rely on Slick internals, which may change between versions, but it is possible. Here is how it works for Slick 1.0.1: You have to go via the FieldSymbol. Then you can extract the information you want like how columnInfo(driver: JdbcDriver, column: FieldSymbol): ColumnInfo does it.
To get a FieldSymbol from a Column you can use fieldSym(node: Node): Option[FieldSymbol] and fieldSym(column: Column[_]): FieldSymbol.
To get the (qualified) column names you can simply do the following:
It's not explicitly stated anywhere that the toString will yield the column name, so your question is a valid one.
Now, if you want to programmatically get all the column names, then that's a bit harder. You could try using reflection to get all the methods that return a Column[_] and call toString on them, but it wouldn't be elegant. Or you could hack a bit and get a select * SQL statement from a query like this:
val selectStatement = DB withSession {
And then parse our the column names.
This is the best I could do. If someone knows a better way then please share - I'm interested too ;)
Code is based on Lightbend Activator "slick-http-app".
slick version: 3.1.1
Added this method to the BaseDal:
def getColumns(): mutable.Map[String, Type] = {
val columns = mutable.Map.empty[String, Type]
def selectType(t: Any): Option[Any] = t match {
case t: TableExpansion => Some(t.columns)
case t: Select => Some(t.field)
case _ => None
def selectArray(t:Any): Option[ConstArray[Node]] = t match {
case t: TypeMapping => Some(t.child.children)
case _ => None
def selectFieldSymbol(t:Any): Option[FieldSymbol] = t match {
case t: FieldSymbol => Some(t)
case _ => None
val t = selectType(tableQ.toNode)
val c = selectArray(t.get)
for (se <- c.get) {
val col = selectType(se)
val fs = selectFieldSymbol(col.get)
columns += ( -> fs.get.tpe)
this method gets the column names (real names in DB) + types form the TableQ
used imports are:
import slick.ast._
import slick.util.ConstArray