OneDrive API: Unauthenticated, Must be authenticated to use '/drive' syntax - rest

I am using OneDrive api to upload files in my Ruby on Rails application and OneDrive API started giving the unauthenticated error on uploading file using the endpoint /drive/root:/#{filename}:/content. The error is given below:
{"error"=>{"code"=>"unauthenticated", "message"=>"Must be authenticated to use '/drive' syntax"}}
Then I got a new refresh_token by following the OneDrive Docs using scope files.readwrite offline_access.
For OneDrive authentication, I am sending POST request to the endpoint to get access_token using the refresh_token with the following headers and body:
headers = { 'Content-Type' => 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded' }
body = {
'client_id' => "<Client ID>",
'grant_type' => "refresh_token",
'redirect_uri' => "<Redirect URI>",
'client_secret' => "<Client Secret>",
'refresh_token' => "<Refresh Token>",
Am I using the correct endpoint to get access_token from refresh_token?
The base uri I am using to upload files to OneDrive is
Can anyone please help me why I am I getting unauthenticated error or how can I use '/drive' syntax for authentication?
Thanks in advance!

In my case, I was using "Code flow" for the Authentication and using the following url to get code in parameter: offline_access&response_type=code&redirect_uri=REDIRECT_URI
Visiting the above url opened the redirect url with a long code parameter which I was using to get access_token and refresh_token but that access_token was not working on uploading files to OneDrive and retuning "unauthenticated" error mentioned in question.
After doing research, I found that the url I am using to get code for OneDrive authentication is for Microsoft Graph. The correct url for Microsoft Account is given below: offline_access&response_type=code&redirect_uri=REDIRECT_URI
Visiting the above url in browser redirected me to the page with code parameter as well but it was small code like K9vb4e786-afg6-1a3b-1234-12abc01234ca.
I used this code to get access_token and refresh_token using the below POST request:
body = {
client_id: "CLIENT_ID",
redirect_uri: "REDIRECT_URI",
client_secret: "CLIENT_SECRET",
code: "CODE",
grant_type: "authorization_code"
headers = { 'Content-Type' => 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded' }'', headers: headers, body: body)
This request returned access_token and refresh_token in response. I used this refresh_token to get an access_token in each request and file uploaded successfully.
Conclusion: I was using Microsoft Graph authentication process ie, which was incorrect. Then I followed Microsoft Account authentication ie, which resolved the issue.
Later I used my Office-365 business account for OneDrive file uploading. For this account, OneDrive authentication process is different ie, and it worked.


Getting `The OAuth client was not found.` and `invalid client` error when trying to get access token for google cloud logging services in Dart

I'm following through this link: in order to have my flutter app log to a log bucket in a google cloud project. Currently getting a
"error": "invalid_client",
"error_description": "The OAuth client was not found."
when I run the code below to get the access token in dart:
var jsonFile =
await File(jsonPath).readAsString();
var map = jsonDecode(jsonFile);
final jwt = JWT(
'iss': map['client_email'],
'sub': map['client_email'],
'aud': map['token_uri'],
'iat': ( / 1000).floor(),
( 1)).millisecondsSinceEpoch / 1000)
issuer: map['private_key_id'],
final token = jwt.sign(SecretKey(map['private_key']));
final accessToken = await
headers: {
HttpHeaders.contentTypeHeader: 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded',
body: {
'grant_type': 'urn:ietf:params:oauth:grant-type:jwt-bearer',
'assertion': token,
The JSON file is the credentials of a service account with logging admin role in the GCP project.
Invalid client means that the client id or the client secret that you are using are not valid.
As per the official documentation,
When attempting to get an access or refresh token, you will get an
"Invalid client" error if you provide an incorrect OAuth 2.0 Client
Secret. Make sure the client_secret value you're using in access and
refresh token calls is the one for the OAuth 2.0 Client ID being used,
as found in your GCP Credentials page.
Also refer to this SO link Github link for more information.

JWT token exchange via named credentials as per user

I am trying to generate a JSON Web Token(JWT) via named credentials as per user.
I want to use this named creds for authentincation purpose. So that using them after salesforce providing JSON web token, in exchange my local auth server will provide a token.
Below are the settings I have added while creating the named credentials as per user.
Label : TestJWTCredential
Name : TestJWTCredential
URL : -> external-endpoint <-
In Authentication Part
Certificate : MulesoftJWT
Identity Type : Per User
Authentication Protocol : JWT Token Exchange
Token Endpoint Url : http://localhost:8091/api/provider/token
Scope : refresh_token full
Issuer : -> my-username <-
Per User Subject : $userId
Audience : http://localhost:8091/api/provider/token
Token Valid for : 1 Hours
JWT Signing Certificate : MulesoftJWT
Ref :-
"http://localhost:8091/api/provider/token" This is the url of my authorization server which is a mule application deployed on my local.
Also while calling this named creds from developer console, it gives this error
System.CalloutException: Unable to complete the JWT token exchange.
Below is the APEX code,
HttpRequest req = new HttpRequest();
req.setHeader('Authorization', 'Bearer'+ UserInfo.getSessionId());
Http http = new Http();
System.debug('REQUEST :::: ' + req);
HTTPResponse resp = http.send(req);
System.debug('RESPONSE :::: ' + resp.getBody());
Can any body help me how to do it.
I was just viewing some Salesforce videos on this topic. In the "Deep Dive into Salesforce Connected App - Part 3" video, at the 23:56 mark, the Salesforce presenter had to delete the "scope" value to get it to work.

How can I get Pull Request details using the octokit js client?

When trying to get the details for a specific pull request (via a call to ocktokit.pulls.get, I get the error "Resource not accessible by integration". Doing the exact same thing for an issue (octokit.issues.get) works as expected. I'm using the createAppAuth authorization strategy:
const octokit = new Octokit({
authStrategy: createAppAuth,
auth: {
id: APP_ID,
privateKey: PRIVATE_KEY,
installationId: INSTALLATION_ID,
clientId: CLIENT_ID,
clientSecret: CLIENT_SECRET,
Authorization can't be the issue since I can get details for a (non-PR) issue. How can I get details for a pull request?

firebase facebook Login: auth/internal-error

I'm having issues with using the facebook login feature.
At the moment I have yet to deploy and am testing locally on my machine.
I've followed all the steps of:
1) Adding the facebook App ID and App Secret
2) changed the OAuth redirect URI to
However I am still getting the following error:
{"error":{"code":400,"message":"Error getting access token from
FACEBOOK, OAuth2 redirect uri is:, response:
httpMetadata: HttpMetadata{status=400, cachePolicy=NO_CACHE,
cacheDuration=null, cacheImmutable=false, staleWhileRevalidate=null,
filename=null, lastModified=null, headers=HTTP/1.1 200 OK\r\n\r\n,
cookieList=[]}}","errors":[{"message":"Error getting access token from
FACEBOOK, OAuth2 redirect uri is:, response:
httpMetadata: HttpMetadata{status=400, cachePolicy=NO_CACHE,
cacheDuration=null, cacheImmutable=false, staleWhileRevalidate=null,
filename=null, lastModified=null, headers=HTTP/1.1 200 OK\r\n\r\n,
Any help would be greatly appreciated!

Sentry api authentication issue

I am trying to get all the issues with respect to a project by exposing the sentry api hosted on a private server but getting below response even after using basic auth.
"detail": "Authentication credentials were not provided."
And after generating api key, getting invalid key.
You should add this header:
header = {'Authorization': 'Bearer TOKEN'}
to your request.