Flutter_Console every command just freezes and does not return anything - flutter

I have tried Flutter Doctor, creating an app, checking what channel I am on, even switching channels.The only thing that happens is what is in the screenshot below. I see the command and get no response on the next line and instead only a blinking cursor.

The problem was I just copied the files from inside of the zip and didn't extract them first, after extracting them it is now working.


How to make the beginning of directory on the new line from the end of terminal in VS Code

In the first screenshot is VS Code on my PC and the second one is from my laptop.
As you can see, I'm using the same code in both screenshots, but in img1, the terminal output ("3") is on the different line with the file directory unlike the second one which stick right into it.
I don't know how to fix this problem, if anyone know how to change this please give me an instruction
first screenshot
second screenshot

Unity Console not showing result and Object disappears on running

Hi I installed unity hub and added editor ''Unity 2021.1.7f1''.
Now i wrote a simple script in Visual studio Code (VSC shows no error in it), the script is to just write something in the Console, here it isscreenshot is here
I attached the script to an empty objecthere is screenshot
Now on running the console shows nothinghere is screenshot
Why is this happening?
Now i created a 2D square object and added a script to it that i copied from the tutorial i was learning from, VSC shows no error in it as well. Here it ishere is screenshot
I attached this script to the squarehere is screenshot
When i press the run the square disappears from the assets.here is screenshot
I am new so please forgive if i made some technical error. I need help with these two problems. Any help would be appreciated.
The first issue is caused by a typo in your script, you typed start() instead of Start() (Notice the capital S, Unity Event functions are case sensitive.)
For the second issue, it looks you you added the square object while in play mode which doesn't persist changes. You need to make sure you only make changes in Edit mode if you want them to be persisted.

Configure VS Code output window for python to jump to last line of output window?

I am sorry if the question doesn't make sense, I didn't really know how to phrase it properly.
What I am trying to achieve is similar to how it works in the command prompt when running a python file. When I run a python file from the command prompt, the command prompt window will jump to the last outputted line during the running of the program, so what is currently being outputted is always visible. However in my current VS Code set up, the output window will not jump to the last line as it is printed, and I have to scroll through the output window to see what is happening with the program.
I am currently using the latest version of VS Code and using the code-runner extension as well. Please let me know if what I am asking does not really make sense.
As far as I understand your question, I would like to answer it.
To Auto-Scroll to the last output, you can just click on the Lock Icon near the Clear Console icon.

Eclipse won't compile SWT file properly after SFTP transfer

I was coding earlier today using Textastic 9 on my iPhone today using files I had downloaded over SFTP. I sent them back to my computer (the whole project transferred to my phone), and now three of the four work. They compile correctly, and the colour coding works perfectly. The last one, however, only colour codes specific keywords and strings. It won't accept variable names and anything from a separate library/file, say org.eclipse.swt.SWT.
Here's a screenshot of that file:
Here's another file that also went through SFTP that's working perfectly:
I'm also getting the error Syntax error on tokens, SimpleName expected on a return; statement. I've also tried pasting the code in Notepad, deleting the file, and pasting it into a new file. That doesn't work.
Thanks to #Ros5292
It turns out the display() method had parameters with incorrect capitalisation. I fixed this, clicked on the Design tab, selected the root method, and it compiles. It still doesn't allow me to use other files, color code, etc.
Thanks to #Ros5292
It turns out the display() method had parameters with incorrect capitalisation. I fixed this, clicked on the Design tab, selected the root method, and it works. The colour coding and stuff were messed up due to a few errors because the file was technically new, and it hadn't compiled properly for the first time ever.

Flutter - Is there a way to see which line of the code throws an error?

I am new to Flutter. So sorry if my question is silly...
In Flutter is there a way to see which line throws an error?
E.g. I have this in console.
And this in the stimulator.
Can I understand from it which line throws it?
You can see the line of code that has error in your screenshot bro, all you need to do is read it and we can see that the error is in #1.
it says that you story.dart has error on line 200
Using the console
See all the files in blue on the console? They represent all files (yours and those from the Flutter SDK and libraries) connected to the error message.
There is a high chance that the line that throws an/the error is not from the libraries but from your own code. So, what do you have to do?
Scan all files in blue that are from your own code and look for the one that has the strongest relationship with the error message.
For example, in your case, story.dart is your own code. Ctrl + click on story.dart files in blue to see the line that may have caused the error/exception. In your case, there is a high chance that you are trying to read or delete an element from an empty list.
You can also use the VSCode debugger to do this
I have had the same problem: VSCode opening flutter source files and pointing to an exception in them, instead of in mi code. After reading #user2740650 comment, a looked carefully to the bottom bar, and discovered the Debug my code + packages + SDK text in it.
Screen capture of bottom bar in VSCode
I clicked on it and switched to Debug my code, and my problem was solved!