I get a csv file which I import into a google sheet.
I want to calculate the difference between two "Date Time" combination fields, which are now Text fields and not "Date Time" fields.
Before May they were proper "Date Time" fields in DD.MM.YYYY 00:00, which Google Sheets could work with to calculate the difference in the duration for me. "Updated - Created = Difference". Now it's a text field with the wrong format and the auto convert or manual setting doesn't work. And I work here with a few hundred data sets. So via hand it's a bit rough work...
The DATEVALUE function doesn't work for me. And it was the only related thing I could find.
Created Updated Difference
07/May/18 06:54 07/May/18 07:14 #VALUE!
07/May/18 07:19 07/May/18 07:28
07/May/18 07:02 07/May/18 07:56
Example how it should look like (Slash or Dot shouldn't matter):
Created Updated Difference
07.May.18 06:54 07.May.18 07:14 00:20
07.May.18 07:19 07.May.18 07:28 00:09
07.May.18 07:02 07.May.18 07:56 00:54
Error code:
Function MINUS parameter 1 expects number values. But '07/May/18 07:14' is a text and cannot be coerced to a number.
Thanks for your help.
This formula will convert month names into numbers [1-12]:
"" & VLOOKUP(REGEXEXTRACT(A1;"Jan|Feb|Mar|Apr|May|Jun|Jul|Aug|Sep|Oct|Nov|Dec");
A result is a serial number: 43227,2875.
After conversion, you may count duration.
So the problem is actually with the language settings.
When I import the data, I've to set the sheet before to US. Then i can work with it. After that I can switch it back to DE and it automatically converts.
I've got a TAdvStringGrid connected to a TAdvGridFilterPanel. The grid contains several columns of which 4 are dates. The locale of my PC is 'nl-NL' (Dutch). Date format in The Netherlands is 'dd-mm-yyyy'. When I filter dates it doesn't filter correctly. Things I tried that did not help:
In the OnGetFormat returned the ssDate for date columns
Fiddled arround with FormatSettings (local and global) with DateFormat and DateSeparator. This did solve some of the display problems. Date were display as '31/12/2000'. After changing the FormatSettings this changed to '31-12-2000'. But it's not nice to use the global FormatSetting so discarded that solution.
Tried to find an event that fires on compare. If it exists, I didn't find it.
In other words. Or I'm doing something wrong or there's a bug in the TMS code. Any idea's?
I text based .csv file with a semicolon separated data set which contains date values that look like this
When I go to Format>number> I see the Google sheets has automatic set.
In this state I cannot use and formulas with this data.
I go to Format>number> and set this to date but formulas still do not see the actual date value and continue to display an error
Can someone share how I can quickly activate the values of this array so formulas will work against them?
I would be super thankful
Where the date are in column A, starting in cell A1, this formula will convert to DATE as a number, after which you apply formatting to Short Date style.
Hopefully(!) the dates stay as text, otherwise Google Sheets would sometimes detect MM/dd/yyyy instead of dd/MM/yyyy, and you won't be able to distinguish between July 9th and September 7th in your example.
Solution #1
If your locale is for instance FR, you can then apply
you can try/adapt
function importCsvFromIdv1() {
var id = 'the id of the csv file';
var csv = DriveApp.getFileById(id).getBlob().getDataAsString();
var csvData = Utilities.parseCsv(csv);
date = row[0]
row[0] = date.substring(6,10)+'-'+date.substring(3,5)+'-'+date.substring(0,2)
var f = SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSpreadsheet().getActiveSheet();
f.getRange(1, 1, csvData.length, csvData[0].length).setValues(csvData);
First thanks to those that suggested a fix. I am not really a programmer and get cold sweats when I see suggesting of running scripts to solve simple problems. Sorry guys.
So the (non programmer) solution with the dates was to do a find/replace (CTRL + H) and replace all the (.)dots with (/)slashes, then to make sure the column is formatted as a date, then Google finally understands it as a date.
With the accounting values as well, I had to do the same find/replace to remove all the ' between thousands, then google woke up and understood them as numbers.
I am significantly underwhelmed by this from Google. They are getting too fat and lazy. They need some competition.
I am using Tableau Server version 10.4.3
I have a dimension rTime which has string value. the entries in rTime is of like this
May 10, 2019 8:59:56.303 PM UTC
I want to check whether the rTime is today or not. I cannot use DateParse since my server doesn't have this functionality.
I created a calculated field CheckrTime with below content :
When I am dragging CheckrTime into workspace area, the output is coming in below format which is what I wanted :
May 10, 2019
When I am checking ISDATE("May 10, 2019") (a normal string), it is outputting TRUE as expected but when I am checking ISDATE(CheckrTime) it is outputting FALSE . Why?
The reason I am checking above thing is I am looking to use DATEDIFF function of tableau in this way:
DATEDIFF('day', DATE(CheckrTime), TODAY()) == 0
If someone is wondering ,I have taken care of the level of granularity.
If you have a better solution then the one I am following, please do tell me.
This is working for me. I would expect May 10 <> May 16 (today) and therefore return false. However, when I change your example to today's date it does in fact come back as true.
You could also try this formula for the date LEFT([rTime],FINDNTH([rTime],' ',3)). It is slightly less complicated but will give you the same answer.
Calculated field (date type) depends the locale used which defines date format. Are you able to use Date function?
In Tableau website there is a example using english locale
For string 06May2017
DATE (LEFT([Original Date], 2) + "/" + MID([Original Date],3,3) + "/" + RIGHT([Original Date],4))
Above mentioned highligts / character between digits which is depending on locale
So let's say I have an Infobox template in Wikipedia that retrieves a company foundation date from Wikidata. It contains the following code:
|label7 = Year founded
|text7 = {{wikidata|p571|{{{founded|}}}}}
My problem is that what's retrieved is formatted as 31 January 2010 and it looks weird next to "Year founded' since it is not a year but the whole date. Of course I could rename the label from "Year founded" to "Date founded" and voila, problem solved, right? But I do want to just get the year from Wikidata, not the whole date.
What would be the code for this? I imagine something like {{wikidata|p571[year]|{{{founded|}}}}} or {{wikidata|p571[0]|{{{founded|}}}}} or {{wikidata|p571[YYYY]|{{{founded|}}}}}.
Thanks in advance!
This doesn't sound like a programming question, but it looks like you can request a specific date format as the third parameter to wikidata
I highly recomend you to filter the year from date using RegularExpression instead of trying to get only the year.
With DateJS, you'd add e.g. six months to the current date like this:
However, I need to add 24 months not to today's date, but to a date which a user has typed into a date field. So the today() should in principle be replaced by something like this.getField('begin_date').value.
The result shall be written into another data form field.
I tried hard, but couldn't make it. Can anyone help me out?
Providing the input value is a textual representation of a date, you need to convert it into a Date object at the first place. Then you can work with it as you want.
DateJS has a pretty smart parse() function which does exactly that, so you'd achieve it like this:
When a specific date format is needed, like DD.MM.YYYY commonly used in Europe, you can use parseExact() and specify the format. Like this:
Date.parseExact(dateToParse, 'dd.MM.yyyy') // leading zeroes required; parses 01.04.2014 but not 1.4.2014
Date.parseExact(dateToParse, 'd.M.yyyy') // leading zeroes not required; parses both 01.04.2014 and 1.4.2014
Here is a solution that I found for my problem, using DateJS as well:
start = this.getField('begin_date').value;
var d1 = util.scand("dd.mm.yyyy", start);
var myDate = new Date(d1);
result = myDate.addMonths(24);
This works pretty fine, also spanning leap years, except for the 28th of February, 2014/2018/2022 ... ; the result then will be the 28th of February, 2016/2020/2024 ... and not the 29th of February 2016/2020/2024... In these cases it's up to the user to accept the 28th or to manually change the date to the 29th.