How to use for a transaction - postgresql

Is it possible to use to see raw postgres queries generated by a transaction db.tx(t => ...)? I can't figure out the syntax for this use-case.

If you can't figure out what query is generated, you have the following options:
Start using pg-monitor that will show you all the queries automatically
Manually connect to event query
Use function as.format
Is it possible to use
Why wouldn't it be possible? The function is there to be used independently whenever needed. But in your case, for viewing generated queries, the other two options are better.


Postgres AUTONOMOUS_TRANSACTION equivalent on the same DB

I'm currently working on a SpringBatch application that should insert some logs in case a certain type of error happens. The problem is that if the BatchJob fails, it automatically rollback everything done and that’s perfect, but it also rollback the error logs.
I need to achieve something similar to the AUTONOMOUS_TRANSACTION of Oracle while using PostgreSQL (14).
I’ve seen the DBLINK and it seem the only thing close to an alternative, but I have found some problems:
I need to avoid the connection string because the database host/port/name changes in the different environments, is it possible? I need to persist the data in the same database to technically I don’t need to connect to any other database but use the calling connection.
Is it possible to create a Function/Procedure that creates the takes care of all and I only have to call it Java side? Maybe this way I can somehow pass the connection data as a parameter in case that is not possible to avoid.
In a best case scenario I would be able to do something like:
dblink_exec(text sql);
That without arguments considers the same database where is been executed.
The problem is that I need this to be done without specifying any connection data, this will be inside a function on the executing db, in the same schema… that function will pass from one environment to the next one and the code needs to be the same so any name/user/pass needed must be avoided since they will change by environment. And since doing it in the same db and schema technically they can be inferred.
Thanks in advance!
At the moment I haven't try anything, I'm trying to get some information first.

Oracle SQL Developer -- Is there a way to reload past fiter parameters that I have specified

When examining a table, there is a filter field. Sometimes I put some lengthy filter parameters in there. Is it possible to see past parameters I have specified, and load them into the Filter field?
No, I don't think so. SQL Developer's filter offers just a single line of a filter.
Just as an illustration, TOAD lets you do that because its filter looks more like an "Editor" window, so you can put several filters in there and (un)comment them as you want:

Fetching object source programmatically

I need access to the complete source code of objects in order to automate certain tasks. For example: complete source of view is the view itself, it's rules, triggers, privileges...
By using different PostgreSQL tools like PgAdmin, pg_dump, psql, this can easily be fetched, but I need to be able to access it through a (sql/plpgsql) function call.
It's not too difficult to implement API looking like this: getFunctionSource, getTableSource, getFUnctionSource. However, it looks like this code would need a lot of maintenance along different versions of database.
Is there officially maintained or well tested extension, API, pg_dump wrapper or whatever I can use?
If you run psql -E, you'll see hidden queries that get run by Postgres to output data definitions.
A function's raw source, for instance, can be found by running \df foo, reading the query, and subsequently trying:
select prosrc from pg_proc where proname = 'foo'
\sf foo doesn't yield the relevant functions using that approach, but a cursory peek at the docs on system information functions (of which there are many) should suggest that it's just a wrapper around:
select pg_get_functiondef('foo'::regproc);
A few views to get you started, if you go the route of posting your stuff on github:
(You'll want to create a "system" schema before running the file using \i in psql.)

Finding all input parameter and the queries corresponding to those input parameter

I have Postgresql DB on my pc and I'm trying to connect different database application to Postgresql but before that(An research issue), for each application, I need to see all the input parameter and all the queries corresponding to those input parameter that application can do.
Look in the code of every application and see what calls are being made. In addition figure out all the parameter values that can be sent based on an almost infinite combination of characters and numbers the user can select from.
Or to remain sane turn on postgresql logging and let the users do their thing and analyse what calls are being made.

show executed query in phpPgAdmin

Is there a way to show the SQL query executed by phpPgAdmin as the way phpMyAdmin does?
For example, if I modify a column, it should show the ALTER command being executed.
If this is not possible, what other interface could I use to get this feature?
It's not possible with any currently released version of phpPgAdmin, although the feature could probably be added. You'd need to intercept the SQL being sent to the back-end, and then display this back out to the user. SQL execution is pretty well centralized, and if you look at the "history" feature you will see a way to trap/show queries, so munging those bits together would probably get you what you want. HTH, if someone implements this, please send a pull request!
As a quick dirty hack you could alter sources a bit to enable sql logging:
In classes/database/ADODB_base.php in
function execute($sql) {
add these lines at the beginning:
global $misc;
This worked in my 5.0.3 version.