Mongoose greater than and equal - mongodb

how to get greater than or equal integer values from Mongodb using Mongoose?
assume that below list
list = [134,56,89,89,90,200] //Marks field
want to get values equal or greater than 89, result set must be [89,90,200]
in my query I was able to get values greater than 89, I want to get it with 89
let x = 89;

I don't know what version of mongodb you are using. But this is what available in the latest releases.
$gte selects the documents where the value of the field is greater than or equal to (i.e. >=) a specified value
query.find( { marks: { $gte: 89} } )

Simply use
for greater than equal to and
for less than equal to.
Remember upperlimit and lowerlimit should be numeric. method is the same as using "greater than" operator.
In your case, you have to use gte method that returns exactly what you need - results that are greater or equal to given value:
let x = 89;
Also, as another answer mentioned, you can always use native MongoDB operator $gte, however Mongoose offers more intuitive approach with its chaining Query API, as above.
Also, if you're using Mongoose with Promises or async/await, don't forget to add
exec() at the end - this will convert thenable-compatible Query result to a fully featured Promise, e.g.:
let x = 89;
.then(() => {/* rest of handling*/})
.catch(() => { /* error handling */});
The same code using async/await:
async function getResultsGreaterThan(x) {
const results = await find().where('marks').gte(x).exec();
return results;
More on Mongoose chainable Query API can be found in rather solid official docs


PyMongo gives error when using dot notation in field name for sort method

I am trying to get the maximum value of a field inside a collection. The field's value is an array and I actually need to get the maximum of the first index of the array. For example, the collection is similar to this:
"<field>": [10, 20],
"<field>": [13, 23],
"<field>": [19, 31],
So from the above document, I would need to get the maximum of the first index of array. In this case, it would be 19.
To do this, I am first sorting the field by the first index of the field array and then getting the first document (using limit). I am able to do this using Node.js but cannot get it working with PyMongo.
It works using the Node.js MongoDB API like:
const max = (
await collection
.sort({ "<field>.0": -1 })
However, if I try to do a similar thing using PyMongo:
max = list(collection.find().sort("<field>.0", -1).limit(1))[0]
I get the error:
KeyError: '<field>.0'
I am using PyMongo version 3.12.0. How can I resolve this?
In PyMongo, the sort option is a list of tuples, where the tuples accept two arguments: key name and sort-order.
And you can pass multiple tuples to this list since MongoDB supports sort by multiple key conditions.
col.find({}).sort([('<key1>', <sort-order>), ('<key2>', <sort-order>)])
In your scenario, you should replace your find command as follows:
max = list(collection.find().sort([("<field>.0", -1)]).limit(1))[0]

MongoDB: What is the fastest / is there a way to get the 200 documents with a closest timestamp to a specified list of 200 timestamps, say using a $in [duplicate]

Let's assume I have a collection with documents with a ratio attribute that is a floating point number.
How do I write a query to find the single document with the closest value to a given integer without loading them all into memory using a driver and finding one with the smallest value of abs(x-ratio)?
Interesting problem. I don't know if you can do it in a single query, but you can do it in two:
var x = 1; // given integer
closestBelow = db.test.find({ratio: {$lte: x}}).sort({ratio: -1}).limit(1);
closestAbove = db.test.find({ratio: {$gt: x}}).sort({ratio: 1}).limit(1);
Then you just check which of the two docs has the ratio closest to the target integer.
MongoDB 3.2 Update
The 3.2 release adds support for the $abs absolute value aggregation operator which now allows this to be done in a single aggregate query:
var x = 1;
// Project a diff field that's the absolute difference along with the original doc.
{$project: {diff: {$abs: {$subtract: [x, '$ratio']}}, doc: '$$ROOT'}},
// Order the docs by diff
{$sort: {diff: 1}},
// Take the first one
{$limit: 1}
I have another idea, but very tricky and need to change your data structure.
You can use geolocation index which supported by mongodb
First, change your data to this structure and keep the second value with 0
{'ratio':[1.437, 0]}
Then you can use $near operator to find the the closest ratio value, and because the operator return a list sorted by distance with the integer you give, you have to use limit to get only the closest value.
db.places.find( { ratio : { $near : [50,0] } } ).limit(1)
If you don't want to do this, I think you can just use #JohnnyHK's answer :)

Strange object value instead of float by using mapReduce in mongodb with Doctrine

I use mongo query for calculating sum price for every item.
My query looks like so
$queryBuilder = new Query\Builder($this, $documentName);
$queryBuilder->map('function() {emit(this.item, this.price)}');
$queryBuilder->reduce('function(item, valuesPrices) {
return {sum: Array.sum(valuesPrices)}
And this works, no problem. But I found that in some cases (approximately 20 cases from 200 results) I have strange result in field sum - instead of sum value I see construction like
4 - is price for item.
I tried to replace reduce block to block like this:
var sum = 0;
for (var i = 0; i < valuesPrices.length; i++) {
sum += parseFloat(valuesPrices[i]);
return {sum: sum}
In that case I see NAN value.
I suspected that some data in field price was inserted incorrectly (not as float, but as string, object etc). I tried execute my query from mongo cli and I see that all price values are integer.
It's not "strange" at all. You "broke the rules" and now you are paying for it.
"MongoDB can invoke the reduce function more than once for the same key. In this case, the previous output from the reduce function for that key will become one of the input values to the next reduce function invocation for that key."
The primary rule of mapReduce (as cited ) is that you must return exactly the same structure from the "reducer" as you do from the "mapper". This is because the "reducer" can actually run several times for the same "key". This is how mapReduce processes large lists.
You fix this by just returning a singular value, just like you did in the emit:
return Array.sum(values);
And then there will not be a problem. Adding an object key to that makes the data inconsistent, and thus you get an error when the "reduced" result gets fed back into the "reducer" again.

Mongoose find max value of a field with hexadecimal value

I have a field code that contains a value in hexadecimal.
How can I get the highest value in the collection in one mongoose query?
If I have several collection with the same field code, is there a way to get the highest value based on all the collections in one request?
Generally to find maximum value of a field you need to either:
Have an index on that field - then the retrieval is relatively quick - you just take the first item in inverse sort. The problem here is that if you index hexadecimal strings, the order will be lexicographical, so the maximum will be the lexicographical maximum of the string set.
That's why adding an integer field would be the best choice if this operation is going to be repeated many times.
Besides, it's probably better from the pure data-modelling point of view. The field is actually an integer, the hex string is just it's representation, so maybe it should be converted to hex only when presented to the end user?
Iterate all the elements of the collection while maintaining and updating max value. This can be easily done using a simple .forEach on the mongo cursor:
var max = some_small_value;
cur.forEach(function (doc) {
var current = parseInt(doc.field, 16);
if (max < current) {
max = current;
Or in mongoose, using query streams:
var stream = Model.find().stream();
var max = some_small_value;
stream.on('data', function (doc) {
var current = parseInt(doc.field, 16);
if (max < current) {
max = current;
stream.on('close', function () {
// do something with max

Number of items in the aggregation with MongoDB 2.6

My query looks like that:
var x = db.collection.aggregate(...);
I want to know the number of items in the result set. The documentation says that this function returns a cursor. However it contains far less methods/fields than when using db.collection.find().
for (var k in x) print(k);
No count() method! Why is this cursor different from the one returned by find()? itcount() returns some type of count, but the documentation says "for testing only".
Using a group stage in my aggregation ({$group:{_id:null,cnt:{$sum:1}}}), I can get the count, like that:
var cnt = x.hasNext() ? : 0;
Is there a more straight forward way to get this count? As in db.collection.find(...).count()?
Barno's answer is correct to point out that itcount() is a perfectly good method for counting the number of results of the aggregation. I just wanted to make a few more points and clear up some other points of confusion:
No count() method! Why is this cursor different from the one returned by find()?
The trick with the count() method is that it counts the number of results of find() on the server side. itcount(), as you can see in the code, iterates over the cursor, retrieving the results from the server, and counts them. The "it" is for "iterate". There's currently (as of MongoDB 2.6), no way to just get the count of results from an aggregation pipeline without returning the cursor of results.
Using a group stage in my aggregation ({$group:{_id:null,cnt:{$sum:1}}}), I can get the count
Yes. This is a reasonable way to get the count of results and should be more performant than itcount() since it does the work on the server and does not need to send the results to the client. If the point of the aggregation within your application is just to produce the number of results, I would suggest using the $group stage to get the count. In the shell and for testing purposes, itcount() works fine.
Where have you read that itcount() is "for testing only"?
If in the mongo shell I do
var p = db.collection.aggregate(...);
I receive
function () {
// This is the same as the "Cursor Methods" section of
print("\nCursor methods");
print("\t.toArray() - iterates through docs and returns an array of the results")
print("\t.forEach( func )")
print("\ func )")
print("\t.objsLeftInBatch() - returns count of docs left in current batch (when exhausted, a new getMore will be issued)")
print("\t.itcount() - iterates through documents and counts them")
print("\t.pretty() - pretty print each document, possibly over multiple lines")
If I do
I find that
"itcount" : function (){
var num = 0;
while ( this.hasNext() ){
return num;
This function
while ( this.hasNext() ){
It is very similar var cnt = x.hasNext() ? : 0; And this while is perfect for count...