Showing Error when removed question mark in url codeigniter - codeigniter-3

This is my url
When I removed question mark from url manually its showing following error
An Error Was Encountered
The URI you submitted has disallowed characters.

Why would you remove the question mark?
Here is how routing works with CodeIgniter:
With http://localhost/test/date/time?id1=Mw&id2=kk,
http://localhost/ is your base_url.
test is the name of your controller.
date is the action (function) in your controller.
time is the attribute passed to the action.
id1 and id2 are superglobals with values Mw and kk.
You could use this snippet to work with that:
class Test extends CI_Controller
public function date($type) // $type == 'time'
$id1 = $this->input->get('id1'); // '$id1 == Mw'
$id2 = $this->input->get('id2'); // '$id2 == kk'
if you remove the ? character, the $type parameter will equal timeid1=Mw&id2=kk, which is forbidden.
You could use the URI: http://localhost/test/date/time/Mw/kk along with the action:
class Test extends CI_Controller
public function date($type, $id1, $id2) // $type == 'time', '$id1 == Mw', '$id2 == kk'
// ...


Wagtail - how to get tags to work with `telepath` (tags in streamfield)?

I can use tags in regular page fields without any issue. When using tags within blocks (within a streamfield), the UI works and the tags are saved BUT the current page tags do not show up when loading the page in the admin. That's because the current value is not in the template anymore, it's in a JSON loaded via telepath.
I can confirm that the tags are saved and present in the data passed to initBlockWidget in the page source but these are ignored. Also, if I used a regular text field instead of the tag-widget, I can see the saved-values in the admin.
This is the code I have (which used to be enough before the refactor with telepath).
from wagtail.admin.widgets import AdminTagWidget
class TagBlock(TextBlock):
def field(self):
field_kwargs = {"widget": AdminTagWidget()}
return forms.CharField(**field_kwargs)
I think the following link is what I need to complete somehow to get it to work:
I've tried with this:
class AdminTagWidgetAdapter(WidgetAdapter):
class Media:
js = [
register(AdminTagWidgetAdapter(), AdminTagWidget)
And under js/admin/admin-tag-widget-adapter.js:
console.log("adapter"); // this shows up in the console
class BoundWidget { // copied from wagtail source code
constructor(element, name, idForLabel, initialState) {
var selector = ':input[name="' + name + '"]';
this.input = element.find(selector).addBack(selector); // find, including element itself
this.idForLabel = idForLabel;
getValue() {
return this.input.val();
getState() {
return this.input.val();
setState(state) {
getTextLabel(opts) {
const val = this.getValue();
if (typeof val !== 'string') return null;
const maxLength = opts && opts.maxLength;
if (maxLength && val.length > maxLength) {
return val.substring(0, maxLength - 1) + '…';
return val;
focus() {
// my code here:
class AdminTagWidget {
constructor(html, idPattern) {
this.html = html;
this.idPattern = idPattern;
boundWidgetClass = BoundWidget;
render(placeholder, name, id, initialState) {
console.log("RENDER", placeholder, name, id, initialState); // this does not show
var html = this.html.replace(/__NAME__/g, name).replace(/__ID__/g, id);
var idForLabel = this.idPattern.replace(/__ID__/g, id);
var dom = $(html);
// eslint-disable-next-line new-cap
return new this.boundWidgetClass(dom, name, idForLabel, initialState);
console.log("here") // does show in the console
// variants I've tried:
//window.telepath.register('wagtail.admin.widgets.tags.AdminTagWidget', AdminTagWidget);
//window.telepath.register('wagtail.widgets.AdminTagWidget', AdminTagWidget);
window.telepath.register('path.where.its.used.AdminTagWidget', AdminTagWidget)
The log from my custom render method does not show. It seems that I'm not calling the right path within window.telepath.register but I don't know how what the string is supposed to be...
I'm not even sure if this is the right way forward.
it works in regular field, the question is about tags in blocks
I'm using Wagtail version 2.13.2 but I've also tried with 2.15 without any difference.
In the console, I can log window.telepath and see my custom widget. It's just not "applied" to anything
Your WidgetAdapter class needs a js_constructor attribute:
class AdminTagWidgetAdapter(WidgetAdapter):
js_constructor = 'myapp.widgets.AdminTagWidget'
class Media:
js = [
Any string value will work here - it just needs to uniquely identify the class, so it's recommended to use a dotted module-like path to avoid colliding with others. This then matches the string you pass to window.telepath.register on the Javascript side:
window.telepath.register('myapp.widgets.AdminTagWidget', AdminTagWidget)

Zend_Navigation add dynamically parameter after question mark

I'm using Zend_Navigation' reading fron xml.
I want to add to the menu created from it an additional parameter (got it from the request for the first page).
if the first page is
clicking on the menu would add the "?Id=42" to each link.
Easiest way to do this is by extending the Zend_Controller_Action_Helper_Url class, and adding the query string to the parent::url() result. Than, you need to inject your url helper into the mvc page, by calling Zend_Navigation_Page_Mvc::setUrlHelper($yourUrlHelper).
Example of a query string supported url helper:
class My_Helper_Url extends Zend_Controller_Action_Helper_Url
public function url($urlOptions = array(), $name = null, $reset = false, $encode = true)
$queryString = $this->getRequest()->getServer('QUERY_STRING');
return parent::url($urlOptions, $name, $reset, $encode) .
($queryString ? '?' . $queryString : '');

CakePHP SET error => false FOR All Forms

I want to handle application feedback regarding, in this case, form validation.
To do this I check for model validation in controller, using
if ($this->Event->validates($this->data))
if ($this->Event->saveAll($this->data, array('validate' => false)))
$this->Session->setFlash('Evenimentul a fost salvat!', 'flash_admin_success');
$this->redirect(array('action' => 'index', 'admin' => true));
} else {
$this->Session->setFlash('Evenimentul nu a putut fi salvat. Va rugam sa incercati din nou!', 'flash_admin_error');
$errors = 'O EROARE';
// GET ERRORS to display it nicely :)
$errors = $this->Event->invalidFields();
$flash = '';
foreach($errors as $error)
$flash .= $error."<br />";
$this->Session->setFlash($flash, 'flash_admin_error');
I know that there is a way to get rid of form field errors using 'error' => false, but i want to set this for the entire application, thus for all fields in all forms.
It has to be there a way of setting that fot the object itself, and I would be gratefull if someone would tell me.
Thaks a lot!
Edit: This doesn't really disable error output, but will hide the error: go to webroot/css/cake.generic.css add display:none to selector div.error-message. That's the simplest way to achieve what you want that I can think of.
Though it may seem like a bit of an extreme approach to override a single property, you can achieve this by extend the core FormHelper. This will allow you to make Anh Pham's original suggestion the default for all FormHelper instances:
// app/views/helpers/app_form.php
App::import('Helper', 'Time');
class AppFormHelper extends FormHelper {
public $_inputDefaults = array('error' => false);
Now to use this as-is in CakePHP 1.3, you would have to use "AppForm" throughout your application to refer to this helper from now on (ie. $this->AppForm->input()). CakePHP 2.0 introduces helper aliasing to overcome this, but for now one has to resort to a bit of trickery to continue using "Form" instead. One blog post I found shows how to backport the functionality and another manages allow the helper to do it itself. I personally use the following without any problems:
// app/views/app.php
class AppView extends View {
function &_loadHelpers(&$loaded, $helpers, $parent = null) {
$return = parent::_loadHelpers($loaded, $helpers, $parent);
# rename App helpers (ie. AppHtml -> Html)
foreach ($return as $helperName => $helper) {
if (substr($helperName, 0, 3) === 'App') {
$newHelperName = substr($helperName, 3);
$return[$newHelperName] = $return[$helperName];
# done
return $return;
To use the new created classes above, just add the following to your AppController:
// app/app_controller.php
class AppController extends Controller {
public $helpers = array(/*...*/, 'AppForm');
public $view = array('App');

Symfony: exclude empty values from form save

I have a many to many relation between Product and Properties. I'm using embedRelation() in my Product form to edit a Product and it's Properties. Properties includes images which causes my issue. Every time I save the form the updated_at column is updated for file properties even when no file is uploaded.
Therefore, I want to exclude empty properties when saving my form.
I'm using Symfony 1.4 and Doctrine 1.2.
I'm thinking something like this in my ProductForm.class.php, but I need some input on how to make this work.
class ProductForm extends BaseProductForm
public function configure()
unset($this['created_at'], $this['updated_at'], $this['id'], $this['slug']);
public function saveEmbeddedForms($con = null, $forms = null)
if (null === $forms)
$properties = $this->getValue('ProductProperties');
$forms = $this->embeddedForms;
foreach($properties as $p)
// If property value is empty, unset from $forms['ProductProperties']
I ended up avoiding Symfony's forms and saving models instead of saving forms. It can be easier when playing with embedded forms.
Solved it by checking if posted value is a file, and if both filename and value_delete is null I unset from the array. It might not be best practice, but it works for now.
Solution based on
class ProductPropertyValidatorSchema extends sfValidatorSchema
protected function configure($options = array(), $messages = array())
// N0thing to configure
protected function doClean($values)
$errorSchema = new sfValidatorErrorSchema($this);
foreach($values as $key => $value)
$errorSchemaLocal = new sfValidatorErrorSchema($this);
if(array_key_exists('value_delete', $values))
if(!$value && !$values['value_delete'])
// Some error for this embedded-form
if (count($errorSchemaLocal))
$errorSchema->addError($errorSchemaLocal, (string) $key);
// Throws the error for the main form
if (count($errorSchema))
throw new sfValidatorErrorSchema($this, $errorSchema);
return $values;

Jira: How to obtain the previous value for a custom field in a custom IssueEventListener

So how does one obtain the previous value of a custom field in a Jira IssueEventListener? I am writing a custom handler for the issueUpdated(IssueEvent) event and I would like to alter the handler's behavior if a certain custom field has changed. To detect the type of change I would like to compare the previous and current values.
(I'm am not asking about how to obtain its current value - I know how to get that from the related Issue)
I am developing against Jira 4.0.2 on Windows.
Is the best way to scan the change history for the last known value?
List changes = changeHistoryManager.getChangeHistoriesForUser(issue, user);
I'm assuming the original poster is writing a JIRA plugin with Java. I cannot be certain of how to accomplish this task in JIRA v4.0.2, but here is how I managed to do so with JIRA v5.0.2 (the solutions may very well be the same):
public void workflowEvent( IssueEvent event )
Long eventTypeId = event.getEventTypeId();
if( eventTypeId.equals( EventType.ISSUE_UPDATED_ID ) )
List<GenericValue> changeItemList = null;
changeItemList = event.getChangeLog().getRelated( "ChildChangeItem" );
catch( GenericEntityException e )
// Error or do what you need to do here.
if( changeItemList == null )
// Same deal here.
Iterator<GenericValue> changeItemListIterator = changeItemList.iterator();
while( changeItemListIterator.hasNext() )
GenericValue changeItem = ( GenericValue );
String fieldName = changeItem.get( "field" ).toString();
if( fieldName.equals( customFieldName ) ) // Name of custom field.
Object oldValue = changeItem.get( "oldvalue" );
Object newValue = changeItem.get( "newvalue" );
Some possible key values for changeItem are:
For many of the custom field types Object oldValue is probably just a String. But I don't think that's true for every case.
Try this example :
String codeProjetOldValue= "";
List<GenericValue> changeItemList = issueEvent.getChangeLog().getRelated("ChildChangeItem");
for (GenericValue genericValue : changeItemList) {
Note that : champCodeProjet is the name of customfield.