How to aggregate all existing field in my document [duplicate] - mongodb

I got a problem when I use db.collection.aggregate in MongoDB.
I have a data structure like:
It means the following in Segment: I might have several sub attributes with numeric values. I'd like to sum them up as 1 + 5 + .. + 10
The problem is: I'm not sure about the sub attributes names since for each document the segment numbers are different. So I cannot list each segment name. I just want to use something like a for loop to sum all values together.
I tried queries like:
but it doesn't work.

You have made the classical mistake to have arbitrary field names. MongoDB is "schema-free", but it doesn't mean you don't need to think about your schema. Key names should be descriptive, and in your case, f.e. "S2" does not really mean anything. In order to do most kinds of queries and operations, you will need to redesign you schema to store your data like this:
{ field: "S1", value: 1 },
{ field: "S2", value: 5 },
{ field: "Sn", value: 10 },
You can then run your query like:
db.collection.aggregate( [
{ $unwind: "$Segment" },
{ $group: {
_id: '$_id',
sum: { $sum: '$Segment.value' }
} }
] );
Which then results into something like this (with the only document from your question):
"result" : [
"_id" : ObjectId("51e4772e13573be11ac2ca6f"),
"sum" : 16
"ok" : 1

Starting Mongo 3.4, this can be achieved by applying inline operations and thus avoid expensive operations such as $group:
// { _id: "xx", segments: { s1: 1, s2: 3, s3: 18, s4: 20 } }
{ $addFields: {
total: { $sum: {
$map: { input: { $objectToArray: "$segments" }, as: "kv", in: "$$kv.v" }
// { _id: "xx", total: 42, segments: { s1: 1, s2: 3, s3: 18, s4: 20 } }
The idea is to transform the object (containing the numbers to sum) as an array. This is the role of $objectToArray, which starting Mongo 3.4.4, transforms { s1: 1, s2: 3, ... } into [ { k: "s1", v: 1 }, { k: "s2", v: 3 }, ... ]. This way, we don't need to care about the field names since we can access values through their "v" fields.
Having an array rather than an object is a first step towards being able to sum its elements. But the elements obtained with $objectToArray are objects and not simple integers. We can get passed this by mapping (the $map operation) these array elements to extract the value of their "v" field. Which in our case results in creating this kind of array: [1, 3, 18, 42].
Finally, it's a simple matter of summing elements within this array, using the $sum operation.

Segment: {s1: 10, s2: 4, s3: 12}
{$set: {"new_array":{$objectToArray: "$Segment"}}}, //makes field names all "k" or "v"
{$project: {_id:0, total:{$sum: "$new_array.v"}}}
"total" will be 26.
$set replaces $addFields in newer versions of mongo. (I'm using 4.2.)
"new_array": [
"k": "s1",
"v": 10
"k": "s2",
"v": 4
"k": "s3",
"v": 12
You can also use regular expressions. Eg. /^s/i for words starting with "s".


MongoDB Find values passed in that don't match

Currently stuck with an issue using MongoDB aggregation. I have a array of '_ids' that I need to check exist in a specific collection.
I have 3 records in 'Collection 1' with _id 1,2,3. I can find the matching values using:
$match: {
_id: {
$in: [1, 2, 3, 4]
However what I want to know is from the values I have passed in (1,2,3,4). Which ones don't match up to a record. (In this case _id 4 will not have a matching record)
So instead of returning records with _id 1, 2, 3. It needs to return the _id that doesn't exist. So in this example '_id: 4'
The query should also disregard any extra records in the collection. Example, if the collection held records with ID 1-10, and I passed in a query to determine if the _ids: 1, 7, 15 existed. The the value i'm expecting would be along the lines of ' _id: 15 doesn't exist
The first thought was to use to use $project within a aggregation to hold each _id that was passed in, and then attach each record in the collection. To the matching _id passed in. E.g:
Record 1:
_id: 1,
Collection1: [
record details: ...,
_id: 2,
Collection1: [] // This _id passed in, doesn't have a matching collection
However cant seem to get a working example in this instance. Any help would be appreciated!
If the input documents are:
{ _id: 1 },
{ _id: 2 },
{ _id: 5 },
{ _id: 10 }
And the array to match is:
var INPUT_ARRAY = [ 1, 7, 15 ]
The following aggregation:
db.test.aggregate( [
$match: {
_id: {
$group: {
_id: null,
matches: { $push: "$_id" }
$project: {
ids_not_exist: { $setDifference: [ INPUT_ARRAY, "$matches" ] },
_id: 0
] )
{ "ids_not_exist" : [ 7, 15 ] }
Are you looking for $not ?
MDB Docs

Aggregate on array of embedded documents

I have a mongodb collection with multiple documents. Each document has an array with multiple subdocuments (or embedded documents i guess?). Each of these subdocuments is in this format:
"name": string,
"count": integer
Now I want to aggregate these subdocuments to find
The top X counts and their name.
Same as 1. but the names have to match a regex before sorting and limiting.
I have tried the following for 1. already - it does return me the top X but unordered, so I'd have to order them again which seems somewhat inefficient.
$match: {
_id: id
}, {
$unwind: {
path: "$array"
}, {
$sort: {
'count': -1
}, {
$limit: x
Since i'm rather new to mongodb this is pretty confusing for me. Happy for any help. Thanks in advance.
The sort has to include the array name in order to avoid an additional sort later on.
Given the following document to work with:
students: [{
count: 4,
name: "Ann"
}, {
count: 7,
name: "Brad"
}, {
count: 6,
name: "Beth"
}, {
count: 8,
name: "Catherine"
As an example, the following aggregation query will match any name containing the letters "h" and "e". This needs to happen after the "$unwind" step in order to only keep the ones you need.
{$match: {
_id: ObjectId("5c1b191b251d9663f4e3ce65")
{$unwind: {
path: "$students"
{$match: {
"": /[he]/
{$sort: {
"students.count": -1
{$limit: 2}
This is the output given the above mentioned input:
{ "_id" : ObjectId("5c1b191b251d9663f4e3ce65"), "students" : { "count" : 8, "name" : "Catherine" } }
{ "_id" : ObjectId("5c1b191b251d9663f4e3ce65"), "students" : { "count" : 6, "name" : "Beth" } }
Both names contain the letters "h" and "e", and the output is sorted from high to low.
When setting the limit to 1, the output is limited to:
{ "_id" : ObjectId("5c1b191b251d9663f4e3ce65"), "students" : { "count" : 8, "name" : "Catherine" } }
In this case only the highest count has been kept after having matched the names.
Edit for the extra question:
Yes, the first $match can be changed to filter on specific universities.
{$match: {
university: "University X"
That will give one or more matching documents (in case you have a document per year or so) and the rest of the aggregation steps would still be valid.
The following match would retrieve the students for the given university for a given academic year in case that would be needed.
{$match: {
university: "University X",
academic_year: "2018-2019"
That should narrow it down to get the correct documents.

MongoDB sum arrays from multiple documents on a per-element basis

I have the following document structure (simplified for this example)
_id : ObjectId("sdfsdf"),
result : [1, 3, 5, 7, 9]
_id : ObjectId("asdref"),
result : [2, 4, 6, 8, 10]
I want to get the sum of those result arrays, but not a total sum, instead a new array corresponding to the sum of the original arrays on an element basis, i.e.
result : [3, 7, 11, 15, 19]
I have searched through the myriad questions here and a few come close (e.g. this one, this one, and this one), but I can't quite get there.
I can get the sum of each array fine
"$unwind" : "$result"
"$group": {
"_id": "$_id",
"results" : { "$sum" : "$result"}
which gives me
[ { _id: sdfsdf, results: 25 },
{ _id: asdref, results: 30 } ]
but I can't figure out how to get the sum of each element
You can use includeArrayIndex if you have 3.2 or newer MongoDb.
Then you should change $unwind.
Your code should be like this:
"$unwind" : { path: "$result", includeArrayIndex: "arrayIndex" }
"$group": {
"_id": "$arrayIndex",
"results" : { "$sum" : "$result"}
$sort: { "_id": 1}
"_id": null,
"$project": {"_id":0,"results":1}
There is an alternate approach to this, but mileage may vary on how practical it is considering that a different approach would involve using $push to create an "array of arrays" and then applying $reduce as introduced in MongoDB 3.4 to $sum those array elements into a single array result:
{ "$group": {
"_id": null,
"result": { "$push": "$result" }
{ "$addFields": {
"result": {
"$reduce": {
"input": "$result",
"initialValue": [],
"in": {
"$map": {
"input": {
"$zip": {
"inputs": [ "$$this", "$$value" ],
"useLongestLength": true
"as": "el",
"in": { "$sum": "$$el" }
The real trick there is in the "input" to $map we use the $zip operation which creates a transposed list of arrays "pairwise" for the two array inputs.
In a first iteration this takes the empty array as supplied to $reduce and would return the "zipped" output with consideration to the first object found as in:
[ [0,1], [0,3], [0,5], [0,7], [0,9] ]
So the useLongestLength would substitute the empty array with 0 values out to the the length of the current array and "zip" them together as above.
Processing with $map, each element is subject to $sum which "reduces" the returned results as:
[ 1, 3, 5, 7, 9 ]
On the second iteration, the next entry in the "array of arrays" would be picked up and processed by $zip along with the previous "reduced" content as:
[ [1,2], [3,4], [5,6], [7,8], [9,10] ]
Which is then subject to the $map for each element using $sum again to produce:
[ 3, 7, 11, 15, 19 ]
And since there were only two arrays pushed into the "array of arrays" that is the end of the operation, and the final result. But otherwise the $reduce would keep iterating until all array elements of the input were processed.
So in some cases this would be the more performant option and what you should be using. But it is noted that particularly when using a null for $group you are asking "every" document to $push content into an array for the result.
This could be a cause of breaking the BSON Limit in extreme cases, and therefore when aggregating positional array content over large results, it is probably best to use $unwind with the includeArrayIndex option instead.
Or indeed actually take a good look at the process, where in particular if the "positional array" in question is actually the result of some other "aggregation operation", then you should rather be looking at the previous pipeline stages that were used to create the "positional array". And then consider that if you wanted those positions "aggregated further" to new totals, then you should in fact do that "before" the positional result was obtained.

How to sum every fields in a sub document of MongoDB?

I got a problem when I use db.collection.aggregate in MongoDB.
I have a data structure like:
It means the following in Segment: I might have several sub attributes with numeric values. I'd like to sum them up as 1 + 5 + .. + 10
The problem is: I'm not sure about the sub attributes names since for each document the segment numbers are different. So I cannot list each segment name. I just want to use something like a for loop to sum all values together.
I tried queries like:
but it doesn't work.
You have made the classical mistake to have arbitrary field names. MongoDB is "schema-free", but it doesn't mean you don't need to think about your schema. Key names should be descriptive, and in your case, f.e. "S2" does not really mean anything. In order to do most kinds of queries and operations, you will need to redesign you schema to store your data like this:
{ field: "S1", value: 1 },
{ field: "S2", value: 5 },
{ field: "Sn", value: 10 },
You can then run your query like:
db.collection.aggregate( [
{ $unwind: "$Segment" },
{ $group: {
_id: '$_id',
sum: { $sum: '$Segment.value' }
} }
] );
Which then results into something like this (with the only document from your question):
"result" : [
"_id" : ObjectId("51e4772e13573be11ac2ca6f"),
"sum" : 16
"ok" : 1
Starting Mongo 3.4, this can be achieved by applying inline operations and thus avoid expensive operations such as $group:
// { _id: "xx", segments: { s1: 1, s2: 3, s3: 18, s4: 20 } }
{ $addFields: {
total: { $sum: {
$map: { input: { $objectToArray: "$segments" }, as: "kv", in: "$$kv.v" }
// { _id: "xx", total: 42, segments: { s1: 1, s2: 3, s3: 18, s4: 20 } }
The idea is to transform the object (containing the numbers to sum) as an array. This is the role of $objectToArray, which starting Mongo 3.4.4, transforms { s1: 1, s2: 3, ... } into [ { k: "s1", v: 1 }, { k: "s2", v: 3 }, ... ]. This way, we don't need to care about the field names since we can access values through their "v" fields.
Having an array rather than an object is a first step towards being able to sum its elements. But the elements obtained with $objectToArray are objects and not simple integers. We can get passed this by mapping (the $map operation) these array elements to extract the value of their "v" field. Which in our case results in creating this kind of array: [1, 3, 18, 42].
Finally, it's a simple matter of summing elements within this array, using the $sum operation.
Segment: {s1: 10, s2: 4, s3: 12}
{$set: {"new_array":{$objectToArray: "$Segment"}}}, //makes field names all "k" or "v"
{$project: {_id:0, total:{$sum: "$new_array.v"}}}
"total" will be 26.
$set replaces $addFields in newer versions of mongo. (I'm using 4.2.)
"new_array": [
"k": "s1",
"v": 10
"k": "s2",
"v": 4
"k": "s3",
"v": 12
You can also use regular expressions. Eg. /^s/i for words starting with "s".

Can I do a query based on multiple documents?

I have a collection of documents where every document should have another, matching document. (This isn't by design, only for my current operation.) However, the current count for the number of documents in the collection is an odd number. Is there a way I can do a query on values of a key that aren't shared by one other document?
ie. if I have a collection like this:
{_id:'dcab0001', foo: 1, bar: 'dfgdgd'}
{_id:'dcab0002', foo: 2, bar: 'tjhttj'}
{_id:'dcab0003', foo: 1, bar: 'ydgdge'}
{_id:'dcab0004', foo: 3, bar: 'jyutkf'}
{_id:'dcab0005', foo: 3, bar: 'pofsth'}
I could do a query on foo that would return back the document with id dcab0002.
You could do this with MapReduce, or in MongoDB 2.2+ using the Aggregation Framework.
Here's an example using the Aggregation Framework:
// Group by values of 'foo' and count duplicates
{ $group: {
_id: '$foo',
key: { $push: '$_id' },
dupes: { $sum: 1 }
// Find the 'foo' values that are unpaired (odd number of dupes)
{ $match: {
dupes: { $mod: [ 2, 1 ] }
// Optionally, could add a $project to tidy up the output
Sample output:
"result" : [
"_id" : 2,
"key" : [
"dupes" : 1
"ok" : 1