I really need 'Instagram login' feature, but I'm still not getting the basic permission in the existing Instagram API.
My Instagram app did not received the app review for more than a month. (still pending review..) Is there any possibility that Instagram will start the app review again? When will it be normalized?
I am not able to get webhook calls when another user post a comment (with mentions) on another/my media.
Just for testing purposes I set up a ngrok server for my webhook endpoint, which always answers with a 200 and handles the verfication. Before the heavy coding I just wanted to see if the webhook workflow for Instagram is generally working.
I created a Facebook app, an Instagram business account, a Facebook page and linked the page with the Instagram business account. With the information at Webhooks for Instagram I created a page access token with the Graph API Explorer. When I debug the token with the Access Token Debugger, everything looks fine. All needed permissions like manage_pages, pages_show_list, instagram_basic, instagram_manage_comments, instagram_manage_insights, public_profile are there. With the page access token I am able to fetch all informations regarding my linked Instagram business account via the Graph API Explorer.
Also the Instagram product was automatically added to my Facebook app. Test requests, which where send via the app dashboard (Webhooks product), will be received by my ngrok server. But any type of mentions or comments from another or my Instagram account (business or not) on my or other medias will not be received. What am I doing wrong? Do I have to send those comments/mentions from a specific account, since the app is in development mode and there roles in the app?
After speaking with the Facebook support, my confusion has been resolved.
The problem is that the Webhook for the Instagram product does not work without a verified app review. I had been wondering how to record a screencast with my running solution, without running webhooks... Above all, I had wondered why the webhooks in dev mode worked for the product messenger but not for instagram (or others). Apparently, the app review is not about the technical implementation but rather about checking that the implementation complies with the facebook guidelines. Therefor I want to quote the Facebook support:
Messenger does allow page owners and app admins to receive webhooks for their implementations in devmode and is by design. However, this is not the same for instagram or pages. This is just how the product teams have decided to implement it. For app review, you can show a mock process of the flow, using either the test webhook or your own process. The app review is less about technical implementation steps, but just a way to make sure that your app is going to use the permission in a way that follows our guidelines, so mocking the procedure should be fine. The reviewers understand that you do not receive webhooks in dev mode and should take this into consideration.
Consequently, I will now have to submit an app review and for that I have to imitate the webhook.
I have A application for Facebook messenger, I submitted my application for review facebook approved the submission, but I'm still unable to interact with my application from a non developer account. I tried the following steps;
Research documentation, validate if all required permissions are submitted for review.
Reconnecting facebook app to messenger.
Resubscribe application to events.
Recreate facebook page token.
Does someone have an idea what could be wrong? I'm pretty clueless at this point.
As all of you know, Facebook has reset and close a lot of permissions on Graph API since Cambridge Analytica.
Recently Facebook has re-opened their API access with app review process. For the review process, we would like to submit "user_events" permission.
But the problem is to demonstrate how we are using this permission with Screencast because we currently cannot get access to "user_events" even with test users.
So how should we record screencast for "user_events" permission to submit app review?
This seems to have changed since the questions was asked.
Current status:
This edge is only available to a limited number of approved apps. Unapproved apps querying this edge will receive an empty data set in response. You cannot request access to this edge at this time.
...But this is what it needs to be reviewed for.
My Messenger app approval keeps being rejected with this:
This item was not approved. Click Edit Details for information.
Facebook then states that the app does not respond when messaged - however, Facebook appears to be testing the app using a non-tester profile, which the system cannot respond to because that's what it needs approval to be able to do in the first place.
They also provide a screenshot of the messages sent, but these never show up in our page's Messenger inbox or in our database.
Facebook has also tested using tester profiles, but the app has always responded to them. The app also obviously responds to myself, the admin and my own test profiles.
Am I missing something? Why would Facebook review my app for public use, whilst using a non-tester profile?
In this conversation you can find the answer,
It's not responding because your page has not yet been approved and not public, once they approve it any user can use the bot.
As they have said in the conversation to get your app approved you may have to add facebook app reviewer as a friend and review the app again.
Like many other developers, my FB app stopped working last week after Facebook blocked all apps using user_managed_groups permissions without review.
I have since submitted it for review. Has anyone been able to use user_managed_groups endpoint (groups/feed) after their app is approved?
Until further notice from Facebook, no one is able to access the Group API at the moment: https://developers.facebook.com/blog/post/2018/04/04/facebook-api-platform-product-changes
Testing of our more robust process starts today and the new process
should resume in a few weeks, but apps currently accessing Events and
Groups APIs will lose access today.
App Review is on pause. You can only wait until Facebook put it back on.