postgres - make a search by part of a word (node js) - postgresql

I want to make a search by some part of a word from Postgres database. For example:
I have 3 columns in the table (id,name,last_name).
I want to make a route -->
someone send me response ( for example 'An') and I look which name have the same start (and I get list with next names "Anne,Andrew,Antony" etc).
Can I make this search directly in the db or I should get all table from db and the parse it by forEach function?
Table like :
id : 1 ,name : Andrew , last_name : First
id : 2 ,name : Antony , last_name : Second
id : 3 ,name : Anne , last_name : Third
If I will pass input as An - I will get all list , because all started from 'An'


Unable to make generated column in postgresql for Json data

I'm trying out generated column with postgres-12. I need to create a table with generated column with JSON data. I'm going to receive "name" field as key there . However, while doing so - I got below error:
postgres=# create table json_tab2 (data jsonb ,
postgres(# "json_tab2.pname" text generated always as (data ->> "name" ) stored
postgres(# );
ERROR: column "name" does not exist
LINE 2: ...on_tab2.pname" text generated always as (data ->> "name" ) ...
After this: I tried to alter existing table- because that has value into json data for generated column - so it should be able to identify "name" now. This time I ran below:
postgres=# alter table json_tab add column Pname text generated always as (data ->> "name") stored
ERROR: column "name" does not exist
However, "name" has value here:
{"age": 31, "city": "New York", "name": "John"}
I'm unable to understand - what I'm doing wrong here
The righthand side of the ->> operator should be a value. In this case, since it's a string, you need to surround it with single quotes ('):
create table json_tab2 (
data jsonb,
pname text generated always as (data ->> 'name') stored
-- Here ---------------------------------^----^

multiple form fields with the same path inserting to db in spring

I have to insert data to db in form fields that have the same path and i want to save it different id's but rather it concatenated it with ",", how could i possibly do it?
I tried to make some alias in SQL but it saves into same db field name with concatenated with ","
i expected in db when i insert that
db field name = description
input 1 value = "john";
input 2 value = "doe";
id description
1 john
2 doe
above is my expected result
but in my case when i insert it shows these
id description
1 john,doe
can someone help me to achieve that result ? THANKYOU!
Let me present a similar situation. You have a database of people and you are concerned that each person might have multiple phone numbers.
PRIMARY KEY(person_id) );
CREATE TABLE PhoneNumbers (
person_id INT UNSIGNED,
phone VARCHAR(20) CHARACTER SET ascii,
type ENUM('unknown', 'cell', 'home', 'work'),
PRIMARY KEY(person_id, phone) );
The table PhoneNumbers has a "many-to-1" relationship between phone numbers and persons. (It does not care if two persons share the same number.)
GROUP CONCAT( AS phone_numbers,
FROM Persons AS p
LEFT JOIN PhoneNumbers AS pn USING(person_id)
will deliver a commalist of phone numbers (eg: 123-456-7890,333-444-5555) for each person being selected. Because of the LEFT, it will deliver NULL in case a person has no associated phones.
To address your other question: It is not practical to split a commalist into the components.

libreoffice base create a list filtered by another list's value

I have a table of provinces and a table of cities with ProvienceID. In a form, I want to create a list of cities filtered by selected value of provience list.
How can I do that?
I can create both lists but Cities list shows all cities from all provinces but i want to show only cities from the province that I have selected in Provinces list.
I have another table "Users" with "CityID" and "ProvinceID" that my form edits it and I need to save selected values of Province and City Lists in it, not only show it in the form.
Create two example tables named "Provinces" and "Cities".
ProvinceID Name
~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~
0 South
1 North
2 Large Midwest
3 Southeast
4 West
CityID Name ProvinceID
~~~~~~ ~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~
0 Big City 2
1 Very Big City 2
2 Rural Village 1
3 Mountain Heights 0
4 Coastal Plains 4
5 Metropolis 2
Create a query called "ProvinceNames":
SELECT "Name" AS "Province"
FROM "Provinces"
ORDER BY "Province" ASC
Create a query called "Province of City":
SELECT "Provinces"."Name" AS "Province", "Cities"."Name" AS "City"
FROM "Cities", "Provinces" WHERE "Cities"."ProvinceID" = "Provinces"."ProvinceID"
ORDER BY "Province" ASC, "City" ASC
In the form, create a table control based on the query "ProvinceNames".
Using the Form Navigator (or the Form Wizard), create a subform for query "Province of City".
Right-click on subform and choose Properties. Under Data tab:
Link master fields "Province"
Link slave fields "Province"
Create a table control for the subform as well. Now, the cities shown in the subform control depend on the province selected in the main form control.
Here is an example using a filter table to store the current value of the list box. Create two more tables named "Users" and "FilterCriteria".
UserID Name ProvinceID CityID
~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~
0 Person1 1 2
1 Person2 2 0
RecordID ProvinceID CityID
~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~
the only 0 0
We'll also need two Basic macros which can be stored in the document or in My Macros. Go to Tools -> Macros -> Organize Macros -> LibreOffice Basic.
Sub ReadProvince (oEvent as Object)
forms = ThisComponent.getDrawPage().getForms()
mainForm = forms.getByName("MainForm")
cityForm = forms.getByName("CityForm")
listboxProvince = mainForm.getByName("listboxProvince")
listboxCity = cityForm.getByName("listboxCity")
selectedItemID = listboxProvince.SelectedValue
If IsEmpty(selectedItemID) Then
selectedItemID = 0
End If
conn = mainForm.ActiveConnection
stmt = conn.createStatement()
strSQL = "UPDATE ""FilterCriteria"" SET ""ProvinceID"" = " & selectedItemID & _
"WHERE ""RecordID"" = 'the only'"
lCityCol = mainForm.findColumn("CityID")
currentCityID = mainForm.getInt(lCityCol)
cityForm.updateInt(cityForm.findColumn("CityID"), currentCityID)
End Sub
Sub CityChanged (oEvent as Object)
listboxCity = oEvent.Source.Model
cityForm = listboxCity.getParent()
mainForm = cityForm.getParent().getByName("MainForm")
lCityCol = mainForm.findColumn("CityID")
selectedItemID = listboxCity.SelectedValue
If IsEmpty(selectedItemID) Then
selectedItemID = 0
End If
mainForm.updateInt(lCityCol, selectedItemID)
End Sub
Now we need to set up the form like this. In this example, I used two top-level forms instead of a subform. ProvinceID and CityID text boxes are not required but may be helpful in case something goes wrong.
To start creating this form, use the form wizard to create a new form and add all fields from the Users table.
Now, in the Form Navigator, create a form called "CityForm". Content type is SQL command, and Content is:
SELECT "RecordID", "ProvinceID", "CityID" FROM "FilterCriteria"
WHERE "RecordID" = 'the only'
Next, create the "listboxProvince" list box under MainForm. Data Field is "ProvinceID", and List content is the following Sql.
SELECT "Name", "ProvinceID" FROM "Provinces" ORDER BY "Name" ASC
Finally, create the "listboxCity" list box under CityForm. Data Field is "CityID", and List content is the following Sql.
SELECT "Name", "CityID" FROM "Cities" WHERE "ProvinceID" = (
SELECT "ProvinceID" FROM "FilterCriteria"
WHERE "RecordID" = 'the only')
Macros are linked under the Events tab of each control.
Assign "After record change" of the MainForm to ReadProvince().
Assign "Changed" of listboxProvince to ReadProvince().
Assign "Changed" of listboxCity control to CityChanged().
The result allows us to select the Province to filter the list of Cities. Provinces and Cities that are selected are saved in the Users table.
There is another approach which may be better that I have not had time to explore. Instead of the "FilterCriteria" table, apply a filter to the Cities list. The relevant code in ReadProvince() would look something like this.
cityForm.Filter = "ProvinceID=" & selectedItemID
cityForm.ApplyFilter = True
Whatever approach is taken, a complete solution requires complex macro programming. To make it easier, you may decide to use a simpler solution that is not as powerful. For more information, there is a tutorial at
A solution that requires fewer queries is at The second list box is based on a list of values instead of an SQL query.

T-SQL CONTAINS with search condition from subquery

I have a table containing search values and wish to use CONTAINS to search another table with those values. The table to search contains email data.
1 '*'
2 '*'
1 '' 'body text of email'
2 '' 'body text of email'
3 '' 'body text of email'
is there a way to build a query searching the EMAILTABLE with the values in the SEARCHTABLE in a subquery i.e. the equivalent of :
I'd be grateful for any assistance with this.
Try like this :


I have to do a project based on a timeline (just the back office of the timeline).
So I have two entity :
Datetimeline is :
private List<DateTL> datetimeline
In my DB, Netbeans do 3 tables : DateTL, Timeline and Timeline_DateTL (with rows TIMELINE_ID and DATETIMELINE_ID)
Now I try to attach date in my table DATETL to TIMELINE. I try with :
update Timeline_datetl SET timeline_id = :timeline_id, datetimeline_id = :datetimeline_id
But I have an error (The abstract schema type 'Timeline_datetl' is unknown.)
So I try :
update Timeline t SET t.datetimeline = :datetimeline_id where exist (select d from DateTL)
But don't work too and i don't know where put timeline_id
Thank for your help !
In JPQL you select/update/delete Entities. A join table is not usable as the candidate. If you want to update the contents of the join table then you update the RELATIONS that it represents via the objects.