My 'app name' not accepted in Actions on Google simulator, only "test app" - actions-on-google

I'm setting up about my 10th (test/demo) Action on Google, and the simulator ONLY supports me starting my brand new app via "Talk to my test app".
How do I get to the point I can say "Talk to {my app name here}"?
IN THE PAST, after setting up all the Action details (via 'Overview' screen), and clicking 'TEST DRAFT', it usually resolves and the simulator starts suggesting to me "Talk to {my app name here}".
But this time it's not happening. It's stuck on "Talk to my test app", and has been for almost 24 hours.
Does anyone know the magical incantation required to get the Actions Simulator to accept invocations using my actual app name?
I'm using Dialogflow, which was all setup using the Jovo framework actually - using 'jovo deploy' to stand up the Dialogflow agent and Actions config. I can't see that Jovo would have anything to do with the issue here, but you never know with software! All the config in Dialogflow and Actions looks good to me.

What you've described sounds like it should work, but it sounds like you should double-check for any errors.
In the Actions Console, make sure you don't have any errors indicated on the overview screen. If you do (or even if you don't), click on the Edit button for stage 2: App Information.
In there, check the error messages to make sure they're not applying to the name or pronunciation. Make sure both the name and pronunciation are valid and accepted.
If you're working in more than one language, make sure these are set ok for all the languages you have set.
Test it from the Simulator link on the left navigation instead of going back through Dialogflow. They should do the same thing, but it sounds like it is possible that isn't taking in this case.


Deployed Google Action (production release) cannot be found on Google Assistant

I deployed the production release for my first Google Action. But even 2 weeks after the approved deployment I can find my action neither in the Google Assistant store nor directly via voice activation.
The test versions ran fine and was found every single time. So the invocation name should not be the problem. When I use the generated action link from the console I find the action in the store and can send it to my Smartphone, where I can start it with the sent link. But after closing the app I cannot open it again via voice.
I used two different google accounts on different devices (all are set up in the right language: german), but no chance.
Is this a mistake on Googles side or do I miss anything? In this state I have to open the action every time over the action link which is useless for a voice app :)
Here is the link to my action:
The invocation would be for example: "Mit Erfolgs-Fans sprechen" (like said, on the test this name was found every single time)
This happened to me too. Though it wasn't in production when I faced it. I was also not able to see the action in Assistant-enabled devices (Google home app/assistant).
It is probably not the invocation name issue, it is just that the action is not being made visible across all the platforms. Some of the solutions I tried were-
Clean cache of the device
Create a new action with everything just the same as in your current actions. It worked once for me!
Go to GCP and under your project, try to understand if there is any pending activity.
Once I created so many actions because I wasn't able to see it that after around 30 days all those actions started to become visible. So, if you can wait that is fine.
In the end, do contact their support with all the relevant information. I hope they should be able to help.
Thank you!

Can someone help me out with changing my invocation phrase?

For a project that I'm working on that is in Alpha right now, I used to use an invocation ''talk to XXX''. Now that I want to deploy the Action to Beta, I want to change the invocation name/phrase as well. So I changed it to ''talk to YYY'', which is the suggested input field in the simulator as well. But when I want to test this in the simulator, I get the following error message:
Invocation Error:
You cannot use standard Google Assistant features in the Simulator. If you want to try them, use Google Assistant on your phone or other compatible devices.
For some reason, if I ignore the suggested input chip (which says ''talk to YYY'') and type in ''talk to XXX'' (the old invocation phrase) everything still works though. Seems that I'm missing something and Google support can't answer me, does someone know what I can do to successfully deploy to Beta?
When I get that message, it's usually a problem with the Console. A refresh of the page—and sometimes a simple retry—usually does the trick.
You could also try "Change Version" to make sure you're pointed to "Draft".

point-of-sale-api iOS callback from FileMaker Go

I'm close to getting my homegrown POS app to work with Square, but I'm missing something simple and can't seem to turn up an answer. I'm using FileMaker Go as the app, but I don't think that that is relevant to my current proof-of-concept issue. It may be relevant to other issues later (callbacks).
In my point-of-sale-api settings, I have:
for the Bundle ID, and
for the iOS App URL Schemes, which seems to be the first piece of code that Square allows me to save. Any prefixed item such as shortcuts://create-workflow gives an error without description (I'm hoping that Square will trigger a workflow as a test in this POC).
I'm hoping to just trigger safari or workflow/shortcuts with the callback as filemaker go doesn't directly accept the callback response without a helper application - which I'll eventually try.
Any thoughts on what I'm missing?
Thanks tons!

Publishing actions on google failed with unclear message

Every time I try to publish my actions on google for alpha release it denies the request with this unclear error message:
For en: Your sample invocations are structured incorrectly. Make sure they all start with a trigger phrase, include either your app name or pronunciation, and successfully invoke your app.
My trigger phrases all passes the invocation page rules and it works fine in the simulator. this is my invocation phrase
Talk to Doctor Electronics
Any one has a clue?
It sounds like it is talking about the sample invocations configuration, which is in the Directory information page of the console for your Action under the Details section. Make sure these phrases are correctly structured and make sense for your action.

Making my agent with a difficult name, easier to invoke?

I'm creating an agent that interacts with an API I created, However I always have troubles invoking the test version of the agent from my Google Home.
I really have to stress the "S" in Auroras, and I also have to say "dot", otherwise Google Home interprets it (I think) as Auroras Live, or, without the dot or "S"
This is definitely going to be a problem for others too, as they might not know to pronounce the dot, or forget to stress the "S", and as a result will get frustrated & not use my agent.
While filling out the app details, I tried using different invocations (such as "Talk to Auroras dot live" and "Speak to Aurora Live"), but it wouldn't let me do it, because I needed to use the exact title of my app.
What should I do? Should I (or can I) submit it as an easier to pronounce name (like "the aurora app")? Can I somehow tell Google to accept it with or without the "S" / dot? Any suggestions welcomed.
This is definitely a case where you would want your invocation name to be (slightly) different than your display name. I would list "Auroras Live" as your display name and "Aurora live" as the invocation name.
As part of the testing instructions, explain the problems you're seeing to the tester and request that both invocations be allowed.
If you want to clearly associate it with the website, you could also mention that in the testing instructions (to include the dot), but you should probably also consider including a link to the site from the description and possibly from the action itself.