Install4j hide Error Messages - install4j

I have a Problem with the Install4j Startup Error Message:
When I start my app, a splash screen appears.
During this i try to establish a database connection.
if that fails, the app quits with an error message.
at the same time, an error message from install4j pops up.
Where do I set that the install4j error message is not displayed?
thanx :)

In the launcher wizard, on the "Executable info" step, deselect the "Fail if an exception in the main thread is thrown" check box.


Error occurring when starting Eclipse IDE

My computer was suddenly shut down due to a power failure shortly after I closed the IDE. Now, when I attempt to start the IDE, I am greeted with an error dialog which directs me to the log file.
The message I am given in the log file is as follows: "An error occurred while automatically activating bundle org.eclipse.core.resources (88)"
Should the entire log file be needed, I have uploaded it here.
How may I remedy this error?

install4j + display custom error for install files action

In install files action, when the files cannot be created, it displays a message saying it cannot create the file. Is there a way to add custom error message and fail the installation.
If the user presses "Cancel", the "Install files" action will fail and its configured error message will be displayed. As of install4j 6.0, there is no way to skip this message box if a file installation fails.
As for configuring the error message:
On the "Installer->Screens & actions" step, locate the "Install files" action. The "Error message" property is set to ${i18n:FileCorrupted} by default and the "Failure strategy" property is set to "Quit on failure" by default.

How to prevent "auto update with silent check" to start launcher on error?

We want to create an update application using the template for "Update with silent version check" to check the version before the launcher will be executed. So far everythings seems to work fine but when I get an error the update application will abort the process and rollback everything. After that the launcher will be executed. We need to abort the launcher execution if an error occured during the version check. Is it possible to configure this? The same goes for the scenario the user want to abort the update and click "exit" at the info dialog. The execution of the launcher should also be aborted. We tried it with version 5.1.15 and 6.0 with the same result that the launcher always is executed independend if an error occured or the user aborted the update.
Thanks in advance
If you want more control over the behavior of the launcher after the updater has failed, don't use the automatic launcher integration. On the "Launcher integrations" tab there is an integration wizard that will give you a code snippet that you can insert into your main method.
ApplicationLauncher.launchApplication takes a Callback whose exited method is called with the exit value of the updater.

Eclipse plugin - find out last exception

I am developing an Eclipse plugin and I would like to be able to find out about exceptions and errors the user encounters.
For starters, how can I find out information about the last run time exception that occurred, let's say when a user clicks a button? By information I mean the exception type and the file and line where it was thrown.
Any exception logged to Eclipse is saved in the workspace's .log file located at WORKSPACE_DIR\.metadata\.log
You can also inspect this log visually by using the Eclipse Error Log view.
To open the Error Log, select Window->Show View->Error Log

Error: unknown error code. This generally means that another instance of this process was already running or is hung in the debugger

My project was running with out any problems. But suddenly it began to show crash with an error "Couldn't register com.yourcompany.iconnector with the bootstrap server. Error: unknown error code.
This generally means that another instance of this process was already running or is hung in the debugger" in debug mode
I tried restarting system, simulator and xcode but still the issue exist. Any one please help
I know your specific problem was with the simulator, but sometimes I get the same error when using a real device. It usually occurs when the debugger is attached and I build and run again.
To avoid the debugger hanging - when you set a breakpoint and the debugger pauses execution, make sure you continue execution before building and running again.
To solve the debugger hanging error, just restart the device and build and run again.
See this question and answer thread, it has a lot of info on the matter.
Also, try a 'Reset Content and Settings' for the Simulator.
Whenever you have a problem like unknown error code or "Couldn't register com.yourcompany.iconnector with the bootstrap server.
Restart your system it will be resolved.