Issue in Executing a batch script during -XX:OnOutOfMemoryError event - powershell

I have written a power shell script in my Win 2008 server, to execute the below mentioned 4 steps whenever an OutOfMemoryError occurs in the system.
Email users that the applications is going to be restarted.
stop the app service
clear cache and tmp files
start the service
email users that the service is started
The Script is given below and it is working like a gem when executed manually. I have added the below .ps1 script in a .bat file and updated the registry entry as
-server -Xms1024m -Xmx1536m -XX:MaxPermSize=256m -XX:+UseParallelOldGC -XX:OnOutOfMemoryError="D:\Support\UWD_OOM_restart.bat"
Issue: Whenever an OOM error occurs, the batch script invokes the power shell script, but only the first 3 steps are getting executed automatically. The last 2 steps( starting the service and emailing end users are not getting executed automatically). Need some assistance in this case
Power shell script:
$hostname = 'XXXXXX'
$smtpServer = 'xxxxxxxx'
$from = ""
$recipients = ''
$Subject = "Restarting Apps - UWD Service on $hostname due to Java OUT OF MEMORY ERROR"
$body = "This is an automated message to confirm that the UWD service on xxxxxxxx server is about to be restarted, as the application has encountered Java out of memory error and went to unresponsive state. Kindly ignore any alerts for the next 10 minutes from this service."
Send-MailMessage -To $recipients -Subject $Subject -Body $body -From $from -SmtpServer $smtpServer
# Stop service
$service = 'xxxxxxxx"
Stop-Service -name $service -Verbose
do {
Start-sleep -s 5
until ((get-service $service).Status -eq 'Stopped')
# Folder delete
rm -r -fo 'D:\xxxxxxx\cache'
rm -r -fo 'D:\xxxxxxx\tmp'
# Start service
start-Service -name $service -Verbose
do {
Start-sleep -s 5
until ((get-service $service).Status -eq 'Running')
# Send confirmation that service has restarted successfully
$Subject = "UWD Service Restarted Successfully on $hostname"
$body = "This mail confirms that the UWD application service on $hostname is now running.
Application Team, Kindly smoke test your application and inform xxxxxx for any issues."
Start-Sleep -s 5
Send-MailMessage -To $recipients -Subject $Subject -Body $body -From $from -SmtpServer $smtpServer


kill a child process on windows using powershell

I have the below script but it seems it wont kill the child processes. How do i kill child processes?
When it runs, it looks fine but then there are dialog boxes left over and then when i check task manager the original processes are still running. Which makes me think if the script ran properly. The other weird part to this is that naturally I would see these processes (.exe programs) running active on the task bar but after the script runs they look like they aren't running. But again, I check task manager and sure enough, they are still running.
$ErrorActionPreference = "SilentlyContinue"
Stop-Transcript | Out-Null
$ErrorActionPreference = "Continue"
Start-Transcript -Path C:\Scripts\Errors\errors.log -Append
$process = Get-Process -Name "IVR1","IVR2","IVR3"
$IVR1path = "C:\IVR1"
$IVR2path = "C:\IVR2"
$IVR3path = "C:\IVR3"
if ($process) {
$Process | Stop-Process -Force
Start-Sleep -s 5
cd $IVR1path
Start-Process ".\IVR1.exe"
cd IVR2path
Start-Process ".\IVR2.exe"
cd IVR3path
Start-Process ".\IVR3.exe"
cd ..
cd ..
$From = ""
$To = ""
$cc = ""
$Subject = "**TEST** - IVR1 has been recovered"
$Body = "The IVR has been successfully recovered"
$SMTPServer = ""
Send-MailMessage -From $From -to $To -cc $cc -Subject $Subject -Body $Body -SmtpServer $SMTPServer
Would anyone have any suggestions? Could it be due to child processes not being killed or the original process being hung?
I think that you've misused tools you have to achieve the goal. Use and functions listed at the end of page ( all about process lifecycle ).
Side note: add more verbosity ( write-output variable values) to what your script does so you will know what is happening ( or use the debugger, because I`m not sure if most of code you pasted is even executed ).

Windows Service Recovery, Unable to execute PS-script

OS: Win 2012 R2
I tried setting up certain services so that when they fail the second time a powershell script is triggered which emails certain people. This is done through services > (specific service) > properties > recovery.
Tried nearly every conceivable combination of Program:
Powershell.exe, C:\Windows\System32\WindowsPowerShell\v1.0\powershell.exe, same as the last but with capital "P".
Commandline parameters: -NoProfile -Executionpolicy bypass C:\users\username\appdata\local\myscript.ps1, the parameters after the path to the script.
The script is not signed.
Now my script uses the Send-MailMessage and the password is saved using ConvertFrom-SecureString and I was thinking that the service/user which actually runs the script maybe couldn't decrypt the password since it was created with my admin account.
I tried logging in as the same service account that is running the processes I want to monitor and create the encrypted password file from their user and saving it in a path that don't require that user to be admin (i.e. %localappdata%) but the script still fails to trigger when I use pskill on the PID.
When executing the command manually in PS everything works and I am not prompted for anything. It does exactly what it should do.
Now I am quite new to the Windows admin scene so which user or service actually triggers the PowerShell script? Is it the same identity that is running the service, i.e. the specific service account I specified? Or is it something else?
I'll happily post the code here but it is on my other computer and I will update this later with it. Googled for hours and tried almost everything, it might be something basic I am missing however.
Thank you very much for your help - TheSwede86
Edit: Here is the code and I also tried Ronald Rink 'd-fens'suggestion and it logs the user when I manually execute the script (showing an event with my username) but not when I try to simulate service failure.
$PSEmailServer = "<address to smtp-server>"
$SMTPPort = <port>
$SMTPUsername = "<email-address to send from>"
$EncryptedPasswordFile = "<path and filename to pwd-file, currently on C:\>.securestring"
$SecureStringPassword = Get-Content -Path $EncryptedPasswordFile | ConvertTo-SecureString
$EmailCredential = New-Object -TypeName System.Management.Automation.PSCredential -ArgumentList $SMTPUsername,$SecureStringPassword
$MailTo = "<email-address to mail to>"
$MailFrom = $SMTPUsername
$hostname = Hostname
$service = Get-Service -Name "<Servicename*>" | Where-Object {$_.Status -eq "Stopped"}
$MailSubject = "ALERT: Service on $hostname has stopped and failed to restart after one attempt"
$MailBody = "$service"
$OtherEmail = "<Other email-address to send to>"
$whoami = whoami
Send-MailMessage -From $MailFrom -To $MailTo -Bcc $OtherEmail -Subject $MailSubject -Body $MailBody -Port $SMTPPort -Credential $EmailCredential -UseSsl -Priority High
Write-EventLog –LogName Application –Source “PowerShell Script Debug” –EntryType Information –EventID 1 -Message $whoami
Redacted email-addresses, SMTP-server etc.
Edit 1: Added trying to log which user who executes the script.
Edit 2: #Ronald Rink 'd-fens'
I tried the following:
$PlainPassword = "<passwordForEmailToSendFrom>"
$SecurePassword = $PlainPassword | ConvertTo-SecureString -AsPlainText -Force | Out-File -FilePath C:\temp\<filename>.securestring
I let the service fail once with above so it will convert the plaintext password to a securestring-file which I then call upon in my script; this does not work.
If I try your suggestion:
$password = "<passwordForEmailToSendFrom>" | ConvertTo-SecureString -asPlainText -Force
$username = "<domain\serviceAccountWhichRunsTheService>"
$credential = New-Object System.Management.Automation.PSCredential($username,$password)
$credential | Export-CliXml C:\temp\credential.xml
It successfully creates "credential.xml" in my chosen path
$credential = Import-CliXml C:\temp\credential.xml
$decryptedCredential = "{0} - {1}" -f $credential.UserName, $credential.GetNetworkCredential().Password
$decryptedCredential | Out-File C:\temp\ServiceRecovery.txt -Append -Force
I get the password unencrypted in "ServiceRecovery.txt" and the but not SYSTEM.
I added "SYSTEM" to the local "Administrators"-group and tried again;
it just adds another line to "ServiceRecovery.txt" with the username I specified in "1" and the unencrypted password.
I was however successful when I tried your script about which user who actually runs the script and that was indeed "SYSTEM".
Sorry for my bad explanation, have sat for hours trying to get this final bit sorted but unable to do so.
Edit 3:
Thanks to #Ronald Rink 'd-fens' I solved it this way:
New-Object System.Management.Automation.PSCredential("<EmailAddressToSendFrom>", (ConvertTo-SecureString -AsPlainText -Force "<PasswordForAboveEmailAccount>")) | Export-CliXml C:\temp\MyCredential.xml
Above converts unencrypted password to encrypted using API (DPAPI) only usable for the account/machine that it is created on!
Let the service fail once with above script to generate the file with the SERVICE account
$PSEmailServer = "<smtp-address>"
$SMTPPort = <port>
$SMTPUsername = "<EmailAddressToSendFrom>"
$credpath = Import-Clixml -Path C:\temp\MyCredential.xml
$MailTo = "<EmailAddressToSendTo>"
$MailFrom = $SMTPUsername
$hostname = Hostname
$service = Get-Service -Name "<Servicename(s)>" | Where-Object {$_.Status -eq "Stopped"} | Select-Object -Property DisplayName | Out-String
$MailSubject = "ALERT: Service on $hostname has stopped and failed to restart after one attempt"
$MailBody = $service
$OtherEmail = "<AnotherEmailAddressToSendTo>"
Send-MailMessage -From $MailFrom -To $MailTo -Bcc $OtherEmail -Subject $MailSubject -Body $MailBody -Port $SMTPPort -Credential $credpath -UseSsl -Priority High
Above is the actual script that will run when the service fails
Arguments in Services > Recovery is:
Program: C:\Windows\System32\WindowsPowerShell\v1.0\powershell.exe
Command line parameters:
-File C:\temp\myscriptname.ps1
Enable actions for stops with errors
First failure: Restart the Service
Second failure: Run a Program
It seems very much that the script you entered to be run in case of a failure is not running under the service account (nor under your admin account) but under an account of the operating system. You can verify this by logging the username from within the script when executed after your service failed (use Write-EventLog or save it from to a text file).
Here is an example of how you can verify that your script runs under the local system:
# C:\src\TEMP\ServiceRecovery.ps1
cd C:\src\TEMP\
$ENV:USERNAME | Out-File C:\src\TEMP\ServiceRecovery.txt -Append -Force
You can configure your service as shown in the following screenshots:
The service account was created like this:
PS > net user ServiceAccount P#ssw0rdP#ssw0rd /ADD
PS > net localgroup Administrators ServiceAccount /ADD
If I then stop the process by invoking Stop-Process -Name teamviewer_service -Force I can see the following name in the generated text file:
This means you would have to encrypt the secure string via the SYSTEM account and not via your personal user or service user account or you have to resort to some other means on how to read your encrypted password.
Encrypting your password via the service account can be achieved by creating a script to create a password and store it in encrypted form. Put this script into your service recovery settings and make this service fail once. Then remove the script and insert your original script which will then be able to import the encrypted password.
Here you find the scripts with which I tested it:
(1) Script to encrypt credentials
# Creating a PS Credential from a Clear Text Password in Powershell
$password = "P#ssw0rdP#ssw0rd" | ConvertTo-SecureString -asPlainText -Force
$username = ".\ServiceAccount"
$credential = New-Object System.Management.Automation.PSCredential($username,$password)
$credential | Export-CliXml C:\src\TEMP\credential.xml
(2) Script to decrypt credentials
$credential = Import-CliXml C:\src\TEMP\credential.xml
$decryptedCredential = "{0} - {1}" -f $credential.UserName, $credential.GetNetworkCredential().Password
$decryptedCredential | Out-File C:\src\TEMP\ServiceRecovery.txt -Append -Force
Now the generated text file contains
.\ServiceAccount - P#ssw0rdP#ssw0rd
Note: the first "encrypt" script contains a plain text password which is only used once for encryption. We have to go this way, in order to run under the SYSTEM account. An alternative to this might be using RunAs from SysInternals.

Checking for a running process and if its not found, starting it

I'm trying to write a short script to run each morning on a machine to check for two programs and if they aren't running, to start them. I've made this:
$process = "ProcessToStart"
$check = Get-Process $process
$executable = "ProcessFilePath"
if (!($check)) {
Start-Process $executable
Send-MailMessage -From "Machine" -To "IT" -Subject "Program was restarted" -Body "The program wasnt running" -SMTP ""
$process = "outlook"
$executable = "C:\Program Files\Microsoft Office 15\root\office15\outlook.exe"
if (!($check)) {
Start-Process $executable
Send-MailMessage -From "Machine" -To "IT" -Subject "Program was restarted" -Body "The program wasnt running" -SMTP ""
The problem I have is, last week it worked, and only launched/emailed if the process wasn't running. I've retested it this week and it's launching and emailing even if the processes are already running and I can't figure out what's different.

Line break removed in output in PowerShell

I'm using the following script to get a list of all the services that are automatic but not running on a set of servers.
$Me = ''
function Get-AutoServiceStatus
$Servers = 'SRV1', 'SRV2', 'SVR3', 'SVR4'
foreach ($Server in $Servers)
Write-Output "`nThe automatic services that aren't running on $Server are:"
Get-WmiObject win32_service -Filter "StartMode = 'auto' AND state != 'Running'" -ComputerName $Server | select -ExpandProperty DisplayName | Format-List
$Output = Get-AutoServiceStatus | Out-String
$Body = "Hi team,`n`nHere are the services that are set to start automatically on each of the listed servers, but aren't running.`n" + $Output + "Please take the necessary actions.`n`nRegards,`nBig Guy"
Send-MailMessage -From '' -To $Me -SmtpServer '' -Body $Body -Subject 'Post-reboot service check on Servers'
Console output:
The automatic services that aren't running on MySrv are:
Microsoft .NET Framework NGEN v4.0.30319_X86
Microsoft .NET Framework NGEN v4.0.30319_X64
Software Protection
Windows Image Acquisition (WIA)
Received email:
The automatic services that aren't running on SRV1 are:
Microsoft .NET Framework NGEN v4.0.30319_X86Microsoft .NET Framework NGEN v4.0.30319_X64Software ProtectionWindows Image Acquisition (WIA)
Desired email:
Some friendly text here
The automatic services that aren't running on MySrv are:
Microsoft .NET Framework NGEN v4.0.30319_X86
Microsoft .NET Framework NGEN v4.0.30319_X64
Software Protection
Windows Image Acquisition (WIA)
As in, I need each service name appear on a separate line. However, all the names of the services appear on the same line.
PS version: 3.0
Please help me with this. Thanks in advance!
Have you tried formatting the email to HTML?
Function Send-Email {
$From = ""
$To = ""
$Body = "<strong>Date:</strong>"+(Get-Date)+"<br>"+"<strong>Hostname:</strong>$hostname<br>"+"`<strong>The automatic services that aren't running on MySrv are:</strong>.<br>$Output<br><br><br><br><br><br><br><h3 style=""color:red;"">*** This is an automatically generated email, please do not reply ***</h3>"
Send-MailMessage -From $From -to $To -Subject $Subject `
-Body $Body -SmtpServer $SMTPServer -BodyAsHtml
Hostname: SERV1
Date:04/25/2016 11:55 AM
The automatic services that aren't running on MySrv are:
*** This is an automatically generated email, please do not reply ***

Execute batch script from powershell with feedback

I need your valuable comments/advice on how we could implement powershell script to send feedback to users during its execution based on its runtime.
Powershell script will be executing a batch script.
cmd.exe "/c G:\BEKDocs\Batch\Batch1.cmd"
Write-Host "The Exit code from Batch1 is " $LastExitCode
Batch script will do some processing on its own, i want the power shell script to provide the feedback to few set of users on the below occasions through mail communication using SMTP (I have SMTP configured in the server).
When the script starts (Mail should be sent).
If the script completes within a minute.
If the script runs for more than a hour.
If the script fails.
Use Send-MailMessage to send mail. Use Measure-Command to measure the execution time of a command. Use $LASTEXITCODE to determine whether an external command succeeded or failed.
$from = ''
$to = ''
Send-MailMessage -From $from -To $to -Subject 'script started'
$time = Measure-Command { & cmd.exe /c "G:\BEKDocs\Batch\Batch1.cmd" }
if ( $time.TotalMinutes -le 1 ) {
Send-MailMessage -From $from -To $to -Subject 'script completed within 1 min'
} elseif ( $time.TotalMinutes -gt 60 ) {
Send-MailMessage -From $from -To $to -Subject 'script ran longer than 1 hour'
if ( $LASTEXITCODE -ne 0 ) {
Send-MailMessage -From $from -To $to -Subject 'script failed'