So I have result: List[List[Int]] = (List(0,1), List(0,1), List(1)) and I want to get the numbers every element of the the list has in common (in this case 1) like a logical AND conjunction. How can I do that?
Edit: If an element is empty it should return an empty List because there are no values every element has in common
Intuitive way
In each sublist, filter out the elements that are contained in all sublists, then flatten and remove duplicated:
val result1 = list.flatMap(_.filter(e => list.forall(_.contains(e)))).toSet
More efficient way
Find the smallest sublist and pick out elements that are in each sublist:
val result2 = list.minBy(_.size).filter(e => list.forall(_.contains(e))).toSet
Mathematical way
Turn each sublist into a set and intersect them:
val result3 =
You can do it with the intersect method:
def intersection(lists: List[List[Int]]): List[Int] = {
lists.headOption match {
case Some(head) =>
lists.foldLeft(head)((acc, l) => acc.intersect(l))
case None => Nil
The method may be more efficient if you use it with Set instead of List
The difficulty here is to do the intersect on the empty element, in this case Set.empty . to avoid this and solve the problem more functionally we can do this
def uniqueElements(reults:List[List[Int]]):Set[Int] = {
results match {
case head1::head2::tail => head1.toSet intersect head2.toSet intersect uniqueElements(tail)
case head::Nil => head.toSet
case Nil => Set.empty[Int]
I have list say -
How to make a list of tuples with even and odd positions :
Hope it will help.
val list = List("aa","1","bb","2","cc","3","dd","4")
val tuple =
list.grouped(2).map { e =>
We should consider the case of oddly sized lists, for example, List("aa","1","bb","2","cc","3","dd"):
Should we return List((aa,1), (bb,2), (cc,3), (dd,dd))?
Should we drop the last element and return List((aa,1), (bb,2), (cc,3))?
Should we indicate error is some way, perhaps with Option?
Should we crash?
Here is an example of returning Option[List(String, String)] to indicate error case:
def maybeGrouped(list: List[String]): Option[List[(String, String)]] =
.sliding(2, 2)
.map { case List(a,b) => (a, b) }
I am processing XML using scala, and I am converting the XML into my own data structures. Currently, I am using plain Map instances to hold (sub-)elements, however, the order of elements from the XML gets lost this way, and I cannot reproduce the original XML.
Therefore, I want to use LinkedHashMap instances instead of Map, however I am using groupBy on the list of nodes, which creates a Map:
For example:
def parse(n:Node): Unit =
val leaves:Map[String, Seq[XmlItem]] =
.filter(node => { ... })
.map((tuple:Tuple2[String, Seq[Node]]) =>
val items = =>
val attributes = ...
if (node.text.nonEmpty)
XmlItem(Some(node.text), attributes)
XmlItem(None, attributes)
(tuple._1, items)
In this example, I want leaves to be of type LinkedHashMap to retain the order of n.child. How can I achieve this?
Note: I am grouping by label/tagname because elements can occur multiple times, and for each label/tagname, I keep a list of elements in my data structures.
As answered by #jwvh I am using foldLeft as a substitution for groupBy. Also, I decided to go with LinkedHashMap instead of ListMap.
def parse(n:Node): Unit =
val leaves:mutable.LinkedHashMap[String, Seq[XmlItem]] =
.filter(node => { ... })
.foldLeft(mutable.LinkedHashMap.empty[String, Seq[Node]])((m, sn) =>
m.update(sn.label, m.getOrElse(sn.label, Seq.empty[Node]) ++ Seq(sn))
.map((tuple:Tuple2[String, Seq[Node]]) =>
val items = =>
val attributes = ...
if (node.text.nonEmpty)
XmlItem(Some(node.text), attributes)
XmlItem(None, attributes)
(tuple._1, items)
To get the rough equivalent to .groupBy() in a ListMap you could fold over your collection. The problem is that ListMap preserves the order of elements as they were appended, not as they were encountered.
import collection.immutable.ListMap
case (lm,c) => lm.updated(c, c +: lm.getOrElse(c, Seq()))
//res0: ListMap[Char,Seq[Char]] = ListMap(b -> Seq(b), a -> Seq(a, a), c -> Seq(c))
To fix this you can foldRight instead of foldLeft. The result is the original order of elements as encountered (scanning left to right) but in reverse.
case (c,lm) => lm.updated(c, c +: lm.getOrElse(c, Seq()))
//res1: ListMap[Char,Seq[Char]] = ListMap(c -> Seq(c), b -> Seq(b), a -> Seq(a, a))
This isn't necessarily a bad thing since a ListMap is more efficient with last and init ops, O(1), than it is with head and tail ops, O(n).
To process the ListMap in the original left-to-right order you could .toList and .reverse it.
case (c,lm) => lm.updated(c, c +: lm.getOrElse(c, Seq()))
//res2: List[(Char, Seq[Char])] = List((a,Seq(a, a)), (b,Seq(b)), (c,Seq(c)))
Purely immutable solution would be quite slow. So I'd go with
import collection.mutable.{ArrayBuffer, LinkedHashMap}
implicit class ExtraTraversableOps[A](seq: collection.TraversableOnce[A]) {
def orderedGroupBy[B](f: A => B): collection.Map[B, collection.Seq[A]] = {
val map = LinkedHashMap.empty[B, ArrayBuffer[A]]
for (x <- seq) {
val key = f(x)
map.getOrElseUpdate(key, ArrayBuffer.empty) += x
To use, just change .groupBy in your code to .orderedGroupBy.
The returned Map can't be mutated using this type (though it can be cast to mutable.Map or to mutable.LinkedHashMap), so it's safe enough for most purposes (and you could create a ListMap from it at the end if really desired).
I tought that List is enough but I need to add element to my list.
I've tried to put this in ListBuffer constructor but without result.
var leavesValues: ListBuffer[Double] =
.collect { case leaf: Leaf => leaf.value.toDouble }
Later on I'm going to add value to my list so my expected output is mutable list.
Solution of Raman Mishra
But what if I need to append single value to the end of leavesValues
I can reverse but it's not good enough
I can use ListBuffer like below but I believe that there is cleaner solution:
val leavesValues: ListBuffer[Double] = ListBuffer()
.collect { case leaf: Leaf => leaf.value.toDouble }
case class Leaf(value:String)
val leaves = List(Leaf("5"), Leaf("6"), Leaf("7"), Leaf("8") ,Leaf("9") )
val leavesValues: List[Double] =
.collect { case leaf: Leaf => leaf.value.toDouble }
val value = Leaf("10").value.toDouble
val answer = value :: leavesValues
you can do it like this after getting the list of leavesValues you can prepand the value you want to add into the list.
What is the best Scala idiomatic approach to verify that filter returns only one results (or specific amount in that matter), and if the amount correct, to continue with it?
For example:
val myFilteredListWithDesiredOneItem = unfilteredList
.filter(x => x.getId.equals(something))
Consider this for a list of type T,
val myFilteredListWithDesiredOneItem = {
val xs = unfilteredList.filter(x => x.getId.equals(something))
if (xs.size == n) xs.toList
else List.empty[T]
Not a oneliner, the code remains simple none the less.
Try a match with guards, perhaps?
list.filter(...) match {
case Nil => // empty
case a if (a.size == 5) => // five items
case b#(List(item1, item2) => // two (explicit) items
case _ => // default
Something like this perhaps:
.filter(_.size == n)
.getOrElse(throw new Exception("wrong size!"))
Trying to get a handle on pattern matching here-- coming from a C++/Java background it's very foreign to me.
The point of this branch is to check each member of a List d of tuples [format of (string,object). I want to define three cases.
1) If the counter in this function is larger than the size of the list (defined in another called acc), I want to return nothing (because there is no match)
2) If the key given in the input matches a tuple in the list, I want to return its value (or, whatever is stored in the tuple._2).
3) If there is no match, and there is still more list to iterate, increment and continue.
My code is below:
def get(key:String):Option[Any] = {
var counter: Int = 0
val flag: Boolean = false
x match {
case (counter > acc) => None
case ((d(counter)._1) == key) => d(counter)._2
case _ => counter += 1
My issue here is while the first case seems to compile correctly, the second throws an error:
:36: error: ')' expected but '.' found.
case ((d(counter)._1) == key) => d(counter)._2
The third as well:
scala> case _ => counter += 1
:1: error: illegal start of definition
But I assume it's because the second isn't correct. My first thought is that I'm not comparing tuples correctly, but I seem to be following the syntax for indexing into a tuple, so I'm stumped. Can anyone steer me in the right direction?
Hopefully a few things to clear up your confusion:
Matching in scala follows this general template:
x match {
case SomethingThatXIs if(SomeCondition) => SomeExpression
// rinse and repeat
// note that `if(SomeCondition)` is optional
It looks like you may have attempted to use the match/case expression as more of an if/else if/else kind of block, and as far as I can tell, the x doesn't really matter within said block. If that's the case, you might be fine with something like
case _ if (d(counter)._1 == key) => d(counter)._2
Some info on Lists in scala. You should always think of it like a LinkedList, where indexed lookup is an O(n) operation. Lists can be matched with a head :: tail format, and Nil is an empty list. For example:
val myList = List(1,2,3,4)
myList match {
case first :: theRest =>
// first is 1, theRest is List(2,3,4), which you can also express as
// 2 :: 3 :: 4 :: Nil
case Nil =>
// an empty list case
It looks like you're constructing a kind of ListMap, so I'll write up a more "functional"/"recursive" way of implementing your get method.
I'll assume that d is the backing list, of type List[(String, Any)]
def get(key: String): Option[Any] = {
def recurse(key: String, list: List[(String, Any)]): Option[Any] = list match {
case (k, value) :: _ if (key == k) => Some(value)
case _ :: theRest => recurse(key, theRest)
case Nil => None
recurse(key, d)
The three case statements can be explained as follows:
1) The first element in list is a tuple of (k, value). The rest of the list is matched to the _ because we don't care about it in this case. The condition asks if k is equal to the key we are looking for. In this case, we want to return the value from the tuple.
2) Since the first element didn't have the right key, we want to recurse. We don't care about the first element, but we want the rest of the list so that we can recurse with it.
3) case Nil means there's nothing in the list, which should mark "failure" and the end of the recursion. In this case we return None. Consider this the same as your counter > acc condition from your question.
Please don't hesitate to ask for further explanation; and if I've accidentally made a mistake (won't compile, etc), point it out and I will fix it.
I'm assuming that conditionally extracting part of a tuple from a list of tuples is the important part of your question, excuse me if I'm wrong.
First an initial point, in Scala we normally would use AnyRef instead of Object or, if worthwhile, we would use a type parameter which can increase reuse of the function or method and increase type safety.
The three cases you describe can be collapsed into two cases, the first case uses a guard (the if statement after the pattern match), the second case matches the entire non-empty list and searches for a match between each first tuple argument and the key, returning a Some[T] containing the second tuple argument of the matching tuple or None if no match occurred. The third case is not required as the find operation traverses (iterates over) the list.
The map operation after the find is used to extract the second tuple argument (map on an Option returns an Option), remove this operation and change the method's return type to Option[(String, T)] if you want the whole tuple returned.
def f[T](key: String, xs: List[(String, T)], initialCount: Int = 2): Option[T] = {
var counter = initialCount
xs match {
case l: List[(String, T)] if l.size < counter => None
case l: List[(String, T)] => l find {_._1 == key} map {_._2}
f("A", List(("A", 1), ("B", 2))) // Returns Some(1)
f("B", List(("A", 1), ("B", 2))) // Returns Some(2)
f("A", List(("A", 1))) // Returns None
f("C", List(("A", 1), ("B", 2))) // Returns None
f("C", Nil) // Returns None
First, why are you using a List for that reason? What you need is definitely a Map. Its get() returns None if key is not found and Some(value) if it is found in it.
Second, what is x in your example? Is it the list?
Third, you cannot write case (log) => .. where log is a logical condition, it is in the form of case _ if (log) => ... (as Rex Kerr already pinted out in his comment).
Fouth, you need a recursive function for this (simply increasing the counter will call this only on the second element).
So you'll need something like this (if still prefer sticking to List):
def get(l: List[Tuple2[String, String]], key: String): Option[String] = {
if (l.isEmpty) {
} else {
val act = l.head
act match {
case x if (act._1 == key) => Some(act._2)
case _ => get(l.tail, key)