smart field OBJECT type - forestadmin

I am trying to return an object to a smart field, here is my code ;
varvar LianaLiana == requirerequire(('forest-express-mongoose''forest-express );
Liana.collection('users', {
fields: [{
field: 'feed answer',
type: 'Object',
get: function (object) {
return {1:'text',2:'texrt'};
but I am getting

Your Smart Field type can Boolean, Date, Enum, File, Number or String. The type Object does not exist.


Disallow creating document with specific field when other field has specific value

I have a schema
const mySchema = new Schema({
delta: { type: Number, required: function() { return this.operation === 'change' } },
operation: { type: String, enum: ['change', 'scan'], required: true }
I want delta field to be in the document only when operation has value of 'change'.
When operation has value of 'scan' the document must not have delta.
Is there a way to achieve via schema definition, without using hooks?

MongoDB field only accepts 3 special values

slider_value: {
type: Number,
required: false,
This is the Mongoose schema for one of the fields in my MongoDB model.
It may only accept the integer values of 1, 4, and 10.
How can this validator be specified in the schema?
If you only need to store either one of these three values, storing them as a string, and validating using the enum key would be reasonable. For example that could look like this:
slider_value: {
type: String,
enum: ["1", "4", "10"],
Alternatively, if it is a requirement to store them in form of an int, you could use a custom validator to check a value before it's saved. That would look like this:
slider_value: {
type: Number,
validate: {
validator: value => value === 1 || value === 4 || value === 10,
message: props => `${props.value} is invalid for slider_value`,
For more details on custom validators and validation in mongoose in generell, here are the mongoose validation docs.

Mongoose Array field with default array containing values

The Mongoose docs suggest overriding the default value of [] for an array field like this:
new Schema({
toys: {
type: [ToySchema],
default: undefined
I'd like to have an array of strings, with an enum and with a default value if none is supplied.
Thus, every document has type 'foo' if none is specified, but documents may be 'foo' and 'bar'.
Is that possible?
Although the docs don't mention it, a default value can be given, in the way you'd expect.
You can have an enum array with a default value like this:
new Schema({
toys: {
type:[{ type: String, enum: ['foo', 'bar', 'baz'] }],
default: ['foo']

Updating an array field in a mongodb collection

I am trying to update my collection which has an array field(initially blank) and for this I am trying this code
{$push:{categories: id:categoryId,
value:newCategory }}}});
No error is shown, but in my collection just empty documents({}) are created.
Note: I have both categoryId and newCategory, so no issues with that.
Thanks in advance.
This is the schema:
Industry = new Meteor.Collection("industry");
Industry.attachSchema(new SimpleSchema({
type: [Object]
I am not sure but maybe the error is occuring because you are not validating 'categories' in your schema. Try adding a 'blackbox:true' to your 'categories' so that it accepts any types of objects.
Industry.attachSchema(new SimpleSchema({
label: {
type: String
value: {
type: String
categories: {
type: [Object],
blackbox:true // allows all objects
Once you've done that try adding values to it like this
var newObject = {
id: categoryId,
label: newCategory,
value: newCategory
_id: industryId
}, {
$push: {
categories: newObject //newObject can be anything
This would allow you to add any kind of object into the categories field.
But you mentioned in a comment that categories is also another collection.
If you already have a SimpleSchema for categories then you could validate the categories field to only accept objects that match with the SimpleSchema for categories like this
Industry.attachSchema(new SimpleSchema({
label: {
type: String
value: {
type: String
categories: {
type: [categoriesSchema] // replace categoriesSchema by name of SimpleSchema for categories
In this case only objects that match categoriesSchema will be allowed into categories field. Any other type would be filtered out. Also you wouldnt get any error on console for trying to insert other types.(which is what i think is happening when you try to insert now as no validation is specified)
In a SimpleSchema when you define an array of objects you have to validate it,ie, you have to tell it what objects it can accept and what it can't.
For example when you define it like
categories: {
type: [categoriesSchema] // Correct
it means that objects that are similar in structure to those in another SimpleSchema named categoriesSchema only can be inserted into it. According to your example any object you try to insert should be of this format
id: categoryId,
label: newCategory,
value: newCategory
Any object that isn't of this format will be rejected while insert. Thats why all objects you tried to insert where rejected when you tried initially with your schema structured like this
categories: {
type: [Object] // Not correct as there is no SimpleSchema named 'Object' to match with
Now, lets say you don't what your object to be filtered and want all objects to be inserted without validation.
Thats where setting "blackbox:true" comes in. If you define a field like this
categories: {
type: [Object], // Correct
it means that categories can be any object and need not be validated with respect to some other SimpleSchema. So whatever you try to insert gets accepted.
If you run this query in mongo shell, it will produce a log like matched:1, updated:0. Please check what you will get . if matched is 0, it means that your input query is not having any matching documents.

How can I validate a model attribute against another model attribute in Sails?

Let's say I have an Invoice model in SailsJS. It has 2 date attributes: issuedAt and dueAt. How can I create a custom validation rule that check that the due date is equal or greater than the issued date?
I tried creating a custom rule, but it seems I cannot access other properties inside a rule.
module.exports = {
schema: true,
types: {
duedate: function(dueAt) {
return dueAt >= this.issuedAt // Doesn't work, "this" refers to the function, not the model instance
attributes: {
issuedAt: {
type: 'date'
dueAt: {
type: 'date',
duedate: true
I hope you found a solution now, but for those interested to a good way to handle this i will explain my way to do it.
Unfortunatly as you said you can't access others record attributes in attribute customs validation function.
#Paweł Wszoła give you the right direction and here is a complete solution working for Sails#1.0.2 :
// Get buildUsageError to construct waterline usage error
const buildUsageError = require('waterline/lib/waterline/utils/query/private/build-usage-error');
module.exports = {
schema: true,
attributes: {
issuedAt: {
type: 'ref',
columnType: 'timestamp'
dueAt: {
type: 'ref',
columnType: 'timestamp'
beforeCreate: (record, next) => {
// This function is called before record creation so if callback method "next" is called with an attribute the creation will be canceled and the error will be returned
if(record.dueAt >= record.issuedAt){
return next(buildUsageError('E_INVALID_NEW_RECORD', 'issuedAt date must be equal or greater than dueAt date', 'invoice'))
beforeCreate method in model as first param takes values. The best place for this kind of validation I see here.
beforeCreate: (values, next){
if (values.dueAt >= values.issuedAt) {
return next({error: ['...']})