Why would publisher send new items even after cancel? - rx-java2

The documentation of Subscription#cancel says that
Data may still be sent to meet previously signalled demand after calling cancel.
In which scenario would people expect the publisher to continue to send till previous signalled demand is met?
Also, if I don't want any new items to be sent after cancellation, what should I do?

Unless you are creating low level operators or Publishers, you don't have to worry about this.
In which scenario would people expect the publisher to continue to send till previous signalled demand is met?
None of the mainstream Reactive Streams libraries do that as they stop sending items eventually. RxJava 2 and Reactor 3 are pretty eager on this so you'd most likely have an extra item on a low-lever asynchronously issued cancellation. Akka Stream may signal more than that (last time I checked, they mix control and item signals and there is a configuration setting for max synchronous items per stream that can lead to multiple items being emitted before the cancellation takes effect).
Also, if I don't want any new items to be sent after cancellation, what should I do?
Depends on what you implement: a Publisher or a Subscriber.
In a Publisher the most eager method is to set a volatile boolean cancelled field and check that every time you are in some kind of emission loop.
In a Subscriber, you can have a boolean done field that is checked in each onXXX so that when you call Subscription.cancel() from onNext, any subsequent call will be ignored.


Akka-streams time based grouping

I have an application which listens to a stream of events. These events tend to come in chunks: 10 to 20 of them within the same second, with minutes or even hours of silence between them. These events are processed and result in an aggregate state, and this updated state is sent further downstream.
In pseudo code, it would look something like this:
.mapAsync(1)((entityId, event) => entityProcessor(entityId).process(event)) // yields entityState
.mapAsync(1)(entityState => submitStateToExternalService(entityState))
The thing is that the downstream submitStateToExternalService has no use for 10-20 updated states per second - it would be far more efficient to just emit the last one and only handle that one.
With that in mind, I started looking if it wouldn't be possible to not emit the state after processing immediately, and instead wait a little while to see if more events are coming in.
In a way, it's similar to conflate, but that emits elements as soon as the downstream stops backpressuring, and my processing is actually fast enough to keep up with the events coming in, so I can't rely on backpressure.
I came across groupedWithin, but this emits elements whenever the window ends (or the max number of elements is reached). What I would ideally want, is a time window where the waiting time before emitting downstream is reset by each new element in the group.
Before I implement something to do this myself, I wanted to make sure that I didn't just overlook a way of doing this that is already present in akka-streams, because this seems like a fairly common thing to do.
Honestly, I would make entityProcessor into an cluster sharded persistent actor.
case class ProcessEvent(entityId: String, evt: EntityEvent)
val entityRegion = ClusterSharding(system).shardRegion("entity")
.mapAsync(parallelism) { (entityId, event) =>
entityRegion ? ProcessEvent(entityId, event)
With this, you can safely increase the parallelism so that you can handle events for multiple entities simultaneously without fear of mis-ordering the events for any particular entity.
Your entity actors would then update their state in response to the process commands and persist the events using a suitable persistence plugin, sending a reply to complete the ask pattern. One way to get the compaction effect you're looking for is for them to schedule the update of the external service after some period of time (after cancelling any previously scheduled update).
There is one potential pitfall with this scheme (it's also a potential issue with a homemade Akka Stream solution to allow n > 1 events to be processed before updating the state): what happens if the service fails between updating the local view of state and updating the external service?
One way you can deal with this is to encode whether the entity is dirty (has state which hasn't propagated to the external service) in the entity's state and at startup build a list of entities and run through them to have dirty entities update the external state.
If the entities are doing more than just tracking state for publishing to a single external datastore, it might be useful to use Akka Persistence Query to build a full-fledged read-side view to update the external service. In this case, though, since the read-side view's (State, Event) => State transition would be the same as the entity processor's, it might not make sense to go this way.
A midway alternative would be to offload the scheduling etc. to a different actor or set of actors which get told "this entity updated it's state" and then schedule an ask of the entity for its current state with a timestamp of when the state was locally updated. When the response is received, the external service is updated, if the timestamp is newer than the last update.

Orion CB Batch updates and notifications throttle

I'm running several batch updates (with about 200 entities each one) and I have a Quantum Leap subscribed to the CB to capture the historical data. It is supposed that each batch update should generate 200 different notifications, but, if I have set a throttle of "1", does this mean I will only receive the first notification and loose the other 199? Is this right? (just watching the QL, it seems to me that I'm loosing many notifications)
Entities are processed one by one during a batch update request. Thus, if you have 200 entities the update in each one triggers a subscription, then you will have 200 notifications being sent.
The throttling effect depends on the case. For instance:
If each entity triggers a different subscription, then they have any effect (as the trottling is evaluated by subscription)
If each entity triggers the same subscription and assuming that all the 200 notifications are send very fast (let's say, less than 1 second) then only the first one will be sent, and the 199 remaining ones will be lost.
In general, we don't recommend to use throttling due to this (and some other :) problems. It uses to be better to implement traffic flow control in the receiver.

Ensure observable execution even without subscribers

I have a cache of observables and reuse them. They normally all use some sort of caching (mostly replay(1).refCount()) and I make sure, that the underlying calculation is done once only with this.
I now have cases, where the underlying stream emits items and noone is subscribed to my cached observable. I still want it to process this event. How can I do this?
Currently I only can do this like following:
val o = observable.reply(1)
o.connect() // make sure this hot observable always is connected and processes it's input
return o // this one is cached
Is there some better way? I want that the hot observable always acts as if someone is subscribed and never unsubscribes from the upstream...
I have redux store like observables and those need to process EVERY input, no matter if someone is subscribed or not so that the cached values that a replayed are always the newest one...
IMO the correct answer is by #prom85 in the question comment section.
From the Learning RxJava Book by Thomas Nield
If you pass 0 to autoConnect() for the numberOfSubscribers argument,
it will start firing immediately and not wait for any Observers. This
can be handy to start firing emissions immediately without waiting for
any Observers.

Using many consumers in SQS Queue

I know that it is possible to consume a SQS queue using multiple threads. I would like to guarantee that each message will be consumed once. I know that it is possible to change the visibility timeout of a message, e.g., equal to my processing time. If my process spend more time than the visibility timeout (e.g. a slow connection) other thread can consume the same message.
What is the best approach to guarantee that a message will be processed once?
What is the best approach to guarantee that a message will be processed once?
You're asking for a guarantee - you won't get one. You can reduce probability of a message being processed more than once to a very small amount, but you won't get a guarantee.
I'll explain why, along with strategies for reducing duplication.
Where does duplication come from
When you put a message in SQS, SQS might actually receive that message more than once
For example: a minor network hiccup while sending the message caused a transient error that was automatically retried - from the message sender's perspective, it failed once, and successfully sent once, but SQS received both messages.
SQS can internally generate duplicates
Simlar to the first example - there's a lot of computers handling messages under the covers, and SQS needs to make sure nothing gets lost - messages are stored on multiple servers, and can this can result in duplication.
For the most part, by taking advantage of SQS message visibility timeout, the chances of duplication from these sources are already pretty small - like fraction of a percent small.
If processing duplicates really isn't that bad (strive to make your message consumption idempotent!), I'd consider this good enough - reducing chances of duplication further is complicated and potentially expensive...
What can your application do to reduce duplication further?
Ok, here we go down the rabbit hole... at a high level, you will want to assign unique ids to your messages, and check against an atomic cache of ids that are in progress or completed before starting processing:
Make sure your messages have unique identifiers provided at insertion time
Without this, you'll have no way of telling duplicates apart.
Handle duplication at the 'end of the line' for messages.
If your message receiver needs to send messages off-box for further processing, then it can be another source of duplication (for similar reasons to above)
You'll need somewhere to atomically store and check these unique ids (and flush them after some timeout). There are two important states: "InProgress" and "Completed"
InProgress entries should have a timeout based on how fast you need to recover in case of processing failure.
Completed entries should have a timeout based on how long you want your deduplication window
The simplest is probably a Guava cache, but would only be good for a single processing app. If you have a lot of messages or distributed consumption, consider a database for this job (with a background process to sweep for expired entries)
Before processing the message, attempt to store the messageId in "InProgress". If it's already there, stop - you just handled a duplicate.
Check if the message is "Completed" (and stop if it's there)
Your thread now has an exclusive lock on that messageId - Process your message
Mark the messageId as "Completed" - As long as this messageId stays here, you won't process any duplicates for that messageId.
You likely can't afford infinite storage though.
Remove the messageId from "InProgress" (or just let it expire from here)
Some notes
Keep in mind that chances of duplicate without all of that is already pretty low. Depending on how much time and money deduplication of messages is worth to you, feel free to skip or modify any of the steps
For example, you could leave out "InProgress", but that opens up the small chance of two threads working on a duplicated message at the same time (the second one starting before the first has "Completed" it)
Your deduplication window is as long as you can keep messageIds in "Completed". Since you likely can't afford infinite storage, make this last at least as long as 2x your SQS message visibility timeout; there is reduced chances of duplication after that (on top of the already very low chances, but still not guaranteed).
Even with all this, there is still a chance of duplication - all the precautions and SQS message visibility timeouts help reduce this chance to very small, but the chance is still there:
Your app can crash/hang/do a very long GC right after processing the message, but before the messageId is "Completed" (maybe you're using a database for this storage and the connection to it is down)
In this case, "Processing" will eventually expire, and another thread could process this message (either after SQS visibility timeout also expires or because SQS had a duplicate in it).
Store the message, or a reference to the message, in a database with a unique constraint on the Message ID, when you receive it. If the ID exists in the table, you've already received it, and the database will not allow you to insert it again -- because of the unique constraint.
AWS SQS API doesn't automatically "consume" the message when you read it with API,etc. Developer need to make the call to delete the message themselves.
SQS does have a features call "redrive policy" as part the "Dead letter Queue Setting". You just set the read request to 1. If the consume process crash, subsequent read on the same message will put the message into dead letter queue.
SQS queue visibility timeout can be set up to 12 hours. Unless you have a special need, then you need to implement process to store the message handler in database to allow it for inspection.
You can use setVisibilityTimeout() for both messages and batches, in order to extend the visibility time until the thread has completed processing the message.
This could be done by using a scheduledExecutorService, and schedule a runnable event after half the initial visibility time. The code snippet bellow creates and executes the VisibilityTimeExtender every half of the visibilityTime with a period of half the visibility time. (The time should to guarantee the message to be processed, extended with visibilityTime/2)
private final ScheduledExecutorService scheduler = Executors.newScheduledThreadPool(1);
ScheduledFuture<?> futureEvent = scheduler.scheduleAtFixedRate(new VisibilityTimeExtender(..), visibilityTime/2, visibilityTime/2, TimeUnit.SECONDS);
VisibilityTimeExtender must implement Runnable, and is where you update the new visibility time.
When the thread is done processing the message, you can delete it from the queue, and call futureEvent.cancel(true) to stop the scheduled event.

Rx -several producers/one consumer

Have been trying to google this but getting a bit stuck.
Let's say we have a class that fires an event, and that event could be fired by several threads at the same time.
Using Observable.FromEventPattern, we create an Observable, and subscribe to that event. How exactly does Rx manage multiple those events being fired at once? Let's say we have 3 events fired in quick succession on different threads. Does it queue them internally, and then call the Subscribe delegate synchronously for each one? Let's say we were subscribing on a thread pool, can we still guarantee the Subscriptions would be processed separately in time?
Following on from that, let's say for each event, we want to perform an action, but it's a method that's potentially not thread safe, so we only want one thread to be in this method at a time. Now I see we can use an EventLoop Scheduler, and presumably we wouldn't need to implement any locking on the code?
Also, would observing on the Current Thread be an option? Is Current Thread the thread that the event was fired from, or the event the subscription was set up on? i.e. Is that current thread guaranteed to always be the same or could be have 2 threads running ending up in the method at the same time?
PS: I put an example together but I always seem to end up on the samethread in my subscrive method, even when I ObserveOn the threadpool, which is confusing :S
PSS: From doing a few more experiments, it seems that if no Schedulers are specified, then RX will just execute on whatever thread the event was fired on, meaning it processes several concurrently. As soon as I introduce a scheduler, it always runs things consecutively, no matter what the type of the scheduler is. Strange :S
According to the Rx Design Guidelines, an observable should never call OnNext of an observer concurrently. It will always wait for the current call to complete before making the next call. All Rx methods honor this convention. And, more importantly, they assume you also honor this convention. When you violate this condition, you may encounter subtle bugs in the behavior of your Observable.
For those times when you have source data that does not honor this convention (ie it can produce data concurrently), they provide Synchronize.
Observable.FromEventPattern assumes you will not be firing concurrent events and so does nothing to prevent concurrent downstream notifications. If you plan on firing events from multiple threads, sometimes concurrently, then use Synchronize() as the first operation you do after FromEventPattern:
// this will get you in trouble if your event source might fire events concurrently.
var events = Observable.FromEventPattern(...).Select(...).GroupBy(...);
// this version will protect you in that case.
var events = Observable.FromEventPattern(...).Synchronize().Select(...).GroupBy(...);
Now all of the downstream operators (and eventually your observer) are protected from concurrent notifications, as promised by the Rx Design Guidelines. Synchronize works by using a simple mutex (aka the lock statement). There is no fancy queueing or anything. If one thread attempts to raise an event while another thread is already raising it, the 2nd thread will block until the first thread finishes.
In addition to the recommendation to use Synchronize, it's probably worth having a read of the Intro to Rx section on scheduling and threading. It Covers the different schedulers and their relationship to threads, as well as the differences between ObserveOn and SubscribeOn, etc.
If you have several producers then there are RX methods for combining them in a threadsafe way
For combining streams of the same type of event into a single stream
For combining stream of different types of events into a single stream using a selector to transform the latest value on each stream into a new value.
For example combining stock prices from different sources
IObservable<StockPrice> source0;
IObservable<StockPrice> source1;
IObservable<StockPrice> combinedSources = source0.Merge(source1);
or create balloons at the current position every time there is a click
IObservable<ClickEvent> clicks;
IObservable<Position> position;
IObservable<Balloons> balloons = clicks
( positions
, (click,position)=>new Balloon(position.X, position.Y)
To make this specifically relevant to your question you say there is a class which combines events from different threads. Then I would use Observable.Merge to combine the individual event sources and expose that as an Observable on your main class.
BTW if your threads are actually tasks that are firing events to say they have completed here is an interesting patterns
IObservable<Job> jobSource;
IObservable<IObservable<JobResult>> resultTasks = jobSource
IObservable<JobResult> results = resultTasks.Merge();
Where what is happening is you are getting a stream of jobs in. From the jobs you are creating a stream of asynchronous tasks ( not running yet ). Merge then runs the tasks and collects the results. It is an example of a mapreduce algorithm. The cancellation token can be used to cancel running async tasks if the observable is unsubscribed from (ie canceled )