spark: Attempted to use Broadcast after it was destroyed - scala

The following code works
def soMergeTarget1( oldTargetIdx: Double, newTargetIdx: Double): RDDLabeledPoint =
val oldTargetIdxb=spark.sparkContext.broadcast(oldTargetIdx)
val newTargetIdxb=spark.sparkContext.broadcast(newTargetIdx)
val newdata:RDD[(LabeledPoint,Int,String)] =
r =>
val currentLabel: Double = r._1.label
currentLabel match
case x if x == oldTargetIdxb.value =>
val newtrgt=newTargetIdxb.value
(new LabeledPoint(newtrgt, r._1.features), r._2, r._3)
case _ => r
val newtargetmap=ilp.targetMap.filter(e=> !(e._2 == oldTargetIdx))
new RDDLabeledPoint(newdata,copyColumnMap,newtargetmap,
But, having destroyed the broadcast variables at the end of the method, the newtrgt variable in the RDD is also destroyed.
The trouble is that once the RDD is returned from this method it could be used by any analyst in any code. So, I seem to have lost all control of the broadcast variables.
If I don't destroy the variables, will spark destroy them when reference to the RDD disappears?
(Perhaps a naive question but....) I tried a little hack val newtrgt=oldTargetIdxb.value + 1 -1 thinking that might create a new reference that is distinct from the broadcast variable. It didn't work. I must admit that surprised me. Can someone explain why the hack didn't work (I'm not suggesting it was a good idea, but I am curious).

I found an answer here
Not my answer but worth sharing on SO...and why can't I see this in Spark documentation. It's important:
Sean Owen:
you want to actively unpersist() or destroy() broadcast
variables when they're no longer needed. They can eventually be
removed when the reference on the driver is garbage collected, but
you usually would not want to rely on that.
Follow up question:
Thank you for the response. The only problem is that actively managing
broadcast variables require to return the broadcast variables to the
caller if the function that creates the broadcast variables does not
contain any action. That is the scope that uses the broadcast
variables cannot destroy the broadcast variables in many cases. For
def perfromTransformation(rdd: RDD[int]) = {
val sharedMap = sc.broadcast(map){id =>
val localMap = sharedMap.vlaue
(id, localMap(id))
def main = {
performTransformation(rdd).toDF("id", "i").write.parquet("dummy_example")
In this example above, we cannot destroy the sharedMap before the
write.parquet is executed because RDD is evaluated lazily. We will get
a exception
Sean Owen:
Yes, although there's a difference between unpersist and destroy,
you'll hit the same type of question either way. You do indeed have to
reason about when you know the broadcast variable is no longer needed
in the face of lazy evaluation, and that's hard.
Sometimes it's obvious and you can take advantage of this to
proactively free resources. You may have to consider restructuring the
computation to allow for more resources to be freed, if this is
important to scale.
Keep in mind that things that are computed and cached may be lost and
recomputed even after their parent RDDs were definitely already
computed and don't seem to be needed. This is why unpersist is often
the better thing to call because it allows for variables to be
rebroadcast if needed in this case. Destroy permanently closes the


Broadcasting updates on spark jobs

I've seen this question asked here but they essentially focus on spark streaming and I can't find a proper solution to work on batch. The idea is to loop through several days and at each iteration/day it updates the information about the previous day (that is used for the current iteration). The code looks like the following:
var prevIterDataRdd = // some RDD
days.foreach(folder => {
val previousData : Map[String, Double] = parseResult(prevIterDataRdd)
val broadcastMap = sc.broadcast(previousData)
val (result, previousStatus) =
processFolder(folder, broadcastMap)
// store result
// updating the RDD that enables me to extract previousData to update broadcast
val passingPrevStatus = prevIterDataRdd.subtractByKey(previousStatus)
prevIterDataRdd = previousStatus.union(passingPrevStatus)
Using broadcastMap.destroy() does not run because it does not let me use the broadcastMap again (which I actually don't understand because it should be totally unrelated - immutable).
How should I run this loop and update the broadcast variable at each iteration?
When using method unpersist I pass the true argument in order to make it blocking. Is sc.broadcast() also blocking?
Do I really need unpersist() if I'm anyway broadcasting again?
Why can't I use the broadcast again after using destroy given that I'm creating a new broadcast variable?
Broadcast variables are immutable but you can create a new broadcast variable.
This new broadcast variable can be used in the next iteration.
All you need to do is to change the reference to the newly created broadcast, unpersist the old broadcast from the executors and destroy it from the driver.
Define the variable at class level which will allow you to change the reference of broadcast variable in driver and use the destroy method.
object Main extends App {
// defined and initialized at class level to allow reference change
var previousData: Map[String, Double] = null
override def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = {
//your code
You were not allowed to use the destroy method on the variable because the reference no longer exists in the driver. Changing the reference to the new broadcast variable can resolve the issue.
Unpersist only removes data from the executors and hence when the variable is re-accessed, the driver resends it to the executors.
blocking = true will allow you let the application completely remove the data from the executor before the next access.
sc.broadcast() - There is no official documentation saying that it is blocking. Although as soon as it is called the application will start broadcasting the data to the executors before running the next line of the code .So if the data is very large it may slow down your application. So be care full on how you are using it .
It is a good practice to call unpersist before destroy.This will help you get rid of data completely from executors and driver.

modifying RDD of object in spark (scala)

I have:
val rdd1: RDD[myClass]
it has been initialized, i checked while debugging all the members have got thier default values
If i do
where modifier is a member function of myClass which modifies some of the member variables
After executing this if i check the values inside the RDD they have not been modified.
Can someone explain what's going on here?
And is it possible to make sure the values are modified inside the RDD?
class myClass(var id:String,var sessions: Buffer[Long],var avgsession: Long) {
def calcAvg(){
// calculate avg by summing over sessions and dividing by legnth
// Store this average in avgsession
The avgsession attribute is not updating if i do
RDD are immutable, calling a mutating method on the objects it contains will not have any effect.
The way to obtain the result you want is to produce new copies of MyClass instead of modifying the instance:
case class MyClass(id:String, avgsession: Long) {
def modifier(a: Int):MyClass =
this.copy(avgsession = this.avgsession + a)
Now you still cannot update rdd1, but you can obtain rdd2 that will contain the updated instances:
rdd2 = (_.modifier(18) )
The answer to this question is slightly more nuanced than the original accepted answer here. The original answer is correct only with respect to data that is not cached in memory. RDD data that is cached in memory can be mutated in memory as well and the mutations will remain even though the RDD is supposed to be immutable. Consider the following example:
val rdd = sc.parallelize(Seq(new mutable.HashSet[Int]()))
If you run that example you will get Set() as the result just like the original answer states.
However if you were to run the exact same thing with a cache call:
val rdd = sc.parallelize(Seq(new mutable.HashSet[Int]()))
Now the result will print as Set(1). So it depends on whether the data is being cached in memory. If spark is recomputing from source or reading from a serialized copy on disk, then it will always reset back to the original object and appear to be immutable but if it's not loading from a serialized form then the mutations will in fact stick.
Objects are immutable. By using map, you can iterate over the rdd and return a new one.
val rdd2 =>x.modifier())
I have observed that code like yours will work after calling RDD.persist when running in spark/yarn. It is probably unsupported/accidental behavior and you should avoid it - but it is a workaround that may help in a pinch. I'm running version 1.5.0.

How can one spread the result of foreachRDD

let's say I have a code as follows :
var model = initiliazeModel(some_params)
dstream.foreachRDD { rdd =>
model = model.update(rdd)
println(model) // or doing some thing on the model
My problem is that even if the first println gives the desired result ie. the model up-to-date, the second println displays the initialized model and not the updated one !!!
My question is how can I spread the updated model outside the block foreachRDD ?!
I also think of a synchronization problem because the 2nd println is run before the 1st one !!!
Thanks for help !
You have a common misconception here. In general, when you call map, filter, foreach, and any other transformation, you are not executing anything just yet. You closures are sent to executors and the stages configured, but all things are evaluated lazily. Your main program proceed ahead, either adding more configuration or other things, not waiting for all computations to be done. Thus, when your program reaches your second println (miliseconds after), the model has not changed nor has any other println been called.
In Scala, I have no idea, but in Java, you can enclose your foreach and model variable within a class as a static members and then use model variable after the success of foreach in another class.
Accumulators are global in Spark. you can update the accumulator variable anywhere in the Program and it gets reflects everywhere regardless of wether it is different executor or driver program.
val sparkConf = new SparkConf()
val sc = new SparkContext(sparkConf)
creating and initilizing Accumulator
val accumulator = sc.accumulator(0)
Initializing the accumulator
accessing the latest value
hope this helps

val-mutable versus var-immutable in Scala

Are there any guidelines in Scala on when to use val with a mutable collection versus using var with an immutable collection? Or should you really aim for val with an immutable collection?
The fact that there are both types of collection gives me a lot of choice, and often I don't
know how to make that choice.
Pretty common question, this one. The hard thing is finding the duplicates.
You should strive for referential transparency. What that means is that, if I have an expression "e", I could make a val x = e, and replace e with x. This is the property that mutability break. Whenever you need to make a design decision, maximize for referential transparency.
As a practical matter, a method-local var is the safest var that exists, since it doesn't escape the method. If the method is short, even better. If it isn't, try to reduce it by extracting other methods.
On the other hand, a mutable collection has the potential to escape, even if it doesn't. When changing code, you might then want to pass it to other methods, or return it. That's the kind of thing that breaks referential transparency.
On an object (a field), pretty much the same thing happens, but with more dire consequences. Either way the object will have state and, therefore, break referential transparency. But having a mutable collection means even the object itself might lose control of who's changing it.
If you work with immutable collections and you need to "modify" them, for example, add elements to them in a loop, then you have to use vars because you need to store the resulting collection somewhere. If you only read from immutable collections, then use vals.
In general, make sure that you don't confuse references and objects. vals are immutable references (constant pointers in C). That is, when you use val x = new MutableFoo(), you'll be able to change the object that x points to, but you won't be able to change to which object x points. The opposite holds if you use var x = new ImmutableFoo(). Picking up my initial advice: if you don't need to change to which object a reference points, use vals.
The best way to answer this is with an example. Suppose we have some process simply collecting numbers for some reason. We wish to log these numbers, and will send the collection to another process to do this.
Of course, we are still collecting numbers after we send the collection to the logger. And let's say there is some overhead in the logging process that delays the actual logging. Hopefully you can see where this is going.
If we store this collection in a mutable val, (mutable because we are continuously adding to it), this means that the process doing the logging will be looking at the same object that's still being updated by our collection process. That collection may be updated at any time, and so when it's time to log we may not actually be logging the collection we sent.
If we use an immutable var, we send an immutable data structure to the logger. When we add more numbers to our collection, we will be replacing our var with a new immutable data structure. This doesn't mean collection sent to the logger is replaced! It's still referencing the collection it was sent. So our logger will indeed log the collection it received.
I think the examples in this blog post will shed more light, as the question of which combo to use becomes even more important in concurrency scenarios: importance of immutability for concurrency. And while we're at it, note the preferred use of synchronised vs #volatile vs something like AtomicReference: three tools
var immutable vs. val mutable
In addition to many excellent answers to this question. Here is a simple example, that illustrates potential dangers of val mutable:
Mutable objects can be modified inside methods, that take them as parameters, while reassignment is not allowed.
import scala.collection.mutable.ArrayBuffer
object MyObject {
def main(args: Array[String]) {
val a = ArrayBuffer(1,2,3,4)
println(a) // a has been modified here
def silly(a: ArrayBuffer[Int]): Unit = {
a += 10
println(s"length: ${a.length}")
length: 5
ArrayBuffer(1, 2, 3, 4, 10)
Something like this cannot happen with var immutable, because reassignment is not allowed:
object MyObject {
def main(args: Array[String]) {
var v = Vector(1,2,3,4)
def silly(v: Vector[Int]): Unit = {
v = v :+ 10 // This line is not valid
println(s"length of v: ${v.length}")
Results in:
error: reassignment to val
Since function parameters are treated as val this reassignment is not allowed.

Correct usage of mutable/immutable lists

At the moment, Im trying to understand Functional Programming in Scala and I came across a problem I cannot figure out myself.
Imagine the following situation:
You have two classes: Controller and Bot. A Bot is an independent Actor which is initiated by a Controller, does some expensive operation and returns the result to the Controller. The purpose of the Controller is therefore easy to describe: Instantiate multiple objects of Bot, start them and receive the result.
So far, so good; I can implement all this without using any mutable objects.
But what do I do, if I have to store the result that a Bot returns, to use it later as input for another Bot (and later on means that I don't know when at compile time!)?
Doing this with a mutable list or collection is fairly easy, but I add a lot of problems to my code (as we are dealing with concurrency here).
Is it possible, following the FP paradigm, to solve this by using immutable objects (lists...) safely?
BTW, im new to FP, so this question might sound stupid, but I cannot figure out how to solve this :)
Actors usually have internal state, being, themselves, mutable beasts. Note that actors are not a FP thing.
The setup you describe seems to rely on a mutable controller, and it is difficult to get around it in a language that is not non-strict by default. Depending on what you are doing, though, you could rely on futures. For example:
case Msg(info) =>
val v1 = new Bot !! Fn1(info)
val v2 = new Bot !! Fn2(info)
val v3 = new Bot !! Fn3(info)
val v4 = new Bot !! Fn4(v1(), v2(), v3())
In this case -- because !! returns a Future -- v1, v2 and v3 will be computed in parallel. The message Fn4 is receiving as parameters the futures applied, meaning it will wait until all values are computed before it starts computing.
Likewise, the reply will only be sent after v4 has been computed, as the future has been applied for as well.
A really functional way of doing these things is the functional reactive programming, or FRP for short. It is a different model than actors.
The beauty of Scala, though, is that you can combine such paradigms to the extent that better fits your problem.
This is how an Erlang-like actor could look in Scala:
case class Actor[State](val s: State)(body: State => Option[State]) { // immutable
def loop(s1: State) {
body(s1) match {
case Some(s2) => loop(s2)
case None => ()
def act = loop(s)
def Bot(controller: Actor) = Actor(controller) {
s =>
val res = // do the calculations
controller ! (this, res)
None // finish work
val Controller = Actor(Map[Bot, ResultType]()) {s =>
// start bots, perhaps using results already stored in s
if (
// time to stop, e.g. all bots already finished
receive {
case (bot, res) => Some(s + (bot -> res)) // a bot has reported result