Coupled vs Decoupled backend-frontend - rest

I have an website project that uses APIs as a back-end, i need to totally decouple my front-end from my back-end apis, so I have created one RESTful service in my back-end project and now i want to consume it in the front-end. I assume i have two solutions:
Build my model only in the back-end, and add reference to the front-end, to avoid re-writing the same model in the front-end again. (Coupled)
Build two exact models in both back-end and front-end. (Decoupled)
Solution 1)
Avoids re-writing the same model in the front-end again.
Forces updating front-end model once back-end changes (otherwise build error)
Solution 2)
Helps decoupling my front-end from the back-end.
Will avoid build errors if back-end model changes. (Front-end exceptions)
Please advise which approach is better design, and if you have suggestions please share.

This depends on your speed of change for both backend and front-end and how well your tooling supports it, but there is a reason why in most cases people just use two models.
(That reason is that it is very hard to get this right and it reduces your agility enormously.)

Usually you will not want the same model in the front-end as in the back-end:
Decoupling is good. There's no reason to have your front end coupled in any way to your back end.
Your data is naturally structured differently in the front end vs. the back end.
You may eventually have multiple front-end apps using the same back end.
A particular front-end may consume a different (set of) back ends


Constructing a back-end suitable for app and web interface

Let's suppose I was going to design a platform like Airbnb. They have a website as well as native apps on various mobile platforms.
I've been researching app design, and from what I've gathered, the most effective way to do this is to build an API for the back-end, like a REST API using something like node.js, and SQL or mongoDB. The font-end would then be developed natively on each platform which makes calls to the API endpoints to display and update data. This design sounds like it works great for mobile development, but what would be the best way to construct a website that uses the same API?
There are three approaches I can think of:
Use something completely client-side like AangularJS to create a single-page application front end which ties directly into the REST API back-end. This seems OK, but I don't really like the idea of a single-page application and would prefer a more traditional approach
Create a normal web application (in PHP, python, node.js, etc), but rather than tying the data to a typical back end like mySQL, it would basically act as an interface to the REST API. For example when you visit the server would then call the corresponding REST endpoint (ie and render the HTML for the user. This seems like kind of a messy approach, especially since most web frameworks are designed to work with a SQL backend.
Tie the web interface in directly in with the REST api. For example, The endpoint can return both html or json depending on the HTTP headers. The advantage is that you can share most of your code, however the code would become more complex and you can't decouple your web interface from the API.
What is the best approach for this situation? Do you choose to completely decouple the web application from the REST API? If so, how do you elegantly interface between the two? Or do you choose to merge the REST API and web interface into one code base?
It's a usually a prefered way but one should have a good command of SPA.
Adds a redundant layer from performance perspective. You will basically make twice more requests all the time.
This might work with super simple UI, when it's just a matter of serializing your REST API result into different formats but I believe you want rich UI and going this way will be a nightmare from both implementation and maintainance perspective.
Extract your core logic. Put it into a separate project/assembly and reuse it both in your REST API and UI. This way you will be able to reuse the business logic which is the same both for UI and REST API and keep the representation stuff separately which is different for UI and REST API.
Hope it helps!
Both the first and the second option seem reasonable to me, in the sense that there are certain advantages in decoupling the backend API from the clients (including your web site). For example, you could have dedicated teams per each project, if there's a bug on the web/api you'd only have to release that project, and not both.
Say you're going public with your API. If you're releasing a version that breaks backwards compatibility, with a decoupled web app you'd be able to detect that earlier (say staging environment, given you're developing both in-house). However, if they were tightly coupled they'd probably work just fine, and you'll find out you've broken the other clients only once you release in production.
I would say the first option is preferable one as a generic approach. SPA first load delay problem can be resolved with server side rendering technique.
For second option you will have to face scalability, cpu performance, user session(not on rest api of course because should be stateless), caching issues both on your rest api services and normal website node instances (maybe caching not in all the cases). In most of the cases this intermediate backend layer is just unnecessary, there is not any technical limitation for doing all the stuff in the recent versions of browsers.
The third option violates the separation of concerns, in your case presentational from data models/bussines logic.

Do the isomorphic apps implies back and front stand together?

I've been getting into isomorphic applications development with Angular 2 Universal but there is this thing that i cannot get clear in my head.
My understanding is that keeping back and front sides on different modules is a good practice, but it doesn't seem to be a common pattern when working with MEAN applications.
So, i am about to start a project that could scale and i'd want to implement the server side rendering in a future but i don't know which approach i should go with. Honestly i feel more comfortable keeping both backend and frontend on separate but, if so, will it be possible to implement server-side rendering later on?
Besides, supposing that i duplicate the index.html in both sides, will the server be able to delegate the control to the client when the first server rendering is completed? I mean, i can't imagine how that would that delegation work given the fact that they are not in the same project.
Thanks in advance.
As I understand, you are talking about rendering the UI and this is frontend part of your application, even if you do the pre-rendering work on the server.
This pre-rendering is only optimization, you can keep it in some separate code layer, but I believe that the whole idea of the isomorphic javascript is to re-use the same code on the client and server. This way trying to duplicate code and/or templates is not a good idea (it never is).
If you really want to keep things separated, think on splitting your application into more services:
backend server application - some kind of rest API on top of the database which holds all the business logic (first node.js application)
frontend server application - another node.js application which gets data from API via HTTP requests and does server-side pre-rendering (second node.js application)
frontend - all the code running in browser
This way, initially the "frontend server application" can be simple proxy between the "frontend" and "backend server application".
Later on you can extend it with server-side rendering.
Important note: if you are going to develop application without pre-rendering on the server and add this on a later stage, you need to take into account that not all the browser-side javascript features will work on the server (for example, manipulations with native DOM elements), see the best practices section in angular universal readme.

Would a web service layer be beneficial?

I'm looking to create an ecommerce website, however I have two possible ideas for the structure of the application.
The first idea would utilize MVC 4 and have an EntityFramework layer to communicate to and from the database. This is fairly straight forward but I don't like the idea of having ALL of the processing happening on the front end of the website.
My second idea was to have a web service that sits in between the MVC application and EntityFramework. This would be responsible for most of the website processing, and would expose only necessary information to the front end of the website to minimize the amount of processing on the front end of the website.
Would this be a better solution, or is there another solution which would be better?
You should make a difference between logical and physical layering.
To avoid premature optimization, you can have all the logical layers you want inside the web application itself (the traditional presentation / business / data approach or another pattern, for example onion architecture).
Later, if needed, you can always optimize and move parts into their own physical layer, and in that case you would have a web service or web API in between. But it all depends on your requirements (multiple consumers of the services?) and environment. You could just as easy scale the web site itself, for example.
So in your case, think about what added value this additional abstraction would have, and if it's worth the extra complexity.
Running all traffic an EF access through a web service layer internall has the following benefits:
It runs up your budget because you do add a lot of slow processing overead (string parsing) into a high throughput low level interface.
It absolutely makes sure you have a low performance because of the added latency.
It totally makes sure you spend a lot of more working hours to get a solution because you need to implement and test a web servie for any small database access.
THere is no reason to run anything internally through a web service interface. It is architectural cancer - out of control complexity growth. Web services are a user interface layer and a trust boudary and should be the end of an application. If you make a web commerce website (and most likely that is quite trivial and small compared to something like amazon) there is no need to get involved into elements that make things a lot more compelx without any gain.
Building an eCommerce web site from scratch I would use a client mvc web site with a responsive pattern in mind, so it will fit to all devices , and use EF WebApi as the data layer to generate XML/JSON.

What is proper design for system with external database and RESTful web gui and service?

Basically I started to design my project to be like that:
Play! Framework for web gui (consuming RESTful service)
Spray Framework for RESTful service, connects to database, process incoming data, serves data for web gui
Database. Only service have rights to access it
Now I'm wondering, if it's really best possible design.
In fact with Play! I could easily have both web gui and service hosted at once.
That would be much easier to test and deploy in simple cases probably.
In complicated cases when high performance is needed I still can run one instance purely for gui and few next just to work as services (even if each of them could still serve full functionality).
On the other side I'm not sure if it won't hit performance too hard (services will be processing a lot of data, not only from the web gui). Also, isn't it mixing things which I should keep separated?
If I'll decide to keep them separated, should I allow to connect to database only through RESTful service? How to resolve problem with service and web gui trying to use different version of database? Should I use versioned REST protocol in that case?
----------------- EDIT------------------
My current system structure looks like that:
But I'm wondering if it wouldn't make sense to simplify it by putting RESTful service inside Play! gui web server directly.
----------------- EDIT 2------------------
Here is the diagram which illustrates my main question.
To say it clearly in other words: would it be bad to connect my service and web gui and share the model? And why?
Because there is also few advantages:
less configuration between service and gui needed
no data transfer needed
no need to create separate access layer (that could be disadvantage maybe, but in what case?)
no inconsistencies between gui/service model (for example because of different protocol versions)
easier to test and deploy
no code duplication (normally we need to duplicate big part of the model)
That said, here is the diagram:
Why do you need the RESTful service to connect to the database? Most Play! applications access the database directly from the controllers. The Play! philosophy considers accessing your models through a service layer to be an anti-pattern. The service layer could be handy if you intend to share that data with other (non-Play!) applications or external systems outside your control, but otherwise it's better to keep things simple. But you could also simply expose the RESTful interface from the Play! application itself for the other systems.
Play! is about keeping things simple and avoiding the over-engineered nonsense that has plagued Java development in the past.
Well, after few more hours of thinking about this, I think I found solution which will satisfy my needs. The goals which I want to be fulfilled are:
Web GUI cannot make direct calls to the database; it need to use proper model which will in turn use some objects repository
It must be possible to test and deploy whole thing as one packet with minimum configuration (at least for development phase, and then it should be possible to easy switch to more flexible solution)
There should be no code duplication (i.e. the same code in the service and web gui model)
If one approach will appear to be wrong I need to be able to switch to other one
What I forget to say before is that my service will have some embedded cache used to aggregate and process the data, and then make commits to database with bigger chunks of them. It's also present on the diagram.
My class structure will look like this:
|- models
|- IElementsRepository.scala
|- ElementsRepositoryJSON.scala
|- ElementsRepositoryDB.scala
|- Element.scala
|- Service
|- Element.scala
|- Web
|- Element.scala
|- controlers
|- Element.scala
|- views
|- Element
|- index.scala.html
So it's like normal MVC web app except the fact that there are separate model classes for service and web gui inheriting from main one.
In the Element.scala I will have IElementsRepository object injected using DI (probably using Guice).
IElementsRepository have two concrete implementations:
ElementsRepositoryJSON allows to retrieve data from service through JSON
ElementsRepositoryDB allows to retrieve data from local cache and DB.
This means that depending on active DI configuration both service and web gui can get the data from other service or local/external storage.
So for early development I can keep everything in one Play! instance and use direct cache and DB access (through ElementsRepositoryDB) and later reconfigure web gui to use JSON (through ElementsRepositoryJSON). This also allows me to run gui and service as separated instances if I want. I can even configure service to use other services as data providers (however for now I don't have such a needs).
More or less it will look like that:
Well, I think there's no objectively right or wrong answer here, but I'll offer my opinion: I think the diagram you've provided is exactly right. Your RESTful service is the single point of access for all clients including your web front-end, and I'd say that's the way it should be.
Without saying anything about Play!, Spray or any other web frameworks (or, for that matter, any database servers, HTML templating libraries, JSON parsers or whatever), the obvious rule of thumb is to maintain a strict separation of concerns by keeping implementation details from leaking into your interfaces. Now, you raised two concerns:
Performance: The process of marshalling and unmarshalling objects into JSON representations and serving them over HTTP is plenty fast (compared to JAXB, for example) and well supported by Scala libraries and web frameworks. When you inevitably find performance bottlenecks in a particular component, you can deal with those bottlenecks in isolation.
Testing and Deployment: The fact that the Play! framework shuns servlets does complicate things a bit. Normally I'd suggest for testing/staging, that you just take both the WAR for your front-end stuff and the WAR for your web service, and put them side-by-side in the same servlet container. I've done this in the past using the Maven Cargo plugin, for example. This isn't so straightforward with Play!, but one module I found (and have never used) is the play-cargo module... Point being, do whatever you need to do to keep the layers decoupled and then glue the bits together for testing however you want.
Hope this is useful...

Web UI to a restful interface, good idea?

I am working on a experimental website (which is accessible through web browser) that will act as a front-end to a restful interface (a sub-system). The website will serve as an interface between a user and the restful interface, as it will make http requests to the restful interface for almost all database operations. Authentication will probably be done using openid and authorization for the database operations will be done via oAuth.
Just out of curiousity, is this a feasible solution or I should develop two systems that accesses the database in parallel (i.e. the website has its own data access logic, and the restful interface has another data access logic)? And what are the pros/cons if I insist on doing it this way (it is just an experiment project for me to learn things like how OpenID and oAuth work in real life anyway) besides there will be more database queries and http requests generated for each transaction?
Your concept sounds quite feasible. I'd say that you'll get some fairly good wins out of this approach. For starters you'll get a large degree of code reuse since you'll be able to put other front ends on top of the RESTful service. Additionally, you'll be able to unit test this architecture with relative ease. Finally, you'll be able to give 3rd party developers access to the same API that you use (subject possibly to some restrictions) which will be a huge win when it comes to attracting customers and developers to your platform.
On the down side, depending on how you structure your back end you could run into the standard problem of granularity. Too much granularity and you'll end up making lots of connections for very little amounts of data. Too little and you'll get more data than you need in some cases. As for security, you should be able to lock down the back end so that requests can only be made under certain conditions: requests contain an authorization token, api key, etc.
Sounds good, but I'd recommend that you do this only if you plan to open up the restful API for other UI's to use, or simply to learn something cool. Support HTML XML and JSON for the interface.
Otherwise, use a great MVC framework instead ( MVC, rails, cakephp). You'll end up with the same basic result but you'll be "strongerly" typed to the database.
with a modern javascript library your approach is quite straightforward.
ExtJS now has always had Ajax support, but it is now able to do this via a REST interface.
So, your ExtJS user interface components populate receive a URL. They populate themselves via a GET to the URL, and store update via POST to the URL.
This has worked really well on a project I'm currently working on. By applying RESTful principles there's an almost clinical separation between the front & backends - meaning it would be trivial undertaking to replace other. Plus, the API barely needs documenting, since it's an implementation of an existing mature standard.
Good luck,
woow! A question from 2009! And it's funny to read the answers. Many people seem to disagree with the web services approach and JS front end - which has nowadays become kind of standard, known as Single Page Applications..
I think the general approach you outline is quite feasible -- the main pro is flexibility, the main con is that it won't protect clueless users against their own ((expletive deleted)) abuses. As most users are likely to be clueless, this isn't feasible for mass consumption... but, it's fine for really leet users!-)
So to clarify, you want to have your web UI call into your web service, which in turn calls into the database?
This is exactly the path I took for a recent project and I think it was a mistake because you end up creating a lot of extra work. Here's why:
When you are coding your web service, you will create a library to wrap database calls, which is typical. No problem there.
But then when you code your web UI, you will end up creating another library to wrap calls into the REST interface... because otherwise it will get cumbersome making all the raw HTTP calls.
So you essentially created 2 data access libraries, one to wrap DB and the other to wrap the Web service calls. This basically doubles the amount of work you do, because for every operation on a resource, you will end up implementing in both libraries. This gets tiring real fast.
The simpler alternative is to create a single library that wraps access to the database, as before, then use that library from BOTH the web UI and web service.
This is assuming that your web UI and web service reside on the same network and both have direct access to the backend database server (which was the case for me). In this setup having both go directly to the database is also a lot more efficient then having the UI go through the web service.