Create private projects on stackblitz - stackblitz

How to create private projects on stackblitz on which only my team can work?
Right now anyone can access my projects .
for example:

Stackblitz now allows private repos.
Simply click on the lock icon (or the settings icon) and check the "Make project private" checkbox.
If you connect your github account it will create a private github repository since github now allows private repos even on the free tier.

Currently there is no such feature as to create a private project mark project/files as hidden.
But there is a feature request for that:


How does it look when others see my github's private repository?

Is it possible to check the existence of a private repository and the name of the repository?
Is it possible to see the internal code of the private repository?
I visited github of some famous people but there were only public repositories.
The answer is No. No one can see your private repository, as well as the repository name.
You can check it yourself in your browser incognito mode.

Cannot enable forking on github repo

I have a private repo. I noticed I cannot fork it. I cannot find any information that says I shouldn't be able to. When I go to Options the ability to fix this is disabled. I am guessing you need to pay or something which is fine, but it doesn't say that anywhere...
Cannot click!
I think you are talking about your organisation's private repo, right? As I didn't find this checkbox for personal private repositories.
If so, then you need to:
go to your organisation's settings, Member privileges, and check "Allow forking of private repositories" there.
go to your repo and you'll see "Allow forking" will be automatically checked after doing step 1, like this.
The process is also described here:
As of 1/9/2022, I had to update "Member Privileges" in the Organization first:
And then, in the repository it seemed to automatically allow forking. Just note that you might want to update any other repository that you shouldn't be forked.

Link private github repository to potential employer

I have some private github repos that contains the work that I am most proud of. I would like potential employers to see this code. Is it possible for me to give them a link to the private repository so they can view my work?
You could either:
create a private repo in bitbucket and push your project there, then send an invitation to employers' emails
add potential employers as collaborators to your private Github repo.
On the main repo's page, go to the "Settings" tab
On the nav links to the right, "Collaborators"
I'd recommend against zipping the project and sending them the whole thing, as they'd either not see the git history, or see your entire git configuration, depending on how you zip the folder... And I think seeing how a developer works with git is important in addition to seeing the code itself...
There are few option for you:
If you have private repositary on your machine, then public into bitbucket or github and making private repo.
If you have private repositary online you can invite them to the repositary and give them privilages that you want to.
Make latest backup of your repositary and send it to them.
Hope it helps.

Make private repo contribution history public

I would like to show a client my contribution history towards a project, without making the repo public. Is there a way to do this through github (eg: not taking screenshots of everything).
Ideally they could see at least the number of contributions towards the project; it would be great if they could also see the graph features (punch card, timeline, etc.).
Is this possible?
I created a script that solves this problem:
It will transfer all of your commit messages and dates for a given email address out of an existing repo and into a dummy repo that you can then push up to your GitHub account. It won't transfer source code, project names, or project team members' commits.
You can now show private contributions on your GitHub profile page.
No, this is not supported through the GitHub website, unless you want to create an "organization" and give the client read-only access to the whole repo.
Clone the repo locally and use the git log command to dump the project history to a text file. You can then give the client this text file. This won't give you GitHub's visualizations, but you could make some of your own in Excel or some other program.
It's possible now!
Go to your profile page
Under "Contributions settings", open the dropdown
Choose "Public and private contributions"

How to have a private repository with public issue tracker on GitHub?

I am going to release some beta version of my application to the community. Project is stored on GitHub in the private repository.
I would like to allow this community to report bugs and place them directly on GitHub Issues tab - it's not provided by GitHub right now. Do you have any idea, how to cover this flow ?
Not possible as of 2019-09 as documented at: (archive):
GitHub does not provide issues-only access permissions, but you can accomplish this using a second repository which contains only the issues.
They suggest that you create a separate public repository just for the issues instead.
Possible same request: Github-like hosting, with private source, public ticketing system
Bitbucket provides this. You can keep the code private but make tracker public (anyone can view, create, and comment on issues).
Use the API access and program some minimal frontend yourself -