Fetching domain users from local groups with powershell - powershell

I want to migrate from one server to another one and because of that it is needed to add some local groups in the new server. In these local groups the users added belong to the domain.
Server | Members
Server\Group1 | Domain\User1, Domain\User2
Server\Group2 | Domain\User2, Domain\User3
The following link https://www.petri.com/use-powershell-to-find-local-groups-and-members seems to resolve this, but I am getting an unexpected result
This is the PowerShell script
# set variables
$server = $env:COMPUTERNAME
$localgroup = "Administrators"
$Group= [ADSI]"WinNT://$Server/$LocalGroup,group"
# get users name
$members = $Group.psbase.Invoke("Members")
$members | ForEach-Object
$_.GetType().InvokeMember("Name", 'GetProperty', $null, $_, $null)
Get-WMIObject win32_group -filter "LocalAccount='True'" -computername $Server | Select PSComputername,Name,#{Name="Members";Expression={$_.GetRelated("Win32_UserAccount").Name -join ";"}}
The shown output is a two columns(although it should be 3, but PSComputerName is not being displayed where the Members column is empty)

Well, this is how I achieved the output and also exported it to a *.csv file
# set variables
$server = $env:COMPUTERNAME
$tableOutput = New-Object System.Collections.ArrayList
# get members
Function Get-Members($groupName){
$testgroup = [ADSI]"WinNT://$Server/$tmpGroupName,group"
$members = New-Object System.Collections.ArrayList
$testgroup.psbase.Invoke("Members") | ForEach-Object{
$searchFilter = $_.GetType().InvokeMember("Name", 'GetProperty', $null, $_, $null) -replace "\."," "
$tmpUser = Get-ADUser -Filter {(Name -like $searchFilter) -or (SamAccountName -like $searchFilter)}
Get-WMIObject win32_group -Filter { (LocalAccount='True') } -computername $Server | ForEach-Object{
$tmpGroup = $_
# get data
$tmpGroupName = $tmpGroup.Name
$members = Get-Members($tmpGroupName)
$tmpGroupDescription = $tmpGroup.Description
# save into object
$groupObject = New-Object -TypeName PSObject
$groupObject | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name GroupName -Value $tmpGroupName
$groupObject | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name GroupDescription -Value $tmpGroupDescription
$groupObject | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name UsersList -Value $members
$tableOutput | Select GroupName, GroupDescription, #{Name='Users';Expression={$_.UsersList -join ','}} | Export-CSV -Path 'C:\test\users.csv' -Delimiter ';' -NoTypeInformation
Any correction would be appreciated.


Get AD Group Members from AD using powershell

I need to find AD group members from given groups in csv file as input. the groups contains Users and Groups also. below is sample input data
I wrote the below code. for users I am getting the output (i.e. for the first entry), but for the second one, as they are groups within group, I am not able to fetch the email.
$GroupCollection= Import-csv -Path "C:\Groups.csv"
$Report = #()
Foreach($Group in $GroupCollection){
$Group = $Group.'OPE DLs'
if($Group -match '#')
$pos = $Group.IndexOf("#")
$leftPart = $Group.Substring(0, $pos)
$leftPart = $Group
$MemberGroup = Get-ADGroupMember -identity $leftPart -recursive | Get-ADUser -Properties mail | Select-Object mail
$MemberGroups = ($MemberGroup.mail) -join "`r`n"
if($MemberGroups -ne ""){
$Out = New-Object PSObject
$Out | Add-Member -MemberType noteproperty -Name 'Contract Details' -Value $Group.'Customer subset'
$Out | Add-Member -MemberType noteproperty -Name 'Group Name' -Value $leftPart
$Out | Add-Member -MemberType noteproperty -Name 'Member Groups' -Value $MemberGroups
$Report += $Out
$Report | Sort-Object Name | FT -AutoSize
$Report | Sort-Object Name | Export-Csv -Path ‘C:\Group-MemberGroups-Report.csv’ -NoTypeInformation
Please let me know how to get the details. Is the approach is fine or there is any other way to do this.
expected output
As commented, if the object returned by Get-ADGroupMember is a group, you won't get results by piping it through to Get-ADUser, because... it is a group, not a user.
You need to loop over the results and depending on what type the object is (group, user or computer) you use either Get-ADUser or Get-ADGroup (not interested in computer objects).
$Report = foreach ($Group in $GroupCollection){
$groupName = ($Group.'OPE DLs' -split '#')[0]
$groupMembers = Get-ADGroupMember -Identity $groupName -Recursive | ForEach-Object {
$adObject = $_
switch ($adObject.objectClass) {
'group' { ($adObject | Get-ADGroup -Properties mail).mail }
'user' { ($adObject | Get-ADUser -Properties EmailAddress).EmailAddress }
if (#($groupMembers).Count) {
'Group Name' = $groupName
'Contract Details' = $Group.'Customer subset'
'Member Groups' = $groupMembers -join [environment]::NewLine
$Report = $Report | Sort-Object 'Group Name'
$Report | Format-Table -AutoSize
$Report | Export-Csv -Path 'C:\Group-MemberGroups-Report.csv' -NoTypeInformation
adding to an array with += is extremely wasteful because the entire array needs to be rebuilt in memory on each iteration
To take the group name as the part left of the # character, I simply use the -split operator and take the first element ([0])
To output an object, I'm using a [PsCustomObject]#{..} construct rather than the old (pre PowerShell 3.0) New-Object PSObject method

invoke command on all those servers to see which admin accounts are active on each server

I have been fetching both direct members and groups inside local administrators group in our remote machines. I want to get an output like below.
Also , if there are GROUP members inside local admin group then I want to organize only GROUP members like below.
"MACHINE01","contoso\User01 contoso\User02 contoso\GROUP01 contoso\GROUP02
desired output:
Computername,Direct Members,Account Status,Group Members
script :
$server_list = #()
Import-Csv C:\temp\server3.csv | ForEach-Object {$server_list += $_.name}
invoke-command {
$members = net localgroup administrators |
where {$_ -AND $_ -notmatch "command completed successfully"} |
select -skip 4
New-Object PSObject -Property #{
Computername = $env:COMPUTERNAME
} -computer $server_list -HideComputerName | Select * -ExcludeProperty RunspaceID, PSComputerName, PSShowComputerName | Export-CSV c:\temp\local_admins2.csv -NoTypeInformation
Get-ADComputer -Filter * -SearchBase "OU=Servers,DC=test,DC=local" | select
name | Export-Csv C:\data\servers3.csv
"ComputerName","Direct Members","Account Status","Group Members"
ComputerName Direct Members Account Status Group Members
------------ -------------- -------------- -------------
**MACHINE01 Administrator Degraded Domain Admins;IT-Admins**
MACHINE01 LocalAdmin OK
**MACHINE02 Administrator Degraded DBA Admins;Software-Admins**
MACHINE02 LocalAdmin OK
net localgroup does not output anything that differentiates between users or groups, so if possible, use
Get-LocalGroupMember and Get-LocalUser:
$server_list = (Import-Csv -Path 'C:\temp\server3.csv').name
$result = Invoke-Command -ComputerName $server_list -ScriptBlock {
$members = Get-LocalGroupMember -Group "Administrators"
$groups = $members | Where-Object {$_.ObjectClass -eq 'Group'} | ForEach-Object {($_.Name -split '\\')[-1]}
$users = #($members | Where-Object {$_.ObjectClass -eq 'User'})
if ($users.Count) {
# now loop over the user objects
$users | ForEach-Object {
$name = ($_.Name -split '\\')[-1]
$user = if ($_.PrincipalSource -eq 'Local') {
Get-LocalUser -Name $name -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
else {
Get-ADUser -Filter "SamAccountName -eq '$name'" -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
# output an object
'ComputerName' = $env:COMPUTERNAME
'Direct Members' = $name
'Account Status' = $user.Enabled
'Group Members' = $groups -join ';'
# clear the $goups here because you only want to list them once per server
$groups = $null
else {
# no users, just groups
'ComputerName' = $env:COMPUTERNAME
'Direct Members' = $null
'Account Status' = $null
'Group Members' = $groups -join ';'
} | Select-Object * -ExcludeProperty PSComputerName, RunspaceId
$result | Export-Csv -Path 'c:\temp\local_admins2.csv' -NoTypeInformation
If module Microsoft.Powershell.LocalAccounts is not available to you, you can experiment with module localaccount, but I have no experience with that..
I don't have that old OSes, so you'll have to test this.
Below uses WMI to query the servers for the group memberships:
$server_list = (Import-Csv -Path 'C:\temp\server3.csv').name
$result = foreach ($server in $server_list) {
$query = "Associators of {Win32_Group.Domain='$server',Name='Administrators'} where Role=GroupComponent"
$members = Get-WmiObject -Query $query -ComputerName $server |
Where-Object { $_.__CLASS -match '(User|Group)' } |
Select-Object Name, Caption,
#{Name = 'ObjectClass'; Expression = {$matches[1]}},
#{Name = 'ComputerName'; Expression = {$_.__SERVER}},
Status, LocalAccount, SID, Domain
$groups = #($members | Where-Object {$_.ObjectClass -eq 'Group'})
$users = #($members | Where-Object {$_.ObjectClass -eq 'User'})
if ($users.Count) {
# now loop over the user objects
$users | ForEach-Object {
# output an object
'ComputerName' = $_.ComputerName
'Direct Members' = $_.Name
'Account Status' = $_.Status
'Group Members' = ($groups.Name | Sort-Object -Unique) -join ';'
# clear the $groups here because you only want to list them once per server
$groups = $null
elseif ($groups.Count) {
# no users, just groups
'ComputerName' = $groups[0].ComputerName
'Direct Members' = $null
'Account Status' = $null
'Group Members' = ($groups.Name | Sort-Object -Unique) -join ';'
$result | Export-Csv -Path 'c:\temp\local_admins2.csv' -NoTypeInformation
Another alternbative is to use [ADSI]:
$server_list = (Import-Csv -Path 'C:\temp\server3.csv').name
$group = 'Administrators'
$members = foreach ($server in $server_list) {
try {
([ADSI]"WinNT://$server/$group,group").psbase.Invoke('Members') | ForEach-Object {
# test if local or domain
$ADSPath = $_.GetType().InvokeMember("ADSPath", 'GetProperty', $null, $_, $null)
$local = ($ADSPath -like 'WinNT://*')
# get the object name
$name = $_.GetType().InvokeMember('Name', 'GetProperty', $null, $_, $null)
# get object class
$class = $_.GetType().InvokeMember('Class', 'GetProperty', $null, $_, $null)
if ($class -eq 'User') {
if ($local) {
$flag = $_.GetType().InvokeMember("userflags", 'GetProperty', $null, $_, $null)
$enabled = !($flag -band 2) # ADS_UF_ACCOUNTDISABLE
else {
$enabled = (Get-ADUser -Filter "SamAccountName -eq '$name'" -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue).Enabled
else { $enabled = $null }
[PSCustomObject] #{
ComputerName = $server.ToUpper()
Group = $group
Name = $name
ObjectClass = $class
Enabled = $enabled
catch {
Write-Warning $_
$groups = #($members | Where-Object {$_.ObjectClass -eq 'Group'})
$users = #($members | Where-Object {$_.ObjectClass -eq 'User'})
$result = if ($users.Count) {
# now loop over the user objects
$users | ForEach-Object {
# output an object
'ComputerName' = $_.ComputerName
'Direct Members' = $_.Name
'Account Status' = $_.Enabled
'Group Members' = ($groups.Name | Sort-Object -Unique) -join ';'
# clear the $groups here because you only want to list them once per server
$groups = $null
elseif ($groups.Count) {
# no users, just groups
'ComputerName' = $_.ComputerName
'Direct Members' = $null
'Account Status' = $null
'Group Members' = ($groups.Name | Sort-Object -Unique) -join ';'
$result | Export-Csv -Path 'c:\temp\local_admins2.csv' -NoTypeInformation
Output from the above when testing
Result using Get-LocalGroupMember:
ComputerName Direct Members Account Status Group Members
------------ -------------- -------------- -------------
MACHINE01 Administrator False Domain Admins;IT-Admins
MACHINE01 LocalAdmin True
MACHINE01 Theo True
Result using WMI:
ComputerName Direct Members Account Status Group Members
------------ -------------- -------------- -------------
MACHINE01 Administrator Degraded Domain Admins;IT-Admins
MACHINE01 LocalAdmin OK
Result using ADSI:
ComputerName Direct Members Account Status Group Members
------------ -------------- -------------- -------------
MACHINE01 Administrator False Domain Admins;IT-Admins
MACHINE01 Theo True
MACHINE01 LocalAdmin True

Powershell - Export-CSV outside loop only last line is printed/exported

Is it possible to adjust this code to export all lines outside foreach loop:
This works fine (inside loop):
$vms = Get-VM | Where { $_.State –eq ‘Running’ } | Select-Object -ExpandProperty Name
foreach($vm in $vms) {
# Get network interface details
$out = Get-VMNetworkAdapter -vmname $vm | select VMName, MacAddress, IPAddresses
$vm_name = $out.VMName | Get-Unique
$ip = ($out.IPAddresses | ForEach-Object {
$_ | ? {$_ -notmatch ':'}
}) -join " "
# If more than 1 MAC , put it in same row separated by space (00:15:5D:58:12:5E 00:15:5D:58:12:5F )
$mac = ($out.MacAddress | ForEach-Object {
}) -join ' '
$results = #()
$comp = Get-WmiObject Win32_ComputerSystem | Select-Object -ExpandProperty name
$obj = New-Object -TypeName psobject
$obj | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name "VM NAME" -Value $vm_name
$obj | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name "IP ADDRESS" -Value $ip
$obj | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name "MAC ADDRESS" -Value $mac
$obj | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name "HYPER-V HOST" -Value $comp
$results += $obj
Write-Output $results
$results| Export-Csv -Path "c:\1.csv" -NoTypeInformation -append
However, when i move $results| Export-Csv -Path "c:\1.csv" -NoTypeInformation -append outside loop,
only one (last) line is saved to CSV
Inside loop, $results variable contains all lines, when i move this variable outside loop write-host $results only one (last) line is printed
For what it's worth, your code can be condensed quite a bit. Many of your steps are not necessary:
$results = Get-VM | Where State –eq Running | Get-VMNetworkAdapter | ForEach-Object {
'VM NAME' = $_.VMName
'IP ADDRESS' = ($_.IPAddresses -notmatch ':') -join ' '
'MAC ADDRESS' = ($_.MacAddress -replace '(..)(..)(..)(..)(..)','$1:$2:$3:$4:$5:') -join ' '
$results | Export-Csv -Path "c:\1.csv" -NoTypeInformation
You can pipe the VMs that Get-VM returns directly into Get-VMNetworkAdapter
If you filter on a single property you don't need a script block for Where-Object. Where State -eq Running is a bit easier to write and read than Where { $_.State -eq 'Running' }.
$_.IPAddresses -notmatch ':' Operators like -notmatch work on arrays. 'a','b','0','c' -notmatch '\d' will return 'a','b','c'.
The same goes for -replace. 'a0','b1','c2' -replace '\d','' will return return 'a','b','c'. No foreach loops necessary at all.
$env:COMPUTERNAME should be faster than using WMI to get the computer name
Any object you create in a script block (like the ForEach-Object {...} script block) that you do not assign to a variable will be in the script block's output. This is why $results = ... | ForEach-Object {...} works. There is no need to explicitly create arrays with #() and add values to them.
Casting a hash table to [pscustomobject] is much easier than using Add-Member.
Figured it out:
moved $results variable outside loop (make it "global")
$vms = Get-VM | Where { $_.State –eq ‘Running’ } | Select-Object -ExpandProperty Name
$results = #()
foreach($vm in $vms) {
# Get network interface details
$out = Get-VMNetworkAdapter -vmname $vm | select VMName, MacAddress, IPAddresses
# Remove duplicate VM names
$vm_name = $out.VMName | Get-Unique
# In case more than 1 IP, put it in same row separated by space (,
$ip = ($out.IPAddresses | ForEach-Object {
$_ | ? {$_ -notmatch ':'}
}) -join " "
# If more than 1 MAC , put it in same row separated by space (00:15:5D:58:12:5E 00:15:5D:58:12:5F )
$mac = ($out.MacAddress | ForEach-Object {
}) -join ' '
$comp = Get-WmiObject Win32_ComputerSystem | Select-Object -ExpandProperty name
$obj = New-Object -TypeName psobject
$obj | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name "VM NAME" -Value $vm_name
$obj | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name "IP ADDRESS" -Value $ip
$obj | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name "MAC ADDRESS" -Value $mac
$obj | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name "HYPER-V HOST" -Value $comp
$results += $obj
$results| Export-Csv -Path "c:\1.csv" -NoTypeInformation

Changing the Export-CSV output output format

I am working on a PowerShell script that will output a list od system admins to a CSV file using the Export-Csv command. The portion of the script that gets the data is:
Foreach ($Computer in $Computers){
$Online = Test-Connection -ComputerName $Computer -Quiet
if ($Online -eq "True"){
$GroupName = Get-WmiObject win32_group -ComputerName $Computer | ? {$_.SID -eq 'S-1-5-32-544'} | Select-Object name -ExpandProperty name
$LocalGroup =[ADSI]"WinNT://$Computer/$GroupName"
$GroupMembers = #($LocalGroup.psbase.Invoke("Members"))
$Members = $GroupMembers | foreach {$_.GetType().InvokeMember("Name", 'GetProperty', $null, $_, $null)}
foreach ($Member in $Members){
$obj = New-Object System.Object
$obj | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name "Computer" -Value $Computer
$obj | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name "AdminGroupMembers" -Value $Member
Get-Admins | Export-Csv -NoTypeInformation c:\scripts\adm.csv -Encoding UTF8
The current output is formatted looks like this:
"Computer1", "Admin1"
"Computer1", "Admin2"
"Computer1", "Admin3"
"Computer1", "Admin4"
"Computer2", "Admin1"
"Computer2", "Admin2"
"Computer3", "Admin1"
I am trying to get the output to look like this:
"Computer1", "Admin1" , "Admin2" , "Admin3" , "Admin4"
"Computer2", "Admin1" , "Admin2"
"Computer3", "Admin1" , "Admin2" , "Admin3"
Any Ideas?
Your output format is not CSV, so Export-Csv is not a suitable tool for you. Try this instead:
Get-Admins | group { $_.Computer } | % {
'{0},{1}' -f #($_.Group.Computer)[0], ($_.Group.AdminGroupMembers -join ',')
} | Out-File 'output.csv'
For PowerShell v2 you'll need to manually expand the group properties:
Get-Admins | group { $_.Computer } | % {
$computer = #($_.Group | select -Expand Computer)[0]
$admins = ($_.Group | select -Expand AdminGroupMembers) -join ','
'{0},{1}' -f $computer, $admins
} | Out-File 'output.csv'

Export powershell script to CSV

I have a small script which retrieves the LastLogonTimestamp and the SAMAccount for all users in a particular OU in AD and converts the timestamp to a date and extracts just the date from the string. That part works fine. I then would like to output that to a CSV so it may be opened in Excel and be perfectly formated into columns and look all pretty.
I have tried ConvertTo-Csv and Export-Csv but have been uncuccessful. The problem is I am new to Powershell. This is my first script and I don't fully understand how this works. My script is probably terribly messy and illogical but it does the job so far.
Please help. Thanks.
$userlist = Get-ADUser -SearchBase "OU=IT,DC=whatever,DC=com,DC=au" -Filter * -Properties * | Select-Object -Property Name,LastLogonTimestamp,SAMAccountName | Sort-Object -Property Name
$userlist | ForEach-Object {
$last = $_.LastLogonTimestamp;
$ADName = $_.SAMAccountName;
$tstamp = w32tm /ntte $last;
if($tstamp.Length -lt "40"){}else
$ADDate = [DateTime]::Parse($tstamp.Split('-')[1]).ToString("dd/MM/yyyy")
write-host $ADDate;
write-host $ADName;
You will have to create objects for each user and pipe those to the Export-CSV cmdlet:
$usersList | %{
# current logic
$user = new-object psobject
$user | add-member -membertype noteproperty -name LastLogon -value $last
$user | add-member -membertype noteproperty -name ADName -value $ADName
$user | add-member -membertype noteproperty -name ADDate -value $ADDate
} | export-csv test.csv -notype
Alternative syntax for populating the object:
$properties = #{"LastLogon" = $last; "ADName" = $ADName; "ADDate" = $ADDate}
$user = new-object psobject -property $properties