Acumatica api branch cannot be empty - rest

The Branch field is present in the JSON, but Acumatica ignores it, and says that 'Branch cannot be empty'.
The api endpoint is /acumaticadb/entity/Default/17.200.001, and I am PUTting JSON to /SalesOrder, trying to create a new order.
The branch field is present in the json on the details level. I tried 'Branch' and 'BranchID' on both order header and order details levels, and still getting the same error.
I tried to specify the branch during login request. Still same error during order creation.
The exact text of the error: "PX.Data.PXException: Error: 'Branch' cannot be empty."
The stack trace is not very informative, it says error was thrown when it tried to persist the order.
Through the web UI, orders with items can be created just fine, by the same user.
This question is almost idential to /49039152, but there was no resolution there.
EDIT: Did not notice code did not come through, here is the request:
PUT : http://localhost/acumaticadb/entity/Default/17.200.001/SalesOrder
"Details": [{
"OrderQty": {"value": "10"},
"BranchID": {"value": "HQ"},
"Branch": {"value": "HQ"},
"InventoryID": {"value": "CONBABY1"}
"CustomerOrder": {"value": "TOYONEILLTEST"},
"LocationID": {"value": "MAIN"},
"CustomerID": {"value": "TOYONEILL"},
"BranchID": {"value": "HQ"},
"Branch": {"value": "HQ"}
Branch screenshot:
Hq Branch

I spent hours trying to fix this and finally came to a solution. The problem for me was that the user that I was using for the API did not have the user role required to access the specified branch/company. It was a case of a very misleading error message. I think I'm using the same "Sales Demo" test data as you. I'm a bit late to the party but I hope this helps others.
To fix:
Go to the companies screen and find the access role for the company.
Add that role to your API users roles from the users screen.

In case anyone else comes across the same error and #micwallace's solution didn't work for you.
If you're specifying the optional branch parameter in your login call, it might be worth double checking that you've used the Branch ID and not the Branch Name as value, which can be found on the Branches screen.
e.g. If we were to look at the 2019R1 Sales Demo screenshot attached, and wanted to use the Products Retail branch from the Revision Two Products company, the correct value to use in the login call would be PRODRETAIL.
"name" : "{{api_username}}",
"password" : "{{api_password}}",
"company" : "{{tenant_login_name}}",
"branch" : "PRODRETAIL",
"locale" : "{{locale_code}}"

This worked for me:
Go to the companies screen and find the access role for the company.
Add that role to your API users roles from the users screen.



I am trying to integrate Servicenow with Azure Devops Board to create/update etc etc on a work item using REST APIs
I was successful in creating and updating lot of things on the workitems
I am not able to find an API which tells the workitem to fall in a specific Swimlane
If you look in to the image I have attached, which has a default swimlane(test) and custom ones... so H have an api which moves it from "ToDo" to "Doing", but if you notice there multiple "Doing" as there are different swimlanes, so can anyone please help what the trick is or an API which tells the workitem to fall in a specific SwimLane
I did some research and found "System.BoardLane" I did use that in post and patch
"$id": "1",
"customProperties": {
"ReferenceName": null
"innerException": null,
"message": "TF401326: Invalid field status 'ReadOnly' for field 'System.BoardLane'.",
"typeName": "Microsoft.TeamFoundation.WorkItemTracking.Server.WorkItemFieldInvalidException, Microsoft.TeamFoundation.WorkItemTracking.Server",
"typeKey": "WorkItemFieldInvalidException",
"errorCode": 600171,
"eventId": 3200
then I used operation "op" :"move"
"$id": "1",
"innerException": null,
"message": "Move/Copy is not implemented.",
"typeName": "Microsoft.VisualStudio.Services.WebApi.Patch.PatchOperationFailedException, Microsoft.VisualStudio.Services.WebApi",
"typeKey": "PatchOperationFailedException",
"errorCode": 0,
"eventId": 3000
In fact, you were very close to the correct answer.
The first error you faced: TF401326: Invalid field status 'ReadOnly' for field 'System.BoardLane' has indicate that if you want to modify the SwimLane by updating the System.BoardLane field via API, we does not allow that because of its read-only.
(For those fields, not only System.BoardLane is read-only, but also the System.BoardColumn)
This is by designed.
In order to update the SwimLane, here you need to update the extension fields instead of System fields via the API.
Call the Get - Boards API to get the information about the Board. In its response body, the extension field names will display under fields -> rowField.
GET{org name}/{project name}/{team name}/_apis/work/boards/Stories?api-version=5.1
The reference names for these extension fields will include a GUID that is unique for the board(e.g. WEF_6623ED31B8E04C778FB1129D3239B1A7_Kanban.Lane).
Call the Update - Work Items API, using the field names you got above as the path (e.g. /fields/WEF_6623ED31B8E04C778FB1129D3239B1A7_Kanban.Lane) and input the lane value as the name of the row you want to move the item into:
PATCH{org name}/{project name}/_apis/wit/workitems/{WIT id}?api-version=5.1
Request body:
"op": "add",
"path": "/fields/WEF_6623ED31B8E04C778FB1129D3239B1A7_Kanban.Lane",
"from": null,
"value": "Lane for product team"
Lane for product team is one of the Swimlane.
Now, you would see that the work item moved into the corresponding lane you specified.
Note: The GUID of the extension fields is unique for the board. Different boards has different extension fileds GUID value.
The swimlane that is used is based on the status of the workitem (I believe the field you want is System.Status) If you update that value of the workitem, it should move the workitem into the appropriate swimlane.
You can configure your team's board settings to map statuses to the swim lanes you want. If you are using an standard board process, then it should be pretty straightforward mapping between statuses and swim lanes, but if you have customized work items you will need to apply that logic to your code(IE this new item should be in a status of X to show as doing)

Azure devops Server 2019 - Error while creating Workitem states

I am trying to create a state for existing work item.
For Get, the url will show the list of States under Bug.
But am facing an issue when I do Post with json.
{"name": "Test-Status", "color": "007acc", "stateCategory": "InProgress", "order": 3 }
Below is the error details
Http - 404 - NotFound
{ "$id": "1", "innerException": null, "message": "VS402805: Cannot
find work item type with reference name
'Microsoft.VSTS.WorkItemTypes.Bug' in process named
'dcdcc713-ebc6-4940-aa9d-d6c9d3e00e39'.", "typeName":
Microsoft.TeamFoundation.WorkItemTracking.Server", "typeKey":
"ProcessWorkItemTypeDoesNotExistException", "errorCode": 0, "eventId":
3200 }
Any help regarding this is appreciated.
The problem should be:Microsoft.VSTS.WorkItemTypes.Bug. I think you need use the format like processName.typeName. In addition the original process cannot be customized , only the inherited process can be customized.
Here I test your api in postman,it can work well.
I had the same problem.
When you create a new process, all the Work Item Types from the Parente process (Agile, Scrum, etc.) starts with the Microsoft.VSTS.WorkItemTypes.(Epic, Bug, etc.) and you can't modify it, you will have the error:
"VS402805: Cannot find work item type with reference name 'Microsoft.VSTS.WorkItemTypes.Bug' in process name ..."
To solve this, you just need to create a new work item type that inherits that work item type that you want to use, post example:
"referenceName": "ProcessName.Issue",
"name": "Issue",
"description": "your description",
"color": "B4009E",
"icon": "icon_traffic_cone",
"inheritsFrom": "Microsoft.VSTS.WorkItemTypes.Issue"
I hope it helps.
Have a nice day!

How to intepret the result: Template project doesn't exist in Field service? BIM360 API

we are using the BIM360 API at our Company to manage Users, Project and Firms in combination with our CRM. We writen a simple tool with User Interface which is doing it.
We tried to use the feature of "Copy from template Project". We are using the new "Field Management Service" because it is required following the instruction from Autodesk [api doc] (
The normal project creation withouth template project works fine. We can add any service to the project we want. Also as stated above the the "Field managment Service". If we attach an ID for the template project we get an error, stating that the project doesn't exists in "Field Service".
So my thought is, that this function just works in the user interface from BIM360. Or more the "Field Service" is the old "Gen 1" Service which is different to the "Field Management Service" which is the "next Gen"?
Code below shows the simple requestBody as JSON. The authentification and everything works fine and is send as bearer in the header.
"name": "x_Vorlage",
"value": "0",
"currency": "EUR",
"start_date": "2019-10-15",
"end_date": "2019-10-16",
"project_type": "Wohngebäude",
"hubId": null,
"id": null,
"status": null,
"job_number": null,
"adress_line_1": null,
"adress_line_2": null,
"city": null,
"state_or_province": "Brandenburg",
"postal_code": null,
"country": "Germany",
"business_unit_id": null,
"timezone": null,
"language": "de",
"contract_type": null,
"service_types": null,
"template_project_id": "3d8ca02e-XXXX-46ff-XXXX-9c26d408XXXX"
The "template_project_id" is just obfuscate for posting here.
We expected something like a HTTP 200 Result or a bad request. But we getting:
{"code":1004,"message":"Template project doesn't exist in Field service."}
Thanks for your help!
Unfortunately, the template feature only works with Field Classic in API.
So, I submitted a wishlist item HQ-5127 to our engineering team to allocate time to evaluate the possibility of supporting this on Next-Gen Field. Please remember the wishlist item id for future reference. You're welcome to ask for the updates or provide additional information to us via sending an email that contains this id to the Forge Help channel. We appreciate your understanding and patience. Cheers!

Complex claims in JWT

The JWT RFC does not seem to have any problem containing complex arrays such as:
"email": "",
"businesses": [
"businessId": "1",
"businessName": "One",
"roles": [
"businessId": "2",
"businessName": "Two",
"roles": [
And this seems a desirable scenario for our needs, since as part of the token we'd like to have a list of businesses a user has access to and what roles does he have for each business (it's part of its identity). The authorization policies at the API would later understand those groups and apply the required authorization logic.
I have seen that with IdentityServer4 the claims are added to the ProfileDataRequestContext's IEnumerable<Claim> IssuedClaims property.
Is there any recommended alternative to this complex claim structure? If not, is there any way to build that structure with IdentityServer4 (maybe some extension?) or the only way would be to manually serialize the JSON since the Claim seems to accept only a string?
PS: I have seen this question and this other where one of the authors of Identity Server talks about something similar being an antipattern. Not sure if the antipattern would be to have complex claims' structure or "authorization implementation details" in the claims.
Any advice on this would be great!
After giving some thoughts I agree having a complex hierarchy of claims is not desirable and I could go around this problem with a dirty solution of prefixing roles for each businessId. Something like this:
"email": "",
"roles": [
"businesses": [
that way I keep a simple structure and later on, at the client or API I can read the claims and find out that 1 is the id for the business with name One and it has the roles admin and account.
Would this be a better solution?
Claims are about identity information - and not complex permission "objects". You are far better off with a dedicated permission service that returns your permissions in any format you want based on the identity of the user.
I also hope your permission data doesn't change while the token is being used, otherwise you end up with stale data.
That said - claims are always strings in .NET - but you can serialize JSON objects into it by setting the ClaimValueType to IdentityServerConstants.ClaimValueTypes.Json.

Additional fields (author, isbn) for /{user}/books.reads

/me/books.reads returns books[1].
It includes an array of books and the following fields for each book:
I'd like to get the author name(s) at least. I know that written_by is an existing field for books.
I'd like to get ISBN, if possible.
Current situation
I tried this:
But the error response is:
"Subfields are not supported by data"
The books.reads response looks like this (just one book included):
"data": [
"id": "00000",
"from": {
"name": "User name",
"id": "11111"
"start_time": "2013-07-18T23:50:37+0000",
"publish_time": "2013-07-18T23:50:37+0000",
"application": {
"name": "Books",
"id": "174275722710475"
"data": {
"book": {
"id": "192511337557794",
"url": "",
"type": "",
"title": "A Semantic Web Primer"
"type": "books.reads",
"no_feed_story": false,
"likes": {
"count": 0,
"can_like": true,
"user_likes": false
"comments": {
"count": 0,
"can_comment": true,
"comment_order": "chronological"
If I take the id of a book, I can get its metadata from the open graph, for example returns something like this:
"category": "Book",
"description": "\u003CP>The development of the Semantic Web...",
"genre": "Computers",
"is_community_page": true,
"is_published": true,
"talking_about_count": 0,
"were_here_count": 0,
"written_by": "Grigoris Antoniou, Paul Groth, Frank Van Harmelen",
"id": "192511337557794",
"name": "A Semantic Web Primer",
"link": "",
"likes": 1
The response includes ~10 fields, including written_by which has the authors of the book.
Curiously, link field seems to map to url of the books.reads response. However, the field names are different, so I'm starting to loose hope that I would be able to ask for written_by in books.reads request..
The only reference that I've found about /me/books is
This is essentially about user sharing that he/she has read a book, not the details of the book itself.
The data structure is focused on the occasion of reading a book: when reading was started, when this story was published, etc.
[1] I know this thanks to How to get "read books"
FQl does not looks very promising – although you can request books from the user table, it seems to deliver just a string value with only the book titles comma-separated.
You can search page table by name – but I doubt it will work with name in (subquery) when what that subquery delivers is just one string of the format 'title 1,title 2,…'.
Can’t really test this right now, because I have read only one book so far (ahm, one that I have set as “books I read” on FB, not in general …) – but using that to search the page table by name already delivers a multitude of pages, and even if I narrow that selection down by AND is_community_page=1, I still get several, so no real way of telling which would be the right one, I guess.
So, using the Graph API and a batch request seems to be more promising.
Similar to an FQL multi-query, batch requests also allow you to refer data from the previous “operation” in a batch, by giving operations a “name”, and then referring to data from the first operation by using JSONPath expression format (see Specifying dependencies between operations in the request for details).
So a batch query for this could look like this,
Here all in one line, for easier copy&paste, so that line breaks don’t cause syntax errors:
So, to test this:
Go to Graph API Explorer.
Change method to POST via the dropdown, and clear whatever is in the field right next to it.
Click “Add a field”, and input name batch, and as value insert the line copy&pasted from above.
Since that will also get you a lot of “headers” you might not be interested in, you can add one more field, name include_headers and value false to get rid of those.
In the result, you will get a field named body, that contains the JSON-encoded data for the second query. If you want more fields, add them to the fields parameter of the second query, or leave that parameter out completely if you want all of them.
OK, after some trial-and-error I managed to create a direct link to Graph API Explorer to test this – the right amount of URL-encoding to use is a little fiddly to figure out :-)
(I left out the fields parameter for the second operation here, so this will give you all the info for the book that there is.)
As I said, I only got one book on FB, but this should work for a user with multiple books the same way (since the second operation just takes however many IDs it is given from the first one).
But I can’t tell you off the top of my head how this will work for a lot of books – how slow the second operation might get with that, when you set a high limit for the first one. And I also don’t know how this will behave in regard to pagination, which you might run into when me/books delivers a lot of books for a user.
But I think this should be a good enough starting point for you to figure the rest out by trying it on users with more data. HTH.
Edit: ISBN does not seem to be part of the info for a book’s community page, at least not for the ones I checked. And also written_by is optional – my book doesn’t have it. So you’ll only get that info if it is actually provided.