TYPO3 7.6 Backend module to list values from several tables - typo3

I have been struggling for some time now and I can't really find anyone having done the same thing before.
I'm creating a backend module in TYPO3 7.6 which belongs to a shop extension.
The shop extension with the backend module was created with the extension builder. The shop has the following three models:
Product (products which can be ordered through the shop)
Productsorder (link to the customer)
ProductsorderPosition (the ordered product, the ordered amount and size and the link to the Productsorder)
The customers are of a model type from a different extension. These customers are linked to fe_users.
Now what I wanna do in my backend module is getting an overview to all these orders listed with the customer, some information about the fe_user and of course the product. I have created a sql-query, which does exactly that:
SELECT p.productname, p.productpriceperpiece,
pop.amount, pop.size,
h.name, h.address, h.zipcode, h.city, h.email, h.phone,
f.first_name, f.last_name, f.email
FROM `tx_gipdshop_domain_model_productorderposition` AS pop
JOIN `tx_gipdshop_domain_model_product` AS p ON pop.products = p.uid
JOIN `tx_gipdshop_domain_model_productsorder` AS po ON pop.productorder = po.uid
JOIN `tx_gipleasedisturbhotels_domain_model_hotel` AS h ON po.hotel = h.uid
JOIN `fe_users` AS f ON h.feuser = f.uid
If I use this query from the product repository it gives back the right amount of data records but they're of type product and the products are all "empty" (uid = 0 etc).
I've added an additional action for this in the product controller (getOrdersAction) and in the repository containing the query I've added a method findAllOrders.
I'm still rather a beginner in TYPO3 but I can somehow understand why it returns data sets of type Product when the query is called from the ProductRepository. But what I do not know is how I can get all the information from the query above and list it in the backend module.
I've already thought about moving the query to the ProductsorderPositionRepository but I would probably be faced with a similar problem, it would only return the information from the ProductsorderPosition and everything else would be left out.
Can someone point me to the right direction?
Would I need to create another model with separate repository and controller? Isn't there an easier way?
If you need more information, just ask! ;)

First of all, you are doing a joined query with subsets of data mixed from multiple tables. There is nothing against this.
Because of this, there is no "model" which has the mixed datasets.
If you are using the default query thing in a repository, the magic behind the repository assumes that the result of the query statement reflects the defined base model for this repository.
Moving the query function to another repository does not solve the problem.
You have not provided the code snippet you are executing the sql statement, so I assume you have used the query thing in the repository to execute the statement. Something like this:
$result = $query->statement('
SELECT p.productname, p.productpriceperpiece,
pop.amount, pop.size,
h.name, h.address, h.zipcode, h.city, h.email, h.phone,
f.first_name, f.last_name, f.email
FROM `tx_gipdshop_domain_model_productorderposition` AS pop
JOIN `tx_gipdshop_domain_model_product` AS p ON pop.products = p.uid
JOIN `tx_gipdshop_domain_model_productsorder` AS po ON pop.productorder = po.uid
JOIN `tx_gipleasedisturbhotels_domain_model_hotel` AS h ON po.hotel = h.uid
JOIN `fe_users` AS f ON h.feuser = f.uid', NULL);
or have used the query building stuff.
First solution
The first and simpliest solution would be to retrieve the result as plain php array. Before TYPO3 7.0 you could have done this by using this:
With TYPO3 7.0 this deprecated method was removed from the core.
The only way is to define the query and call $query->execute(TRUE); for now.
This should return the data in pure array form.
This is the simpliest one, but as we are in the extbase context this should not be suffering enough.
Second Solution - no, just an idea that I would try next
The second solution means that you have some work to do and is for now only a suggestion, because I have not tried this by myself.
Create a model with the properties and getter/setters for the result columns of your query
Create a corresponding repository
Third solution
Not nice, but if nothing else works, fall back to the old TYPO3 v4 query methods:
and replace this with the QueryBuilder in/for TYPO3 v8.
This is really not nice.
I hope I could direct you to the right way, even if not giving a full solving solution.


uSync Dropdown DataType Issue

I have 2 sites, dev branch and production. On my dev branch I'm using a couple of archetype DataType which are able to be configured by a simple dropdown with couple color names (like Green, Blue etc). I have like 300 published nodes which uses that datatype (required field). After I've exported "Full Export" in uSync dashboard and then copy/pasted the whole uSync folder to my production branch and clicked "Full Import". After import complete I check my nodes. All fields are there except that dropdown.
There are some old issues on the our.umbraco.com website stating the same issue, but they seem to been fixed.
I've posted there this issue, but has been 6 days, and the topic still is on manual approval.
Any idea what must be causing this issue?
I am using (uSync.BackOffice (uSync.Core [uSync.Content:]
Umbraco version 7.15.4
Thank you in advance.
Best regards,
PS. I am unable to create the USync label. Would appreciate if someone would edit with it!
I'd open up the database and look at the values in the cmsDataTypePreValues table. I suspect that uSync has changed the prevalues out from under you. Prevalues are really tricky and uSync does its best given the circumstances. You'll notice that the uSync .def files in Umbraco 7 don't record any unique ids on those prevalues. They just get inserted into the database and are assigned an id automatically. This means if the prevalues are deleted and recreated, they will have different ids. If those dropdown prevalues are being picked by the id field on the cmsDataTypePreValues record, that is probably what is going wrong.
Use the following query to see your prevalues for the datatype:
DECLARE #dataTypeNodeId AS INT = <dataTypeNodeId, INT, 0>
FROM cmsDataType dt
INNER JOIN cmsDataTypePreValues pv
ON pv.datatypeNodeId = dt.nodeId
WHERE dt.nodeId = #dataTypeNodeId
Compare the values you see here between the dev database and the production database. To help give you a better picture of what the data looks like, you could also run this query to see what the actual picked values look like. The query is so long because it is filtering out results from old versions. This might not work very well for you because your datatype is inside of Archetype. Hopefully it can still give you an idea about what selected dropdown values actually look like in the database.
DECLARE #dataTypeNodeId AS INT = <dataTypeNodeId, INT, 0>
SELECT TOP 1000 n.id
,pt.[alias] AS 'property alias'
,dtn.id AS 'Datatype Id'
,dtn.[text] AS 'Datatype Name'
,dtn.uniqueID AS 'Datatype Guid'
,t.[alias] AS 'template alias'
FROM umbracoNode n
INNER JOIN cmsDocument d
ON d.nodeId = n.id
INNER JOIN cmsContentVersion cv
ON cv.VersionId = d.versionId
INNER JOIN cmsPropertyData pd
ON pd.contentNodeId = n.id AND pd.versionId = d.versionId
INNER JOIN cmsPropertyType pt
ON pt.id = pd.propertytypeid
INNER JOIN cmsDataType dt
ON dt.nodeId = pt.dataTypeId
INNER JOIN umbracoNode dtn
ON dtn.id = dt.nodeId
LEFT OUTER JOIN cmsTemplate t
ON t.nodeId = d.templateId
WHERE d.newest = 1
AND dtn.id = #dataTypeNodeId
You can try to manually fix the prevalue entries in the database. I've run into enough prevalue trouble with Umbraco dropdowns that I try to always use something like nuPickers to avoid picking prevalues by id.

Getting translated records in CommandController

I've searched and debugged the last couple of days how to obtain the
translated version of a DomainModel object in a CommandController in Typo3 v8.7.
In Typo3 4.5/4.7 I've done the following:
- input: DomainModel in default language
- build a query that finds the record with the l10n_parent matching the
given domain model
- obtain a new domain model with the desired sys_language_uid
Unfortunately this does not work in Typo3 v8.7 any more. I always get
the domain model for the default language.
I've traced this down to the method Typo3DbBackend::doLanguageAndWorkspaceOverlay
called via Typo3DbBackend::getObjectDataByQuery
The query returns the correct (translated) row (seen in the debugger and also the mysql query log), but then the variable
$row gets overwritten in doLanguageAndWorkspaceOverlay no matter how I
set the querySettings setLanguageOverlayMode and setLanguageMode.
So what is the correct way to get a translated domain model in a
I think I'm a step further. If I add ->setQueryLanguage(1) to the query settings, doLanguageAndWorkspaceOverlay() tries to fetch the translated record for language = 1. But in order to succeed I need to trick the FrontendGroupRestriction class by setting $GLOBALS['TSFE']->gr_list = "0,-2";.
The array returned by doLanguageAndWorkspaceOverlay() now contains all translated entries, except the uid, which is still the uid from the record in the main language. The uid of the translated record is stored in _LOCALIZED_UID.
Now my problem now is that I still get the record in the main laguage because DataMapper->mapSingleRow() (called via DataMapper->map()) has some kind of object cache and thus returns the object in the default language (because the uid is still the one of the record in the main language).
All this seems a little hackish. So again my question: what is the correct way to get a translated domain model in a CommandController?
p.s.: I've set up the second language in the backend and creating a translated record works just fine. My question is just how to I get an existing translated record in a CommandController.
alternative solution:
based on the solution above, I decided that I can do almost everything
on my own. So what I do now is
i) create an independend querybuilder for the according table:
$queryBuilder = GeneralUtility::makeInstance(ConnectionPool::class)->getQueryBuilderForTable($tableName);`
ii) select the record with the desired l10n_parent and sys_language_uid
$query = $queryBuilder->select('*')
->where($queryBuilder->expr()->eq('sys_language_uid', $langId))
->andWhere($queryBuilder->expr()->eq('l10n_parent', $parentUid))
iii) fetch all records into an array
$rows = $query->fetchAll();
iv) invoke the DataMapper manually to get the object
$dataMapper = $this->objectManager->get(DataMapper::class);
$translated = $dataMapper->map($className, $rows);
I know it has nothing to do with the ModelRepository any more, but it
works quite fine for now...
that's all folks
My solution to the issue described above:
To avoid invoking the DataMapper as part of the query from
Typo3DbBackend, I used a raw query (argument for ->execute()) and get
back an array, that already went through language overlay etc.
BUT: in
the array the '_LOCALIZED_UID' is still available. So I overwrite the
uid with the value from '_LOCALIZED_UID' and invoke the DataMapper
manually. Quite cumbersome and very hackish to overcome the Typo3
backend shortcomings...

Using a query to supply an Access form

I have a Microsoft Access form that is being supplied (somehow) by a query. The query contains three tables linked together via their respective primary and foreign keys, and the form displays data quite happily.
The strange thing (as far as I'm concerned) is the ability of the form to then allow data entry using the query.
However, if the user creates a new record, the whole thing seems to have problems due to a required field in the [table2] table.
SELECT [table1].*
[table1] LEFT JOIN [table2] ON [table1].PlanNo = [table2].PlanNo
LEFT JOIN [table3] ON [table2].JobNo = [table3].JobNo
ORDER BY [table2].PlannedDateOC
According to the users, this form worked perfectly prior to conversion from Access 97/2003 format to Access 2010 (2007 file format).
Could anyone clarify whether this (the fact that it should work) is legitimate, and if this process would work in either version of Access, if so? The concept of being able to use a query for data entry is quite alien to me.
Let me know if you need further clarification.
One thing of note, here, is that I did move some of the fields into the form header so that they were always visible as the rest of the form scrolls. I don't know if this will have any side effects on the performance of the form.
Above query will allow you to insert data into [table1] when all not null fields have their values and make sure only table1.fields are getting dirty when new record is inserted.

Laravel 4 rest api non-implicit action routing and left join

I am pretty new to Laravel but I certainly like Laravel 4. I am stuck at two points -
The first is that - I have a non crud action method in a controller that has to do a left join with two tables and return the result. There are two tables, Employees and Departments. I am trying to get all assigned and non-assigned employees for creating an association between them. This action method is inside "EmployeeController". It is named as "allAssignedEmployees". I tried the following routing but seems it doesn't work :
Route::resource('employees/assignedEmployees/{deptId}', 'EmployeesController#assignedEmployees');
Secondly, I am not kind of too sure about my left join. The following is what I made out of googling
$unassignedEmployees = DB::table('employee')
->join('department', function($join)
$join->on('department.employee_id', '=', 'employee.id');
->where('department.id', '=', $deptId)
Apparently what I wanted in SQL is - select * from employee emp left join department dept on dept.employee_id = employee.id and employee.dept_id = 2
The other related questions unanswered I had in mind are - how to log in Laravel 4? Especially SQL queries or general log statements. Is there an inbuilt logging support.
I know its a lot of questions, but I am sure the answers will help my learning process hence thanks for your time.
First I'm not being rude but you should have studied Documentation First at least.
Now coming to your questions:
About Resource Controller:
Route::resource('employees', 'EmployeesController');
This single route declaration creates multiple routes to handle a variety of RESTful actions on the employees resource. Likewise, the generated controller will already have stubbed methods for each of these actions with notes informing you which URIs and verbs they handle.
Actions Handled By Resource Controller
Verb Path Action Route Name
GET /employees index employees.index
GET /employees/create create employees.create
POST /employees store employees.store
GET /employees/{id} show employees.show
GET /employees/{id}/edit edit employees.edit
PUT/PATCH /employees/{id} update employees.update
DELETE /employees/{id} destroy employees.destroy
So if you have created resource controller then get routes like employees/{id} will be handled by controllers show method.
But if you want specific method to handle then you have to route it like this
And regarding logging read here

how to select specific number of child entities instead of all in entity framework 3.5?

i am wondering how can i select specific number of child objects instead of taking them all with include?
lets say i have object 'Group' and i need to select last ten students that joined the group.
When i use '.Include("Students"), EF includes all students. I was trying to use Take(10), but i am pretty new to EF and programming as well, so i couldn't figure it out.
Any suggestions?
ok, i have Group object already retrieved from db like this:
Group group = db.Groups.FirstOrDefault(x=>x.GroupId == id)
I know that i can add Include("Students") statement, but that would bring ALL students, and their number could be quite big whether i need only freshest 10 students. Can i do something like this: var groupWithStudents = group.Students.OrderByDescending(//...).Take(10);?
The problem with this is that Take<> no longer appears in intellisense. Is this clear enough? Thanks for responses
I believe Take(10) would be correct.
var Students= (from c in Groups
orderby c.DateAdded descending
select c).Take(10);
My experience with Take though is that it generates some awful sql.
see if this blog post helps, it talks of conditional includes.
Couldn't make Gratzy's suggestion with conditional include work... and found the solution here: http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/bb896249.aspx
Query would look like this:
This is exactly what i was looking for!
Thanks for all responses anyway!