Use dynamic password on file Compression - powershell

I created a powershell script to archive files older than X months in a directory. I would like to make the password for each compressed file different but this seems to be quite a challenge as winrar passes my variable thru as the password instead of the variable value. I have tried placing the variable into brackets which then just causes it to ask me for the password. Have also tried placing it into quotes but still it does not work and uses the variable name as the password. I tried it on the latest version of powershell using quotes which seems to work but the problem is the machine I want to run this on cannot be upgraded at current due to server availability requirements thus a restart of the server is not an option
$SourcePath = "C:\FTP\Hollard\PrankCall"
$MonthsBack = 6
$masterPassword = "Password"
$RarApp = "C:\Program Files\WinRAR\Rar.exe"
$Source = Get-ChildItem $SourcePath -Recurse | where {($_.LastWriteTime -LT $(Get-Date).AddMonths(-$MonthsBack)) -and ($_.Directory.Name -notmatch "Archive")}
ForEach ($files in $Source) {
$Destination = [System.String]::Concat($files.Directory, "\Archive\")
$FileYear = $files.LastWriteTime.year
$FileMonth = [System.String]::Concat("0",$files.LastWriteTime.Month)
$FileMonth = $FileMonth.Substring($FileMonth.Length - 2,2)
$ZipFileName = [System.String]::Concat($files.Directory.Name,"_",$FileYear , $FileMonth,".rar")
$zipFilePassword = [System.String]::Concat($masterPassword , $FileYear , $FileMonth)
if(!(Test-Path -Path $Destination )){
New-Item -ItemType directory -Path $Destination
& $RarApp a $($Destination + $ZipFileName) $($files.FullName) -m0 -hp$zipFilePassword -df -ep

Try this:
& $RarApp a $($Destination + $ZipFileName) $($files.FullName) -m0 "-hp$zipFilePassword" -df -ep
The problem is that the PowerShell parser thinks the parameters you're trying to pass to rar.exe might be parameters for a ScriptBlock or PowerShell command, so it thinks there's a switch parameter literally named -hp$zipFilePassword so it doesn't expand it.


Powershell: ForEach Copy-Item doesn't rename properly when retrieving data from array

I am pretty new to PowerShell and I need some help. I have a .bat file that I want to copy as many times as there are usernames in my array and then also rename at the same time. This is because the code in the .bat file remains the same, but for it to work on the client PC it has to have the username as a prefix in the filename.
This is the code that I have tried:
$usernames = Import-Csv C:\Users\Admin\Desktop\usernames.csv
$file = Get-ChildItem -Path 'C:\Users\Admin\Desktop\generatedbat\' -Recurse
foreach ($username in $usernames)
ForEach-Object {Copy-Item $file.FullName ('C:\Users\Admin\Desktop\generatedbat\' + $username + $File.BaseName + ".bat")}
This copies everything and it kind of works but I have one problem.
Instead of having this filename: JohnR-VPNNEW_up.bat
I get this: #{Username=JohnR}-VPNNEW_up.bat
Any help? Thanks!
So you have one .bat file C:\Users\Admin\Desktop\generatedbat\VPNNEW_up.bat you want to copy to the same directory with new names taken from the usernames.csv --> Username column.
Then try
# get an array of just the UserNames column in the csv file
$usernames = (Import-Csv -Path 'C:\Users\Admin\Desktop\usernames.csv').Username
# get the file as object so you can use its properties
$originalFile = Get-Item -Path 'C:\Users\Admin\Desktop\generatedbat\VPNNEW_up.bat'
foreach ($username in $usernames) {
$targetFile = Join-Path -Path $originalFile.DirectoryName -ChildPath ('{0}-{1}' -f $username, $originalFile.Name)
$originalFile | Copy-Item -Destination $targetFile -WhatIf
I have added switch -WhatIf so you can first test this out. If what is displayed in the console window looks OK, then remove that -WhatIf safety switch and run the code again so the file is actually copied
I kept the code the same but instead of using a .csv file I just used a .txt file and it worked perfectly.

Powershell dropping characters while creating folder names

I am having a strange problem in Powershell (Version 2021.8.0) while creating folders and naming them. I start with a number of individual ebook files in a folder that I set using Set-Location. I use the file name minus the extension to create a new folder with the same name as the e-book file. The code works fine the majority of the time with various file extensions I have stored in an array beginning of the code.
What's happening is that the code creates the proper folder name the majority of the time and moves the source file into the folder after it's created.
The problem is, if the last letter of the source file name, on files with the extension ".epub" end in an "e", then the "e" is missing from the end of the created folder name. I thought that I saw it also drop "r" and "p" but I have been unable to replicate that error recently.
Below is my code. It is set up to run against file extensions for e-books and audiobooks. Please ignore the error messages that are being generated when files of a specific type don't exist in the working folder. I am just using the array for testing and it will be filled automatically later by reading the folder contents.
This Code Creates a Folder for Each File and moves the file into that Folder:
$SourceFileFolder = 'N:\- Books\- - BMS\- Books Needing Folders'
Set-Location $SourceFileFolder
$MyArray = ( "*.azw3", "*.cbz", "*.doc", "*.docx", "*.djvu", "*.epub", "*.mobi", "*.mp3", "*.pdf", "*.txt" )
Foreach ($FileExtension in $MyArray) {
Get-ChildItem -Include $FileExtension -Name -Recurse | Sort-Object | ForEach-Object { $SourceFileName = $_
$NewDirectoryName = $SourceFileName.TrimEnd($FileExtension)
New-Item -Name $NewDirectoryName -ItemType "directory"
$OriginalFileName = Join-Path -Path $SourceFileFolder -ChildPath $SourceFileName
$DestinationFilename = Join-Path -Path $NewDirectoryName -ChildPath $SourceFileName
$DestinationFilename = Join-Path -Path $SourceFileFolder -ChildPath $DestinationFilename
Move-Item $OriginalFileName -Destination $DestinationFilename
Thanks for any help you can give. Driving me nuts and I am pretty sure it's something that I am doing wrong, like always.
Removes all the trailing occurrences of a set of characters specified in an array from the current string.
TrimEnd method will remove all characters that matches in the character array you provided. It does not look for whether or not .epub is at the end of the string, but rather it trims out any of the characters in the argument supplied from the end of the string. In your case, all dots,e,p,u,b will be removed from the end until no more of these characters are within the string. Now, you will eventually (and you do) remove more than what you intended for.
I'd suggest using EndsWith to match your extensions and performing a substring selection instead, as below. If you deal only with single extension (eg: not with .tar.gz or other double extensions type), you can also use the .net [System.IO.Path]::GetFileNameWithoutExtension($MyFileName) method.
$MyFileName = "Teste.epub"
$FileExt = '.epub'
# Wrong approach
$output = $MyFileName.TrimEnd($FileExt)
write-host $output -ForegroundColor Yellow
#Output returns Test
# Proper method
if ($MyFileName.EndsWith($FileExt)) {
$output = $MyFileName.Substring(0,$MyFileName.Length - $FileExt.Length)
Write-Host $output -ForegroundColor Cyan
# Returns Tested
#Alternative method. Won't work if you want to trim out double extensions (eg. tar.gz)
if ($MyFileName.EndsWith($FileExt)) {
$Output = [System.IO.Path]::GetFileNameWithoutExtension($MyFileName)
Write-Host $output -ForegroundColor Cyan
You're making this too hard on yourself. Use the .BaseName to get the filename without extension.
Your code simplified:
$SourceFileFolder = 'N:\- Books\- - BMS\- Books Needing Folders'
$MyArray = "*.azw3", "*.cbz", "*.doc", "*.docx", "*.djvu", "*.epub", "*.mobi", "*.mp3", "*.pdf", "*.txt"
(Get-ChildItem -Path $SourceFileFolder -Include $MyArray -File -Recurse) | Sort-Object Name | ForEach-Object {
# BaseName is the filename without extension
$NewDirectory = Join-Path -Path $SourceFileFolder -ChildPath $_.BaseName
$null = New-Item -Path $NewDirectory -ItemType Directory -Force
$_ | Move-Item -Destination $NewDirectory

Moving, Encrypting and storing .txt and .pc files to .pgp in PowerShell

I have been learning how to use PowerShell to do some automation that will convert files to a .pgp format. These files end in .txt or .qc. These files are created on one of the servers in the environment, then converted manually, then transferred to another server in the same environment.
I have developed a script that will perform this task, however it will only do one file (I would like for to do all of the files). I the script will not strip the native extension and replace it with only a .pgp extension.
I have included the script below.
PowerShell Script
$_SourcePath = (\\Server1\Location1\*.txt",\\Server1\Location1\*.qc")
$_DestinationPath = "\\Server1\Location2\"
$_SourcePath2 = "\\Server1\Location2\"
$_DestinationPath2 = "\\Server2\Location1\"
Move-item –path $_SourcePath –destination $_DestinationPath
ConvertTo-PgpEncryptedFile -Path "\\Server1\Location2\*.*" -key "\\server3\location1\Enycrption key.asc"
Move-item –path $_SourcePath2 –destination $_DestinationPath2
Again, with this script I can move all the files I need, but it will only encrypt one file and move it to the correct location. I would like for it to encrypt all the files and remove the .txt or .qc extension and replace it with .pgp.
Any Help would be appreciated….
You probably want something along this line:
$SourcePath = '\\Server1\Location1\'
$DestinationPath = '\\Server1\Location2\'
$DestinationPath2 = '\\Server2\Location1\'
$GCIArgs = #{Path = "$($SourcePath)*"
Include = "*.txt","*.qc"
$SrcFiles = Get-ChildItem #GCIArgs
ForEach ($File in $SrcFiles) {
Move-item –path "$File.FullName" –destination "$DestinationPath"
$CTPGPArgs =
#{Path = $(Join-Path "$DestinationPath" "$File.Name")
Key = '\\server3\location1\Enycrption key.asc'
ConvertTo-PgpEncryptedFile #CTPGPArgs
$EncName = $($_.Name -split('.'))[0] + '.pgp'
$MIArgs = #{Path = "$($CTPGPArgs.Path)"
Destination = $(Join-Path "$DestinationPath2" "$EncName")
Move-item #MIArgs
I've used single quotes in strings where interpretation is not needed. I've also used splatting to shorten lines and make reading easier.
I eliminated the _ in regular variable names so not to confuse them with items from a pipeline.
Used final Move-Item to also change file extension to .pgp.
Note: I tested as much of this as I could piece-meal but not having servers or the cmdlet ConvertTo-PgpEncryptedFile I couldn't test the entire program.

7zip - powershell exclude files/folders with variable

I'm trying to zip a folder but exclude multiple directories using powershell.
I got the following:
if (-not (test-path "$env:ProgramFiles\7-Zip\7z.exe")) {throw "$env:ProgramFiles\7-Zip\7z.exe needed"}
set-alias sz "$env:ProgramFiles\7-Zip\7z.exe"
$Source = "D:\Zip\*"
$Target = "D:\backup.7z"
$exclude = 'Customer\Images\*'
sz a -xr!'$Customer\Images\*' $Target $Source
This works fine.. But when I want the change the -xr! to -xr!'$exclude' or -xr!$exclude it stops working for some reason. Does the variable assigned above not get parsed?
Try this...
if (-not (Test-Path "$env:ProgramFiles\7-Zip\7z.exe")) {throw "$env:ProgramFiles\7-Zip\7z.exe needed"}
$7ZipPath = "$env:ProgramFiles\7-Zip\7z.exe"
$Source = "D:\Zip\*"
$Target = "D:\backup.7z"
$foldersToExclude = 'folder1', 'folder2'
$7zipParams = #('a',$Target)
#($foldersToExclude) | ForEach-Object { $7zipParams += "`"-xr!$_`"" }
$7zipParams += $Source
Write-Host ($7ZipPath+' '+$7zipParams -join ' ') # debug - show the command line
&$7ZipPath $7zipParams
We create an array of params to pass into 7zip, including the excluded folders. As we're appending the excluded folders, we prepend the folder names with the -xr! flags and wrap these in double qoutes.
The #debug line outputs the resultant command line to the console
I call 7zip slightly differently to you, by creating a string with the 7zip executable, then prepending the call to that string path with an ampersand.
This method can exclude multiple folders from the final archive, including folder\subfolder structure.
Two things:
Use the variable inside double quotes if you want it to be expanded:sz a "-xr!$exclude" $Target $Source
Using the pattern Customer\Images\* excludes all files in the directory Images, but includes an empty directory in the resulting file. Use Customer\Images if you don't want to include the directory (or any of its files).

Create directory if it does not exist

I am writing a PowerShell script to create several directories if they do not exist.
The filesystem looks similar to this
Each project folder has multiple revisions.
Each revision folder needs a Reports folder.
Some of the "revisions" folders already contain a Reports folder; however, most do not.
I need to write a script that runs daily to create these folders for each directory.
I am able to write the script to create a folder, but creating several folders is problematic.
Try the -Force parameter:
New-Item -ItemType Directory -Force -Path C:\Path\That\May\Or\May\Not\Exist
You can use Test-Path -PathType Container to check first.
See the New-Item MSDN help article for more details.
$path = "C:\temp\NewFolder"
If(!(test-path -PathType container $path))
New-Item -ItemType Directory -Path $path
Test-Path -PathType container checks to see if the path exists and is a directory. When it does not, it will create a new directory. If the path exists but is a file, New-Item will raise an error (you can overwrite the file by using the -force argument if you are risky).
[System.IO.Directory]::CreateDirectory('full path to directory')
This internally checks for directory existence, and creates one, if there is no directory. Just one line and native .NET method working perfectly.
$path = "C:\temp\"
If (!(test-path $path))
md $path
The first line creates a variable named $path and assigns it the string value of "C:\temp"
The second line is an If statement which relies on the Test-Path cmdlet to check if the variable $path does not exist. The not exists is qualified using the ! symbol.
Third line: If the path stored in the string above is not found, the code between the curly brackets will be run.
md is the short version of typing out: New-Item -ItemType Directory -Path $path
Note: I have not tested using the -Force parameter with the below to see if there is undesirable behavior if the path already exists.
New-Item -ItemType Directory -Path $path
The following code snippet helps you to create a complete path.
Function GenerateFolder($path) {
$global:foldPath = $null
foreach($foldername in $path.split("\")) {
$global:foldPath += ($foldername+"\")
if (!(Test-Path $global:foldPath)){
New-Item -ItemType Directory -Path $global:foldPath
# Write-Host "$global:foldPath Folder Created Successfully"
The above function split the path you passed to the function and will check each folder whether it exists or not. If it does not exist it will create the respective folder until the target/final folder created.
To call the function, use below statement:
GenerateFolder "H:\Desktop\Nithesh\SrcFolder"
I had the exact same problem. You can use something like this:
$local = Get-Location;
$final_local = "C:\Processing";
cd "C:\";
if((Test-Path $final_local) -eq 0)
mkdir $final_local;
cd $final_local;
## If path already exists
## DB Connect
elseif ((Test-Path $final_local) -eq 1)
cd $final_local;
echo $final_local;
liga; (function created by you TODO something)
When you specify the -Force flag, PowerShell will not complain if the folder already exists.
Get-ChildItem D:\TopDirec\SubDirec\Project* | `
%{ Get-ChildItem $_.FullName -Filter Revision* } | `
%{ New-Item -ItemType Directory -Force -Path (Join-Path $_.FullName "Reports") }
BTW, for scheduling the task please check out this link: Scheduling Background Jobs.
There are three ways I know to create a directory using PowerShell:
Method 1: PS C:\> New-Item -ItemType Directory -path "C:\livingston"
Method 2: PS C:\> []::CreateDirectory("C:\livingston")
Method 3: PS C:\> md "C:\livingston"
From your situation it sounds like you need to create a "Revision#" folder once a day with a "Reports" folder in there. If that's the case, you just need to know what the next revision number is. Write a function that gets the next revision number, Get-NextRevisionNumber. Or you could do something like this:
foreach($Project in (Get-ChildItem "D:\TopDirec" -Directory)){
# Select all the Revision folders from the project folder.
$Revisions = Get-ChildItem "$($Project.Fullname)\Revision*" -Directory
# The next revision number is just going to be one more than the highest number.
# You need to cast the string in the first pipeline to an int so Sort-Object works.
# If you sort it descending the first number will be the biggest so you select that one.
# Once you have the highest revision number you just add one to it.
$NextRevision = ($Revisions.Name | Foreach-Object {[int]$_.Replace('Revision','')} | Sort-Object -Descending | Select-Object -First 1)+1
# Now in this we kill two birds with one stone.
# It will create the "Reports" folder but it also creates "Revision#" folder too.
New-Item -Path "$($Project.Fullname)\Revision$NextRevision\Reports" -Type Directory
# Move on to the next project folder.
# This untested example loop requires PowerShell version 3.0.
PowerShell 3.0 installation.
Here's a simple one that worked for me. It checks whether the path exists, and if it doesn't, it will create not only the root path, but all sub-directories also:
$rptpath = "C:\temp\reports\exchange"
if (!(test-path -path $rptpath)) {new-item -path $rptpath -itemtype directory}
I wanted to be able to easily let users create a default profile for PowerShell to override some settings, and ended up with the following one-liner (multiple statements yes, but can be pasted into PowerShell and executed at once, which was the main goal):
cls; [string]$filePath = $profile; [string]$fileContents = '<our standard settings>'; if(!(Test-Path $filePath)){md -Force ([System.IO.Path]::GetDirectoryName($filePath)) | Out-Null; $fileContents | sc $filePath; Write-Host 'File created!'; } else { Write-Warning 'File already exists!' };
For readability, here's how I would do it in a .ps1 file instead:
cls; # Clear console to better notice the results
[string]$filePath = $profile; # Declared as string, to allow the use of texts without plings and still not fail.
[string]$fileContents = '<our standard settings>'; # Statements can now be written on individual lines, instead of semicolon separated.
if(!(Test-Path $filePath)) {
New-Item -Force ([System.IO.Path]::GetDirectoryName($filePath)) | Out-Null; # Ignore output of creating directory
$fileContents | Set-Content $filePath; # Creates a new file with the input
Write-Host 'File created!';
else {
Write-Warning "File already exists! To remove the file, run the command: Remove-Item $filePath";
$mWarningColor = 'Red'
Creates a new directory.
Creates a new directory. If the directory already exists, the directory will
not be overwritten. Instead a warning message that the directory already
exists will be output.
If the directory already exists, the directory will not be overwritten.
Instead a warning message that the directory already exists will be output.
Sal-New-Directory -DirectoryPath '.\output'
function Sal-New-Directory {
$ErrorActionPreference = "Stop"
try {
if (!(Test-Path -Path $DirectoryPath -PathType Container)) {
# Sal-New-Directory is not designed to take multiple
# directories. However, we use foreach to supress the native output
# and substitute with a custom message.
New-Item -Path $DirectoryPath -ItemType Container | `
foreach {'Created ' + $_.FullName}
} else {
Write-Host "$DirectoryPath already exists and" `
"so will not be (re)created." `
-ForegroundColor $mWarningColor
} finally {
$ErrorActionPreference = "Continue"
"Sal" is just an arbitrary prefix for my own library. You could remove it or replace it with your own.
Another example (place here because it otherwise ruins stackoverflow syntax highlighting):
Sal-New-Directory -DirectoryPath ($mCARootDir + "private\")
Example, create a 'Reports' folder inside of the script's folder.
$ReportsDir = $PSScriptRoot + '\Reports'
$CreateReportsDir = [System.IO.Directory]::CreateDirectory($ReportsDir)