IBM Window Services (DWS) csrevw function on MVS - zos

I'm working on IBM MVS (z/OS) and trying to make Window Services working.
On the function CSREVW I don't understand what the purpose of the parameter pfcount.
Acording to the documentation this will ask to the window services to read more than one block after my program references a block that is not in my window.
But how the window services is suposed to know that I tried to reference data that are not in my window? I mean, it can't know that I'm reading data out of my window if i don't call CSREVW or CSRVIEW again.
Maybe my major issue is that I have trouble to understand english but this seems clear to me...
Here is the link to the documentation, this is explained at pages 23-24 :
I know this is a very specific problem about an IBM service and I apologize about that.
Thank you !

I think the problem you're having is that you need to understand a little bit about how the underlying objects behind the windowing service work in virtual storage.
At the core, the various windowing services work to give you what amounts to a "private" page dataset. You allocate and reference storage, but the objects in that virtual space aren't really in memory - the system's page fault mechanism brings them in as you reference them. So yes, you're accessing data within a "window", but in reality, the data you expect to see may not be "paged in" at that moment.
Going a little deeper, when you first allocate the object, the virtual storage it's mapped to has all of the pages marked "invalid" in the underlying page table entries. That means that as soon as you touch this storage, a page fault interrupt occurs. At this point, the operating system steps in and resolves the page fault by brining the necessary data into memory, then your program continues, oblivious to all of this processing on your behalf. You're correct that you're just referencing data within the window, but there's a lot under the covers going on to support this.
This is where PFCOUNT comes in...
Let's say you have structures that are, say, 64K long inside your virtual window. It would be sloppy and slow to reference each page of this structure and cause a page fault each time. Much better would be to use PFCOUNT to cause the page you reference and all 15 other pages needed by your object to be paged-in with a single operation. Conversely, if your data was small and you were highly random about how you access it, PFCOUNT isn't going to help you - the next page you reference could be anywhere, and it's actually wasteful to have a large PFCOUNT since you end up bringing in a lot of data you never use.
Hope that makes sense - if you'd like a challenge, take yourself a system dump and examine the system trace entries as you reference'll see a very distinct pattern of page faults, I/O and resumption of your program, and hopefully it will all make sense to you.

From the manual
Specifies the number of additional blocks you want window services to bring into the window each time your program references data that
is not already in the window. The number you specify is added to the
minimum of one block that window services always brings in. That is,
if you specify a value of 20, window services brings in up to 21. The
number of additional blocks ranges from zero through 255.
Note that you get 1 block without asking.


How to delete memory usage during an Experiment?

I am constructing an experiment in Anylogic, which saves data in the Parameter variation tab under a custom-class list. The model needs to perform a lot of simulations, and repetitions to optimize for Setting variables in the model itself. After x amount of iterations, I use a Python connector to run some code in finding new possible parameters for the underlaying model.
The problem I am having right now, is that around Simulation-run number 200, the memory usage is maximum (4Gb), and it proceeds to run super-slow. I have found some interesting ways to cut on memory usage, but I believe there is only one thing that could help me right now: let the system delete memory that is used for past iterations. After each iteration, the data of a simulation is stored, so I am fine with anylogic deleting the logs of the specific simulation afterwards.
Is such a thing possible? If so, how can I implement that?
Java makes use of a Garbage collector to manage memory usage and you have no control over it. How it works is that every now and then, based on some internal logic, it will collect and remove all instances of classes in memory that do not contain any active references and remove them.
Thus to reduce memory you must ensure that any instances that are no longer needed are not referenced by any of the objects currently active in your model.
To identify these you must use a Java profiler like JProfiler, or some of the free alternatives - see here for more.
This will show you exactly what classes are using up all your memory and with some deep diving you should be able to identify who is keeping reference to them.

What happens to performance.mark entries when the resource buffer gets full

I am building a large private (ie used behind a firewall) PWA and wondering how to improve the diagnostics if/when my users hit issues. I already have an error manager which uses navigator.sendBeacon to log the error on the server, but that lacks detailed info of what led up to that point.
A thought I had was to liberally mark the code with performance.mark() statements and on an error dump the performance buffer to the server. It would give me an ordered list of recent activity.
However it only makes sense to do this if the browser throws away the oldest entry to make way for the new when the internal buffer is full. However all the documentation I found with a google search doesn’t mention it. I am aware I can get an event when it is full and could use that to copy and clear it but I can find no words on what happens if I ignore the event. Neither can I find a typical size. I don’t want to keep getting entries filling up the entire computer memory either
Can anyone give me a definite answer
Edit: The more I look into this, the more confused I become. It appears that you can control the size of the resourceTimingBuffer but "resource" performance entries are related to fetch and not Performance.mark(). I can't find any statement on limitations.
There are no meaningful limitations I could find. I did a test and generated more than 4000 marks and they were all there and the memory usage did not increase in any measurable way.

How to log a page reference string of a process?

Operating System question:
Say we have a process running in a paged memory system, and we want to track which pages it accesses in the specific order it does so. How could we do this?
I was thinking we could write the page to the string every time it needs to be loaded into the TLB, but then my OS wouldn't be able to track the ordering of references (and number of references) to each page in the TLB, unless somehow every every memory access I could check the TLB. Overall I'm finding the problem to be a bit confusing...
Assume each page table entry is 64 bits, 20 bits for the virtual page, and 20 bits for the corresponding physical frame. A couple of bits are status/privilege, but there are a few "free" bits to work with.
EDIT - an example: if the operating system has page sizes of 1000, and the process accesses some addresses like 1234, 5660, 1220, 7442, ... then the page reference string would look like 1,5,1,7,...
One option is to mark all pages of the process as inaccessible and whenever there's a page fault, mark the faulting page(s) as accessible, record the page number(s) in your "string" and then let the process execute one instruction and repeat everything from the beginning (mark all as inaccessible, etc).
You may not always be able to do the above if your the code that's doing all of this is not running in the kernel. This depends a lot on the hardware and OS. You may get close to it on Windows, though, see this question and my answer to it.

SimpleDB: Guaranteed to see all item attributes if we see the item? (non-consistent read)

I've just discovered an assumption in my use of SimpleDB. I suspect it's safe but would like other opinions since the docs don't seem to cover it.
So say Process 1 stores an item with x attributes. When Process 2 tries to access said item (without consistent read) & finds it, is it guaranteed to have all the attributes stored by Process 1?
I'm excluding the possibility that another process could have changed the data.
I also know that Process 2 has no guarantee of seeing the item unless consistent read is used, I'm just talking about the point when it does eventually see it.
I guess the question is, once I can get an item & am not changing it anywhere else can I assume it has an ad-hoc fixed schema and access all my expected attributes without checking they actually exist?
I don't want to be in a situation where I need to keep requesting items until they have all the attributes I need to use them.
Although Amazon makes no such guarantees in the documentation the current implementation of their eventual consistency guarantees that you'll see all the properties stored by Process 1 or none of them.
See this thread over at the AWS forums and more specifically this answer by an Amazon employee confirming the behavior (emphasis mine).
I don't think we make that guarantee in the documentation, but the
current implementation treats each Put request as a bundle. It won't
split the request up and apply the operations piecemeal. You'll get
either step-1 responses or step-2 responses until eventual consistency
shakes out and leaves you with step-2 responses.
While this is undocumented behavior I suspect quite a few SimpleDB users are relying on it now and as such Amazon won't be likely to change it anytime soon, but that's ju my guess.

Line Level Profiling for iPhone

I'm looking for a way to find out how much time is spent in each of my program's source line when running on the iPhone.Similar to what Shark can provide on the method/function level. Is this possible with the standard tools? Are there 3rd party tools that can provide this sort of granularity?
It wouldn't be necessary for profiling data for every line of source code in the project to be collected. Ideally one would be able to select specific methods or functions whose performance would be analyzed.
This link talks about how to gather trace data on an iPhone app, and that includes sampling the stack. Unfortunately, I could not tell from the doc if you can have samples drawn at random wall-clock times, or manually when you hit a key combination.
When you have traces, you can get a call tree, and that should get you line-level information. In fact the percent of time a line is responsible for is a simple number, the fraction of stack traces containing the line. The problem is, the UI may not show you that. The fact that that is a useful statistic is not well known.