Kubernetes Horizontal Pod Autoscaler not utilising node resources - kubernetes

I am currently running Kubernetes 1.9.7 and successfully using the Cluster Autoscaler and multiple Horizontal Pod Autoscalers.
However, I recently started noticing the HPA would favour newer pods when scaling down replicas.
For example, I have 1 replica of service A running on a node alongside several other services. This node has plenty of available resource. During load, the target CPU utilisation for service A rose above the configured threshold, therefore the HPA decided to scale it to 2 replicas. As there were no other nodes available, the CAS span up a new node on which the new replica was successfully scheduled - so far so good!
The problem is, when the target CPU utilisation drops back below the configured threshold, the HPA decides to scale down to 1 replica. I would expect to see the new replica on the new node removed, therefore enabling the CAS to turn off that new node. However, the HPA removed the existing service A replica that was running on the node with plenty of available resources. This means I now have service A running on a new node, by itself, that can't be removed by the CAS even though there is plenty of room for service A to be scheduled on the existing node.
Is this a problem with the HPA or the Kubernetes scheduler? Service A has now been running on the new node for 48 hours and still hasn't been rescheduled despite there being more than enough resources on the existing node.

After scouring through my cluster configuration, I managed to come to a conclusion as to why this was happening.
Service A was configured to run on a public subnet and the new node created by the CA was public. The existing node running the original replica of Service A was private, therefore leading the HPA to remove this replica.
I'm not sure how Service A was scheduled onto this node in the first place, but that is a different issue.


Question about concept on Kubernetes pod assignment to nodes

I am quite a beginner in Kuberenetes and would like to ask about some concepts related to kuberenetes pod assignment.
Suppose there is a deployment to be made with a requirement of 3 replica sets.
Assume that there are 4 nodes, where each of it being a different physical server with different CPU and memory.
When the deployment is made, how would kubernetes assgin the pods to the nodes? Will there be scenario where it will put multiple pods on the same server, while a server does not have pod assignment (due to resource considereation)?
Assume there are 4 nodes (on 4 indentical physical servers), and 1 pod is created on each of the 4 nodes.
Suppose that now one of the nodes goes down. How would kuberenetes handle this? Will it recreate the pod on one of the other 3 nodes, based on which one having more available resources?
Thank you for any advice in advance.
There's a brief discussion of the Kubernetes Scheduler in the Kubernetes documentation. Generally scheduling is fairly opaque, but you also tend to aim for fairly well-loaded nodes; the important thing from your application point of view is to set appropriate resource requests: in your pod specifications. Just so long as there's enough room on each node to meet the resource requests, it usually doesn't matter to you which node gets picked.
In the scenario you describe, (1) it is possible that two replicas will be placed on the same node and so two nodes will go unused. That's especially true if the nodes aren't identical and they have resource constraints: if your pods require 4 GB of RAM, but you have some nodes that have less than that (after accounting for system pods and daemon set pods), the pods can't get scheduled there.
If a node fails (2) Kubernetes will automatically reschedule the pods running on that node if possible. "Fail" is a broad case, and can include a node being intentionally stopped to be upgraded or replaced. In this latter case you have some control over the cluster's behavior; see Disruptions in the documentation.
Many environments will run a cluster autoscaler. This can cause nodes to come and go automatically: if you try to schedule a pod and it won't fit, the autoscaler will allocate a new node, and if a node is under 50% utilization, it will be removed (and its pods rescheduled). In your first scenario you might start with only one node, but when the pod replicas don't all fit, the autoscaler would create a new node and once it's available the excess pods could be scheduled there.
Kubernetes will try to deploy pods to multiple nodes for better availability and resiliency. This will be based on the resource availability of the nodes. So if any node is not having enough capacity to host a pod it's possible that more than one replica of a pod is scheduled into same node.
Kubernetes will reschedule pods from the failed node to other available node which has enough capacity to host the pod. In this process again if there is no enough node which can host the replicas then there is a possibility that more than one replica is scheduled on same node.
You can read more on the scheduling algorithm here.
You can influence the scheduler by node and pod affinity and antiaffinity

AWS EKS Cluster Autoscaler - Scale-In Policy

I've a CA (Cluster Autoscaler) deployed on EKS followed this post. What I'm wondering is CA automatically scales down the cluster whenever at least a single pod is deployed on that node i.e. if there are 3 nodes with the capacity of 8 pods, if 9th pod comes up, CA would provision 4th nodes to run that 9th pod. What I see is CA is continuously terminating & creating a node randomly chosen from within the cluster disturbing other pods & nodes.
How can I tell EKS (without defining minimal nodes or disabling scale-in policy in ASG) to not to kill the node having at least 1 pod running on it. Any suggestion would be appreciated.
You cannot use pod as unit. CA work with resources cpu and memory unit.
If the cluster does not have enough cpu or memory it add one new.
You have to play with your requests resources (in the pod definition) or redefine your node to take an instance type with more or less resources depending how many pod you want on each.
Or you can play with the param scale-down-utilization-threshold

GKE cluster upgrade by switching to a new pool: will inter-cluster service communication fail?

From this article(https://cloudplatform.googleblog.com/2018/06/Kubernetes-best-practices-upgrading-your-clusters-with-zero-downtime.html) I learnt that it is possible to create a new node pool, and cordon and drain old nodes one by one, so that workloads get re-scheduled to new nodes in the new pool.
To me, a new node pool seems to indicate a new cluster. The reason: we have two node pools in GKE, and they're listed as two separate clusters.
My question is: after the pods under a service get moved to a new node, if that service is being called from other pods in the old node, will this inter-cluster service call fail?
You don't create a new cluster per se. You upgrade the master(s) and then you create a new node pool with nodes that have a newer version. Make sure the new node pool shares the same network as the original node pool.
If you have a service with one replica (one pod) if that pod is living in one of the nodes you are upgrading you need to allow time for Kubernetes to create a new replica on a different node that is not being upgraded. For that time, your service will be unavailable.
If you have a service with multiple replicas chances are that you won't see any downtime unless for some odd reason all your replicas are scheduled on the same node.
Recommendation: scale your resources which serve your services (Deployments, DaemonSets, StatefulSets, etc) by one or two replicas before doing node upgrades.
StatefulSet tip: You will have some write downtime if you are running something like mysql in a master-slave config when you reschedule your mysql master.
Note that creating a new node Pool does not create a new cluster. You can have multiple node pools within the same cluster. Workloads within the different node pools will still interact with each other since they are in the same cluster.
gcloud container node-pools create (the command to create node pools) requires that you specify the --cluster flag so that the new node pool is created within an existing cluster.
So to answer the question directly, following the steps from that Google link will not cause any service interruption nor will there be any issues with pods from the same cluster communicating with each other during your migration.

Deployment with replicaset & node shutdown

We have a deployment with replicas: 1
We deploy it in a 3 agent node k8s cluster (k8s 1.8.13) and it gets deployed to a node (say agent node-0). When I shutdown node-0, the rs does not get rescheduled (its been more than an hour now).
I have checked that the selector labels are correct and we have plenty of capacity in the cluster (and also we don’t specify resource requests). Also I checked that our node selectors are just checking for agent nodes and there are 2 other agent nodes available.
Is there any special treatments around this shutdown scenario that k8s does ?
That's the pod that get's re-scheduled, not the replicas set. If you would be doing rolling updates, based on the image version, for example, every time a new image would be available, controller manager would take the number of desired and available pods in the replica set to 0 and would create a new one.
But when you shut down a node, and the pod get's re-scheduled, keeping the same replica set, then your cluster is working fine.

Redistribute pods after adding a node in Kubernetes

What should I do with pods after adding a node to the Kubernetes cluster?
I mean, ideally I want some of them to be stopped and started on the newly added node. Do I have to manually pick some for stopping and hope that they'll be scheduled for restarting on the newly added node?
I don't care about affinity, just semi-even distribution.
Maybe there's a way to always have the number of pods be equal to the number of nodes?
For the sake of having an example:
I'm using juju to provision small Kubernetes cluster on AWS. One master and two workers. This is just a playground.
My application is apache serving PHP and static files. So I have a deployment, a service of type NodePort and an ingress using nginx-ingress-controller.
I've turned off one of the worker instances and my application pods were recreated on the one that remained working.
I then started the instance back, master picked it up and started nginx ingress controller there. But when I tried deleting my application pods, they were recreated on the instance that kept running, and not on the one that was restarted.
Not sure if it's important, but I don't have any DNS setup. Just added IP of one of the instances to /etc/hosts with host value from my ingress.
descheduler, a kuberenets incubator project could be helpful. Following is the introduction
As Kubernetes clusters are very dynamic and their state change over time, there may be desired to move already running pods to some other nodes for various reasons:
Some nodes are under or over utilized.
The original scheduling decision does not hold true any more, as taints or labels are added to or removed from nodes, pod/node affinity requirements are not satisfied any more.
Some nodes failed and their pods moved to other nodes.
New nodes are added to clusters.
There is automatic redistribution in Kubernetes when you add a new node. You can force a redistribution of single pods by deleting them and having a host based antiaffinity policy in place​. Otherwise Kubernetes will prefer using the new node for scheduling and thus achieve a redistribution over time.
What are your reasons for a manual triggered redistribution​?