Is it necessary to use a linear bottleneck layer for autoencoder? - neural-network

I'm currently trying to use an autoencoder network for dimensionality reduction.
(i.e. using the bottleneck activation as the compressed feature)
I noticed that a lot of studies that used autoencoder for this task uses a linear bottleneck layer.
By intuition, I think this makes sense since the usage of non-linear activation function may reduce the bottleneck feature's capability to represent the principle information contained within the original feature.
(e.g., ReLU ignores the negative values and sigmoid suppresses values too high or too low)
However, is this correct? And is using linear bottleneck layer for autoencoder necessary?
If it's possible to use a non-linear bootleneck layer, what activation function would be the best choice?

No, you are not limited to linear activation functions. An example of that is this work, where they use the hidden state of the GRU layers as an embedding for the input. The hidden state is obtained by using non-linear tanh and sigmoid functions in its computation.
Also, there is nothing wrong with 'ignoring' the negative values. The sparsity may, in fact, be beneficial. It can enhance the representation. The noise that can be created by other functions such as identity or sigmoid function may introduce false dependencies where there are none. By using ReLU we can represent the lack of dependency properly (as a zero) as opposed to some near zero value which is likely for e.g. sigmoid function.


Can a single input single output neural network with y=x as activation function reflect non-linear behavior?

I am currently learning a little bit about neural networks. One question I can't really get behind is about how neural networks reflect non-linear behavior. From my understanding there is no possibility to reflect non-linear behavior inside a compact set using a neural network.
For example if I would take the function from this question:
y = x^2
and I would use a neural network with a single input and single output the best the neural network could do for each compact set [x0...xn] is a linear function spanning from one end of the set to the other, as at the end all calculations inside the net are linear.
Do I have some misunderstanding about this concept?
The ANN's capabilties to model non-linear behaviour arise from the (usually) non-linear activation function.
If the activation function is linear, then the process of training the network is just another way to create a linear (or multi-linear) fit of input and output data.
Activation function in neural networks is exactly the part, that brings non-linearity. If you use linear activation function, then you cannot train non-linear model (thus fit quadratic or other non-linear functions).
The part, I guess, you are interested in is Universal Approximation Theorem, which says that any continuous function can be approximated with a neural network with a single hidden layer (some assumptions on activation function are applied thou). Take into account, that this theorem does not say anything on optimization of such a network (it does not guarantee you can train such a network with a specific algorithm, but only that such a network exists). Also it does not say anything on the number of neurons you should use.
You can check following links, to get more details:
Original proof with sigmoid activation function:
And a more friendly derivation:

Activation function for output layer for regression models in Neural Networks

I have been experimenting with neural networks these days. I have come across a general question regarding the activation function to use. This might be a well known fact to but I couldn't understand properly. A lot of the examples and papers I have seen are working on classification problems and they either use sigmoid (in binary case) or softmax (in multi-class case) as the activation function in the out put layer and it makes sense. But I haven't seen any activation function used in the output layer of a regression model.
So my question is that is it by choice we don't use any activation function in the output layer of a regression model as we don't want the activation function to limit or put restrictions on the value. The output value can be any number and as big as thousands so the activation function like sigmoid to tanh won't make sense. Or is there any other reason? Or we actually can use some activation function which are made for these kind of problems?
for linear regression type of problem, you can simply create the Output layer without any activation function as we are interested in numerical values without any transformation.
more info :
for classification :
You can use sigmoid, tanh, Softmax etc.
If you have, say, a Sigmoid as an activation function in output layer of your NN you will never get any value less than 0 and greater than 1.
Basically if the data your're trying to predict are distributed within that range you might approach with a Sigmoid function and test if your prediction performs well on your training set.
Even more general, when predict a data you should come up with the function that represents your data in the most effective way.
Hence if your real data does not fit Sigmoid function well you have to think of any other function (e.g. some polynomial function, or periodic function or any other or a combination of them) but you also should always care of how easily you will build your cost function and evaluate derivatives.
Just use a linear activation function without limiting the output value range unless you have some reasonable assumption about it.

Are there cases where it is better to use sigmoid activation over ReLu

I am training a complex neural network architecture where I use a RNN for encoding my inputs then, A deep neural network with a softmax output layer.
I am now optimizing my architecture deep neural network part (number of units and number of hidden layers).
I am currently using sigmoid activation for all the layers. This seems to be ok for few hidden layer but as the number of layers grow, it seems that sigmoid is not the best choice.
Do you think I should do hyper-parameter optimization for sigmoid first then ReLu or, it is better to just use ReLu directly ?
Also, do you think that having Relu in the first hidden layers and sigmoid only in the last hidden layer makes sense given that I have a softmax output.
You can't optimize hyperparameters independently, no. Just because the optimal solution in the end happens to be X layers and Y nodes, doesn't mean that this will be true for all activation functions, regulazation strategies, learning rates, etc. This is what makes optimizing parameters tricky. That is also why there are libraries for hyperparameter optimization. I'd suggest you start out by reading up on the concept of 'random search optimization'.

Activation function after pooling layer or convolutional layer?

The theory from these links show that the order of Convolutional Network is: Convolutional Layer - Non-linear Activation - Pooling Layer.
Neural networks and deep learning (equation (125)
Deep learning book (page 304, 1st paragraph)
Lenet (the equation)
The source in this headline
But, in the last implementation from those sites, it said that the order is: Convolutional Layer - Pooling Layer - Non-linear Activation
The sourcecode, LeNetConvPoolLayer class
I've tried too to explore a Conv2D operation syntax, but there is no activation function, it's only convolution with flipped kernel. Can someone help me to explain why is this happen?
Well, max-pooling and monotonely increasing non-linearities commute. This means that MaxPool(Relu(x)) = Relu(MaxPool(x)) for any input. So the result is the same in that case. So it is technically better to first subsample through max-pooling and then apply the non-linearity (if it is costly, such as the sigmoid). In practice it is often done the other way round - it doesn't seem to change much in performance.
As for conv2D, it does not flip the kernel. It implements exactly the definition of convolution. This is a linear operation, so you have to add the non-linearity yourself in the next step, e.g. theano.tensor.nnet.relu.
In many papers people use conv -> pooling -> non-linearity. It does not mean that you can't use another order and get reasonable results. In case of max-pooling layer and ReLU the order does not matter (both calculate the same thing):
You can proof that this is the case by remembering that ReLU is an element-wise operation and a non-decreasing function so
The same thing happens for almost every activation function (most of them are non-decreasing). But does not work for a general pooling layer (average-pooling).
Nonetheless both orders produce the same result, Activation(MaxPool(x)) does it significantly faster by doing less amount of operations. For a pooling layer of size k, it uses k^2 times less calls to activation function.
Sadly this optimization is negligible for CNN, because majority of the time is used in convolutional layers.
Max pooling is a sample-based discretization process. The objective is to down-sample an input representation (image, hidden-layer output matrix, etc.), reducing its dimensionality and allowing for assumptions to be made about features contained in the sub-regions binned

Does it make sense to use an "activation function cocktail" for approximating an unknown function through a feed-forward neural network?

I just started playing around with neural networks and, as I would expect, in order to train a neural network effectively there must be some relation between the function to approximate and activation function.
For instance, I had good results using sin(x) as an activation function when approximating cos(x), or two tanh(x) to approximate a gaussian. Now, to approximate a function about which I know nothing I am planning to use a cocktail of activation functions, for instance a hidden layer with some sin, some tanh and a logistic function. In your opinion does this make sens?
Thank you,
While it is true that different activation functions have different merits (mainly for either biological plausibility or a unique network design like radial basis function networks), in general you be able to use any continuous squashing function and expect to be able to approximate most functions encountered in real world training data.
The two most popular choices are the hyperbolic tangent and the logistic function, since they both have easily calculable derivatives and interesting behavior around the axis.
If neither if those allows you to accurately approximate your function, my first response wouldn't be to change activation functions. Rather, you should first investigate your training set and network training parameters (learning rates, number of units in each pool, weight decay, momentum, etc.).
If your still stuck, step back and make sure your using the right architecture (feed forward vs. simple recurrent vs. full recurrent) and learning algorithm (back-propagation vs. back-prop through time vs. contrastive hebbian vs. evolutionary/global methods).
One side note: Make sure you never use a linear activation function (except for output layers or crazy simple tasks), as these have very well documented limitations, namely the need for linear separability.