GetAppearanceStates() in itextsharp - itext

Im getting possible values of checkbox from a dynamic pdf(pdf is uploaded by user at runtime)using GetAppearanceState(). But how to refer the off value and not based on array nos as suggested by #Bruno Lowagie comments on below post.
Reference :
Checking off pdf checkbox with itextsharp
The Off value should always reflect the off state. The order doesn't matter. So you shouldn't count on the 1st state to be the "uncheck" state. – Bruno Lowagie Apr 22 '16 at 17:35
My code
string[] checkboxStates = myAcrofields.GetAppearanceStates(strChkboxName);
string strChecked = checkboxStates[0]; //Here i want to refer array
string strUnchecked = checkboxStates[1];
if (my_fieldproperties[5] == "true")
myAcrofields.SetField(my_fieldproperties[8], strChecked);
myAcrofields.SetField(my_fieldproperties[8], strUnchecked);


How to convert Date and Time with mailmerge google slides from sheets as it is in cell

I have created a table with which I can record our check in times of our employees with the help of a generated Qr code in each line.The data in the table is generated as slides and converted into pdf. For this I use a script that I got to work with your help and it works. Here I would like to thank you especially #tanaike.
My problem is that the date and time are not copied to the slides to be generated as indicated in the cell but completely with Central European time and I added in the script to look in column if its empty to generate the slide. If it's not empty don't do anything. As I said everything is working except this two things.
I must confess I did not try to correct it somehow because I had already shot the script and I made some here despair. It would be really great if you write me the solutions and I can take them over. I will share the spreadsheet with you and the screenshot with ae and time. Thanks for your time and effort to help people like us; we are really trying.
As another approach, when I saw your question, I thought that if your Spreadsheet has the correct date values you expect, and in your script, you are retrieving the values using getValues, getValues is replaced with getDisplayValues(), it might be your expected result.
When I saw your provided sample Spreadsheet, I found your current script, when your script is modified, how about the following modification?
var sheetContents = dataRange.getValues();
sheetContents = dataRange.getDisplayValues();
When I saw your sample Spreadsheet, it seems that the column of the date has mixed values of both the string value and the date object. So, if you want to use the values as the date object using getValues, please be careful about this.
About your 2nd question of I mean that when a slide has been generated, the script saves the link from the slide in column D if the word YES is in column L. How do I make the script create the slide if there is JA in the column L and there is no link in column D. is a link in column D, the script should not generate a slide again. Thus, the script should only generate a slide if column D is empty and at the same time the word JA is in column L., when I proposed to modify from if (row[2] === "" && row[11] === "JA") { to if (row[3] == "" && ["JA", "YES"].includes(row[11])) {, you say as follows.
If ichanged as you descripted if (row[3] == "" && ["JA", "YES"].includes(row[11])) { i got this error. Syntax error: Unexpected token 'else' Line: 21 File:
In this case, I'm worried that you might correctly reflect my proposed script. Because when I tested it, no error occurs. So, just in case, I add the modified script from your provided Spreadsheet as follows. Please test this.
Modified script:
function mailMergeSlidesFromSheets() {
var sheet = SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSheet();
var dataRange = sheet.getDataRange();
sheetContents = dataRange.getDisplayValues(); // Modified
var updatedContents = [];
var check = 0;
sheetContents.forEach(function (row) {
if (row[3] == "" && ["JA", "YES"].includes(row[11])) { // Modified
var slides = createSlidesFromRow(row);
var slidesId = slides.getId();
var slidesUrl = `${slidesId}/edit`;
var pdf = UrlFetchApp.fetch(`${slidesId}`, { headers: { authorization: "Bearer " + ScriptApp.getOAuthToken() } }).getBlob().setName(slides.getName() + ".pdf");
// Or DriveApp.getFolderById("###folderId###").createFile(pdf);
} else {
if (check == 0) return;
sheet.getRange(2, 4, updatedContents.length).setValues(updatedContents);
function todaysDateAndTime() {
const dt = Utilities.formatDate(new Date(),Session.getScriptTimeZone(),"MM:dd:yyyy");
const tm = Utilities.formatDate(new Date(),Session.getScriptTimeZone(),"HH:mm:ss");

How to update value of a cell that have a Hyperlink by Smartsheeet API C# SDK?

We have to update value of a smartsheet Cell. This Cell contains Hyperlink to a different sheet. Hyperlink URL is assigned. We want to update this cell value by Smartsheet API C# SDK.
If I'm understanding your scenario correctly, a cell in your sheet contains a hyperlink to another Smartsheet sheet (as described here), and you want to update that cell value to be a hyperlink that points to a different sheet in Smartsheet. The following code uses the Smartsheet C# SDK to accomplish that.
// Replace the second parameter here with your API Access Token
System.Environment.SetEnvironmentVariable("SMARTSHEET_ACCESS_TOKEN", "replace-this-string-with-your-API-access-token");
SmartsheetClient smartsheet = new SmartsheetBuilder().Build();
// Specify updated cell value (hyperlink to another sheet)
var cellToUpdate = new Cell
ColumnId = 6101753539127172, // ID of the column that contains the cell you're updating
Value = "text-value-for-hyperlink", // text value of hyperlink to display in the cell -- typically set to the target Sheet's name
Hyperlink = new Hyperlink
SheetId = 7501762300012420 // ID of the sheet that the hyperlink will point to
// Identify row and add updated cell object to it
var rowToUpdate = new Row
Id = 4324392993613700, // ID of the row that contains the cell you're updating
Cells = new Cell[] { cellToUpdate }
// Issue the 'update row(s)' request
IList<Row> updatedRow = smartsheet.SheetResources.RowResources.UpdateRows(
3932034054809476, // ID of the sheet that you're updating
new Row[] { rowToUpdate }
Hopefully this is helpful. If I'm not understanding your scenario correctly, please comment on this answer to elaborate further about your scenario.
** UPDATE - replacing the sheet hyperlink with another type of value **
Please note, if you want to remove the sheet hyperlink from the cell and replace it with another value, you should specify an empty Hyperlink object in the request, as shown in the following code.
// Specify updated cell value (just a text value -- i.e., no longer a sheet hyperlink)
var cellToUpdate = new Cell
ColumnId = 6101753539127172, // ID of the column that contains the cell you're updating
Value = "new-cell-value",
Hyperlink = new Hyperlink()

Creating a LocalTime BsonDatetime object

I have a large logging and data entry program that receives DataTable object with 1 DataRow. The DataTable have random amount of columns, with random column name and type so i cannot have class for each. Using these DataColumn i get the DataType and build a BsonDocument from scratch out of this.
Here's a short example
public void ParseData(DataTable table)
// create the document
var document = new BsonDocument();
// get the only row in the table
var row = table.Rows[0];
// for each column we add the property
foreach (DataColumn column in table.Columns)
// create an empty value
BsonValue value = null;
// current column value
var columnValue = row[column.ColumnName];
// set the value based on the datatype
if (column.DataType == typeof(string)) value = new BsonString(columnValue.ToString());
else if (column.DataType == typeof(int)) value = new BsonInt32(Convert.ToInt32(columnValue));
else if (column.DataType == typeof(float)) value = new BsonDouble(Convert.ToDouble(columnValue));
else if (column.DataType == typeof(double)) value = new BsonDouble(Convert.ToDouble(columnValue));
else if (column.DataType == typeof(bool)) value = new BsonBoolean(Convert.ToBoolean(columnValue));
else if (column.DataType == typeof(DateTime)) value = new BsonDateTime(Convert.ToDateTime(columnValue));
// add the element
document.Add(new BsonElement(column.ColumnName, value));
// insert the document in the generic collection
As you can see it's pretty simple. I have removed a lot of types in the list as we have many custom types that might pass so i just kept the basic ones. The problem is that i cannot figure out how to force the BsonDateTime to save as local time in the collection. When doing filters with legacy apps it's not working. I need them to be saved as local time. It's never been an issue in the past but because of those legacy apps from the early 90's that still need support i have to figure something out.
I also need to reload them as local time. If i could, i would save them as string but i can't because since all columns are random i do not know when loading if a specific BsonString is really a string or if it's a DateTime. For reloading i must not reload really as local time. I must reload the exact value in the database. I only control the creation of the document. But reading i only control a few one's that will be reading from it that are in C#, Java and C++. The rest are legacy apps that companies doesn't even exist anymore.
I did try to just modify every single date that came in the system to account for UTC and change the date to when saved as UTC it's stored property and filters from legacy apps still works but all of .NET, Java and C++ apps load up the wrong value and not the written value.
Is there a way to just disable UTC in a specific collection or database in MongoDB directly like you can in SQL server ?
MongoDB stores times in UTC and does not have time zone support. You can store any values you like but they will be interpreted as UTC timestamps by most MongoDB-related software.

Alternative to arrayToDataTable for date column

I'm new to stackexchange so my apologies if this question is too extensive or already answered somewhere I couldn't find. You can find the spreadsheet here, the script here and the dashboard (dev version) here.
I have been banging my head on handling dates in the google app script visualization for days.
My ultimate goal is to make a dashboard that includes an annotated timeline as well as other charts based on a data set in a spreadsheet. I have started this process using Mogsdad tutorial on creating a 3-tier google visualization dashboard, where the data is pulled from external spreadsheet and then pulled into the DataTable using arrayToDataTable. Everything worked great out of the box. However, my data contains dates, so I added a date column to the original data, but alas arrayToDataTable doesn't accept date type per this post. So when a Date column is added i get the following result:
ScriptError: The script completed but the returned value is not a
supported return type.
I have tried multiple approaches to ensure even date formatting: options includes putting the values in the date column through new Date(dateColumn[i]), dateColumn[i].toJSON() (renders the dash board, but dates aren't able to be processed), forced date formats in the spreadsheet (yyyy-MM-dd), using the DataView outlined in the post above (dashboards don't get past 'Loading'), and such.
So my question is what is the alternatives to arrayToDataTable that will accept date columns in this 3-tier approach? Or alternatively, what are the errors in the below methods?
For all the cases when I have attempted to add columns I have changed the code from var data = google.visualization.arrayToDataTable(response,false) to var data = google.visualization.DataTable()
I have tried the following:
Manually adding columns and manually adding data (not working)
//Add Columns
data.addColumn('number','Donuts eaten');
data.addColumn('date','Last Donut Eaten');
//Add Rows
['Miranda','Female', 22,6,6],
Automatically adding the rows without dates (The rows are added, but it only works if there are no date columns)
//Add Rows
for (var i=1; i<response.length; i++) {
Manually adding columns and automatically adding rows (not working, combination of 1 and 2)
Automatically adding the columns with loops (not working, neither if dates or not)
for (var i=0; i<response[0].length; i++) {
if (response[1][i] instanceof Date) { //Checks if first value is Date
else if (response[1][i] instanceof Number) //Checks if first value is Number
else data.addColumn('string',response[0][i]; //Otherwise assume string
Thank you so much for your help!
you can use the Query (google.visualization.Query) class to pull the data from the spreadsheet,
this will convert the date column properly...
google.charts.load('current', {
}).then(function () {
var queryURL = '';
var query = new google.visualization.Query(queryURL).send(function (response) {
var data = response.getDataTable();
// show column types
for (var i = 0; i < data.getNumberOfColumns(); i++) {
console.log(data.getColumnLabel(i), '=', data.getColumnType(i));
// draw table chart
var table = new google.visualization.Table(document.getElementById('chart-table'));
<script src=""></script>
<div id="chart-table"></div>
note: the example uses jsapi to load the library,
this library should no longer be used.
according to the release notes...
The version of Google Charts that remains available via the jsapi loader is no longer being updated consistently. Please use the new gstatic loader.js from now on.
this will only change the load statement, see above snippet...

Getting line locations with iText

How can one find where are lines located in a document with iText?
Suppose say I have a table in a PDF document, and want to read its contents; I would like to find where exactly the cells are located. In order to do that I thought I might find the intersections of lines.
I think your only option using iText will be to parse the PDF tokens manually. Before doing that I would have a copy of the PDF spec handy.
(I'm a .Net guy so I use iTextSharp but other than some capitalization differences and property declarations they're almost 100% the same.)
You can get the individual tokens using the PRTokeniser object which you feed bytes into from calling getPageContent(pageNum) on your PdfReader.
//Get bytes for page 1
byte[] pageBytes = reader.getPageContent(1);
//Get the tokens for page 1
PRTokeniser tokeniser = new PRTokeniser(pageBytes);
Then just loop through the PRTokeniser:
PRTokeniser.TokType tokenType;
string tokenValue;
while (tokeniser.nextToken()) {
tokenType = tokeniser.tokenType;
tokenValue = tokeniser.stringValue;
//...check tokenValue, do something with it
As far a tokenValue, you'd want to probably look for re and l values for rectangle and line. If you see an re then you want to look at the previous 4 values and if you see an l then previous 2 values. This also means that you need to store each tokenValue in an array so you can look back later.
Depending on what you used to create the PDF with you might get some interesting results. For instance, I created a 4 cell table with Microsoft Word and saved as a PDF. For some reason there are two sets of 10 rectangles with many duplicates, but the general idea still works.
Below is C# code targeting iTextSharp You should be able to convert it to Java and iText very easily, I noted the one line that has .Net-specific code that needs to be adjusted from a Generic List (List<string>) to a Java equivalent, probably an ArrayList. You'll also need to adjust some casing, .Net uses Object.Method() whereas Java uses Object.method(). Lastly, .Net accesses properties without gets and sets, so Object.Property is both the getter and setter compared to Java's Object.getProperty and Object.setProperty.
Hopefully this gets you started at least!
//Source file to read from
string sourceFile = "c:\\Hello.pdf";
//Bind a reader to our PDF
PdfReader reader = new PdfReader(sourceFile);
//Create our buffer for previous token values. For Java users, List<string> is a generic list, probably most similar to an ArrayList
List<string> buf = new List<string>();
//Get the raw bytes for the page
byte[] pageBytes = reader.GetPageContent(1);
//Get the raw tokens from the bytes
PRTokeniser tokeniser = new PRTokeniser(pageBytes);
//Create some variables to set later
PRTokeniser.TokType tokenType;
string tokenValue;
//Loop through each token
while (tokeniser.NextToken()) {
//Get the types and value
tokenType = tokeniser.TokenType;
tokenValue = tokeniser.StringValue;
//If the type is a numeric type
if (tokenType == PRTokeniser.TokType.NUMBER) {
//Store it in our buffer for later user
//Otherwise we only care about raw commands which are categorized as "OTHER"
} else if (tokenType == PRTokeniser.TokType.OTHER) {
//Look for a rectangle token
if (tokenValue == "re") {
//Sanity check, make sure we have enough items in the buffer
if (buf.Count < 4) throw new Exception("Not enough elements in buffer for a rectangle");
//Read and convert the values
float x = float.Parse(buf[buf.Count - 4]);
float y = float.Parse(buf[buf.Count - 3]);
float w = float.Parse(buf[buf.Count - 2]);
float h = float.Parse(buf[buf.Count - 1]);
// something with them here