How to manually validate a JWT signature using online tools - jwt

From what I can understand, it's a straight forward process to validate a JWT signature. But when I use some online tools to do this for me, it doesn't match. How can I manually validate a JWT signature without using a JWT library? I'm needing a quick method (using available online tools) to demo how this is done.
I created my JWT on with the below info:
Algorithm: HS256
Secret: hONPMX3tHWIp9jwLDtoCUwFAtH0RwSK6
"alg": "HS256",
"typ": "JWT"
"sub": "1234567890",
"name": "John Doe",
"iat": 1516239022
Verify Signature (section):
Secret value changed to above
"Checked" secret base64 encoded (whether this is checked or not, still get a different value)
Manual JWT signature verification attempt:
Using a base64UrlEncode calculator ( or
If I: (Not actual value on sites, modified to show what the tools would ultimately build for me)
base64UrlEncode("eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6IkpXVCJ9") + "." + base64UrlEncode("eyJzdWIiOiIxMjM0NTY3ODkwIiwibmFtZSI6IkpvaG4gRG9lIiwiaWF0IjoxNTE2MjM5MDIyfQ")
I get:
NOTE: there's some confusion on my part if I should be encoding the already encoded values, or use the already encoded values as-is.
(i.e. using base64UrlEncode("eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6IkpXVCJ9") + "." + base64UrlEncode("eyJzdWIiOiIxMjM0NTY3ODkwIiwibmFtZSI6IkpvaG4gRG9lIiwiaWF0IjoxNTE2MjM5MDIyfQ") vs "eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6IkpXVCJ9.eyJzdWIiOiIxMjM0NTY3ODkwIiwibmFtZSI6IkpvaG4gRG9lIiwiaWF0IjoxNTE2MjM5MDIyfQ").
Regardless on which I should do, the end result still doesn't match the signature. I'm leaning towards that I should NOT re-encode the encoded value, whether that's true or not.
Then using a HMAC Generator calculator ( or
(Not actual value on sites, modified to show what the tools would ultimately build for me)
Which gets me:
And that doesn't match the signature portion of the JWT:
wDQ2mU5n89f2HsHm1dluHGNebbXeNr748yJ9kUNDNCAM != a2de322575675ba19ec272e83634755d4c3c2cd74e9e23c8e4c45e1683536e01
The reason I'm needing to confirm this is to prove the ability to validate that the JWT hasn't been tampered with, without decoding the JWT.
My clients web interface doesn't need to decode the JWT, so there's no need for them to install a jwt package for doing that. They just need to do a simple validation to confirm the JWT hasn't been tampered with (however unlikely that may be) before they store the JWT for future API calls.

It's all a matter of formats and encoding.
On you get this token based on your input values and secret:
We want to prove that the signature:
is correct.
The signature is a HMAC-SHA256 hash that is Base64url encoded.
(as described in RFC7515)
When you use the online HMAC generator to calculate a hash for
with the secret
you get
as result, which is a HMAC-SHA256 value, but not Base64url encoded. This hash is a hexadecimal string representation of a large number.
To compare it with the value from you need to convert the value from it's hexadecimal string representation back to a number and Base64url encode it.
The following script is doing that and also uses crypto-js to calculate it's own hash. This can also be a way for you to verify without JWT libraries.
var CryptoJS = require("crypto-js");
// the input values
var base64Header = "eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6IkpXVCJ9";
var base64Payload = "eyJzdWIiOiIxMjM0NTY3ODkwIiwibmFtZSI6IkpvaG4gRG9lIiwiaWF0IjoxNTE2MjM5MDIyfQ";
var secret = "hONPMX3tHWIp9jwLDtoCUwFAtH0RwSK6";
// two hashes from different online tools
var signatureJWTIO = "3pIaKksiX9Zv8Jg-hWbrD24VhL36hBIFaNpA4fVx29M";
var onlineCaluclatedHS256 = "de921a2a4b225fd66ff0983e8566eb0f6e1584bdfa84120568da40e1f571dbd3";
// hash calculation with Crypto-JS.
// The two replace expressions convert Base64 to Base64url format by replacing
// '+' with '-', '/' with '_' and stripping the '=' padding
var base64Signature = CryptoJS.HmacSHA256(base64Header + "." + base64Payload , secret).toString(CryptoJS.enc.Base64).replace(/\+/g,'-').replace(/\//g,'_').replace(/\=+$/m,'');
// converting the online calculated value to Base64 representation
var base64hash = new Buffer.from(onlineCaluclatedHS256, 'hex').toString('base64').replace(/\//g,'_').replace(/\+/g,'-').replace(/\=+$/m,'')
// the results:
console.log("Signature from JWT.IO : " + signatureJWTIO);
console.log("NodeJS calculated hash : " + base64Signature);
console.log("online calulated hash (converted) : " + base64hash);
The results are:
Signature from JWT.IO : 3pIaKksiX9Zv8Jg-hWbrD24VhL36hBIFaNpA4fVx29M
NodeJS calculated hash : 3pIaKksiX9Zv8Jg-hWbrD24VhL36hBIFaNpA4fVx29M
online calulated hash (converted) : 3pIaKksiX9Zv8Jg-hWbrD24VhL36hBIFaNpA4fVx29M
The values calculated by the different online tools are all correct but not directly comparable due to different formats and encodings.
A little script as shown above might be a better solution.

I had the same problem until I figured out that I was using plain base64 encoding instead of base64url.
There are also some minor details in between.
Here is the step-by-step manual that will, hopefully, make the whole process much more clear.
Note 1: You must remove all spaces and newlines from your JSON strings (header and payload).
It is implicitly done on when you generate a JWT token.
Note 2: To convert JSON string to base64url string on create the following configuration:
First view: Text
Second view: Encode
Encoding: Base64
Variant: Standard 'base64url' (RFC 4648 §5)
Third view: Text
Note 3: To convert HMAC HEX code (signature) to base64url string on create the following configuration:
First view: Bytes
Format: Hexadecimal
Group by: None
Second view: Encode
Encoding: Base64
Variant: Standard 'base64url' (RFC 4648 §5)
Third view: Text
You are going to need only two online tools:
[Tool 1]: - for base64url encoding,
[Tool 2]: - for HMAC calculation.
On you can do both base64url encoding/decoding and also HMAC calculation, but for HMAC you need to provide a HEX key which is different from the input on, so I used a separate service for HMAC calculation.
Input data
In this manual I used the following data:
{"sub":"1234567890","name":"John Doe","iat":1516239022}
Secret (key):
The Earth is flat!
The secret is not base64 encoded.
Step 1: Convert header [Tool 1]
Header (plain text):
Header (base64url encoded):
Step 2: Convert payload [Tool 1]
Payload (plain text):
{"sub":"1234567890","name":"John Doe","iat":1516239022}
Payload (base64url encoded):
Step 3: Calculate HMAC code (signature) [Tool 2]
Calculate HMAC using SHA256 algorithm.
Input string (base64url encoded header and payload, concatenated with a dot):
Calculated code (HEX number):
The calculated HMAC code is a HEX representation of the signature.
Note: it should not be encoded to base64url as a plain text string but as a sequence of bytes.
Step 4: Encode calculated HMAC code to base64url [Tool 1]:
Signature (Bytes):
Signature (base64url encoded):
Here are our results (all base64url encoded):
The results from
As you can see, all three parts are identical.


Why JWT Token signing key is required

JWT tokens required signing key to decode them, but in it can be decoded without any signing key, how is this possible.
You do not need a key to open the encoding, you need a key to verify that nobody changed the contents of the JWT. In fact the string you see is just json's base64 with your information, metadata, and "signature" on all content.
The signature is the most important part of a JSON Web Token(JWT). A signature is calculated by encoding the header and payload using Base64url Encoding and concatenating them with a period separator. Which is then given to the cryptographic algorithm.
// signature algorithm
data = base64urlEncode( header ) + “.” + base64urlEncode( payload )
signature = HMAC-SHA256( data, secret_salt )
So when the header or payload changes, the signature has to calculated again. Only the Identity Provider(IdP) has the private key to calculate the signature which prevents the tampering of token.
read more:

Requests fail authorization when query string contains certain characters

I'm making requests to Twitter, using the OAuth1.0 signing process to set the Authorization header. They explain it step-by-step here, which I've followed. It all works, most of the time.
Authorization fails whenever special characters are sent without percent encoding in the query component of the request. For example, ?status=hello%20world! fails, but ?status=hello%20world%21 succeeds. But the change from ! to the percent encoded form %21 is only made in the URL, after the signature is generated.
So I'm confused as to why this fails, because AFAIK that's a legally encoded query string. Only the raw strings ("status", "hello world!") are used for signature generation, and I'd assume the server would remove any percent encoding from the query params and generate its own signature for comparison.
When it comes to building the URL, I let URLComponents do the work, so I don't add percent encoding manually, ex.
var urlComps = URLComponents()
urlComps.scheme = "https" = host
urlComps.path = path
urlComps.queryItems = [URLQueryItem(key: "status", value: "hello world!")]
urlComps.percentEncodedQuery // "status=hello%20world!"
I wanted to see how Postman handled the same request. I selected OAuth1.0 as the Auth type and plugged in the same credentials. The request succeeded. I checked the Postman console and saw ?status=hello%20world%21; it was percent encoding the !. I updated Postman, because a nice little prompt asked me to. Then I tried the same request; now it was getting an authorization failure, and I saw ?status=hello%20world! in the console; the ! was no longer being percent encoded.
I'm wondering who is at fault here. Perhaps Postman and I are making the same mistake. Perhaps it's with Twitter. Or perhaps there's some proxy along the way that idk, double encodes my !.
The OAuth1.0 spec says this, which I believe is in the context of both client (taking a request that's ready to go and signing it before it's sent), and server (for generating another signature to compare against the one received):
The parameters from the following sources are collected into a
single list of name/value pairs:
The query component of the HTTP request URI as defined by
[RFC3986], Section 3.4. The query component is parsed into a list
of name/value pairs by treating it as an
"application/x-www-form-urlencoded" string, separating the names
and values and decoding them as defined by
[W3C.REC-html40-19980424], Section 17.13.4.
That last reference, here, outlines the encoding for application/x-www-form-urlencoded, and says that space characters should be replaced with +, non-alphanumeric characters should be percent encoded, name separated from value by =, and pairs separated by &.
So, the OAuth1.0 spec says that the query string of the URL needs to be decoded as defined by application/x-www-form-urlencoded. Does that mean that our query string needs to be encoded this way too?
It seems to me, if a request is to be signed using OAuth1.0, the query component of the URL that gets sent must be encoded in a way that is different to what it would normally be encoded in? That's a pretty significant detail if you ask me. And I haven't seen it explicitly mentioned, even in Twitter's documentation. And evidently the folks at Postman overlooked it too? Unless I'm not supposed to be using URLComponents to build a URL, but that's what it's for, no? Have I understood this correctly?
Note: ?status=hello+world%21 succeeds; it tweets "hello world!"
I ran into a similar issue.
put the status in post body, not query string.
private encode(str: string) {
// encodeURIComponent() escapes all characters except: A-Z a-z 0-9 - _ . ! ~ * " ( )
// RFC 3986 section 2.3 Unreserved Characters (January 2005): A-Z a-z 0-9 - _ . ~
return encodeURIComponent(str)
.replace(/[!'()*]/g, c => "%" + c.charCodeAt(0).toString(16).toUpperCase());

Are CSRF tokens base64url encoded?

I'm working on an application that parses a CSRF token from a cookie header. I'd like to know whether CSRF tokens are base64 encoded with URL-safe characters (cf. so that I can match them with the regular expression
I was able to find documentation on JSON web tokens (JWTs) indicating that they consist of base64url-encoded portions separated by periods ('.'), but I wasn't able to find similar documentation on CSRF tokens.
Are CSRF tokens also generally limited to a certain character set, or can they contain any characters?
A CSRF token is an opaque "nonce" that doesn't contain any info -- the token in the form submission and the token in the cookie or header simply have to match is all. If you see them base64-encoded, it's just for convenience of transmission, but it won't decode to anything useful, just random bytes most of the time. Nothing like the JSON structure of JWT.
Looking at my current framework (Laravel), its CSRF tokens are just random strings (they're derived from base64, but not valid base64). Chances are that's the case for most other frameworks too.

Why do you use base64 URL encoding with JSON web tokens?

The Scenario:
I'm reading about JSON web tokens at this link ( It outline how to create a JSON web token, you create a header and a payload, and then create a signature using the following pseudocode:
data = base64urlEncode( header ) + “.” + base64urlEncode( payload )
hashedData = hash( data, secret )
signature = base64urlEncode( hashedData )
My Question:
Why does the pseudocode use base64urlEncode when creating data and signature?
Scope Of What I Understand So Far:
Base64 allows you to express binary data using text characters from the Base64 set of 64 text characters. This is usually used when you have a set of data that you want to pass through some channel that might misinterpret some of the characters, but would not misinterpret Base64 characters, so you encode it using Base64 so that the data won't get misinterpreted. Base64 URL encoding, on the other hand, is analogous to Base64 encoding except that you use only a subset of the Base64 character set that does not include characters that have special meaning in URLs, so that if you use the Base64 URL encoded string in a URL, its meaning won't get misinterpreted.
Assuming my understanding there is correct, I'm trying to understand why base64urlEncode() is used in computing data and signature in the pseudocode above. Is the signature of a JSON web token going to be used somewhere in a URL? If so, why is data base64urlEncoded as well before hashing. Why not just encode the signature? Is there something about the hash function that would require its data parameter to be Base64 URL encoded?
When using the OAuth Implicit Grant, JWTs may be transferred as part of URL fragments.
That is just an example, but I guess in general it was presumed that JWTs might be passed through URLs, so base64urlEncodeing them makes sense.
The first line of the IETF JWT standard abstract even says:
JSON Web Token (JWT) is a compact, URL-safe means of representing claims to be transferred between two parties.
(Note that the OAuth Implicit Grant is no longer recommended to be used.)


while trying to login into a site I've stumbled upon having to send a piece of text encrypted with RSA being given two parameters - a 1024 byte long pub key modulus (512characlers) and a pub key exp:
publickey_mod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
publickey_exp = 010001
After encoding, we should be left with something like:
Any ideas?
The Base64 encoded string is further URL encoded. You can skip the steps of manually replacing the +, / and = by using java's URLEncoder:
encrypted = URLEncoder.encode(encrypted,
More details in :